I am looking for a way to get a progressive cumulative total from daily entries on Odometer records from multiple vehicles. (My current SQL query is not working) I will eventually run a report from these between two dates. I found the thread here, but am unsure of how to implement this - if this is indeed what I need in lieu of my current code..?
My current problem is that, not all my previous entries are correct; Im not sure what is happening to the numbers about halfway through...
For clarification, here is my current code and an example of what is needed. The issue is highlighted in yellow. Excel shows the correct calculation
SELECT qry_ODO_Table.ID AS OdomAlias, qry_ODO_Table.ODate, qry_ODO_Table.VehicleNum, Nz(DFirst("Odometer","qry_ODO_Table"),0) AS StartOD, Nz(DLast("Odometer","qry_ODO_Table","[ID] < " & [OdomAlias]),0) AS Previous, qry_ODO_Table.Odometer, [Odometer]-[Previous] AS Difference
FROM qry_ODO_Table
ORDER BY qry_ODO_Table.ID;
I need calculated field (in a query) that executes a running cummulative total for three conditions: "="&Project Name, "="&Service and "<="&Date.
I can do it in Excel using SUMIFS(), but have no clue on how its done in Access 2010 !
The "Balance" field should be the end result:
Project Service Date Amount Balance A Welding 1/1/2012 100 100 A Welding 1/2/2012 120 220 A Wiring 1/3/2012 150 150 B Welding 1/1/2012 103 103 B Painting 1/2/2012 124 124 B Painting 1/3/2012 155 278 C Welding 1/1/2012 106 106 C Wiring 1/2/2012 127 127 C Wiring 1/3/2012 159 286
It consists of a running total per vehiclenum. All data comes from one table.
It works properly only on the first vehiclenum of the query. After that, the first "previous" odometer reading of each subsequent vehiclenum starts at some erroneous number, throwing the remainder of each vehiclenum running total.
Here is the code for the query,
SELECT qry_ODO_TotalSub.ID AS OdomAlias, qry_ODO_TotalSub.ODate, qry_ODO_TotalSub.VehicleNum, qry_ODO_TotalSub.Odometer, Nz(DLast("Odometer","qry_ODO_TotalSub","[ID] < " & [OdomAlias]),0) AS Previous, [Odometer]-[Previous] AS Difference, Nz(DFirst("Odometer","qry_ODO_TotalSub"),0) AS StartOD, [Odometer]-[StartOD] AS RunningSum FROM qry_ODO_TotalSub ORDER BY qry_ODO_TotalSub.ID;
I have 2 tables (person / merit) currently the merti table has 4 fields (MeritID, PersonID, Issuer, Type) I'm trying to count the the Type field 7 times, once of each type (MC/MI/MN/MP/MS/MV) and once to count a grand total.
I want to produce a query to use in a mail merge that will list the total for each merit type and one grand total.
I've been trying a few different things including sub queries but I've not managed to get the query to produce a single record that counts each individual type.
i have a table with health facilities (A,B,C,D) . each health facility has data from several months (Jan, Feb, Mar etc). the table has 2 fields (New Patients) and (Cumulative Patients) . Cumulative Patients is a total of New Patients for current month plus the total patients for the previous month. In the Facility Footer of the report if i create text boxes with data =Sum([New Patients]) and =([Cumulative Patients]) works well.
However in the Report Footer =Sum([New Patients]) works but =Sum([Cumulative Patients]) totals everything. if i try =([Cumulative Patients]).
I am wanting to display in a text box or on my report the total number or records in my database. Also I have some buttons that filter the results a little, I'm wanting to display the number after I hit the button(s). Would I just add the query to the end of each button I have?
I've recently been building a database on Access to replace the rather clunky and slow one we currently use here (built in Excel).Generally, I've been making it up as I go along which has worked quite well for me so far. However, I've encountered pivot tables. Normally, it shouldn't be a problem; the tables themselves are easy enough to understand. However, I've found that the tables aren't nearly as flexible as I would have liked. At least, not in a way directly apparent to myself.
(After trying, and failing, to include links to Imgur with details on my issue, I have included a .zip file with both images I was going to show)Generally, in Excel, the table works everything out for us, then we sort by largest to smallest and work out the totals for the last 7 days and the last 7-14 days (the week before last). After that, the last formula works out a percentage (loss or gain). [excel.png]
In the access table, though, I can't find a way to make this happen. There's no readily apparent button to add a new calculation field. I've tried using the create calculated total button, but that seems intent on making a separate total for each day on the table, which I don't want. [access.png]
Also, I can't figure out how to sort the records by grand total descending. I would have thought right clicking the grand total and clicking sort descending would have done it, but apparently that would be far too easy. I feel that it's prudent to mention that I'm not all that experienced with Access. I completed MOS and ECDL courses when I was in primary school, but it's been a really long time since that and all of the Office applications have changed rather dramatically.
I am using the following UNION QUERY to total up equipment tested for a report.
SELECT "Laptops Tested" AS PCEQUIP, Count(*) AS RECORDS FROM [LAPTOPS] WHERE (((Date)Between [Enter Start Date] AND [Enter End Date])); UNION SELECT "Workstations Tested" AS PCEQUIP, Count(*) AS RECORDS FROM [WORKSTATION]
I have created a report using ACCESS 2000 for this union query and it satisfies the requirement. I am trying to add the proper code and syntax in this query to total the number of all of this equipment tested.In this case the total would be 86. Is this possible?
In my table, a column contains different fac# like fac-0086, fac-6200, and fac-0049 (they can be duplicated). These fac# can be categorized into 4 groups. Each week I need to load a list of records from spreadsheets into my cumulative table. The original spreadsheets have fac# but no group code. If I want to group the records by their fac#, how should I deal with it?
I used to to apply this logic in XL to do my job A-F = XL Columns & 1-9 XL Rows
ifA2=A1, E2+E1, E2
This is to have a cumulative figure for a month. Just bcoz the data is growing in large numbers, we were advised to use access for which I don't know how to perform this calculation.
I have several projects with different tasks for each. I have 3 fields [fkProjectsID], [TaskOrder] and [Duration] in a table for project tracking with that structure:
I want to calculate cumulative values stored in [Duration] field (represent a number of days). I'm using the field [TaskOrder] to order different tasks within each project. With some testing, I was able to calculate cumulative [Duration] with 1 project using the DSum fucntion as following:
I was having the sequence: 5, 13, 28, 34 for respectively Task 1,2,3,4. However, when I add a second project (and then a third...), I need to be able to filter based on [fkProjectsID] as well (i.e. a specific DSum by ProjectsID). I add this criteria but I get the sum of [Duration] on each row instead of the cumulative:
CumulDuration: DSum("[Duration]","[tblProjectTracking]","[TaskOrder]<=" & [TaskOrder] And "[fkProjectsID]=" & [fkProjectsID])
I am trying to create a query that has a self referencing running total based on the values (point totals) of itself (running total of values in the running total column that have already been calculated for all previous records) plus the total of new points being added in the current record, less the total of points being removed in the current record. This running total can never go below 0, if it does, the running total should restart at zero and add in only new points and begin the process again with the next records
I am able to do this in Excel in less than two seconds so I know there has to be a way to port this into a query. I've attached an excel example of what I am exactly trying to do
If it takes multiple queries to complete the required output I am ok with it. In my previous outtakes I have had up to 8 queries but just couldn't seem to do it..
I need to count records based on multiple criteria from two different tables. I have two tables (i.e. "tblTasks" and "tblTaskHistory"). The tables have a one-to-many relationship based on the "TaskID" field. "tblTasks" has a field called "AssignedTo" and "tblTaskHistory" has a field called "TaskStatus". I need to know how many tasks have been "reopened", the "reopened" status is located in the "TaskStatus" field in "tblTaskHistory". I need this count against a unique listing of employees which can be found in the "AssignedTo" field in "tblTasks".
1) I am pretty newbie to this access programming, do forgive me if my questions sounds stupid.
2) Basically I create an application in access capturing or production information for my company. now the top management suddenly wanted whats their main concern:- Total Daily/Monthly, Quarterly, Annual Sales (By Model If possible)
3) I start with daily (Lets don't be too overly ambitious).
4) I try to let user select dates from my calender control and reflect daily sales (in Total & By Model break down) insert into my form.
5) Understand someone told me from my previous post in Calender control I can achieve it either through forms or queries, which is a better way. (in terms of flexibility to change for program maintenance/ scalibility) wise ?
I have three tables. Risk, Names and RiskAndNamesJunction table. I have the junction table because I have many to many relation (meaning many people can be connected to one risk and many risks can be connected to one people).
The problem is that If I make a query to show the people related to the risks, if there are many people for one risk then it will put the people in different rows. Meaning that for risk 2 I will have three rows, because there are three people connected to this rows. See the attached file!
What I would like to do is to have a query which (in case there are more than one risk owners) puts the second name in another column, the third name in another column and so on. So I will have only one row per risks.
The attached file is a dummy file, so there are only maximum three names per risk. In the real file the maximum is five names per risk. So I am talking about no more then five extra columns. (So I am talking about a query which would put the first finding in the first extra column, then the second item in the second and so on till five. It there is no third or fourth or fifht item then the columns remain blank).
Unfortunately I have to do this because our mother company works with excel and they are sticking to this format in excel.
I have a sub report that is based on a query. The Where clause of my SQL is giving me a bit of hang up. What I am attempting to do is return the records that are the items used to test products we test. The ID's of the records are gathered in a public function. The function is called GetCal Equipment. This returns all of the requested numbers just fine. For example ID numbers 4, 112, 124, 138, 232, 338 are returned when I call the function. Any number of records can be returned at any point. This is the unique numbers used to identify the records. I thought by having the function return the numbers the records would come up. However when I use that in my where statement, none of the records are returned. The whole SQL is as follows:
Code: SELECT CalibratedEquipmentListTable.ID, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.Manufacturer, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.ModelNo, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.Description, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.SerNo, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.LastCal, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.CalDue FROM CalibratedEquipmentListTable WHERE CalibratedEquipmentListTable.ID In (GetCalEquipment());
how to get the query for the report to return the records.
I have a database that contains different departments per office location with the dept. codes such as 100, 101, 102, 103 etc.
I like to have a criteria in a query that will give me all departments that are running from one office location OR if I do not want one dept. to show in my query to be excluded.
Also, the way I currently set the parameters is, it is asking for the office location by state, county, city, address and department code. I set the department criteria as Not [Department] which excludes the dept. that I do not want to see in the query, BUT I also want to have an option that when I run the query to SEE all the departments.
when running the attached report I am getting duplicate records. If using the protocol specified tc02026 there should be 8 records total. When running the report it pulls from both queries which have select criteria. How do I limit the report to only give me the 8 records and eliminate the duplicates? When I run each query it only gives me the 8 records I am looking for. Each Sample# in the report is a unique number(to help see the replicates).
i have got 2 tables i am trying query against. in table 1 i have a list of records which only appear once in the table under 1 field. in table 2 list of records which may have the same record appear under the same field numerous of times with different data in other fields on the table. i have created the reationship between both tables but i am getting multiple records appear in the output of the query where i only want the record to appear once in the output.
I'm using Access 2007.I have 2 tables that are identical in structure.The tables are called [Workorder Parts] and [Workorder Parts Temp]. They both have the same structure:
[Workorder Parts] has 128 records in in and [Workorder Parts Temp] has 28 records in it that are a small subset of [Workorder Parts] therefore, the contents of the key field column in [Workorder Parts Temp] is the same as in [Workorder Parts].I tried the following SQL but get an error message saying "Cannot Update "WorkOrderPartID" Field not updateable":
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO [WorkOrder Parts] SELECT * FROM [Workorder Parts Temp]"
My aim is that I want all of the records from [Workorder Parts Temp]to be copied to [Workorder Parts] and have their "WorkOrderPartID" fields correctly updated with a new value...