Queries :: What Query - Add Data From One Database

May 24, 2015

What query do I use to add data from one db [same file names] to another db?

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Queries :: Update Data From One Database In Another One

Aug 23, 2013

I'm relatively new to MS Access (using MS Access 2013 but the db should work on 2010, too) and try to develop a database for an NGO I'm working in. [...].

However now I start to create forms and later reports for the actual user. The database will store information about clients and track consultations and assistance the NGO gives to them. There will be around 50.000 to 70.000 clients in the main table. Every client has a specific Individual ID and is member of a family which itself has another specific Group ID.

So now, I am almost done with forms (at least I want to believe that). But I ran into an issue I would love to have your comment and different approach on:

The Database I create is projected on another, significantly bigger database! The one I create is a kinda light version for other field offices with only the information they need to have, and additional tables for them to gather their own data and track their own activities. This being said, the light database needs to be updated every month once by the big (mother version). Both DBs cannot be connected!!!

So we will send to the field offices altogether 5 tables in one mdb-file every month. These 5 tables exist with the same structure ( name, field data-types, etc.) in the light version.

I now want to make an automatic update option (by pressing a key and select the "update-file"), i.e. based on the the respective Primary Key of every table the entry in the smaller DB should be updated!

Update for me means the following three things (Assume big DB is A, small DB is B):

1) If Primary Key (PK) exists in both tables of A and B, update the rest of the fields in B belonging to that key based on the specific record of A

2) If PK does not exist in A but in B, delete record from the database B (case: record was deleted in A after last update)

3) If PK does not exist in B but in A, add the record to database B (case: record was added to database A after last update)

I would like to show you what I already found in the internet on solving task 1) but I cannot post links due to my status.

Both links basically describe how to update one table by another in importing or linking the update-source table in the current DB, create a query with both tables, link the PKs of both and then using the Update To Criteria [UpdateSourceTable].[Field] for each field that I want to update.

But I wanted to ask before I implemented that if I should make a complete different approach since I also have 2) and 3) as tasks....

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Queries :: Get Data From SQL Database And Append It To Certain Tables?

Oct 10, 2013

So I am pulling data from a SQL data base into access and appending it to certain tables. To do this I have 15ish append queries. Is there a way to have them run in a certain order with one command?

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Queries :: Copying / Updating Data From A Database Table To Another

Jul 28, 2014

I have a MS Access table containing Dependent social security numbers but some of the dependents social security numbers are blank.

I have a MS Sql Database that contains a table with most of the missing MS Access table dependents Social Security numbers.

How can I take the Dependents social security number from MS Sql Database and copy/update the MS Access table.

I tried the sql code below created from MS Access and it matches 453 records out of 460 dependent social security numbers but how do I update qryGHIAccuracyFile_MissingDepSSN.SSN with the social security number from dbo_depfile1.dep_depend_ssn


SELECT dbo_depfile1.dep_depend_ssn, qryGHIAccuracyFile_MissingDepSSN.SSN
FROM qryGHIAccuracyFile_MissingDepSSN LEFT JOIN dbo_depfile1 ON qryGHIAccuracyFile_MissingDepSSN.MemberSSN = dbo_depfile1.dep_ss_nbr
WHERE (((dbo_depfile1.dep_first)=[FirstName]) AND ((dbo_depfile1.dep_last)=[LastName]));

Updating MS Access table dependent blank SSNs with SSN in MS Sql Database.

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Queries :: Create A Query On All Queries In Database

Mar 19, 2013

I am hoping to do a report all my queries in my Database.

I have managed to use some sql code to list the queries which is the following:

WHERE (((MSYSOBJECTS.Type)=5) AND ((Left([NAME],1))<>"~"));

But i cant seem to get any further i would also like to include the creation date, the description if any, the tables associated with each query, as i know i have a good few queries which maybe duplicates i just want to clean it up.

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Queries :: Filter Data From A Table Using Query (from Data Input Form)

Dec 30, 2014

I would like to filter data from a table using a query (from an data input form). The objective is to output all results if input form field is empty and to output results higher or equal to the type in the field if field is not Null. The query code is as follows:

IIf(IsNull([Forms]![Form2]![MaxDiffInput]);[Maximum operational pressure (bar)];[Maximum operational pressure (bar)]>=[Forms]![Form2]![MaxDiffInput])

However, is not providing any result when the input field (MaxDiffInput) as a value.

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Queries :: Making Bird Count Database - Data Recorded On Monthly Basis Week Wise

Feb 21, 2014

I've been requested to make a bird count database.

The bird count data has been recorded on monthly papers like this:

[bird name] [week 1][week 2][week 3][week4]

The number of birds sighted for a given week is written in the [week x] columns.

What I need to do is make another column that shows whichever number is highest from columns [week 1], [week 2], [week 3], [week 4].

So for example:

Blackbird: Week1: 4, Week2: 2, Week3: 6, Week4: 2

highest: =6

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Query Append Data From Another Database

Mar 15, 2012

I have a database X, I want to append data from tables in another database Y, into database X (tables in both databases have the same name: [Y].[Names] into [x].[Names]).

My question is:
How to make this happen by allowing me to search for Database Y (like if i want to save a Word file, a window will open searching for the folder i want to save the Word file in).

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Queries :: Archive Database Query

Jul 8, 2013

I need to produce a query that will show only one File and location even though there are multiple records contained within that File. To clarify,

In each individual record I have Id_No, Surname, File_Name, DOB, Location.

I need to shred the file once the person is over 25 years old, but some File_Name have different people with different dates of birth. I would like to display the File_Name only if all of other records in that File_Name are over 25 years. I have attached a picture of the query which I use to find the over 25's

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Queries :: Stock Database - Calculating Sum In Query?

Apr 17, 2015

I have been working on a stock database for my company. It needs to hold stock data, Any adjustments in the storesperson may do (QtyIn or Out). And allow Customer PO's to be raised (just to show prices and quantites sold to customers)

I have 4 Tables:

PartNumber (Primary Key)


I then want to create a query to work out the total stock.

At the moment i have two queries, one to Sum the adjustments and one to sum the PO's. (The stock is not removed from the Customer PO until invidual line is shipped)

I then need to combine both these queries to work out the total stock value.

There will always be a value in the Sum of Adjustments but not in the Customer PO. So when i run the query to =SumofAdjustments - SumofCustomerPO's, if there is no record in the SumOfCustomerPo's, no value will appear.

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Queries :: Run Update Query Externally On Any Database?

May 12, 2015

I have a database that updates daily. Each day I need to set the values of certain columns back to zero. At the moment I'm doing this manually and it's taking time since I have to update a number of columns. Very simple, I just create an update query, update to 0, run it and done.What I'm wondering is if there is any way to do this with a click of a button external to Access? Like export the update query to the desktop, double click it and it just updates those columns to zero.

The file location is always the same and the table structure is always the same (one table with about 40 columns of numbered data) but, the database is newly generated daily. So if I save the update query today, when it's generated tomorrow, I have to create it again as it's a new database.

I was thinking maybe a batch file to open access, open the database and then run the query but I think this would only work if the query was within the database and since it's newly generated daily, it won't work.if it's possible to export an update query somehow so I can click on it and apply it to the new database each day. As above, the structure and tables/names are the same very day.

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Queries :: Create Query To Do A Lookup From Another Database

May 28, 2014

I am trying to do a lookup from a field from one of my databases (DB1) onto another field in (DB2).... I have been using excel to do vlookups but a report that I do weekly I do atleast 7 lookups for the past weeks... So I am trying to find a way in access to do lookups and save those lookups each time i run the report... Do I have to create the query and make the ID the primary key on both the databases and then create a relationship?

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Queries :: Export Query To Excel Then Delete Query Data From Table

Nov 20, 2013

I am wondering if there is a quicker way to export a query to excel then have the data in that query removed from the original table. (effectively cutting the data from the table and exporting to excel)

I understand that this can be done by exporting the query to excel then running the same query as a delete query to remove the data but I just wondered if this is the most efficient way.

I have experience of VB in excel but currently only use the basic macro builder in Access though if Access VB is more efficient I can easily learn.

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Possible To Get Make Table Query To Save Data In One Database

Feb 12, 2012

I am using Access 2003.I have created a Makle Table Query which gives me the invalid argument error because it makes the database balloon to over 2gb. I have two questions:

1. Is it possible to get the make table query to save data in one database until it reaches say 1.9 gb and then begin saving the rest of the data in another database?

2. Is there a wey to pause or stop a make table query to see the results and then let it run again?

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Queries :: Query Error When Data Changes In Crosstab Source Query

Aug 12, 2014

I have a database which among other things records how jobs are received i.e.: Telephone, Email, Mail, Facsimile or Web.For each client I want to identify the percentages of each method of receipt against the total of jobs received and during different time periods.I have created a make table query for all jobs received between variable dates for a client entry of the name of the client and the start and finish dates are required to run the query.

I have a crosstab query set up to count each method of receipt and a final query to work out the percentages using the total from the crosstab query fields divided by the total of all methods.I have a macro set up to replace the table with new data when I want the stats for a different client between new dates, therefore the different methods of receipt may vary for the less active clients i.e.: they may only have telephone and email .

My problem is if I choose a client where we have not received a job by a particular method (say web or facsimile), the last query working out the percentages has fixed names to cover each method but naturally produces an error when it cannot find a corresponding method of receipt. I have experimented with NZ() without success.My question is can I either have preset standard names of the column field in a crosstab query? Alternatively in the query calculating the percentages, can I include code to ignore a non-existent field in the crosstab query.

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Queries :: Timesheet Database - Query Is Removing Records When Nothing To Sum

Jan 28, 2015

I'm creating a job/timesheet database and have a problem...

I have a main timesheets table that includes every job/piece of work thats been done (sometimes multiples for each employee each day). Each record contains a ref to the employee, ref to the contract, ref to the type of work, time taken and date.

There are then various tables that support the main table, which provide actual employee names etc.

I want to produce a query that provides the number of hours undertaken on each day of a particular week for each employee. So I'd have one row for each employee from the employees table, then a field for the sum hours for Monday through Friday.

The way I was going about this was

- to create five query's for the main timesheets table that would limit the entries to the five days in question - Monday-Friday. That worked fine.

- to then create a query that takes the employee name and using each of the five day based queries perform a Sum Total on the time field to give me the total hours worked for each day for each employee. That also worked fine, but the trouble is it removes any null values. So, if I only include the first day there might be 80 employees listed, but when I include the second day as well that goes down to 72 - presumably as 8 employees who entered timesheets for day 1 didn't for day 2. By the time I add all five days, I have almost no employees. I assumed that there would be a query level property to set, but i can't see one.

Also, is there a simpler way to do what I want? If I can get this working I'd like to replicate to breakdown by contract, job type etc in the same way as I have with employees.

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Queries :: Designing A Query To Normalize Existing Database

Dec 6, 2013

I am attempting to normalize an existing database. I've created the table structures necessary and now I'm designing a query that will update the new field in my primary table: "LabelBaseProduct" with the primary key from my new table: "tblBaseProduct" where the old field from my primary table: "tblLabels.BaseProduct" equals the description field from my new table: "tblBaseProduct.BaseProductDesc".

A visual of my tables:

tblLabels (Main table)
- LabelID
- BaseProduct (old field with text data)
- LabelBaseProduct (new field, needs to be updated with PK from tblBaseProduct)

tblBaseProduct (new table)
- BaseProductID (PK and FK to tblLabels)
- BaseProductDesc (Field that should be matched to tblLabels.BaseProduct)

I tried to design a query using design view of the query design and this is what I have:


UPDATE tblLabels, tblBaseProduct
SET tblLabels.LabelBaseProduct = [baseProductID]
WHERE (((tblLabels.BaseProduct)=[tblBaseProduct].[BaseProductDesc]));

When I attemted to run the query it told me that it was going to updated over a million records. I only have just short of 2k records in my database.

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Queries :: Create Query From Different Database To Populate Combobox

May 3, 2013

I have a combo box that I want to populate using data of another access database...how would I do it? I tried searching...but I cant find any..

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Queries :: Phone Book Database - Query For Fields Containing A Value

Sep 5, 2013

I'm currently trying to make a simple phone book database that use queries to search through the records. I need to set the search parameters to pick up all records containing a value rather that just search for that specific value.

For instance if I type in "mic" and search I want all records containing mic to appear in results like mick and Michael.

Is there any way this can be done?

So far I have only tried the [please enter first name] method and this has been in successful.

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Queries :: Prototype Database - Query Returning Results Twice

Dec 30, 2014

I am building a prototype database and currently has two records in it (I know for certain they are not duplicates). Attached is the relationship and below is the query. The query keeps returning the correct results but twice. (Duplicate results.)

SELECT DISTINCT WeekdayName([Weekdaynumber],False,1) AS Weekday, [Master Data].Date,
[Master Data].Machine, [Master Data].Shift, [Master Data Query].[Master Data_Product Code],
[Master Data Query].[Cases/Pallet], [Master Data].[Expected Pallets to Produce],
[Master Data].[Actual Pallets Produced], [Master Data].[Damage (Units)],

[Code] .....

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HELP! Query Wont Work Now Ive Put Main Bulk Of Data In Database

Oct 23, 2007

Hi all

I am facing disaster after two months of solid work on this database, the deadline is the morning of the 25th and just when i thought i had got it all working i then put the main bulk of the data into the database and the main search query won't work, it freezes and ends with 'invalid argument', when its the same argument as before when there was less data in it. also the relationships window is acting somewhat strangely, i cant seem to move the tables around within it, this is the same for any databases on my computer (im guessing this could be something to do with my Access on my computer)...

A quick note about the search function. it runs three queries dependent on each other, the master query runs of a sub query which runs off an inititial query (this was found to be a very good way of dealing with null values in the database). two of the the tables it runs off is a one to many relationship with the main table so not all contacts will have that variable, but i don't see why this would affect the query. in short the first query in the sequence searches for a status of a contact, then the second uses these results to search for a sub status then the final query searches for publications contacts want from the sub status query. the three tables it runs from are contacts, status(which includes substatus) and publications.

well, it really is the 11th hour here, quarter past the 11th hour to be honest. short of throwing my computer out the window and running off to a tropical island does anyone have any ideas....????

many many many many thanks in advance....


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Queries :: Multiple Genre Parameter Query In Movie Database

Feb 3, 2015

I have over 800 films which I've converted from DVD to iTunes format. I have added them to iTunes and extracted the data to Excel. From Excel, I have imported the data into MS Access.

So, now I have a movie database of my films. See attached fields for all tables and the Relationships.

As you can see, I have created a separate Genre table as this will be my main search parameters.

I can run a simple query which returns the search results for example 'Comedy'. My problem is, I am wanting to do a search for films with for example 'Comedy' and 'Drama'. Whichever way I try this, I don't get the right answer. I either seem to get duplicate records or no results returned.

I attach the query I am running which works for 1 Genre only!

I am not sure whether I have some fundamental problems with it and it's better to start from scratch?! I have the raw data from Excel which I could use to start again.

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Queries :: Timesheet Database - Query To Find Pending Submission?

Jul 8, 2013

I have developed a Timesheet database,

1) I have main table "tbltimsheet" which contains all the raw data enter by employees

2) I have employee info table "tblempinfo" Which contains all the employes information

3) Employee will submit timesheet on weekly. Under "tbltimesheet" i have a field for recording workweek

4) Now i need to find out who are all haven't submit the timesheet and for which week

5) I can find those who haven't submit timesheet but i need to know submission status of employee for every week.

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Queries :: Database Engine Error When Attempting To Use A Form Control In A Query

May 5, 2015

I have included the form control [Forms]![AddMatterFrm]![MatterIdFld] in the criteria of the first of three queries.

1st Query - with the form control isolates transactions relative to the contents of the form variable (coming from an open Form)

The second query is a XTAB query further processing and summarising the transaction.

The 3rd one adds another expression field.

I execute the 3rd Query using the command below

Set rstDebtTrans3Qry = db.OpenRecordset("DebtTrans3Qry")

I then get the ....Database Engine does not recognise [Forms]![AddMatterFrm]![MatterIdFld] as a valid field name or expression.

If I take the control reference out and hard wire the value I want - there is no problem.

I'm sure it has something to do with the XTAB query but I need a solution.

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Queries :: Access Database - Query Based On Multiple Day / Date Criteria

Jul 26, 2015

I am currently working on a project to develop an access database to manage a roster of calls to clients on a daily basis based on two general criteria:

1. Pre-determined days selected by the client. (e.g. Call Mon, Wed, Fri only. This can change as client requirements change.)

2. Ad-hoc changes based on the client’s circumstances. (e.g. No call from 27/7/2015 to 29/7/ 2015)

I have managed to successfully deal with the second of these with the following expression in a query:

CallToday?: IIf((Date()>=[NoCallFrom] And Date()<=[NoCallTo]),"No","Yes")

However dealing with the first is a little more difficult to work out. I have tried a multivalue lookup field with multiple days selectable, but constructing an IIF query to deal with these multiple values is proving quite a challenge.

I am thinking of using a table with days of the week and a junction table to allow the multi-selection, but I may need constructing the relationships and the query here.

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Queries :: Multiple Tables In Database - Inverting Results Of Select Query

Feb 5, 2015

I have a question where I need to effectively invert the results of a select query.

I have multiple tables in the database, but the 2 I'm looking at are TBL.Trip and TBL.TripDiary

A trip is logged in the trip table, and then an operator logs a diary entry against the trip. One of the options that the operator selects is when they receive an email back from the traveller, this is logged as a diary entry.

I need the query to look at the DIARY_Action field and select all records in the TBL.Trip that DO NOT CONTAIN an entry for Diary Action "4".

I can produce a select query that gives me the results to see all trips that HAVE had a response, with a simple IS LIKE "4" query in the action field.

If I change this to IS NOT LIKE "4", I get the results that I need, but duplication due to the various other "diary" entries in the table".

I simply need the inverse of the IS LIKE query but cannot see how to remove the duplicates?

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