Queries :: Extract Email Address From A Large Text File

Feb 18, 2014

I am trying to find a way to extract an email from a large text file that is an output from our email system. I would like to be able to extract the email address using a query or collection of queries. I have been able to extract all of the text that contains the @ symbol. From their I created a query expression:

Mid([field1],InStrRev([field1]," ")) that captures some but not everything I need.

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Modules & VBA :: Extract Email Address From Text

Nov 4, 2014

I have a field which contains various text including an email address which i need to extract.

My research says that I need to use a regex code but dont know how to get that into Access.

I have attached an example of the file i'm importing into Access.

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Open File Msg (outlook) From Access With Double Click On Email Address

Mar 15, 2012

In an ACCESS DATABASE I have 2 fields



I want make double click on email_address field and open a specific files msg

example :

double click on gimec.roberto@gmail.com

if the language is ITALIAN open in OUTLOOK file ITALIAN.msg

if the language is RUSSIAN open in OUTLOOK file RUSSIAN.msg

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Queries :: Change Email Address To Name

May 22, 2013

I am using Access 2007. I have a text field that contains multiple e-mail addresses. The field is generated from a excel file that I download from a website the company uses. I would like to create a query or VBA code to change the e-mail address to just the employee name. The problem is the filed can have multiple e-mail address separated by a comma. I have been changing them manually using "Search - Replace", but that is getting tedious as the database is getting used more often.

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Modules & VBA :: Extract Specific Data From A Text File

Dec 4, 2013

I want to extract specific data from a text file and place it in my table.The following is an example of the data:

Display Author="All Saints" Title="On & On" Genre="Pop" Color="7693971" Tag="2"

I want to extract the following:

Where the word Author= appears to extract the data between the double quotes, so in the above case I want to extract "All Saints" excluding the double quotes.And then where Title= appears extract "On & On", again excluding the double quotes.So I would end up with data in my table looking something like this

strArtist [Author] strSong [Title] strGenre [Genre] strYear [Year]
All Saints On & On Pop
America Venture Highway Rock 1972
Amillionsons Misty Blue Pop 2002

my table is name tblMusicList, the fields are:


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General :: Replace Input Email Address With Mailto Address

Sep 17, 2012

I have a form where the user puts in a email address, eg test @ myserver.net

So the link opens a new mail it has to be prefixed by mailto:

How can I automatically replace the address the user enters with the format mailto:test@myserver.net

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Extract 8 Tables Into 1 Large Table

Mar 4, 2008

I currently have 8 tables in my Database.

How can i extract all the information in those tables and put all the data into one large table? I want to extract everything apart from one table?

and can I format the large table once the data have been put in i.e. insert new Columns at the start, and populate fields based on the value of other fields values?

Any ideas or help? thanks

Kind Regards

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Email Address, Web Address, Hyperlinks, Etc..

Aug 9, 2006

I have a form bound to a table which stores contact info for a person. I have two controls that are email_address and website_address. I set them both as hyperlinks.
So now when the user clicks on the email_address Outlook opens a new message with an email_address in the To field. (I had to use a function found on this forum to replace the "htttp" with "mailto" on AfterUpdate event in order for this to work properly.) However, now trying to add some other features to my DB I ran into problems listed below. I wonder if I should have rather left that control as Text instead of Hyperlink, and use the DoCmd.SendObject on doubleclick event instead of using the above solution.
How people usually store email addresses and enable emailing on click?

The problems I ran into:
1) My main form is in popup mode and therefore right click on the hyperlink does not give an option to edit the hyperlink
2) I copied a function from this forum which gathers a list of emails and sends one message to the emaillist. However, my email list instead of generating as:
email1@a.com; email2@b.com
it generates as:
email1@a.com#mailto:email1@a.com#; email2@b.com#email2@b.com#

I guess I could extract the email using vba (not sure how), but I still don't know how to solve issue number 1. So maybe it is better to siwtch the field to plain text and forget the hyperlinks?


PS. What procedure on double click would open a default browser, since I also have to deal with web addresses and thought of turning them into text controls?

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Queries :: Extract Text Between First And Second Character

Aug 30, 2013

i would like to make a query in ma access can extract text between first and second character "/" and when there are not "/" in field it returns null.now data in my table are like below


No option1 1 100 2 145/Mechanical/0800 3 120/electrical/1620 4 131/mechanical/0200/dw-001

Now I like to make a query can extract text between first and second character "/" like below: No option1 discipline


1 100 null 2 145/Mechanical/0800 Mechanical 3 120/electrical/1620 electrical 4 131/mechanical/0200/dw-001 mechanical

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Queries :: Extract Text Between Certain Characters

May 14, 2014

I have a field that contains the following data:

FirstName:Pedro LastName:Campos Restaurant:BI Strand Location:North Month:March

I need to extract the data into different fields like this:

Field1: Pedro
Field2: Campos
Field3: BI Strand
Field4: North

How to extract the information I want into different fields

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Modules & VBA :: Specifying Email Address When Sending Email Via SMTP

Jan 19, 2015

I am currently using vb code to send an email in Access on the click of a button. I want the database user to be able to enter the recipient in a text box [ToEmail] which is on form [GroupStockProfiler]. However, I'm unsure how to put this into my code. I currently have the following which doesn't work (unless I put a specific email after 'To'):

Private Sub Command414_Click()
Const cdoSendUsingPickup = 1
Const cdoSendUsingPort = 2
Const cdoAnonymous = 0


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Forms :: Add Senders Email Address To Body Of Email

Sep 16, 2013

I want to automate an email to include the senders email addres with some text in the body of the email.

Private Sub send_mail_Click()
Dim olApp As Object
Dim objMail As Object
On Error Resume Next 'Keep going if there is an error
Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application") 'See if Outlook is open

[Code] ....

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Queries :: Return / Extract Just Text From Field

Aug 5, 2013

I have a field which contains "01501 PRIKLJ. VRHNIKA - LJ / Stevno mesto" .

1.) I would like to extract just text part from that field, how? *number is always on beginning but different 1-10000

2.) Optional, how could I delete in this new only text field part of text after / ...*some rows have some dont /

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Email Table In Text File Format

Apr 11, 2006

I am trying to email a table in text format using :

DoCmd.SendObject acSendTable, "Table", acFormatTXT, , , , "Results", "Attached are the reslts"

It sends the file in text file format, but it adds "-" & "|" characters all over the file. Is there a way that I can send the file in simple "Comma Separated" file format.



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Email Table In Text File Format

Apr 11, 2006

I am trying to email a table in text format using :

DoCmd.SendObject acSendTable, "Table", acFormatTXt, , , , "Results", "Attached are the reslts"

It sends the file in text file format, but it adds "-" & "|" characters all over the file. Is there a way that I can send the file in simple "Comma Separated" file format.



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Queries :: How To Email Excel File

Aug 17, 2015

i have a query in ms access..i want to makew an excel file from that and then send it via email.

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What Is A Email Address (in A PM)

Dec 11, 2004

What is a email address (in a PM)


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Using A Query To Extract Email Addresses

Aug 17, 2005

Hi there,

I am a relative newcomer to Access, and am trying to work out if there is a way to isolate email addresses in a line of text, and delete all the text around them.

I have basically got a column which contains blocks of text and I want to extract the email addresses that are embedded within them. Does anyone know if this is possible by running queries?

Thank you in advance for any help! :confused:


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Banned Email Address

May 8, 2007

Can't find anywhere else to post this so...

When I joined this forum last month, I attempted to enter my current email address and I got a message box that my email address had been banned. I tried several times to enter the correct (current) email address and each time was told that email address had been banned.

I attempted to contact 'jon@access-programmers.co.uk' on the 13th and 27th of April with no response.

As it is right now, this forum only recognizes my old email address instead of my real email address as that's the only way I could continue the join process.

Can anyone:
1. tell me why my current email address has been banned
2. help me get my correct information entered?


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SendObject To More Than One Email Address

Dec 14, 2004

The code below works for the one email address "Quality Assurance"...but I want to add more email values to SendObject command.
If I do this: stEmail = Me.Quality_Assurance_Authorizer.Column(1) And Me.Engineering_Authorizer.Column(1)..... I get a Runtime error '13' Type mismatch. Is there another way of including a series of email values into the SendObject code below? The reason I'm using the value of the column is that sometimes the value may be null if that department doesnt need to be emailed. Thanks for any help.

Private Sub cmdPCAuthSend_Click()

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stEmail As String

stDocName = "rptPCAuthReq"
stEmail = Me.Quality_Assurance_Authorizer.Column(1)
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, stDocName, "SnapshotFormat(*.snp)", stEmail, , , "PCA Authorization Request", "Please review this product change and authorize when appropriate."

Exit Sub

End Sub

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Validation For Entering An Email Address

Apr 1, 2005

Hey all,

What is the easiest way to create a validation rule for entering email addresses i.e. making sure the @ symbol is between text.

e.g. texthere@texthere.com

Thanks in advance...

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What Is The Input Mask For An Email Address?

Apr 10, 2006

Can somebody give me the input mask for an email address?


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General :: Stuck With Email Address?

Oct 8, 2013

I have been working on a database which is going to integrate a client database with any emails they send to me. The idea is that I will create a sub form as part of the contact information section which will show any emails that have been sent from that contact. I have a field which has the email address in the contact section and I want to link the contact to the sub form by the 'email address' and the 'from' field in the link outlook folder.

This all works great except that access links to the outlook folder and in the 'from' field, it shows the display name instead of the email address it was sent from. Is there anyway to tell it to extract the email address itself instead of the display name, or is there another way of achieving this same thing?

I'm using outlook and access 2010

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Modules & VBA :: Email Address From Field?

Nov 21, 2013

Is it possible to send an email after pressing a button to an email address which is within a field? If so where should I start?

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How To Get A Large TXT File

Nov 6, 2014

How to get a large .txt file into Access. I know it has too many columns so I selected about 30 columns that I don't need to be 'skipped'. However it is just giving me the error that my file has more than 255 columns - with the 30 selected for skip - it should have about 230 columns.

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Combine 2 Fields To Make Email Address

Nov 22, 2006

I've spent about an hour searching this site for email issues but most I found we how to send. I want to take existing data and make an email address.
I have a FName field and an LName field. In my email field I want FName.LName@email.com. the @email.com will always be the ending. Also where (on gotfocus) is the best place to put this code so it autopopulates after the FName and LName are entered?



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