Queries :: Create Query Where User Will Enter Information In Boxes?

Jun 26, 2014

I am trying to create a query where a user will enter information in boxes (any combination) on a form and a query will bring up the joined information from 4 different tables but I do not know where to start with the relationships on the query let alone the best method to search.

To start it off I have attached a db with the tables and the form I want the user to enter the search criteria into as well as my attempt at a query.

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Tables :: User Form Design To Enter Necessary Information?

Dec 30, 2013

I have given an example in the attached excel spread sheet with a few comments at the head of each column.

1. I want to confirm that my best modelling approach for this kind of information is a series of 1 to many relationships linking the attributes in columns A->D?

2. In the example given an environmental rating is given to each make/model of car based on each combination of attributes A-->D. How would this work in terms of user form design to enter the necessary information? in order to assign an environmental rating?

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How Can I Create A Form Where You Can Enter Information And It Searches The Database.

Nov 11, 2004


Does anyone know how I can create a form which asks for the name or lastname of the customer and does a search throuout the database and brings up all that customers informtation. And if their is more than one thats are the same you can switch through them untill you find the right one.

Thank you

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Modules & VBA :: Get Msgbox To Let User Enter Data In Specific Text Boxes

Jun 17, 2014

i want to get a msgbox to let the user enter the data in specific text boxes so they can't let it empty if not empty then do..this is my code

If Me.Client_Name.Value = "" Then
MSG = MsgBox("You Should Enter The Client Name")
ElseIf Me.Username.Value = "" Then
MSG = MsgBox("You Should Enter The UserName")
ElseIf Me.Address.Value = "" Then
MSG = MsgBox("You Should Enter The Address")


the msgboxes that tell the user this textbox is empty is not appearing what's wrong with my code

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How To Create My Own Message If A User Enter A Value Not Match With The Data Type?

Jul 26, 2006

In MS Access form, how can I create my own message if the user enter a value that not match with the data type of a field in underlying table? Thanks a lot!

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Reports :: Create A Form Which Filters A Report Based Off Of Combo Boxes Selected By User

Jan 2, 2014

I'm trying to create a form which filters a report based off of combo boxes selected by the user. The code I'm using currently is:

DoCmd.OpenReport "rptProgramAttendees", acViewReport, , "ProgramIDFK = " & cboProgramTitle

This works great to return a report if the user selects something from the combo box. How do I adapt this so that the user can also leave the combo box blank and filter the report to return all records?Additionally, what if I want to have the user filter between dates selected on the form; i.e. between 'txtStart' and 'txtEnd'

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Queries :: Enter Data Into A Table And Create A Report

Apr 2, 2013

I am trying to create a form to enter data into a table that I ultimately will create a report from. I have created a blank table with the columns I need. I created an append query to add the new records and an update query and a macro to run them on click of a button. It all runs but it doesn't append anything to the table. What am I doing wrong?

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User Enter Data To A Query

Jun 29, 2005

I am trying to build a query that would be pulled by indaviduals name entered by the user of the DB. I can't remember the santax to use in the critera field.

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Queries :: Criteria From Multiple Combo Boxes On User Form?

Sep 29, 2014

I have a user form with six different dropdown boxes. I would like to create a query that gets its criteria from users selecting values from one or more of these boxes.

I have tried:

[forms]![frmName]![comboboxname] or [forms]![formName]![comboboxname] is null

in the corresponding query fields and get a "query is too complex" error message, even when only selecting one criteria.

What am I doing wrong?

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Queries :: Query By Form With Check Boxes / Combo Boxes Not Working

Mar 25, 2013

Attached I have a database that I've been working on which has a form called "frmCriteriaSearch". It is based off of the qryCriteriaListBoxUpdate query. I am trying to get the listbox in the second tab of the results section to work. It queries fine for the checkboxes, but I cannot get the comboboxes to affect the query (unless a checkbox has already been selected)

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General :: Cannot See Where To Enter Emergency Contact Information

Sep 17, 2012

I downloaded a student template from microsoft and have been able to figure out most of it. I cannot see where to enter the emergency contact information. Also, when I try to see the student and guardian table/list, the guardian list comes up empty even though I entered this information when I entered the student info...

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Enter A Code To Retrieve All Information From Selected Row

Feb 5, 2015

I'm not an advanced user of Microsoft Access 2010, I've been working on a database for a company that does Non Destructive Testing, so my task is to simplify how the technicians process the information and make their jobs easier.

Firstly, I have assigned a Unique Identification to a code in this case - X8120 This code is assigned to a row of information.

What i want to do is enter the code X8120 into a text-box and once the code is enter, i want the database to retrieve all information that's assigned to that code from the row (which is 17 fields) in a table.

When the information is retrieve, i want those 17 fields to automatically populate into their own text-boxes, so there would be 17. This would all be on one form. So the technician only has to enter a code which displays the information relating to the testing the technicians have done.

What i have done so far is made the table into a form and added a select button command, so a technician would click on a button that opens a form and select the row of information they want and populates those 17 fields.

So my aim is to simply enter a code or an event and the database will retrieve the information instead of going through a form to select the information. So i am simplifying the process even more.

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Forms :: Enter The Docket Number To Retrieve Customer Information?

Mar 12, 2014

I am working on a database for a Skip Delivery Company, I have all relevant tables and Forms done and can add customers and so on. I have a field name in my Skips Delivered table called Delivery Docket which contains a long list of customer dockets. What i want to do is, be able to retrieve all customer information (such as Customer Name, County, Location, Phone Number and so on ...) on my Skips Delivered form by just entering the docket number on that form. I'm thinking i need an SQL Statement somewhere?

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General :: Tracking Visitors - How To Enter And Retrieve Information On Daily Basis

Aug 12, 2012

I have visitors who come in from one to several days at a time through different times of the year. Usually someone visits each day. Currently I use Excel to track visitors but I often keep typing and retyping the same persons over and over.

I would like to create a database of these people but I'm stuck with how to enter and retrieve the information on a daily basis. Should I create a table with many date fields (up to several); or just two; one FROM and one TO and try to draw the information out through a query? If so, how would one ask ACCESS with a query to PRINT TODAYS LIST and another VIEW TODAYS LIST (of visitors) with a button on a form (I know how to create buttons).

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Calc User Totals Table 1 And Enter In User Records In Table 2

Oct 28, 2004

I have two tables. The first contains details of a budget holders money allocation for a given period, and the other tracks their spend on products over that period. How can I generate a query to calculate the total running spend for each user from the "budget spend table" that will be written into the users record in the "budget allocation table".

My aim is to show details of budget allocation, total spend to date and remaining budget for each user in an Order form / report.

Can anyone please advise me on how to do this or suggest another way of doing it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Regards Peter

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Information Boxes

Dec 27, 2006

I seem to remember - way back in my access class that I have not used regularly, therefore have forgotten much - that there is a way to put a description of the query or form or table that pops up in a kind of box when the cursor is placed over the name. I hope that makes sense - if not, read on.

I have a lot of queries and would want anyone using them to know what they will do before they click on one - because it might mess things up.

Thanks in advance,

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Using Query Formula Information To Create Another Formula In A Seperate Query

Nov 20, 2006

I have a query that calculates input information into a value that then needs to be compared to another query values and will be used to output a % change in a third query. Is there any way to make this happen? Thank you in advance!

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Queries :: Including (In Between) Information In Query?

Sep 3, 2013

I have a table of events that includes fields for ages, a Start Age and a End Age.

I want to make a query that pulls up how many programs have been provided to a given age group. How can I make it so that the query will understand to include records that have the given age group in between the Start Age and End Age fields? I.e. if I set the query to 3rd Grade, records that start at 2nd Grade and end with 4th Grade are included in the results as well.

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Queries :: Cannot Sort Query - Enter Parameter Value Error

Sep 16, 2014

I cannot sort below query in descending order by absolute value. If I do not use sort, all works fine but as soon as I try to sort by absolute value I get message to 'Enter Parameter Value'. I tried to replace Abs([Variance (W2 - W1)]) with filed name AbsoluteValue and still the same result ;(


SELECT [Query Union].[Stock Code] AS SKU, [Query Union].[Pallet No] AS [Pallet No], [Query Union].[Batch No#] AS Batch, IIf(IsNull([qW1 SOH].[Physical stock]),0,CDbl([qW1 SOH].[Physical stock])) AS [W1 Qty], IIf(IsNull([W2 SOH].[Good Stock]),0,CDbl([W2 SOH].[Good Stock])) AS [W2 Qty], [W2 Qty]-[W1 Qty] AS [Variance (W2 - W1)], Abs([Variance (W2 - W1)]) AS AbsoluteValue


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Let The User Enter The Field They Wish To See

Aug 18, 2005

Hi all

Can a SQL query be written so that when the user runs the query, a prompt asks the user to enter the field they wish to see?

i.e. a query is written to return certain predefined fields, plus a field that is not defined. When the query runs an error comes up to enter the field it should search for.

It would be handy for the start of each month, when a new field (month's data) is required. It will avoid updating the query each month.

Thanks in advance!!


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Queries :: Query To Pull Information From Two Date Fields Into One

Jan 21, 2014

I need to know a query to pull information from two date fields into one. I have a BuriedStartDate field and an AerialStartDate field. In a third field I have PlacementStart. I would like to put the date into the PlacementStart field which ever is the oldest date bewtween the BuriedStartDate and AerialStartDate. It has been awhile since I have done any queries on Access 2007. I am completely self taught in Access.

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Is There An Event For When The User Presses Enter

Nov 28, 2006

if my user presses enter while in a control on the form.. how can you code that event.

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VBA Code To Require User To Enter A Value

Mar 14, 2012

I am trying to edit the following code to be able to require the user to enter a Loan number and keep prompting the user to enter a value as long as the field is blank. Once the field is filled in, then the code should go on to check if the sql condition is met and make the necessary change if met, then finally, I have a save command code that will require the user to save the record. Right now I am getting errors when I added the code to require the user to enter a field. I am new to loop and if statements in vba so I am not exactly sure how to structure it.

Private Sub Save_Record_Click()
Dim SQL As String
If IsNull(Me![Loan Number]) Then MsgBox "Please Enter Loan Number. This is a required field."

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Check Boxes To Enter And Delete Records?

Jun 24, 2013

I have a form to enter archaeological features in a feature table. Each feature is present in one or more archaeological strata, for which I have a stratum table. There are 41 strata in total named 1A, 1B, 2A etc. On the form I want a checkbox for each of these and then to make it add a record to the stratum table for each of the selected strata. The stratum table and feature table are connected by the feature_primary_ID (key in feature table), so when making a new record I need this primary ID and the respective strata to be entered in the fields.

At the moment I've got something like this:

Private Sub Check1_Click()
If Check1.Value = True Then
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tbl_FEAT_STRAT (feature_primary_ID, stratum_ID) VALUES ((feature_primary_ID of present record),Label2.Caption)"
DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE FROM tbl_FEAT_STRAT WHERE feature_primary_ID = (feature_primary_ID of present record)"
End If
End Sub

For starters, I dont know how to get the feature_primary_ID from the features table (also represented in the form as a field) and use it to make a new record in the strata table.

Second, when using this code I need a copy for each of the 41 strata checkboxes. Creating lots of redundant code. Easier would be a generic code that loops through all the checkboxes after they've been checked and then add new records for each of the checked boxes. Tried something with a command button, but couldn't get it to work.

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Obtaining User Information

Dec 10, 2007

Hello to you all...

I am just after a bit of assitance if anyone can kindly help?

Basically, I need to redevelop a Complaints database for my employer as the current one is no longer fit for purpose. The current database is a FE/BE database and users are required to login with a username and password. This causes me a massive headache as users constantly forget their password and email me to reset it. I had included a password reminder form which emailed users their password if they got their pre-defined security questions correct but our business standards dept did not want us to store personal data for the reminder questions. Is there a way that the database can obtain the users network login ID from windows without too much difficulty?? We had something similar in a previous database but it dipped into the system registry and our IT dept had a fit when the found out....not surprisingly. :-)
Thanks people. Have a great day!

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Queries :: Enter Query Criteria - Filter All Record From Parameter Table

Nov 14, 2013

I have table which store set of number

table: parameter
field: Branch

I want to use enter query criteria so that it can filter all record from parameter table, How can I do? or any VBA code can serve same purpose?

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