Queries :: How To Keep Only The Most Current Date Record In Table

Mar 8, 2014

I have this table that records sales events for properties, with multiple sales records for some parcels. Each parcel has unique field: MapTaxlot. I want to create a select query or make table query that shows only the most recent sale event for each parcel. Instrument_Date is the date field for the sales records.

See attached example of the data table below.

What is the simplest method to accomplish this?


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Queries :: Append Just Current Record Into A Table

Jul 17, 2014

I am trying to open a form with some records taken from one table, then alter couple of data in it and after that most importantly to append current records into a different table. The reason I need to append is that I need to keep track on every occurrence on same fields.

It looks like this:

SerialNumber(Field 1), ServiceDate(Field 2), ServiceEngineer(Field 3)

Now suppose same serial number called again and asked for service, I need to still keep record on how many times this same serial number had service.

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Queries :: Current Date Field From Form Inserting In Table

Mar 7, 2015

I have a form, has some fields, one of them is the current date, so when the user click (save )button , which make (add new record )to the only table I have the problem that .all fields are inserted in the table , except the current date !! it is a text box ( Now() )!!

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Queries :: Evaluating Current Record To Previous Record To Get Counts

Aug 8, 2014

I'm struggling with a query to evaluate current and prior record data. I have a query producing 5000 records. I need to group records by Case ID and compare current date record to previous date record to determine if a team and worker name has changed during the year. I need to count how many times a cases is transferred to and out of a particular team from the beggining of the year. i.e., On 1/1/2014-Team1 has an inventory of 500 cases.

During the month 25 cases are transferred into Team1 and 15 cases are transferred out of Team1. So on 2/1/2014 Team1 begins with an inventory of 510 cases. Throughout the year cases come and go from and to Team1 each month so need to figure out how to create a query to count each change. See attachment displaying how the data is listed and how I invision it to work with the In/out column counts.

Specifically, at the begginig of the year (1/1/14) for case ID 1003 you can see it belongs to Mary in Team1 for January and February. Then in March the case is transferred out and went to Joe in Team 3. So for Mary a "-1" is recorded as a negative count for that Case ID. If later in the year the case is transferred back to Mary a "+1" would be recorded. Respectively evaluated for each of the 5000 records to get a total count for each of the teams by Case ID throughout the year.

I've started with DLookup, tried comparing current month to previous month using DMax. It works as long as I only select one case ID used in a separate query but if I use the whole subset (5000 records) it fails. I can't figure out how to group each set of case IDs and then apply the query.

My attempted query: DLookUp("[Team]","[Team_qry]","[Team_qry]![Date]=#" & CStr(DMax("[Date]","[Team_qry]","[Team_qry]![Date] <#" & CStr([Date]) & "#")) & "#")

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Auto Fill Field In A Table By Comparing A Given Date Against Current Date?

Aug 18, 2015

I am building a database to track contract of employees so that I can know which contracts are valid and which are expired.

My table has the following fields:

ID (Primary key)
Employee ID (Foreign key to link to the employee table)
Status (Either valid or expired)

I want when I enter the end date, the system checks the end date against the current date and fills in the status field with either valid or expired as appropriate. For instance if the contract end date is March 10,2016, the status must be filled in the word valid.

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Queries :: Can A Calculated Field Look At Record Before Current Record

May 1, 2013

I have a query to bring in values, I need to select 2 rows of data but the criteria is as such:

x= starting value on form

now the row of data must match the following criteria previous row to current row(ref temp)<=x And Current row(ref temp)>xnext row to current row(ref temp)>=x And Current row(ref temp)<x

I have dealt with SQL before but how to do the above.The isolated 2 rows of data will then go into unbound boxes on a form from which I will do intercept and gradient calculations.

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Automatic Current Date Entry In A Record

Dec 12, 2005


I have a quick question on how to enter the current date in a record automatically when the record is created.

Here is the situation. Say I have a Products table that lists the products that have come into the inventory. There is a field that denotes the day the product was introduced into the inventory. So ideally when the user creates a new record for the product, I would like this field to be populated automatically with the actual date that this filed was created by the user. Note that in future the user may edit the product (i.e other fields in this record), but the entry_date field should not be altered from what it was the first time is was created.

Is there a way I can do this? Any help much appreciated. thanks.

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Queries :: Day After Current Date

Jun 17, 2014

All using 2010. I have a query that the date is based on the Saturday after that current day and is entered in manually. Is it possible to automate this with code that says whatever the current date is; to adjust to the next Saturday date? I know its a long shot but I just wanted to see if I can eliminate user input.

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Reports :: Report Date Error - No Current Record

May 9, 2014

I have a report that shows weekly schedules (each week start with Sunday date for the row) for multiple teams (columns). It prints 1 year at a time.I have to add the Sunday dates by hand into the table for each year. I have added 2016 but when I generate the report I get a "no current record" error.By the way, I am not a "programmer" but I can usually figure out whats going on when we have a problem by looking at other code in the system and by finding answers for similar problems on the forum!!

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How Do I Compair Table Date To Current Date

Mar 14, 2007


I was wondering how to check a date in a table vs current date and
then put a yes/no in a colum if the date in the table is past current date.

In the form I know it should be wrote in the Upon Open Event
But I am unsure of the code.

Thank you for your time,

Derek L

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Queries :: Getting Most Current Date For Each Client

Aug 3, 2013

I have two tables:

1. Client Info table which contains the following fields:

2.DatesDistribution table

The relationship is one to many for these tables.I have been trying to create a query that will show the following:

DateAttended (where this field only shows the most current date that the client visited)

ClientInfo has 2 records:




I have tried grouping the records in Client Info table to get distinct names and using a Last function to get the most current date with little success.

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Queries :: Calculating Most Current Date

Nov 10, 2014

I have a problem with my query to calculate a most current date. I have try everything to explain all current data at each TubeNumber, but there are no calculated answers at TubeNumber 7, IC2, IC3 and IC4. Why not these TubeNumbers? See below my formula to find a current date:

FindACurrentDate: IIf([Time]=DMax("Time";"qlkp_FindACurrentDate";"[Date]=#" & DMax("Date";"qlkp_FindACurrentDate";"[TubeNumber]='" & [TubeNumber] & "'") & "# And [TubeNumber]='" & [TubeNumber] & "'");"This is most current date!")

I have send my database as an attachment with my question.

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Queries :: How To Query Any Date Before Current Month

Jul 11, 2013

I am trying to query any date before current month. My data is employee start dates, thus my end aim is to pick up all employees at end of last month.

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Queries :: Take Current Date And Calculate Last Day Of Last Month?

May 16, 2013

Is there a way to take today's date and calculate the last day of the last month? Without the user needing to enter any parameters. In other words, if I ran the query today with this criteria, it would only show information for April 30, 2013. Is that possible?

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Queries :: Datediff From Previous To Current Record

Oct 10, 2013

I want to get the datediff of the last returned date from vacation and the current vacation start date. But how to get difference from the previous record's date to this current record's date. I want to show date difference in an unbound textbox. I have a contiuous form which shows all vacation list of employees. It shows how many times he went vacations and when he went and when he returned.

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Search Record In Other Table And Show Result On Current Table

Apr 11, 2012

Actually I have a small form of customer details, that i made in excel, the field name mention below,

Customer Details Table
First Name
Last Name
Contact Detail
Address Detail

Postal Code
Last Purchasing Date

Now i want to make a search form like this

Search Form

Contact Details

& the result is show which I insert the contact number.......

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Forms :: Add Current Date To Table

Apr 7, 2013

I want to create a form that will update several tables at the same time.A field that is important in each table is "ID" and "DATE" date being the current date the record is being created and ID is the Unique ID of user creating the record.These 2 fields should be incorporated in the different tables without the user having to identify himself every day or to add the date all the time ( I want the system date to be automatically used)

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Queries :: Criteria That Looks For Records Like Current Year Only For A Date Field

Oct 12, 2014

How do you write a MS Access query criteria that looks for records like the current year only for a date field ? I tired Like *Year(Now()), it did not work.

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Copy Current Record To Different Table

Dec 4, 2006

Is it possible to copy the current record on a form to a different table?

Form Name = Training Orders bound to a table with the same name.
2nd Table Name = History

I need to export certin fields from the Training Orders Form into the History Table. Below is the way I am trying to make it happen, but it does not work.

With Me.RecordsetClone
![Forms]![History]![Last Name] = Me.[lastname]

Me.Bookmark = .LastModified

End With

End Sub

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Append Current Record To Another Table

Oct 29, 2006

Im trying to make a button that sends the current open record information to another table. I created an append Query but it is pulling nothing. Can someone help me figure out how to send the current open file to a seperate table?

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Add Record From Current Form To A Table?

Aug 26, 2013

I have a database that includes the following items related to my question:

- Tables: tblCases, tblPeople, tblPeoplePerCase,

- Forms: frmCases, frmPeople, subfrmPeoplePerCase, frmSearchPeople

What I'm trying to do is automate the process of adding a selected person to a particular case. What I'm thinking is that frmCases (which includes subfrmPeoplePerCase) will include a button to add a person to the case. Once clicked, frmSearchPeople would open. Once a person is selected and frmPeople displays their information, a button would then be displayed/enabled on frmPeople to add them to the current case in frmCases. Once this button is clicked, it would display a message box asking to confirm if PersonID should be added to CaseID. If confirmed, the information is then appended to tblPeoplePerCase (which includes PersonID, CaseID). The user is then brought back to frmCases and the subfrmPeoplePerCase displays the newly related information.

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Modules & VBA :: Rename Table - Append Current Date On The End

Jul 2, 2014

I am using access 2010. I need to rename a table when I import the a new table. But I can't get the docmd rename code to work. I also want to append the current date on the end i.e.

docmd.rename, "tblOldTable(Currentdate)", actable, "tblOldTable"

doesn't work.

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Copying The Current Record On A Form To Another Table

Dec 17, 2007

is there an easy way to copy the current record on a form when clicking a command button such that a snapshot of that record is copied to a table for archiving purposes?

the table has about 120 columns so it is cumbersome to write an Insert Into sql statement within VBA code.

what i am attempting should be quite straightforward...i just want to take the current record in its entirety that is from a single table and append it to another table of the same structure.

any help would be appreciated!

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Queries :: Selecting Most Current Record For Item That Has Multiple Records In A Query

Oct 31, 2014

I have a query pulling data from two other queries (qry_Reports and qry_Surveys). Clients may have more than one ReportID, but only one ClientID. I need to query for only the most current ReportID (which is the larger value) for each client to find the surveys for the most recent report. How can I query for only the most recent report for each client based on the highest value of the ReportID per ClientID?

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Queries :: Include Date Criteria In User Defined Function That Calculate End Of Current Month

Jul 22, 2014

I have written a user defined function that calculates the end of the current month. This I named EndOfThisMonth. It works well as a function. Now I would like to use it as date criteria to include in a query. The function is included as such EndOfThisMonth().

The field on which this function is to enter as a criteria is another calculated date function called Due.

When I run this query I get an error message saying Undefined Function 'EndOfThisMonth' in expression.

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Getting Data From One Table Based On Current Viewing Record

Jul 30, 2007

Hey all,

I am working on converting someones Paradox Database to Access and making some modifications.

I have a table with people in it and they are linked to a number of interests. But i am struggling to create a query so that on each page of the form for the person i can call the interests and display them on the form as a list...

If anyone could point me in the right direction that woul dbe appreciated!

Give me mysql and a bit of php anyday!! hehe

I am using Access 2007 but i have used access before so i should be able to work my way through instructions for 2003.



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