Queries :: Adding Time Elapsed That Was Pre-calculated

Feb 24, 2014

Here is the table info I'm working with:

class status changeby changedate statustracking
INCIDENT-RESOLVED- Person A-2/20/2014 9:05 -
INCIDENT-RESOLVED-Person b-2/20/2014 11:57 -
INCIDENT-QUEUED-Person b-2/19/2014 13:57 - 01:24:08
INCIDENT-QUEUED-Person c-2/19/2014 15:21 - 19:29:58
INCIDENT-QUEUED-Person c-2/20/2014 10:51 - 01:06:00

I need to be able to add the statustracking time together per person per status (so person c would need 19:29:58 + 01:06:00 added together). Access keeps trying to add dates to the field or reconfigure the numbers to date ime or zeros if I use any of the data type other then Memo or text.

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General :: Formatting Time Conversion - Calculated Elapsed Time

Dec 3, 2013

Formatting issue regarding elapsed time calculated using DateDiff().

I understand that you can specify the output value for DateDiff(). In my case I have chosen "n" for minutes. Each result in my query shows the correct calculation in terms of minutes.

[PunchIn] = 11/23/2013 8:11:28 AM
[PunchOut] = 11/23/2013 5:43:30 PM

[ShiftLength] =DateDiff("n", [PunchIn],[PunchOut]) = 572 minutes.

Now when I try to format the result in terms of H:MM (be it in a form or a report) I get varied results. I'll illustrate an example below:

=Format(([ShiftLength]/60),"0") & "." & Format(([ShiftLength] Mod 60),"00") Returns 10.32 Not correct

=Format(([ShiftLength]60),"0") & "." & Format(([ShiftLength] Mod 60),"00") Returns 9.32 This is correct but I need my result to be in the form of a decimal such as my next example

=([ShiftLength]/60) Returns 9.53333333. Getting there but how do I have this result only show two decimal points 9.53?

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Queries :: Time Elapsed To Decimal

Jul 5, 2014

I am creating query that calculates time interval so that this is used to calculate pay. Employees clock in at [time_in] and clock out at [time_out]. Sometimes time_out is on the next day of time_in.So if is substract time_out - time_in I will get a negative number.I am therefore using the following formula to extract the time interval; Interval: Format([time_out]-[time_in],"Short Time")

this gives out a result such as 3:30 when in fact I would need 3.5 to calculate pay by multiplying with rate.How do I convert 3:30 to 3.5. From the searches I get that I need to multiple 3:30 by 24. But when in put done in the query Interval: Format([time_out]-[time_in],"Short Time")*24

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Modules & VBA :: Calculating Elapsed Time Within Time Period

Dec 1, 2013

I have a working dB which can calculate a shift duration and sum total all shifts worked within a period for the purpose of producing a labor report for payroll. I have successfully used the DateDiff function and converted the minutes to HH:MM on my form and reports. Now I want to calculate elapsed time for a specific period within a shift, I'll call it OtherHours and I am aiming to calculate a portion of time that meet the following conditions below. I am using field names of [PunchIn] and [PunchOut] and both are of type General Date.

IF [PunchOut] ISNOT Saturday,Sunday
IF [PunchOut] ISNOT Between Midnight and 0559 hours
DATEDIFF ("n", <MIDNIGHT>, [PunchOut])

My thoughts are to solve the DateDiff portion and then figure out how to apply the conditions within the IF statements.

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Elapsed Time

Oct 14, 2006


Newbie to Access so bare with me.

I am making a database to log working hours onto for different contracts I work on.

The fields I am having a problem with are "start date and time", "End date and time" and then "Elapsed time"

I need to populate these fields in the format 13/08/2006 17:20 etc.

How do I set the date/time format to do this and then how do I calculate the elapsed time in days,hours and minutes ? (perhaps just hours might do instead of days and hours) I also need to take out non working time ie 6pm through to 8am to make the calculations correct.

Everything else works fine bu I am stuck on this now.


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Time Elapsed

Feb 28, 2006

I am trying to build a form to calculate time elapsed/time difference.
Example if one turns up for work at 1900hrs (start) and ends his duty at 0200hrs the next day (end), how much time has elapsed? I am trying to use this argument :
Elapsed: IIf([end] > [start], Format([end] - [start], "Short Time"), Format(1 - [start] + [end], "Short Time"))
Unfortunately, I am not grtting the desired result. Could anyone please assist?

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Help!-Trying To Total Elapsed Time

Jul 19, 2006

I have been trying to help a user calculate elapsed time. I referenced the GetElapsedTime from the following Microsoft article


It displays ok on a form or inserting on the detail in a report like it suggests
but the user would also like to total up the elapsed time on the report. Not sure how to do that with the way this function is built.

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Calculating The Elapsed Time Between 2 Dates

Feb 22, 2006

I have attached a really simple db where in a query I'm trying to determine the elapsed time between A sent date and a received date. Can some tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks..

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Field To Calculate Time Elapsed

May 15, 2006

I have nearly achieved this from an example on the Microsoft site but am having problems with the subforms. Can anyone take a look and if possible provide me with guidance as to what I am doing wrong. The instructions are included.Any help with this would be very much appreciated. Kind regards. Bernard

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Storing Elapsed Time In A Field

Oct 8, 2011

I am currently in the process of creating an Employee Database. I have a 'staff information' table with several fields, one of which is a 'contracted hours field'. I have a spreadsheet linked to this database and therefore require this field to be formatted correctly in hours and minutes. For example...I wish to store a decimal time of 37.5 as 37:30.

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Elapsed Time Query In Text Fields

Mar 24, 2007

I have a database with two fields [RECEIVED] and [DISPATCHED] which unfortunately are text fields which I can't change (linked via ODBC). Time is entered in these fields as military time.

I created a query with [DISPATCHED]-[RECEIVED] which works unless the time spans different hours. Example 1605-1555 returns 50 instead of the correct 10.

Any idea how I can use a query to calculate this accurately. I am an intermediate user. Any help appreciated.

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Multiplying Currency Times Elapsed Time

Nov 7, 2007

I have a query that calculates elapsed time from TimeIn and TimeOut formatted to hours and minutes. I need be able to mulitply the elapsed time by the hourly wage in order to find the hourly pay.

How do you format the time so that it is compatible to multiply with the wage?

My SQL statement is below. Thanks for your help.

SELECT tTimeCards.ValetFirstName, tTimeCards.ValetLastName, Format([TimeOut]-[TimeIn],"hh:mm") AS HoursWorked, [HoursWorked]*[tValets]![HourlyWage] AS HourlyPay
FROM tValets INNER JOIN tTimeCards ON tValets.ValetID = tTimeCards.ValetID;

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Elapsed Time Caculated Form Field

Aug 22, 2007

ok i have 4 form fields
and i have a form field that needs to be calulated.

i was thinking the output in the elapsed time could be something like
4 days & 8 hours

but i have no idea how to do this, can someone please help?

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Calculating Elapsed Time In The Table Fields

Jul 8, 2015

I have been trying for about 8 hours to calculate elapsed time between two fields into a third field in Access 2007. Unfortunately, the expression

IIf(IsNull)([Final Suspense]),DateDiff("d",[Routing Status Date],Date()),DateDiff("d",[Routing Status Date],[Final Suspense]))

is not working. Image enclosed....

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Reports :: Generating Report On Time Elapsed - Date Approved

Sep 5, 2013

I have a large table with a number of fields. I have written the query that I want but can't quite work out how to get it to do the main thing I need. I have several fields that I need to generate in the report but what I want it based on is the field called Date Approved.

When the Date Approved has been Active for more than 4 weeks I want to pick it up in the report. I don't want to set a date to start from but pick up everything that has passed 4 weeks in "Date Approved".

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Tables :: Adding Icon To Calculated Field?

Aug 17, 2015

I'm currently building a database and one of the things that I must make is a "warning", more like a symbol on a continuous form, that is there, if the task is wanted by a costumer.

I have a Yes/No field in database, which decides that. Now I need to figure out how to make it appear on form. I thought about making a calculated field, that would display some warning icon.

Now my question is, is it possible to add an icon to a calculated field and if possible, how?

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Reports :: Hourly Rate - Calculated Totals Not Adding Up

Sep 5, 2013

We recently have had a change to our hourly rate that we pay and now the Totals calculation is not adding up the numbers correctly.

In the query that the report is based from:

ExtendedTotal: CCur([Hours]*[Rate])

In the footer of the report: (Provides a Total for each Day)

Sub-Total: "Control Source" is: =Sum(CCur([ExtendedTotal]))

Report Footer: (Provides a Grand Total for the Month)
Total: "Control Source" is: =Sum([ExtendedTotal])

Problem comes in with the odd dollar rate time partial hours. For example:

$9.73 x 4.5 hours = $43.785 (Rounds to $43.79) which is fine...

but when you have a whole column of these rounded numbers, the totals are coming out off by pennies which add up to a good bit at the end of the month. I cannot match up the totals with the invoices that are coming in either.

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Modules & VBA :: Adding FlexGrids - Freeze Calculated Fields

Mar 24, 2014

I have to build an estimate worksheet from scratch on Access I am almost finished with the project but I have a few questions.


1. There is a labor section on the form where the user selects the combo box adds the quantity of workers, and number of hours. The output would be what the total amount needed for that trade. On a different table i have the wages of each trade per month that is associated to the form. My problem is if there is a new wage amount for a trade it will affect all my previous records and i do not want that. Is there a way i can set it to only change my new records. In file maker there is something called defined record that is a solution for that program but i was wondering if i could do the same for access or Visual basic application for access. Another solution that I had in mind was like having a button where user could click and all field’s data will not be changed in the future.

2. There is a material section on this form where user input cost of materials. Once user is finished with data entry they click on a button that generates another form for presenting/printing purposes. The thing is that not all fields are always used i wanted to know if there is a way on to adding a flex grid so there would take less space up?

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Calculated Field To Existing Query

Nov 12, 2014

I am looking for a way to add a calculated field to the end of an existing query using VBA. Is there an easy way to do this?

The data I receive from an external supplier shows monthly data split by column with a new column added in each month. I then need to reflect this by adding a new column to the end of the query. It is currently a manual tweak, but I want to automate this with code.

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How To Add All Time Max Price Calculated Field

Sep 2, 2014

Say we have a table like the following, with hundreds of symbols:



and we need to add the ALLTIMEMAX column. This is the MAX CLOSE price for the symbol on SYMBOL till the date on DATE.I think that if we can take the first CLOSE for each symbol, then for the following date wed just need to check if the new CLOSE is bigger than the previous. If it is, use it and if not, just keep the old one.

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Adding And Subtracting Short Time Values Together/changing Short Time Into Minutes

Dec 9, 2004

Hello again,

I think my subject heading explains it. How would you add or subtract two short time formatted values and produce a short time value? Also, how would you change a short time value into number minutes. (i.e. 5:30 into 330) Thanks!


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Forms :: Calculated Fields - Formatting Box As Date / Time

Jan 13, 2014

In my form I have a calculated field that works out the time elapsed for a job, worked out as the QTY/RUN RATE which gives me the time in hours. However I couldn't format the box as a date/time, as it is a calculation and the times may go over 24 Hours which results in the date/time giving me something like 31/12/1899 16:00 for example.

I've got around this now and I've formatted the results as HH:NN:SS using a public function in a module, but the problem is this is now stored as a text field. I've tried setting this to a number field but the formatting doesn't carry over. I've tried setting a custom format in the table as HH:NN:SS but then all I get is just a bunch of 0's, no calculation results.

So how to format this as a number field properly?

Also for any extra information:

- I know you're not supposed to store calculated results, but this is slightly different, the calculated field is a standalone text box and the bound field is a formatted text box.
- The reason I have to store the calculated results is because my boss wants to eventually see a chart of the total hours of jobs each day, hence why I'm asking if this can be done as a number field.

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Adding Minutes To A Time

Apr 20, 2006


If I have a time like 22:00 and I want to add lets say 300 minutes to it; so it now shows 03:00 how do I do this? I can do it in Excel alright with the TIME function but cannot find a similar feature in Access


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Adding Time Values

Dec 29, 2006

I have a report that adds time for as many as six people. This isssue is when the time goes over 24 hours in total it drops the hours. The field(s) is formated in "short time" format.

Can anyone help resolve this???:confused:

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Adding One Hour Onto Time

Jun 14, 2007

ive searched the forums for this but cant find anywhere.

how can i add one hour onto a time stamp please.

many thanks:confused:

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Adding Time Durations

Jul 29, 2005

i've got a time duration field that is formatted as a string. I want to be able to sum up the durations as i group the records in different ways. I can't convert it to time, because it changes the durations to a time value, not duration example: 12:29pm instead of 0:0:21
is there any possible way to work with time durations??


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