I've been struggling with this for a while, and even though I understand the theory, I can't get my code to work correctly.
I have 2 fields:
CallbackFrequency & Last Contacted.
I want to use these fields to populate a third field (callBackOn) so that we can have a list of candidates that need to be called from a certain date.
CallbackFrequency is added from a combobox, so all values are either 1 Month, 3 Months, 6 Months, or 12 Months.
I have tried creating a calculated field directly in the candidates table, but apparently this is not possible.I've therefore tried to create a query using IIF statement that will calculate this value.To get to grips with the code, I'm only dealing with 1 callbackFrequency at the moment. So far I have:
I have not factored in the date manipulation yet, as the query does not display the LastContacted date of the record it finds, it only shows a blank cell,
I am having a problem with calculating a date field in a query. Prior to this posting I've done some research and made several changes to my query. This only resulted in fixing one problem but then creating another problem. Original problem was I had 2 fields, arrived (23:36) and stemi (0:07). I use the following calculation AT_ST: DateDiff("n",[arrived],[stemi]) which resulted in -1409. So my research showed me I had a problem with the date whenever the time went past midnight and trying to calculate a zero hour number. I changed my calculation to
AT_ST: IIf([stemi]>=#11:59:00 PM#,(DateDiff("n",[arrived],[stemi])),(DateDiff("n",[arrived],[stemi]+1440) Mod 1440))
This works fine and gives me the result of 31 minutes which is what I want, however the problems comes in when I change to this calculation any where there was a negative time now has a 1400+ plus value. Such as arrived (7:37) and 1st_eck (7:18) = 1426 where as before it would report -14 (yes, negatives are acceptable for my reporting because sometimes a call to the hospital is placed before the patient arrives so we want to report on the negative splits). I've tried using a nested IIF to calculate for stemi time being less than arrived time, this didn't work when I tried to use it on the calculated query field. I was wondering if I could write something to check the value of the calculated field if it is greater than 1440 and if yes - subtract 1440 from it. So in the example above 1426-1440 = -14. Is it possible to do this within the query or do I need to do it using VBA
In a query i have setup, i work out when a tenant is next due to pay their rent.
Looks like this
Tenant Last Payment Date Payment Terms Next Payment Date User1 01/07/13 Monthly 01/08/13 User2 01/07/13 Weekly 07/07/13
The next payment date is calculated using an IF statement and DateAdd in the query, so if it is weekly it adds 7 days, if it is monthly it adds 1 month.
What i am trying to do is write sub query of this one which shows which tenants are due to pay within the next 7 days.
But the access query seems to ignore the criteria I'm putting in....in the next payment date criteria i have tried specifying >Now() + 7 or >Date() +7 but neither seem to work, it just shows up every record...
I don't seem to find any query formula in the forum where the age changes on the date of birth. I tried all the once I could find but all of them seem to calculate the age as of 1 January. I find it a bit strange that it doesn't work.
I got BirthDate and Date in the table I want to update the age column back in the history with an update query.
If I have four date Fields in a query, Astart, Bstart, Cstart, and Dstart and want to have a calculated field to find the latest date for each record how would I do that? I have tried things like:
I have a calculated date field in a query...if I try and sort by this field I get a data type mismatch.
[CONTREFF] is a date field in a table, [TERM] is a number field in a table. I am trying to calculate the year the contract expires in the "EndTerm" field. The calculation works fine, but I can't sort it.
This is not the normal calculated fields in query's. What I want is different, I want it to be like
Thing I have is, I want to know all the Total sales in on row that has Show A in it and then Total sales for Show B. Problem is, I have over 130 shows. How would do that?
I Have some calculated fields in a query and want to update it in the table .So,is there anyway to store these fields.Otherwise can i store this Query data every month in database so that when i re-run the query the previous month data will not be affected.
I want to sum the total of all the purchase prices together so I know the total value on order. I keep getting an error: "You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression Purchase Order' as part of an aggregate function
So I have the following query field which calculates another field.
How do I Filter the records in this calculated field to only return TRUE, as if I put "TRUE" in the Criteria for this field (or anything at all) then a parameter message box pops up asking for [Balance].
I want to calculate a field that is Sales*6+Salary, then in that same query I want to select ONLY the greatest Salary per employee. So for example
SELECT EmpId, MonthDate, Sales, Salary, [Sales]*6+[Salary] AS SalTot FROM EmpTable S1 WHERE SalTot = (SELECT MAX(SalTot) FROM EmpTable S2 WHERE S1.EmpId = S2.EmpId);
Can I not select a value that has been calculated this query?
I am trying to group the following Query to find duplicates with no success.
Base Query:
SELECT AccountActivity.AccountID, Mid([details],InStr(1,[details],"-")-1,4) AS FetchedCat, elookup("Neighborhood","Combo","Category='" & [FetchedCat] & "'") AS Neighborhood FROM AccountActivity WHERE (((Mid([details],InStr(1,[details],"-")-1,4)) Like "?-??"));
Find Duplicates Query:
SELECT AccountsWithNeighborHood.[AccountID], AccountsWithNeighborHood.[FetchedCat], AccountsWithNeighborHood.[Neighborhood] FROM AccountsWithNeighborHood WHERE (((AccountsWithNeighborHood.[AccountID]) In (SELECT [AccountID] FROM [AccountsWithNeighborHood] As Tmp GROUP BY [AccountID] HAVING Count(*)>1 ))) ORDER BY AccountsWithNeighborHood.[AccountID];
I am trying to run a change an existing query in real time to allow date filtering for 4 different categories. I can get two of them to work. Calibration Date and Icepoint Date. But for The two calculated fields Calibration due date and Icepoint date I cannot get it to filter properly e.g. for 2013 dates it also includes 2014 dates and just does not work properly. I am thinking its due to it being a calculated field but don't have a clue how to fix it. see pasted code for calibration due date filter where Todate and Fromdate are the 2 dates used. I also have the on current code and the exit code to reset the query to its original status.
Public Sub SetDate1() 'Apply date filter and rebuild query in real time On Error GoTo Err_SetDate1 If IsNull(Me!ToDate) And IsNull(Me!FromDate) Then MsgBox ("Please Enter Date First"), vbExclamation GoTo Exit_SetDate1
I went into the properties if that field inside the query design and changed it to Standard with 0 decimal places and it worked fine.
But when I based a crosstab query off the query that contained the above calculated field, I cannot seem to get the numbers to format correctly. 1231313.424 is shown instead 1,231,313 and I don't have a line in the Properties window to even change the decimal places. It doesn't recognize when I change the format to Standard. I have tried using Round([ProjRevNRC]) which gets rid of the decimal places as desired but does not show commas.
I'm sure it's a simple part of the Round expression that I am missing but nothing has worked.
I am trying to run a make table query that involves using a linked table in Ms from a SharePoint list. However, a few columns I wish to include in my Make table query are calculated columns from the SharePoint list.
The make table query will not run saying "Calculated columns are not allowed in SELECT INTO statements".
Can any think of a solution or a potential work around to this?
I need to create a table with these columns in it.
I currently have a query that pulls selected data from a table. There can be multiple rows of data, and two columns include dollar amounts and quantities. I have a total line going at the bottom so I can see the Grant Total of all the rows (for dollar amounts and quantity).
Is it possible to add a column to this query that will calculate the expression:..?
=Grand Total of Dollar Amts for selected data/Grand Total of Quantity for selected data
I tried to use a query in a query, but must have done something wrong because it just said circular reference.
What is the best approach to returning calculated results in a query. I have been using nested IIf statements that include DateAdd but I think that I am at a point where there must be a better way.
I want my query to calculate a date based on: 1) A Type field from my table 2) A calculated date based on other query fields.
My query has the following fields: [Type] [Action 1] [Projected Action 1] [Projected Action 1 Revised] [Action 2]
I want to create a calculated field for [Projected Action 2] that says:
If [Type] is "A" then if [Action 2] Is NotNull, Null if [Action 1] is NotNull, [Action 1] + 10 workdays if [Projected Action 1 Revised] is NotNull, [Projected Action 1 Revised] + 10 workdays if [Projected Action 1] is NotNull, [Projected Action 1] + 10 workdays
[Code] ....
I would like to keep using nested IIf but I keep running into problems and I thought that there is probably a better way.
I have query with a calculate field to finds the next service due date but I'm having a problem getting it to only show services due dates in the next 30 days.for some reason I cant add a criteria date()-30...I have to calculate the next service it takes service intervals from maskservicemonths field then find the last service date and generates the next service due date NextService: DateAdd("m",[MaskServiceMonths],[FindLast]).
I've can do this on excel but don't know how in Access. I'm calculating bonuses. My table has salaries, and my query simply multiples each salary amount by a % to get the bonus amount. But I need to calculate adjustments to the bonuses using the sum total of the bonuses my query calculated:
Salary (from table) Bonus (calc'd by query) Adjustment (to be calced)
100,000 1,000 Sum of total bonuses/salary*4% 90,000 900
How do I capture the total of my calculated bonus column to use to calculate the adjustments in my right-most column?
I have a table that has entries recorded with date and time in one field, and I want to have a query that returns all records of a specified date or date range, regardless of the time in the field.
I have tried
Code: Between [StartDate:] And [EndDate:]
Code: Between [StartDate:] & "00:00" And [EndDate:] & "23:59"
I am trying to construct a crosstab that averages a calculated field from a previous query. It is returning a "Data Type Mismatch" message.
The field I am trying to average is a subtraction of dates to find total days. I assume my field is not a number so I have tried to wrap it in CDbl() to change the type.
The formula is
Code: CASE_DAYS: CDbl(IIf([Actual Close Date]-[Creation Date]>=0,[Actual Close Date]-[Creation Date],""))
I have a query based on a table which has a date field. the field both in the table and the query have the time also in the date value so when I try to query on a date I get nothing if I copy the date and time from the field I will get the result for that record if I just use the date I get nothing. I have tried the format which does display just date but if you click on the field the time is also there You must be able to query for a date only and get all the records.
I've attached a stripped down version of a small order database I'm working on.
A user would enter an order, the amount and the date the order is required by.
As you can see from tbl_seasons, the business has financial periods that match the first and last 6 months of each year. Each season has a start date and end date.
What I'm trying to build are two queries:
1. A query which lists all orders and has an extra field which shows the "season_id" that the order (date) relates to (based one the start date and end date in tbl_seasons)
2. A totals query which shows the total order amounts by season