Queries :: Query Too Complex / Exceeded Resources
May 20, 2015
All using access 2010. I've have a query in a database that is given an error: query too complex or system exceeded resources. I've been running this query once a week and all of a sudden; errors. I have changed one unrelated table. I've gone back to an old database and its giving the same errors. database on the server is giving off this error and it's only when I run this particular query.
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Mar 10, 2005
I have a database of 45 MB.
I am running a report from a form.
the report is based on a query, which is too long(about 14 unions with join also)
when i am running this on a P4 PC having 256MB RAM it is working.
but when I am running it on P3 PC having 256 MB RAM, is displays an err like System Resource exceeded.
nothing is running behind. only the database is opened.
why it is so?
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Dec 22, 2004
These are the two results I get when I try to run or go into design view for the last few queries in a series of queries I've created for an estimating tool for my company. The reason I'm getting it now, is that I had to significantly alter the queries prior to these in the series. I need to alter these as well, but I'm thrown into SQL view, and with the amount of info, I'd be lost without the normal design view. Furthermore, it won't run anyway. I can't reduce the size and maintain a decent representation. Is there anything I can do with Access 2003, or will I have to resort to not doing this at all?
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Sep 26, 2005
I have two queries which are slightly different.
One of the queries takes way too much time and resources and I'm wondering if anyone could explain me why, and if possible, how to fix it.
This query is slow.
Unseen Movies
SELECT "General Info"."Title", "Additional Info"."Subtitles"
FROM "General Info" INNER JOIN "Additional Info" ON "General Info".id="Additional Info".id
WHERE ("General Info"."Seen" = 0)
ORDER BY "General Info"."Title";
This query is fast.
Unseen Movies With SubTitles
SELECT "General Info"."Title", "Additional Info"."Subtitles"
FROM "General Info" INNER JOIN "Additional Info" ON "General Info".id="Additional Info".id
WHERE (("Additional Info"."Subtitles" IS NOT NULL) AND ("Additional Info"."Subtitles"<>'') AND
(("General Info"."Seen" = 0)))
ORDER BY "General Info"."Title";
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Nov 19, 2013
I have a query that is working, but would like to add some extra complexity to it.
The query currently uses a search form for input with multiple fields, and displays all the results perfectly. I have a tick box which I can then filter the results so it only displays results where there is an entry in "PhoneMobile1". This is working, however I want to expand this filter so it can use a combo box if possible.
Currently I have the following code from a tick box:
IIf([forms]![ISISNavigationMain]![navigationSubform].[Form]![txtHasMobile]=-1 And [Candidates].[PhoneMobile1] Is Not Null,True,False)=[forms]![ISISNavigationMain]![navigationSubform].[Form]![txtHasMobile]
The issue is that there are three fields for Phone Numbers (PhoneMobile1, PhoneMobile2 and PhoneMobile3), and I'd like this query to be able to filter on these columns also.
Combo box values:
Has Mobile, No Mobile, All
the "Has mobile" choice should display all results if there is an entry in any one or more of the PhoneMobile fields, "No Mobile" selected should display all results where there is no entry in any of the three Mobile fields, and All should display all results.
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Nov 29, 2013
I've got two tables in my Access 2010 database - both are identical in structure, the difference being one (Dove) contains old data and the other (Dove Data File) contains updated data. The primary key for these tables is "TowerBase".
I want to use an update query to update only the changes from the Dove Data File table into the Dove table - but for certain records only.
I've managed so far to get a query which displays only records that have changed in a particular field (Bells). Up to here I think is all good...
SELECT [Dove Data File].*
FROM [Dove Data File] INNER JOIN Dove ON [Dove Data File].TowerBase = Dove.TowerBase
WHERE (((Dove.Inactive)<>True) AND ((Exists (SELECT NULL
WHERE [Dove Data File].TowerBase = Dove.TowerBase
AND [Dove Data File].Bells <> Dove.Bells))=True));
But now I want to add in criteria and this is the bit I'm struggling with. I need this query to now display only records where there is no associated record in my Visit Dates table. In other words, the Visit Dates table has the "TowerBase" ID along with a visit date. These records I do not want to see in the query, as I don't want to update any changes for these from the Dove Data File table to the Dove table.
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Jan 28, 2015
I have a shell of my database in the below link for reference. I am trying to create a query for a report that will allow me to track charges and payments per client. Each charge has a ChargeID and each payment has a PaymentID. Multiple payments can be applied to one charge so the same ChargeID can show up multiple times with a different PaymentID. Payments that are catagorized as Third Party Payments will have not only a PaymentID, but a TPPaymentID.
What I need to do in the query and final report is track the total charges (even though the ChargeID may show up multiple times, I only want the charge itself to be calculated once and the charge to only be listed once for each client) and track the total payments as well as sum the total payments for each charge for each client.
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Aug 30, 2007
I am trying to build a database to keep records of devices that I have.
The basic ERD is as so:
I want to create a form where the user selects the building, then is given a list of rooms in that building, the is given a list of Racks in that room.
I have tried added fields Bldg and Room in the device table. The bldg drop down would
SELECT Bldg_ID, Bldg_Name
FROM bldg;
Then in Room i did a:
SELECT DISTINCT [Room].[Room_ID], [Room].[Room_Name] FROM Room, Device
WHERE Device.Bldg_ID=Room.Bldg_ID;
Then in Rack I did:
SELECT DISTINCT [Rack].[Rack_ID], [Rack].[Rack#]
FROM Rack, device
WHERE Rack.Room_ID=Device.Room_ID;
This work except for one flaw. there where statement limits what room/rack for all bldg's or rooms in the table not just that current row.
I then started to think I need to do this in a form. But i run into the same problems. I hope this makes sense.
Send me a PM and I can send you a copy of the file.
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Jun 22, 2006
I just found something interesting.
I have a small db open. One form, viewing info.
I notice in Windows Task Manager that MSACCESS.EXE is taking up between 70 to 97% sometimes 100% of systems resources.
How could this be?
QTNM = )
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Mar 22, 2008
Dear All,
I am on a way to develop a database for human resource division for a company. May I expect some guidelines and advices from experienced members of this forum?
Does anybody can provide me any example of template?
Thanks in advance.
Arif Masum :confused:
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Feb 12, 2007
My DB contains the following tables:
VacTab - Keeps track of crew members on vacation and people covering their shifts.
CrewRost - List of all the crew members and what crew they belong to.
CrewSched - The complete schedule of what crew is working which shift (Currently programmed out until Feb 2008)
Now, I need a query which totals regular crew hours for individuals and the overtime hours they cover for other crew members on vacation. And puts the overtime hours in the correct day/shift.
I have a working query which equates how many hours an individual works with their crew, based on the CrewSched Table. This was rather complex, because we work a combination of 8 hour and 12 hours shifts.
I also have a working query which puts the overtime hours of each crew member into the correct day/shift that they cover for crew members on vacation.
What I need is a way to combine these into a single report, where I can use conditional formatting to highlight the overtime hours. The problem is, if I use a union query, the report will treat these values as such, and not highlight the overtime hours.
If anyone has an idea as to where I can start, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanx :) ,
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Dec 2, 2014
I have 4 queries that run and prepare a temporary table for which I then have a sales report generated . THis report has been active for over a year exactly as is but now the past week I am getting an error message that says "The expression is typed incorrectly or is too complex to be evaluated".I used the query designer in access to create them, here they are in SQL VIEW
My Make Table Query:
SELECT [Job Table].[Job Number], [Job Table].[Date Sold], Commission.originalCRate, Customers.[Last Name], [Job Table].Salesperson, [Job Table].Split, [Job Table].[Job Type], Commission.SaleAmount, Commission.JobCost, Commission.SPR INTO [New Sales Report Temp Table]
FROM (Customers LEFT JOIN [Job Table] ON Customers.[client id] = [Job Table].[Client id]) LEFT JOIN Commission ON [Job Table].[Job Number] = Commission.[Job Number]
WHERE ((([Job Table].[Date Sold])>#12/31/2012#) AND (([Job Table].Split)=No));
Query 2:
INSERT INTO [New Sales Report Temp Table] ( [Job Number], [Date Sold], [Last Name], Split, SaleAmount, Salesperson, [Job Type], OriginalCRate, SPR, JobCost )
SELECT [Job Table].[Job Number], [Job Table].[Date Sold], Customers.[Last Name], [Job Table].Split, [saleAmount]*[SPr] AS TotalSale4, [Job Table].Salesperson, [Job Table].[Job Type], Commission.OriginalCRate, Commission.SPR, [jobCost]*[SPR] AS JCost
FROM (Customers LEFT JOIN [Job Table] ON Customers.[client id] = [Job Table].[Client id]) LEFT JOIN Commission ON [Job Table].[Job Number] = Commission.[Job Number]
WHERE ((([Job Table].[Date Sold])>#12/31/2012#) AND (([Job Table].Split)=Yes));
When I run the queries as a query and view data in datasheet they all work, however when I run the report I get the error message.My Access DB is a front end connected to an SQL server backend. I have never created queries in SQL just in Access.
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Feb 9, 2015
Right now, I have an entire job with multiple piece parts. All of these different parts go through different processes (They are shown in the table "Piece Parts New"). I've created a query that the user puts in the EC (estimated completion) days per process of a given piece part, it automatically outputs a ESD (Estimated Start Date) and ECD (Estimated Completion Date) on all processes based on date the part was started.
So, now I want it to output a report that each piece part will:
1. Follow Sequence by Step #
2. Do longest part first (make number one priority at a given machine).
3. Only 1 part per machine at a time (The part that takes the longest to do will always be first, followed by the next longest, etc.)
Right now, the report labeled "Step Groupings" somewhat does this, however another part will have ESD a day later even though the part before still hasn't finished according to ECD.
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Sep 4, 2005
I am accessing an oracle database that has several thousand records in it. I am quering for specific requirements, but would like to save my query results in a local access database for faster searching capabilities. Is there a way for me to set up a query that will go out to my oracle table files, select the records that pertain to my search criteria, and add records to locally stored tables without duplicating itself each time that I run the query? I would appreciate any assistance in this matter. Thanks for your help!
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May 29, 2014
i just know some query designing and some amount of VBA for making small event procedures.I want to know how we can use VBA when our queries becomes complex to replace the queries and to extend the functionality.how to use recordsets in a VBA function.
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Jul 29, 2013
Context is I have a TABLE 1 that has a record for every package shipped with various details about it, include how it shipped, and the date. Table 2 is a key to go from the ship method to a better grouping we deem service level. Table 3 is a Fuel Surcharge (FSC) Table. It includes various FSC % that vary by different service levels and different date ranges. In the end I need to know the amount of pkgs shipped (by month and servicelevel) and the relevant FSC.I have several tables in my database but we should be able to focus on 3 to explain my situation and only the relevant fields:
TABLE 1 (Main Data):
Table 2:
Table 3:
Table 1 is Left join on Table 2 based on ShipVia
Table 2 is Left join on Table 3 based on FSCType
The issue is Table 3 is dependent on Table1.ShipDate being between the date ranges as well.
There are overlapping date ranges, however they are differentiated by the FSCType field.The only semi-feasible solution I currently have is to expand Table 3 to include every date, and not date ranges. This will create an issue due to size of date ranges etc.
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Jul 27, 2005
I have some code which updates an invoice table with transaction numbers. It worked ok until this month when we had to run three months worth of invoices in one go. I recieved a runtime error 3052 "File Sharing Lock Count Exceeded" and Access told me to increase the MaxLocksPerFile registry entry. I thought i'd better check it out a bit first though and found the following on support.microsoft.com
In Microsoft Access 2000, you can take advantage of a feature that allows you to increase the MaxLocksPerFile setting for Microsoft Jet database engine 4.0 by editing the Windows Registry. The default value of this setting is 9500. However, changing this value is not recommended if one of the replicas is located on a Novell Netware server, because the server's maximum record locks per connection is 10000.
The invoice table had about 20k lines but as I am on a netware server i'm not gonna be able to squeeze more than 10k lines out of my recordset so I was wondering if there is any way I can open it without record locking? The table that is being modified is never edited apart from in this one process so there is no risk of complications there.
Here is how I opened the recordset
Set rstInvs = dbs.OpenRecordset("SELECT [InvNumber], [InvNumExt], [TransactionType], [LineNum] FROM [tblInvoices]" _
& "WHERE [LineNum] Is Null ORDER BY [InvNumber], [InvNumExt], [TransactionType]")
Any help would be much appreciated.
thanks, Tom
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Jul 28, 2014
I created a report that would generate, among others, a listbox on monthly payments. How do I make it spill-over to the next page when its contents have already exceeded that of a single paper?
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Jun 20, 2014
I have an Application with several users that share tables located in a Design Master file at a server. The tables are shared in several computers with a Replica of the Design Master in each computer. When we try to synchronize any Replica with the Master Design, it gives back an error message stating that the "Number of blocks of shared files are exceeded" And the message ends stating that I must increase the MaxLocksPerFile in the Register.
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Dec 9, 2013
I have Access 2010 and have made a small system that creates a table as a result of an query based on linked tables. The result is approximately 40 records that are grouped in 4 different priorities where each record has a status of green, yellow or red.
By using the timer event I want to loop through 6 different forms starting with the overall view and herafter priority 1 form, priority 2 form and so on. When the last form has been displayed start over again. Loop for ever until stop button has been pushed on the first form.
The timer is set to 15000 on each form, when I open a form the first thing that happens is that I close the previous open form.
After the system has looped 4 times it gets "SYSTEM RESOURCE EXCEEDED".
I have used 3 days on the internet to try to get a solution on my problem with no luck. I have got so far that it must be something with the timer function. Since if I run it manually (open form, close previously, open next form etc) then no issues.
I have the latest service pack for access 2010.
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Aug 4, 2007
Hello ,
I had incountered with a huge problem in my project and I need your help guys.
I have a huge table contains alot of data about many people- I wanted the data will be checked and sent to a query.
Here is an example for a little project beacuse I couldn't have the big one.
(This example works fine)
My big project is pretty the same but after I try to get the query out I get an error that the query is too complex....(It's really too big when you have 20texts to be checked with 9000 fields)
If you check the query fields you may see how the OR is getting separted and because every text has OR statement everything is hanged by everything.
Someone told me that I can't use query options and mannge it and I should use VB SELECT option - but I can't make it work too.
So I can't show you the real example at all beacsue I can't have it to my computer and It will take alot of time to have 9000 different cells ;
SO if someone knows what I am talking about and ever encoutered it , I would be really thankful !
(Also - You may see some problems with the OR ("") but I mannged it to work with the BIG project so it doesn't matter)
I don't want you to focus the conditions but just the problem itself ...." the query is too complex"...
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May 25, 2005
This one is a pain in the but. I tried everything, but why would it just won't work. It always says the query is to complex. Have included the database, anyone a solution?
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Sep 16, 2005
I need to perform a query on a database (not designed by me) that is not normalized. In fact it is only one table with numerous fields (many of them Date/Time). I need to query the table based on the date fields only.
Basically the table is used to track when specific functions are completed to determine the time required to perform the individual tasks (accuracy to one day is acceptable) and find the ones which are falling behind. Since several individuals are required to complete each project each step has an average value (based on historical data.)
The following is a short narrative:
1. Step 1 is scheduled for 1/5/05 and the task is not started untill 1/7/05. This is not acceptable. There is a 1 day window. I need to flag this record (via report) if the start date exceeds the schedule date by more than 1 day. If a start date has been entered this record does not need flagged (regardless of the alloted time).
2. Step 2 is based on the amount of time alloted to complete the task once started. If the task takes more than 2 days the project needs to be included in the query for the report. As above, if the date is entered the record is not needed since there is no need to try to determine the when the project will start.
3. Step 3 measures the number of days from the project completion untill the product is sent to the central office. If the time exceeds 2 days the record needs to be included in the dataset. Again, once a date is entered in the received field there is no need to include the record.
There are a couple more steps but they follow the same criteria as the first three.
I have not been able to figure out how to get these requirements entered into the query design view.
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Sep 19, 2005
This is the table structure that I use:
Client _Id
The query I'm trying to get is: Who owes me money for the service and How much.
Each car had several treatments in the past and some have missed a payment or I didn't notice and just issued a new order.
I need a query that runs through the entire database, does a summary of all the amount owed to me per Car, and then deducts the total payments made per Car. If the balance is > than Zero,. Show me that car and the bottom line amount.
Please let me know if you can help with this.
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Dec 14, 2005
Hi guys, long time surfer, first time poster here :)
We use a prehistoric Process Plant design software package, and it stores all its information in Oracle 8i.
A report I need to pull takes data from a stack of tables, each with a unique number.
PDTABLE_113 contains a list of models, each model having a unique PARTITION_NO.
Every PARTITION_NO entry has a matching table called PDTABLE_21_XXXX where XXXX is the PARTITION_NO of the model. Each PDTABLE_21_XXXX has a row for every piece of equipment in the relevant model.
Is there some way to query the database so I get something that looks kinda like this:
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Aug 31, 2006
Hello, this is kinda complicated to explain so Ill try to break it down.
I have a table with the following sample data
SerialNumber DateReceived Measured Level
0000-0024 25/08/2006 11:31 84
0000-0024 25/08/2006 12:59 84
0000-0024 25/08/2006 15:05 84
0000-0021 25/08/2006 10:08 32
0000-0021 25/08/2006 17:19 32
0000-0024 24/08/2006 09:45 88
0000-0024 24/08/2006 16:06 88
0000-0021 24/08/2006 13:09 36
this shows that I can have multiple entries in a day for a particular serial number.
I need to select ONLY ONE serial number and corresponding data for each day (or week).
I tried to format the date to remove the time and then select the distinct date (so 1 record a day for each serial was displayed), this worked.
I could not link it successfully to other tables because I had to format the corresponding match date to avoid a type mismatch thus invalidating what i was doing by selecting the distinct record.
Here is the original query i was using that selected a range of dates (which included multiple dates in a single day with a single serial).
SELECT TBLRemoteUnitInfo.TankSize, TBLRemoteUnitInfo.TankName, * FROM TBLRemoteUnitRequests, TBLRemoteUnitInfo WHERE (TBLRemoteUnitRequests.RemoteFeildUnitID = TBLRemoteUnitInfo.RemoteFeildUnitID) AND (TBLRemoteUnitRequests.SerialNumber=:SerialNumber) AND (TBLRemoteUnitRequests.DateReceived BETWEEN :Datestart AND :Dateend)
ORDER BY TBLRemoteUnitRequests.UnitRequestID';
how can i take a sample of the range of dates (ie 1 a day/week or month), i assume i need to create a filtered table via query first then query that table.
Its killing me!
if i am being unclear please let me know and ill try to clarify
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