I have a Table of Special instructions. Each type of a Yes or No Text Box. There are 13 items in this table along with the ID key.
Each Field has a Special Description. I used the Y/N format for ease of use for user input to simply select the applicable options.
However, I need the text description to display on the printed report, which is not the problem.
So i created a separate text box for each item that simply says; If True, "Description", else blank. And named each one sp1...sp14.
So now, I want to take these text boxes with the proper descriptions and string them together.
My formula is: =Trim([sp1])&" "&([sp2]) etc.
This does produce the proper text results, however, and oddly enough, each item displays on its own line rather than in a string.
I get: SP1 SP1
Instead of the desired result of SP1 SP2
This seems to simple, and probably has to do with the yes/no format. I've tried with and without (), and using + instead of &, and to troubleshoot, I eliminated the " ". No luck. Everything is coming back as a single column.
I am trying to search for specific text in a field and returns its value. For instance some of string includes Sub, L2L, Temp, Model, or MTM and I would like a query to return these values if found.
I have a text field in a Table and on a Query called "Notes" In that field that has data like below:
[04/02/2015:BD] Project is to be assessed by Solutions Planning [03/27/2015:BD] Project prioritized [03/14/15:BR] Entered to system
Im trying to find a way to pull just the most recent line of text, in this case
[04/02/2015:BD] Project is to be assessed by Solutions Planning
into the field next to "Notes" or wherever - an empty field in the query. I searched around, found some stuff and I was thinking of having the code look at the first "[" and count the length to the next "[" and pull out whats in between. Looks like the bracket causes issues in the module.
how to do to return a text for each row (as field value) when a table field contains "1" as value ?
for example i have a table named "products" with a field/column called "promotion". Sometime a product is promotional, so in this case, the "promo" column holds "1" as value.
during a select on products table, how can i do to return "in promotion" (e.g.) if the column "promo" holds "1" for a product ?
I'm working with a table of financial transactions. I need to know the date a record relating to cash received actually arrived in our bank, but the software doesn't allow the user to enter this, so I've asked them to enter it into a text reference field, e.g. 'Other Text XX 16/04/14', and then I've got a formula - CDate(Right(Trim([RefField]),8)) - which takes the date from this reference.
This works fine, but it's really important I don't miss any of these records due to the date not being entered, so what I'm trying to make is a formula which will give me the date from the ref field as in the formula above if there is one, but if that formula gives an error (so the date has been missed out or incorrectly entered) then I want to take the date from another field, called [DateAdded] as a failsafe.
I can't work out a formula that won't give me an error, i've tried loads. First I tried :
But that gives an error, and I think from looking at forums that Access evaluates both parts of an Iif function so it'll do that.
It seems like other people are saying that you need to use Nz, IsDate or IsNumeric or something along those lines instead of IsError to evaluate the field, but I can't get that to work as it's not a field, it's a portion of a text field.
I need to find a way to search through all of the queries in my Access 2007 database to change the names of more than a few variables. There are close to 900 queries I need to search through many of which may use the variables as criteria, so if I miss even 1 instance I might screw myself completely.
I found this post and it tells me exactly what I need to do. Only problem is the post was written in 2002, and I've followed the below instructions only to have it not work.
As a contractor working predominantly on databases I haven't developed, it can be a daunting task trying to find references to tables, fields or functions within a list of several hundred queries.
The following code is attached to a command button on a simple form listing all queries in the database. The record source for the form is
SELECT DateCreate, Name FROM MSysobjects WHERE Type=5 ORDER BY DateCreate DESC
There is a text box where the user enters the text to search for. The code builds a table containing the SQL string of every query, then searches for the required text, and displays those that match.
Your form also needs a procedure the set the record source back to the default.
There are off-the-shelf applications such as Speed Ferret which perform this sort of function, however some employers are too cheap to purchase them!
Code: sub cmdFilter_Click() Dim db As Database Dim rs As Recordset Dim rsFilter As Recordset Dim tdf As TableDef Dim strSQL As String Dim strQdf As String
I have one field where string contains several words separated by semicolon and my goal is to be able to remove duplicates within the string and keep only unique values. Here is an example:
I have a textbox on a subform and I want to get the sum in a string as follows.
Code: Dim s1 As String s1 = Sum(Forms!CountItem!CountItemLastCount.Form!ThisCount) MsgBox s1
When I use the above I get an error message saying - Sub or function not defined and it highlights the sum part of the equation.
I have been using the sum criteria in a textbox but if the user doesn't tab of the box then it doesn't see it as being updated.
I have tried me.dirty and everything else that usually works like send keys tab event, requery form and controls, a left mouse click but nothing is working, therefore I thought that code to actually update the textbox may work.
Hi, I have a command button that opens a pdf file. However i will be distributing the database as a runtime package and need to account for people having different versions of adobe reader so need to search for the filepath string where Acord32.exe is found. This is the code I have but I am stuck! Ay help aprpeciated!
Private Sub Command4_Click()
Dim stAppName As String Dim stPathName As String Dim fs As Object
Set fs = Application.FileSearch With fs .LookIn = "C:Program Files" .SearchSubFolders = True .FileName = "AcroRd32.exe" .Execute ????? stAppName = .FoundFiles Set fs = Nothing End With
'specify path name for version of adobe acrord32.exe 'stAppName = "C:Program FilesAdobeReader 8.0ReaderAcroRd32.exe " stPathName = GetIniSetting("C:WINDOWSSSI_DL3_PROGRS.ini", "DIR", "REPORT_FILELOCATION") & "HOOF.pdf" Shell stAppName & stPathName, vbMaximizedFocus
Need to use CAST to return integer value of string (digits as data type string).
Where clause looks like this:
... Where Cast([Price File] as int) > 0
works fine in SQL Server but not sure what syntax is in VBA . Using Paul Baldy's suggestion to set Select statement as string and do the debug.print to verify that SQL has no goofs ... looks good but not to Access. What is proper syntax?
The code has fixed path information on a lot of places in different SQLs (DoCmd.RunSqL command). I want to replace fixed path info with variable path info. Variable path info is stored in the table.
I managed to achieve that in the following manner:
Code: Dim db As Database Dim dbName as String Set db = CurrentDb Set rs = db.OpenRecordset ("TableName", dbOpendynaset) rs.FindFirst ("ID = " & 2)
[Code] ....
where I would use as variable Function name instead of dbName.
How to make module that will enable to use Function name as variable path information for SQL queries?
I am trying to return a single value from a table and assign it to a string to be used later but Dlookup isnt working at all. below is the code im using and the error message im recieving is "wrong number of arguements or invalid property assignment"
Code: Sub boo() Dim result As Integer result = dlookup("Definition", "Config", "Parameter = 'Mail Folder'") End Sub
I have a form where I want a textbox [txtMaxOrdLimit] to be visible only if another text box on the same form [PaNumber] contains the letter D in the string. This is the code I have on the forms On Current property but I'm missing something because textbox [txtMaxOrdLimit] doesn't show on the form at all.
If Me.PaNumber = "*D" Then Me.txtMaxOrdLimit.Visible = True Else Me.txtMaxOrdLimit.Visible = False End If
Thank you for all you help with the above title. Your suggestions were all implemented.
Code: Private Sub GPA_AfterUpdate() If DIVISION = GRADUATE Then 'Honors field is empty HONORS = "" End If If UNDERGRADUATE = True Then 'Apply appropriate honors End If If GPA < 3.2 Then HONORS = "" ElseIf GPA >= 3.2 And GPA < 3.5 Then HONORS = "CUM LAUDE" ElseIf GPA >= 3.5 And GPA < 3.8 Then HONORS = "MAGNA CUM LAUDE" ElseIf GPA >= 3.8 Then HONORS = "SUMMA CUM LAUDE" End If End Sub
Here is the issue: Form created with with a combo box called "DIVISION."The choices of the combo box are "GRADUATE" AND "UNDERGRADUATE." There is a text box called "GPA", where a gpa is entered. then, there is an "Honors" field. When a gpa is entered, the honors box returns the appropriate message.
When graduate is selected from the combobox, the honors box should be empty. (That part does not work.) When undergraduate is selected from the combo box, it works.
Hi guys and gals, I have compiled a very simple database to track staff and training audit requirements for my company. I am 57 thick as 2 short planks and need some help please. I wish to ask a text box called "Score" to return a number 2 if a yes/No box is "NO" and a number "1" if the Yes/No box is "YES". I have looked at the help sections of Access and thought maybe an "IIf" statment in the Validation Rule section of the "Score" box might do the trick. However, i haven't got a clue as to what the coding should be written like. Can anybody help me please.
Basically i want to say "If YES/NO = NO then SCORE = 2 but If YES/NO = YES then SCORE = 1" Told you i was thick
I have created a form based on a query with students' gpa in the form. The gpa is in a specific field. There is another field for honors with is for summa cum laude, magna cum laude, cum laude.
Here is the issue: If the students' gpa is 3.8, return "summa cum laude" If the students' gpa is 3.5, return "magna cum laude" if the students' gpa is 3.2, return "cum laude"
This applies to undergraduate students only, which there is a field for.
I've got a field called [WordLink] on a form where the user enters the file name of the Word or Excel document asociated with the record.
I have a button that opens Word or Excel and then opens the file...not a problem there as I'm using the Call Shell("""C:Program Files command and that works just fine.
However, I need the button to look to see if it's got ".doc" or ".xls" within the text string in the field so it knows whether to open Word or Excel.
I've tried something basic to launch something like a msgbox (see code below) but obviously it doesn't work. How do I look within a text string for a value?
Russ :D
If Me.WordLink_filename.Value = "*.doc" Then MsgBox "This is a word file." Else End If