Queries :: Aggregate Functions With Conditions?
Mar 22, 2013
I have the following query. I got an error when I ran it.
SELECT COUNT([encounter_number] WHERE status = 'Death')/ COUNT([encounter_number]) AS Death Ratio, tbl_test.facility_type AS Type,
FROM tbl_test
GROUP BY tbl_test.facility_type;
I think the problem is that first WHERE clause inside.
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Jun 26, 2007
I'm having a problem with queries, and I can't seem to find a solution in books - I looked through about ten of them and none of them addressed the problem. This may be because it has a painfully obvious solution...
A little background:
I am designing a database for a debt-collection law firm. One of the functions it must have is to keep track of various different sorts of financial transactions which can pertain to a given debtor (ie, a received payment, a cost expended, and a few other things).
The problem is that, in generating reports, I need to use queries to find several sums of only those transactions which fall into specific categories (for instance, to calculate the amount a debtor has paid against his balance, it needs to sum only those entries which are both linked to that debtor's ID number and whose type field reads "payment", and then subtract from that those entries whose type field reads "cost"). The problem is this: not all debtors may have "costs" entries, and when there are none, the report comes up blank with a single "#Error" written in the name field and nothing else present.
I believe the problem is that the Sum aggregate is returning a null value when the query finds nothing that meets the criteria. I have been unable to find a way around this; the Nz() and IIf() with IsNull() functions don't seem to be helping.
The query runs as intended when there are entries for every relevant type; however, it is undesired to have to enter a "payment" of $0, "cost" of $0 etc for every entry just so that this function works.
Is there anything I can do about this? Any input would be appreciated, as I'm fairly inexperienced with the use of Office Access. (If it matters, I am using Office 2003).
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Aug 29, 2005
I was wondering if anyone can help me: I have for example Pupils that are being entered into a table (called log). A query then counts the number of entries for each pupil I then want it ONLY to show the pupils that have been entered in 10 times on todays date (using DATE()).
I know this doesnt work but this is what I want to do:
SELECT log.pupilNo, log.Forename, log.Surname, Count(log.pupilNo) AS Demerits
FROM log, Tally
WHERE (log.Date)=Date() AND COUNT(log.pupilNo)>9
GROUP BY log.pupilNo, log.Forename, log.Surname, log.pupilNo;
Apparenty you cannot have an Aggregate function in a where clause.
Does anyone know a solution, any help would be appreciated
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Oct 16, 2006
Is it possible to add a calcualted field to a query that already uses 'sum'?
I want to take the value returned by sum and add the value of another field to it.
Any help will be very much appreciated.
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Jun 7, 2007
Is there any way to lookup items using DLookup or other functions that will return an array of values not just the first value found. Example: I have three employees in a complaint query. I am using Dlookup to identify them on my employee form. When I get to the same employee/employee id on my employees form, I have a label that flashes red to flag me that this employee appears on that complaint query. The problem that I am having is that it only flashes for the first employee found in the query, and the label only flashes for that one person. I would like the label to flash for the other two employees because the function should see that they are in the query results as well. Help please?!!!
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Jun 21, 2005
I know SQL well enough, but I cant seem to get my query to work. Basically, I am trying to display a series of posts, with the number of comments on the side.
I have two tables, Entries and Comments, which look like this:
IDTitleContent (memo field)
1CatsSomething about cats here
2DogsSomething else about dogs here
3RodentsMy pet rat runs in a wheel
11My cat's name is mittens
21I taught my cat how to throw a curve ball
33Rats like squeak toys
42Nobody likes dogs
53Bunnies make good pets
61Cats are witches in disguise
Comments.PostID corresponds to Entries.ID on a many-to-one relationship.
I want to run a query that will join the number of comments (which is a Count of each row in the Comments table where Comments.PostID = Entries.ID) to the existing table, so that it will look like this:
Entries (with #ofcomments joined)
IDTitleContent (memo field)#ofcomments
1CatsSomething about cats here3
2DogsSomething else about dogs here1
3RodentsMy pet rat runs in a wheel2
Usually, this would be a really simple SQL statement, but as I am using a Memo field, I am getting a "cannot use Memo field in aggregate function" error.
I'm not sure what to do, any help would be appreciated :)
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Apr 3, 2007
Alright, I've got all the pieces to this puzzle, I just can't fit them together properly. I have two tables, tblTickets and tblTicketNotes. They are in a one-to-many relationship, there can be multiple Notes attached to a single ticket. I am trying to set up a query that will pull the first (earliest by date) note for each individual Ticket. Here are the fields from each table that would be of concern here:
TicketID - Autonumber - Primary Key
Issue - Text - I will be using this later as a criteria to limit with, but not neccessary
NoteID - Autonumber - Primary Key
TicketID - Long Integer - This is the foreign key of the relationship
DateStamp - Date/Time - This is the Note Date, I only want the first (earliest date) one
Content - Memo -This is the note information I want
So all I want is the Content of the first/earliest Note for each individual Ticket. I know this should be fairly easy, but I am at a loss.
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Feb 4, 2014
I have a problem with a nested arrangement of Right, DLookup and DMax functions.
The function is for a default value in a text control
=Right(DLookUp("[SampleNumber]","tbldat14A_MasterSampleList","[SampleID]=" & DMax("[SampleID]","tbldat14A_MasterSampleList"))+1000001,6)
I am trying to retrieve the last record from a field SampleNumber which is alphanumeric (e.g. "AK005434") and then add a 1 to it as the next SampleNumber. I had previously used a default value in the txtSampleNumber control as
="AK" & Right(1000000+DMax("[Clip]","[tbldat14A_MasterSampleList]")+1,6)
where [Clip] was a field I have calculated in the table to chop off the preceding characters. Adding 1,000,000 and taking the 6 right hand values and concatenating with "AK" gave me the answer, though it is a but primitive.
This all worked until the SampleNumber value got out of order and blocks of SampleNumber values came in that were then followed by blocks of numbers with lower values (say AK005001-AK005050 followed by AK002001-AK002050).
Now I figure if I just recall the latest entry by DLookup and criteria of DMax on the SampleID (Autonumber Primary key) I could get at the value. I have done this to some success using default values in a series of unbound controls like
=DLookUp("[SampleNumber]","tbldat14A_MasterSampleList","[SampleID]=" & DMax("[SampleID]","tbldat14A_MasterSampleList"))
to get the SampleNumber I require, then a Right function to trim in another unbound box and then use that last unbound box as the default value for the txtSampleNumber control that is the entry for the data table. However, the unbound control box is only valid for the first record and does not update. So, I added a macro that closes the form and reopens it. This all works but is a bit agricultural. I would like to do a single nested function to the default value of the txtSampleNumber control box. Is it possible to nest Right, DLoopkup and DMax into one statement?
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Jul 8, 2012
i need domain aggregate functions to count the occurrences of specific value in a field, and when it exceeds 1, display null. or 'group by' subqueries with count() to see if you should populate the field or not.
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Mar 25, 2015
I have a list of product sales for various regions.How do I write a query to only retrieve the record with the highest value in a region, but include the region and product code in the results?For example, If I run an aggregate query using the max function I still get the record for region:
SELECT Stats.ProdCode, Max(Stats.Sales) AS MaxOfSales, Stats.Region
FROM Stats
GROUP BY Stats.ProdCode, Stats.Region;
I realise that this returns the record for each region because the 'Group By' is applied to that field, but if I remove it then that field is not going to be available in the results(???)
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Jun 15, 2015
Basically trying to create a chart through a Query.
Table is as follow:
Applebrand Date Volume per week Category
------------ ------ -------------------- -----------
I am trying to display the aggregated volume in a chart. The volumes can change depending on the demand from the buyers and its always the latest volume for the specific applebrand that is in play.
Apple A 20150101 10 Retail
Apple B 20150202 100 Restaurants
Apple B 20150303 200 Retail
Apple A 20150404 50 Retail
The chart i would like to see is a aggregated volume for category "Retail" displaying a line from 10 to 210 to 250.
Instead my chart displays 10 to 200 to 50
Is there a way a solve this or should i use a different approach?
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Oct 11, 2014
I need to change the below to a where clause to fit inside a union query that is just where clauses.
tblNEWNONTODATA.DateOfVisit) AS FirstOfDateOfVisit
HAVING (((tblNEWNONTODATA.TCGDecision)="Adopted" Or (tblNEWNONTODATA.TCGDecision)="Hot Tasked") AND ((First(tblNEWNONTODATA.DateOfVisit))>=#10/1/2014#));
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Oct 10, 2013
I have a query that will be assisting me find pricing based upon quantity ranges of specific equipment for a given FY.
I'm no access expert, and I keep getting "You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression...as part of an aggregate function".
I have tried several things, but cannot seem to figure this one out.
The SQL of my query is as follows:
SELECT IIf(Nz(Sum([Current Orders]![Quantity]))+Nz([forms]![04c Test Query for ROM Support]![Quantity])
Between 1 And 4,[04b Pricing Products]![01-04],IIf(Nz(Sum([Current Orders]![Quantity]))+
Nz([forms]![04c Test Query for ROM Support]![Quantity])
Between 5 And 10,[04b Pricing Products]![05-10],
IIf(Nz(Sum([Current Orders]![Quantity]))+Nz([forms]![04c Test Query for ROM Support]![Quantity])
[Code] .....
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Jul 28, 2014
apply my situation / formula to others who had similar questions, but I get the #error output with no messages from access telling me what I did to cause this.
What I'm trying to do is create a formula that checks if two conditions are met, then applies an output. So I have a starting location [StartLocation] and [Stop2]...Both can be a small variety of locations.
Currently I have as follows:
Leg1: iif([StartLocation]="Location A" AND [Stop2]="Location B",500,0)
The formula would run longer in the end, going up to 10 stops, nesting the ifs and checking multiple locations for each stop.
Both my conditions are Text, and I want a number output depending on the location. Is it a simple error I'm looking past and missing? Or is what I'm trying not possible, I feel like it should be relatively easy. Access give me no trouble for save and running, but it outputs #error.
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Jun 12, 2014
From a performance perspective, does it matter in what order a number of clauses are specified ? For example if many records satisfy ConditionA but few records satisfy ConditionB, is it better to put ConditionB first ?
SELECT Fields FROM Table WHERE ConditionA and ConditionB
SELECT Fields FROM Table WHERE ConditionB and ConditionA
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Mar 18, 2013
I am trying to aggregate IIF functions to give me the total in separate columns (fields) according to the criteria applied however I am getting an error message "You tried to execute a query that does not include the specific expression
'IIF(Tbl_SKG.Value_Grp = 1,sum(Tbl_Advisor_raw.ValuePay),0)'
as part of an aggregate function, and I cannot find why, The query is as follows:
Sum(Tbl_Advisor_raw.ValuePay) AS ValuePay,
Sum(Tbl_Advisor_raw.Salary) AS Salary,
Sum(Tbl_Advisor_raw.NetRevenue) AS NetRevenue,
IIf(ValuePay>0,(ValuePay/Salary),0) AS pcSpend,
[Code] .....
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Dec 10, 2013
I have a SQL query to gather data from a number of tables (balances, accounts, currencies)
SELECT [tblBalances].[BalanceDate], [tblAccounts].[AccountNumber], [tblCurrencies].[Ccy], [tblBalances].[Amount], ([tblBalances].[Amount]*[tblRates].[FXRate]) AS AmountUSD
FROM (([tblBalances] INNER JOIN [tblAccounts] ON [tblBalances].[AccountID]=[tblAccounts].[AccountID]) INNER JOIN [tblCurrencies] ON [tblBalances].[CcyID]=[tblCurrencies].[CcyID]) INNER JOIN [tblRates] ON ([tblBalances].[BalanceDate]=[tblRates].[RateDate]) AND ([tblBalances].[CcyID]=[tblRates].[CcyID])
WHERE BalanceDate = #12/10/2013#
How do I add 'AmountUSD' to the WHERE clause (such that I can only return records above or below a certain value, for example)
Along the lines of :
WHERE BalanceDate = #12/10/2013# AND AmountUSD>1000
I know it's an issue with referring to aggregated functions in the WHERE clause and you're supposed to use HAVING instead
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Mar 20, 2007
I need some help with a function inserted into a query.
I created a function to convert numbers into text. I then created a query to pull some fields from a table. the last field of the query, I inserted the function using the build feature. I was able to see the function in the list of custom functions for the query.
However, when I run the query I get an error message of undefined function - name-. Can I use my function there? or is there some other way to do so.
thanks for any help received.
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Aug 25, 2006
what im trying to do is use the code below, coupled with a append query, to
make the value of the 'lag' variable go into the feild in 'tblplayer' 'Lowes
can anyone see what im doing wrong?
any help would be much apreciated
Public Function fnlag()
Dim cutof As Date
Dim age As String
Dim Birthdate As Date
Dim age1 As String
Dim lag As String
cutof = DLookup("[cutoff]", "[tblseason]", "[tblseason].[is_current] = -1")
Birthdate = DLookup("[Birthdate]", "[tblplayer]")
lag = 1
lag = DLookup("[Lowest_age_group]", "[tblplayer]")
age = DateDiff("yyyy", Birthdate, cutof, vbMonday, vbFirstJan1)
'MsgBox (age)
lag = age + 1
End Function
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May 15, 2013
I have a parameter query with a totals row that displays averages. Is there a way to have the average row use only specific records in its calculation based on one of the field's values WHILE still displaying all the records returned by the query.I want only data that has a "YES" value used in the average while still displaying the records marked as "NO"
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Mar 23, 2013
stuck with this problem on trying to calculate the aggregate sales totals of a product within a specific time frame. The query that I have built instead divides each sum by date, where it should be grouped according to product instead.
Here are some screen shots as to how it looks in Access. [also see attached ZIP if you don't want to unbreak links ]
As you can see, the PRODUCT_ID column is not combining together according to their IDs.
This how my Design View looks.
The SQL for my current query is:
HAVING (((SALES.TRANSDATE)>=#9/1/2008# And (SALES.TRANSDATE)<=#12/31/2008#));
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Feb 27, 2014
how to query data in my database based on a number of different criteria.I have reached a stage where I can get all the data I need from one query, however I can't figure out how to further query this data to return records from a table with the most recent date only. I have searched the forum, googled and experimented myself but I am running into "Aggregate Function" errors.In this scenario there are 3 tables. tblJobs, tblEquipment and tblInspectionLog. Each tblJobs record can have multiple tblEquipment records attached to it, and each tblEquipment record can have multiple tblInspectionLog records attached to them.
I would like to query the database for what tblEquipment records have been assigned to a tblJob ID and also return only the tblInspectionLog record with the latest Inspection_Date field.At the moment I am able to see tblEquipment records attached to tblJobs, however duplicate records appear due to multiple InspectionLog records associated with the equipment.
I have tried to filter records from tblInspectionLog using the "Max" criteria under Inspection_Date field in my query. This however returns an "Aggregate Function" error.
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Jul 24, 2013
I am trying to make a query that outputs the minimum "Need Year" AND ALSO if the need year was equal to 9999 it shows "NO DATA".
This is what I have so far for checking the minimum value:
field: Need Year: MinofList(PMS_output!pqi_ny,PMS_output!iri_ny,PMS_ output!sdi_ny,pms_output!sai_ny)
I am not sure if I should be putting it in the criteria to check whether this minimum value (need year) equals to 9999 or not and if it does, it says "NO DATA" instead of 9999.
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May 12, 2013
I want to create a calculation query that uses different equations under certain conditions. Here's specifically what I need:
If the "Cost_Category" field is "Full Price" then the query uses the following calculation:
Total_Cost: Sum(nz([Program_Cost])+nz([Millage_Fee])+nz([Auditorium_Cost]))
If the "Cost_Category" field is "BOCES" then the query uses the following calculation:
Total_Cost: Sum(nz([BOCES_Number_of_Participants])*nz([Cost_Per_Person]))
I have successfully created these two queries individually, but combining them doesn't seem to work. Here's what I wrote:
Total_Cost: IIf([Cost_Category]=Full Price,Sum(nz([Program_Cost])+nz([Millage_Fee])+nz([Auditorium_Cost])),
It keeps coming up with errors, saying that I misplaced a comma, parenthesis or quotation. I've tried playing with it, changing the syntax slightly but it doesn't seem to work.
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May 27, 2014
I've created the following but it keeps coming up with the error message You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression 'ICE Team' as part of an aggregate function.
SELECT ztSub.[Master Sheet].[ICE Team], ztSub.[date], Count(ztSub.[Count])
FROM (SELECT [Master Sheet].[ICE Team],[Master Sheet].[Visit Date (planned for)] AS [date],Count([Master Sheet]![Visit Date (planned for)]) AS [Count]
FROM [Master Sheet]
SELECT [Master Sheet].[ICE Team],[Master Sheet].[Date retasked to?] AS [date], Count ([Master Sheet]![Date retasked to?]) AS [Count]
FROM [Master Sheet] ) AS ztSub
GROUP BY ztSub.[Master Sheet].[ICE Team];
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Feb 14, 2007
I have a problem where I can create queries in code using functions such as Left() and they will work fine on my clients machines with a complied MDE file but if I try to use the same function in a saved querie they get an error: "Function is not available in expressions in query expression..."
The Queries work fine on my machine but not on those using Access Runtime. From my research it appears to be a problem with them not having the correct Reference on their machine. If that is true then which Reference do they need and is there away of installing that Reference by code?
Thanks for your help....
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