I need to generate all numbers falling within this range with 0.01 increment.
(This increment is based on the numbers; if the numbers have 2 decimals, it should be 0.01. If the numbers have 3 decimals, the increment should be 0.001. Both the numbers will have the same number of decimals)
The answer is: 12.03, 12.04, 12.05, etc. etc. till 13.10, 13.11.
I need to show two decimal places on a form based on a recordset of a table that has a field - type = double, format = fixed, and decimal number = 2
I need to show 101.00 and 102.00 so if user insert a record, record would have a sequence id of 101.05.
How do I create that field by code? The table is part of a system loop that it changes everytime thats why I have to recreate the table again and again.
I can do the double, I cant do the fixed and decimal number.
Please please help.
Instead of including it with the code, I tweaked how the form displays it.
I have a pivotchart which I cause to take a huge list of people's test percentiles and calculate the average for each year. I then display the average above each bar. The problem is that there are too many numbers after the decimal place for each figure. I went into the properties and changed the number format to "fixed" but it doesn't give me the option to change the number of decimal places that are used (it does every where else in MS Office!). It seems that it just uses the regional settings for the computer. But the problem I have in changing that is that I have other pivotcharts in the same report that does something similar but needs a different number of decimal places. Is there any way around this without having to create another query to calculate the average and then having the pivotchart display the info from the new query (this is a huge database that I put together with many charts and I don't want to have to redo the way that it works just because of this decimal place issue)?
I'm using an input mask of: AAA-AAAaaa This allows three Characters, followed by a "-" followed by three more characters, followed by optional three more characters.
My problem is that the "-" is not actually part of the data. It is only there for viewing. I would like (need) it part of the actual data becuase I use this information else where (VBA, exports to excel, etc...).
How can I define a field that required the hyphen as part of the real data.
I'm posting this in both VBA and Tables because I don't know if the answer is via a mask or code. Either way is fine
I've setup some crosstab queries with good success and set column headings that appear with blank spaces when there's no data as expected, but I have 1 report that is formatted with set row headings (its a specifically formatted report that i need to produce, that i can't just change).So I need to basically do the same but with the row headings set (I have got the crosstab working, just not showing the rows with no data as yet).
I'm having multiple problems with my database like things such as -
i'm currently working on the Query 2 - On the Phone database (ignore Query 1) and i want to search for multiple plot numbers preferably in one parameter prompt with a comma to seperate numbers. (this could be a multitude of numbers so i would like to be able to input as many as needed). Also when i do search on this query since the Criteria is a 'Between' Value i would expect everything between the 2 numbers input to show up - but a lot of numbers out of the range show up too - why is this? (The Numbers are like "69 to 136" and they will show up - but 1-69 and 136-170 would too
I would also like to implement the search results from Query 2 into the Form i currently have made but it just opens up a access table when the search is made?
i cannot link my database as it is too big for the server - But here are the Criteria for Query 2:
Plot No - (criteria = Between [Enter First Plot No:] And [Enter Last Plot No:]) Site - (criteria = Like "*" & [Enter Site:] & "*") Product - (criteria = Like "*" & [Enter Product:] & "*"
The Query is the one im most concerned about , i can live without a form.
I'm trying to run a query which fetches only the last 2 years of data for a given region from a table with several years worth of data (there are year, region, sector and rank columns among others). The region is passed into the query from a combobox from Form1.
The first problem was that some regions have up-to-date data and some not so much e.g. for Europe the "last 2 years" mean 2012,2013 for Asia its 2011,2012. In order to deal with this I've created a crosstab query which works well except for one thing - because the columns are dynamic (dependant on the region) the column headings change as well.
And here comes my question, how can i fix the column names to be e.g."Current Year" and "Prior Year" independent of the query fetching 2012,2013 or 2009,2010? I've tied different things with PIVOT... IN ... but with no luck.
Here's the sql for the query:
PARAMETERS [Forms]![Form1]![cmbRegion] Text ( 255 ); TRANSFORM min(DataTable.Rank) SELECT DataTable.Region, DataTable.RegionalSector, FROM DataTable WHERE (((DataTable.Region)=Forms!Form1!cmbRegion))
I have a field in a query that contains numbers and text (text field). The numbers displayed come from a percent calculation and display with many decimals ie, .99898745987245. Is there a way to eliminate the decimals with code in the query field? For example .99898745987245 to equal 99%? I can’t format the field as a number or percent because it has both text and numbers. HELP!! Thanks
I would like to expand on this questions. I would like to generate a number based on a reference I use, a format like "14/000" where I use "14" with the last 2 digits of the year. However i want the auto number to generate the the last 2 digit automatically when the year changes i.e. when 2015 comes the field generates "15/000" without any prompt from the user.
How to get this expression to work? It works by changing the numbers to correct date format, however, if the field is null, I want a blank to appear instead of "type"
I have a question regarding the display of a list of numbers that are stored into a field of my database. Currently the numbers are comma-delineated which is fine with me, but I was wondering if there is a way to change the display of those numbers on the form so that it is easier to read.
current format - 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10 desired format - 1-4, 7-10
I have an unbound combo box that looks up a list of numbers through a query but on the drop down list it does not go all the way down to the bottom of the numbers. For instance the combo box will only go down to the number 27453 but I know there are more numbers than that in the table. I can even type in a number and get the info but it still doesn't show up in the list...
I have an unbound listbox whose row source is a query. The listbox displays receipt info for orders. Each order could have more than one receipt.
Order Receipt No 100 1 100 2 100 3
The list box works how it should. I have a question on formatting it. I would like the information to be more easily read. I am wondering if it's possible to insert a line in the listbox after every unique order no, or number unique orders or change font color etc. Is there anyway to do any of these. I have searched with no luck.
I have made a form based on related tables. it requires me to fill out every field, which I don't want. I didn't make them required. Why does it do that?
I've been trying unsuccessfully for weeks to try and query a usable data set that would later be used for calculated values in a report.
I'm building a Hospital Acquired Infections Database for my facility to record data and process reports automatically. Previously, I built the system in Excel using VBA and userforms, but the size of the file has become too cumbersome, and now takes too long to process my reports.
So here's the issue.
PT_LEVEL TABLE (There are many fields in this table for recording purposes but I will only list the ones I need for reporting purposes):
So the important numbers I can't seem to collect are the total number infections per month from the PT_LEVEL Table for only select SPECIF_SITE infections.
The UNIT_DATA Table is a monthly collection for the 5 metrics (PT_DAYS, CVC_DAYS, IUC_DAYS, VENT_DAYS, APV_DAYS) regardless of whether or not the number for each is zero. Every unit in the database will have a record for each month and year.
The PT_LEVEL Table will only have records if and when a patient develops an infection. This means there is no cumulative monthly data for the PT_LEVEL Table Data based on SPECIF_SITE infection type.
I need to first do a roll up count for every month and year in the database, for which I was initially trying to use the UNIT_DATA table for since it contains every month and year. The problem is when I try to query the SPECIF_SITE from PT_LEVEL, I can get the number of Infections for months where infections where present for each unit and null values, for each month, and each year in UNIT_DATA, but when I include a where condition to narrow the view to only selected SPECIF_SITE's it only shows data for that SPECIF_SITE for months where they occured.
I need a cummulative monthly aggregation of the totals for a selection of SPECIF_SITE infections, for every unit, for every month, and every year, since July 2010.
Is there any way I can use data in the row as a column header ? I only have 1 row of data which i want to use as a header to I can link it to other tables/queries.
I'm new user converting over from Lotus Approach. I'm using Access 2013.
I have a database with two tables being Suppliers and Products. This is a one to many type database with Suppliers being the one table.
Both tables have their own data entry forms.
In the Products table and data entry form is field named Category with a value list of about 20 different values. The query I need to create is to search on the field value from one of the listed values in the associated combo box.
I have set up the basic query using the Query wizard. To run This I have to entry the value I wish to search for in the Query in Design mode.
My problem is now I want to drive the query from a new form. On the new form I have created a combo box where the field list is the same as on the product data entry form.
I need to use this combo box to select the Category field value I need to search for and then click on the button to run the query. I seem to be stuck on the SQL code to achieve this...
In my access form I provide the user a list of locations from various countries in a listbox . But the list is too long so I provide him a combobox for selecting a country. Selecting the country should update the listbox showing only the locations in that specific country.
So my SELECT from the listbox must cover the unselected state and show all entries and when a country is selected it must narrow the selection.
I tried to get this happen with the following SELECT statement containing a variable. Choosing a country in the Combobox results in a change of the variable and in a requery. This works after the first country is selected and for each country change, but the initial list is empty.
VBA in the loadform 'Application.TempVars.Add "varcountryselect", "*" SELECT in the listbox "lstlocationsperproject" SELECT tbllocations.locationID, tbllocations.country, tbllocations.localstreet, tbllocations.localcity FROM tbllocations WHERE ((tbllocations.country) Like [TempVar]![varcountryselect]);
VBA in the combobox Application.TempVars("varcountryselect") = [Form]![kombcountryselect].Column(0) Me.lstlocationsperproject.Requery
The values in [kombcountryselect].Column(0) are texts like "SPAIN", "MEXICO", etc.
Any hints, how I have to use the * for getting the complete list on the initial view ?
I'm looking to move an excel sheet to access because the row counts are too much.The main thing it does is compare the supplied data against a list I hold in the sheet.There are not duplicate records, however..Some data is a direct lookup for a full match, but much of it is a count to see how many records contain a certain string.
I have 500 keywords which have a countif function in using wildcards.I need to create a query/report which will return a list of records from the original list which contains each keyword featured and how many times it features.I was going to do it in PHPmysql but the time it took to parse a million records for every keyword made it pointless.
eg: keywords: look billy magic
list: "have a look and see" "spanish dave" "who is billy brag" "looky looky I go hooky" "who's the man from argentina" "could it be magic now"
my spreadsheet would return a 1 next to ""billy" and "magic" and would put a 2 next to "look".
the sheet has the keyword in each row and next to the column: =COUNTIF(list,CONCATENATE("*@",B13)) where "list" is the external data.
In the Table I have in the trailer database has, among many, 2 fields called 'Maximum Length' and 'Minimum Length'. Say, the data in these fields could be 5 and 4 respectively. I would like to create a search box where I can type in any length such as 4.4 and the database would return the trailer that can fit this length. (Sot the searched value is between the Min. and Max. length) What would I need to type into the query box and the search form to type in the length?