Queries :: Comparing Text Within A String To Keep Only Unique Values

May 15, 2013

I have one field where string contains several words separated by semicolon and my goal is to be able to remove duplicates within the string and keep only unique values. Here is an example:

initial field:

targeted result:

How this could be achieved ?

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Queries :: Comparing Two Values From Rows In Same Field

Jul 10, 2013

I have a table [VL] with four fields, [vl_id], [product], [vl_date], [valeur_liquidative].

The idea of the table is that you can input and update the value of each product on a given day.

I need to find the difference in days between successive dates (vl_date) each time that a product value (valeur_liquidative) is updated. Values aren't updated everyday as it is not updated during the weekends. I have had a go at this but have struggled..

A picture of what the table looks like is attached for reference.

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Queries :: Unique Values For A Field

Oct 31, 2013

I have a material usage table that tracks material going into products...Oftentimes the same material will be used and multiple records will contain that material.

I want my query to return only records with unique material used. I'm clicking the "Unique Values" and "Unique Records" property setting but its not working.

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Splitting Text Values From A String Into Separate Field

Jan 25, 2005

I have a table field which long ago was merged from several other fields. When the data was merged into the field it was delimited by "1." then "2." up to "5."
Example: MergedField = "1.Animal 2.Large 3.African 4.Grey 5.Long Nose"

I now want to split it appart in a query where "1.Animal" goes into expression1, "2.Large" goes into expression2, etc.

I need to base the text on where the one number begins and grab everything until the next number in the mergefield is detected.

Can someone show me the syntax for this.


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Queries :: Comparing A Text Field In A Table To Textbox On A Form

Jul 8, 2013

I have a table that has a date field set to text. I use the Mid function and get just the month in a query. I have a textbox on a form that when the user adds a month or removes a month from a selected listbox it adds or removes that months number from the textbox.

I want to us that text box on the form as the criteria for the month (the Mid function getting the month) and I can seem to get it to read what's in the textbox and use it as the criteria. I can manually type in a number and it works fine.

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Queries :: Merge Duplicate Values With Unique ID

Feb 28, 2014

I have a query with over 85,000 lines of data where each row has a unique id but the unique id appears multiple times within the table. For example, there is a unique numeric id tide to various types of pets across four columns. So the id number 1 could appear in four different rows each with different pets. See the first attachment "Original Table"

I want to be able to create a table that has one for for each unique id with all of the corresponding pet data. See the attached "Desired Table".

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Queries :: Count Unique Values Without GROUP BY

Sep 15, 2013

I am currently using the below code to query values that have a unique "OverrideDescription" and where by the "Upload Date" is always the latest.

FROM [DaisyServiceRates-Amended] AS t1 LEFT JOIN [DaisyServiceRates-Amended] AS t2 ON (t1.OverrideDescription = t2.OverrideDescription) AND (t1.[Upload Date] < t2.[Upload Date])
WHERE t2.OverrideDescription IS NULL;

However I also need to be able to do a unique count of the [OverrideDescription] field.

I have found methods whereby I can do use, but they all use a GROUP BY function, the issue being that when I use this method it prevents be from updating the values saying "recordset not updateable".

Any method that does not use the GROUP function. I did also try preforming the COUNT on a separate table and doing as JOIN, but this also prevented updates to the date.

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Queries :: Excluding Duplicates - Show Only Unique Values

May 17, 2013

I have duplicate data in a cell, I want to hide duplicate data and display only non-duplicate data.. I changed the property sheet to only show unique values, but it keeps showing data I don't want to see...

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Queries :: Manifest - Query A List And Then Show Only Unique Values

Oct 1, 2013

One Manifest can have many line items. One line item can only have 1 designation. Each manifest may have many line item with same designations.

For example:
Manifest #0001
Line Item 1: N
Line Item 2: H
Line Item 3: U
Line Item 4: N
Line Item 5: P
Line Item 6: H

Table set-up
LineItemInformation [Line Item 1, Line Item 2, etc]

ManifestNumber [0001]

WasteCategory [H, N, U, etc]

I'd like to query the line items for each manifest so the end result has the manifest number (Manifest #0001) in a field and the designations (N, H, P, U) in fields on a report.

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Queries :: Select Distinct For Combobox - Show Only Unique Values

Oct 20, 2014

I am trying to get a combo box to only show unique values, but I can't get it to work properly - it still shows duplicates in the list.

The Row Source is set to

SELECT DISTINCT Areas.ID, Areas.Area FROM Areas ORDER BY Areas.Area;

And the combo is bound to column 2

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Queries :: Loop To Create New Tables With Unique Field Values

Sep 20, 2013

I have a table - (Table A) that has 2 fields X and Y. I would like to write a query or script to make two new tables based on the unique values found in field X. In other words, all data where field X = 1 would be written to a new table called "1" and all data wehre field X =2 would be written to a new table called "2".I would like this done automatically.

Table A
Field X Field Y
1 a
1 b
1 c
1 d
2 a
2 b
2 c

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Modules & VBA :: Comparing A String To Criteria In Another Table

Sep 9, 2014

In my database, I use TextStream.ReadLine to read a .txt file line by line and store pertinent parts of each line into specific fields in a table. One of these fields is called "Remarks", which is basically a descriptive paragraph of text explaining a task. Everything works great so far.

However, my leadership would like a condensed version of the "Remarks" field. The only way to really do this right now is for someone to manually read each "Remarks" field and create their own like condensed version of it. Let me give you an example...

Remarks: "Conduct Project Delta tests in association with IBS/SCADA systems and CIKR (Critical Infrastructure/Key Resource) cyberspace terrain, develop CPT certification processes and checklist."

Condensed Version: "Project Delta for IBS/SCADA and CIKR"

I've played with using Select Case to automatically create a condensed version of the Remarks field:

Select Case True
Case InStr(strRemarks, "SCADA") > 0 and _
InStr(strRemarks, "Project Delta") > 0:
!Condensed = "Project Delta for IBS/SCADA and CIKR"
End Select

However, this is too much VBA maintenance for each different thing that needs condensed. If a new tasking comes out, then I'll have to go into VBA and custom create a new Case for it. Multiply that by 10-20x each week.

Instead, I would like a form where my users can specify the criteria themselves. The Remarks field would be compared against the criteria to create a new condensed version of the Remarks field. I'm not sure how to go about this though. What I'm envisioning is this...

So each Remarks string would get compared against each criteria. If the Remarks string contains the words "SCADA" and "Project Delta", then the condensed version would be "Project Delta for IBS/SCADA and CIKR". If the Remarks string contains "OPSEC Assessment" then the condensed version would be "OPSEC Assessment". In the pic above, the form is based of another table that contains those fields in the form. I'm not sure if this is the most efficient method for my goal or not. Either way, I don't know how I would compare the Remarks string to records in this new table in order to create a condensed version.

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Queries :: Pull Text From String?

Apr 2, 2015

I have a text field in a Table and on a Query called "Notes" In that field that has data like below:

[04/02/2015:BD] Project is to be assessed by Solutions Planning
[03/27/2015:BD] Project prioritized
[03/14/15:BR] Entered to system

Im trying to find a way to pull just the most recent line of text, in this case

[04/02/2015:BD] Project is to be assessed by Solutions Planning

into the field next to "Notes" or wherever - an empty field in the query. I searched around, found some stuff and I was thinking of having the code look at the first "[" and count the length to the next "[" and pull out whats in between. Looks like the bracket causes issues in the module.

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Queries :: Return Value In A Text Box On A Report If String Contains?

Mar 24, 2014

In my query, I have the week number and year arranged like this - "Y14-W11"

I want to return a value in a text box on a report if the string contains, for example, W11. In this textbox I've put the expression

=IIf([Y##-W##]="*" & "W11" & "*","2100000","BLAH")

But this just returns the falsepart no matter if the string contains W11 or not.

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Queries :: Can't Evaluate Date In Text String

Apr 17, 2014

I'm working with a table of financial transactions. I need to know the date a record relating to cash received actually arrived in our bank, but the software doesn't allow the user to enter this, so I've asked them to enter it into a text reference field, e.g. 'Other Text XX 16/04/14', and then I've got a formula - CDate(Right(Trim([RefField]),8)) - which takes the date from this reference.

This works fine, but it's really important I don't miss any of these records due to the date not being entered, so what I'm trying to make is a formula which will give me the date from the ref field as in the formula above if there is one, but if that formula gives an error (so the date has been missed out or incorrectly entered) then I want to take the date from another field, called [DateAdded] as a failsafe.

I can't work out a formula that won't give me an error, i've tried loads. First I tried :


But that gives an error, and I think from looking at forums that Access evaluates both parts of an Iif function so it'll do that.

It seems like other people are saying that you need to use Nz, IsDate or IsNumeric or something along those lines instead of IsError to evaluate the field, but I can't get that to work as it's not a field, it's a portion of a text field.

This is my latest attempt:

Join Date: IIf(IsDate(Right(Trim([RefField]),8)),[DateAdded],[Calc Date]),

where [Calc Date] is an expression field with CDate(Right(Trim([RefField]),8)) in it, but there's the #Error again.

How can I use iif to pick either a date from a text string, or where that results in an error then another date field?

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Search Through All Access Queries For Text In SQL String

Feb 2, 2012

I need to find a way to search through all of the queries in my Access 2007 database to change the names of more than a few variables. There are close to 900 queries I need to search through many of which may use the variables as criteria, so if I miss even 1 instance I might screw myself completely.

I found this post and it tells me exactly what I need to do. Only problem is the post was written in 2002, and I've followed the below instructions only to have it not work.

As a contractor working predominantly on databases I haven't developed, it can be a daunting task trying to find references to tables, fields or functions within a list of several hundred queries.

The following code is attached to a command button on a simple form listing all queries in the database. The record source for the form is

SELECT DateCreate, Name FROM MSysobjects WHERE Type=5 ORDER BY DateCreate DESC

There is a text box where the user enters the text to search for. The code builds a table containing the SQL string of every query, then searches for the required text, and displays those that match.

Your form also needs a procedure the set the record source back to the default.

There are off-the-shelf applications such as Speed Ferret which perform this sort of function, however some employers are too cheap to purchase them!

sub cmdFilter_Click()
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim rsFilter As Recordset
Dim tdf As TableDef
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strQdf As String

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

[Code] ....

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Queries :: Removing Text From String Using Replace Function And Wildcards

Apr 25, 2014

I have a list of consumables;

Syringe 50ml
Syringe 20ml
Syringe 5ml
Syringe Cap
White Needle

I want to remove only the number and the ml part from the list, so I would end up with;

Syringe Cap
White Needle

If I use

PHP Code:


I get the desired result for the 50ml syringe size.

I have tried every possible combination of "**ml", "##ml", "Like [0-9]ml all with no success.

How this can be resolved without having to individual enter each syringe size "5ml", "20ml" etc

I can't even just take the text from the right till the first space as this would lead to problems with other consumables in the list.

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Modules & VBA :: Get Number Of Unique Values Without Separating Values That Belong To Same Block?

Dec 5, 2014

I have the following dataset in a table called NR_PVO_120. How do i pick out a number (which can change but let's say, 6) of UNIQUE OtherIDs without excluding any OtherIDs under any fax numbers?

So, if you pick OtherID from Row7 you then also must pick OtherIDs from rows 8 and 9 because they have the same fax number. Basically, once you pick an OtherID you're then obligated to pick all OtherIDs that have the same fax number as the one you picked.

If the number requested (6 for this example) isn't possible then "the closest number possible but not exceeding" would be the rule.

For example, if you take OtherIDs from rows 1-10 you will get 6 unique OtherIDs but row 10 shares a fax with rows 11 and 12. You either need to take all 3 (but that will raise the unique count to 8, which isn't acceptable) or skip this OtherID and find one with a fax that has no other OtherIDs and that isn't on the result set already. My result of 6 UNIQUE OtherIDs will need to contain ALL OtherIDs under any fax the existing OtherIDs are connected to.

So one solution is to take rows 1-6, 26. Another is to take rows 1-4,10-14.

There will be many possibilities (the real dataset has tens of thousands of rows and the number of people requested will be around 10K), as long all OtherIDs connected to all faxes on the result set are part of the requested number (6 in this case) any combination would do.

A few notes.

1.Getting as close as possible to the requested number is a requirement.

2.Some OtherIDs will have a blank fax, they should only be included as a last resort (not enough OtherIDs for the requested number).

my table (NR_PVO_120)
Row OtherID Fax
1 11098554 2063504752
2 56200936 2080906666
3 11098554 7182160901
4 25138850 7182160901
5 56148974 7182232046
6 56530104 7182234134


A few sample outputs

one solution is taking rows 1-6 and 26.


Another solution is taking rows 1-4 and 10-14.


This is for a fax campaign, we need to make sure no fax number is faxed twice, that all people connected to that fax number are contacted under one fax sent.

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Comparing Values

Oct 28, 2007

i want to know if it is possible to compare values (a string) stored in a field with a field of another table?
for example, i have a table named Courses, it has field Course ID...and Course Requirements.
the field Course requirements can accept only 3 value: A,B and C.
i have used a combo for this.
then, i have Student qualifications table. i have also designed a form to input student qualifications.
my problem is that i have to compare qual. of students with the req of the course, to allocate them a specific course. if both values meet, the db automatically allocates the course to the student.

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Comparing Values In A Query

Dec 7, 2007

Okay I have a query that pulls from a table. It's pretty simple - nothing big.The query will be used to correct information in some sales tax data.I have 3 colums with sales tax info, and they should all be the same. I want to compare each column to show only those which don't match each other.NetTax, TotalTax, and TaxB are the fields.In the query, for the criteria of NetTax, I put in:<> [TotalTax]When I run the query, I get results, but they are all equal.EG:4.35 4.35 4.35I don't want them to show, and not sure if that's the right way to go about it or what.If I run without that criteria, I get 21,600 results.With that in the criteria, I get 304 results. So it is working somewhat...but for whatever reason some don't seem to be seen as being equal? I don't get it. Data type is number and they are formatted the same way.

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Comparing Values In A Query

Dec 17, 2007

I will try to keep this succinct.

I have a query that totals a column in a sub-form. The query also gets a sum from the main form for the same record. Is it possible to have a message/colour change/warning if the total of the column in the sub-form exceeds the other number in the query? I would need this comparison to take place within this query, rather than creating a new one.


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Tables :: Count Unique Values With Different Values

Feb 7, 2014

i have one table in which ID is Primary ID with Different Values


1 A X
1 B Y
1 A X
2 C Z
2 C G
3 D U

it shows that ID 1 having 2 Name (A& B,with PAN, X & Y ,respectively).how can i get this that ID having More than 1 Value like 1 and how can i select only these records ID which having more than 1 value and how can i update values for 1 ID.

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Comparing Values From Table1 And Table2

Sep 10, 2006

Hello everyone! I've found much use of this forum recently as I am working on a database concerning my work.

I'm not a newbie working with access but this problem seems confusing at the beginning.

I've got 2 tables
1) Information about produced details. Article, Mass etc.
2) Mass constants
Mass min. Mass max. Constant

What I need, is to build a query that compares the mass of the detail with the range mass min. and mass max. and shows the mass constant that the detail belongs to.

Has anyone tried to solve this kind of issue before?

Greets from Estonia,

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Comparing Positive To Negative Values

Jan 20, 2014

I'm doing a bank-rec database, so on the one hand I'm comparing positive debits, to negative credits. How do I query to get, say, "Bank1 -$1000, Bank2 $1000"

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Comparing 2 Tables To Find Duplicate Values

May 9, 2006

Hey all

Im rather new to access but have to use it at work. Ive been asked to see if there is a way to delete duplicate records from a table.

Now, I have 2 tables. The 1st table (tbl_list) contains records of various customer details. This list is old.

The second table (tbl_new_list) contains new customer details.

We have found that we have the same customer details in tbl_new_list that are in the old table.

Im looking for a way to compare these 2 tables so that the values in tbl_list are not in tbl_new_list.

I have tried numerous methods using append queries but nothing seems to work.

Thanks in advance people

P.S the data will be compared through a telephone number.

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Queries :: Text Box Values Used In Query Contain Brackets

Sep 3, 2013

I have a query which uses values in two hidden text boxes, in order to populate a sub form.Unfortunately some times the data in the text box contains brackets within it as follows:

'120/60 ZR17 (55W)'

When this occurs the query returns no data, even though records with a matching code exists in the table I am working with where Speed is 'FR'.

WHERE (((stockdyn.SPEED)="FR") AND ((stockdyn.DESCRIPN) Like '*' & [forms]![frmSearch]![Text10] & '*'))

How can I get around this, as surely if I used quote marks it would take "[forms]![frmSearch]![Text10]" as the value I am searching for.

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