Queries :: Unable To Count The Number Of Null Fields

May 16, 2013

I am trying to create a clean database and code to generate a report.

I am trying to count the number of null fields in one of my queries:

However, because of this expression, I cannot carry other fields with it. So the end result looks like:

But I would really like it to spit out the following information:

Total Not Fixed: 241
Department: Sustaining Eng

is there a way to create an SQL query to simply add data: I have tried the following:


ALTER TABLE qrySustainingEngNotFixed2 ADD Dept TEXT(25)
Insert Into qrySustainingEngNotFixed2 (Dept) Values (Sustaining Eng)
SELECT TotalNotFixed, Dept
FROM qrySustainingEngNotFixed2;

The above isn't working. Keep in mind that I want this is just for display purposes. I pondered making a custom table and then making a Union Query, but I'm trying to do this all in one SQL statement.

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Forms :: Unable To Multiply Values Of Two Number Fields Together

Aug 8, 2015

I'm trying to multiply the values of two number fields together, but it is not working. I used to be able to do this easily in earlier versions of Access. Here's the problem:

On the form, I need field A x field B to appear in field C. I've tried this as an expression in the build event function on the control, but it is not working. My code reads as follows: = (field A) * (field B).

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Queries :: Unable To Get Current Week Number

Jan 10, 2014

I need to a query on the week number, the week number is in the table. Imjust struggling with getting the current weeks data.

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Queries :: Count Returns Null Instead Of Zero

Sep 12, 2013

I have a count column in this query, and i would like for it to return a zero instead of null if it doesnt find anything to count. Here's the SQL for the query.

SELECT Documents.Status, Count(Documents.Document) AS CountOfDocument
FROM [Request Details] INNER JOIN Documents ON [Request Details].Request_ID = Documents.Request_ID
GROUP BY Documents.Status, [Request Details].Contract, [Request Details].CDRL, [Request Details].Change_Cycle
HAVING (((Documents.Status)="No Record") AND (([Request Details].Contract)=[Forms]![Report Runner]![Contract]) AND (([Request Details].CDRL)=[Forms]![Report Runner]![CDRL]) AND (([Request Details].Change_Cycle)=[Forms]![Report Runner]![ChangeCycle]));

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Count Number Of Fields Using Where

Oct 12, 2005


I'm currently working on a database for my school project.

Currently, I have a table:

Contractor_ID [Foreign Key]

Contractor_ID [Primary Key]
Contractor [Text]

Basically I want to create a query that shows a table like so:
Contractor [Contractors.Contractor]
Jobs_done [counts the number of rows from Job that has the Contractor_ID equal to the Contractor_ID specific to Contractor (above)]



Contractor_ID Contractor
1 Bob
2 Bill
3 Jim
4 Jill

Contractor Jobs_done
Bob 2
Bill 2
Jim 1
Jill 1

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Linked Count Queries / One Null Query Blanks Out All The Rest.

Dec 17, 2007

Hi all,Desperate for help on this.The query below ran like a charm for this years database which was full of entries, but when I did a quick test run for next year with limited entries the 'Temp' table fields were all blanked. All the individual queries, 1 through 9, work fine on their own and work fine in this linked form when there is enough data in the database to cover all the fields. Apparently if only one query is blank all the fields will be blank.For instance if there are multiple registered households, table ‘1’ would normally show a count of those households, but if none of those households have children, table '2' which counts children will be blank and in turn blank out all the rest of the fields including table ‘1’.I've tried the ‘is null, '=0" and ‘nz’ routines on the Count(Tablename.Fieldname)'s, but can't seem ‘to get them to output a value of 0 in the null fields. I must be doing something wrong. Any and all help would be very much appreciated.SELECT Year(Now()) AS ProjectYear, [1].CountOfClaimID AS Households, [2].CountOfPersonID AS Children, [3].CountOfPersonID AS Participants, [4].CountOfSponsorID AS SponsorsTotal, [5].CountOfHouseholdID AS Sponsored,[6].FamiliesWithChildren, [7].SponsoredFood, [8].SponsoredGifts, [9].SDSD INTO TempFROM (SELECT Count(Household.ClaimID) AS CountOfClaimID FROM Household GROUP BY Household.RegStatus HAVING (((Household.RegStatus)=-1))) AS 1, (SELECT Count(Members.PersonID) AS CountOfPersonID FROM Household INNER JOIN Members ON Household.HouseholdID = Members.HouseholdID GROUP BY Household.RegStatus, Members.Status HAVING (((Household.RegStatus)=-1) AND ((Members.Status) = "Child" ))) AS 2, (SELECT Count(Members.PersonID) AS CountOfPersonID FROM Household INNER JOIN Members ON Household.HouseholdID = Members.HouseholdID GROUP BY Household.RegStatus HAVING (((Household.RegStatus)=-1))) AS 3, (SELECT Count(Sponsors.SponsorID) AS CountOfSponsorID FROM Sponsors GROUP BY Sponsors.SponsorStatus HAVING (((Sponsors.SponsorStatus)=-1))) AS 4, (SELECT Count(Sponsorship.HouseholdID) AS CountOfHouseholdID FROM Sponsors INNER JOIN Sponsorship ON Sponsors.SponsorID = Sponsorship.SponsorID GROUP BY Sponsors.SponsorStatus, Sponsorship.SponsorshipYear HAVING (((Sponsors.SponsorStatus)=-1) AND ((Sponsorship.SponsorshipYear)=Year(Now())))) AS 5,(SELECT Count([Table0].HouseholdID) AS FamiliesWithChildrenFROM (SELECT Households_All.HouseholdID, IIf([Children]>0,1,2) AS FamChildrenFROM Households_AllGROUP BY Households_All.HouseholdID, Households_All.ChildrenHAVING (((IIf([Children]>0,1,2))=1))) as Table0) AS 6,(SELECT DISTINCT Count(Household.HouseholdID) AS SponsoredFoodFROM Household INNER JOIN Sponsorship ON Household.HouseholdID = Sponsorship.HouseholdIDGROUP BY Household.RegStatus, Sponsorship.SponsorshipYear, Sponsorship.FoodHAVING (((Household.RegStatus)=-1) AND ((Sponsorship.SponsorshipYear)=Year(Now())) AND ((Sponsorship.Food)=-1))) AS 7,(SELECT DISTINCT Count([Household].[HouseholdID]) AS SponsoredGiftsFROM (Household INNER JOIN Sponsorship ON [Household].[HouseholdID]=[Sponsorship].[HouseholdID]) INNER JOIN (SELECT Households_All.HouseholdID, IIf([Children]>0,1,2) AS FamChildrenFROM Households_AllGROUP BY Households_All.HouseholdID, Households_All.ChildrenHAVING (((IIf([Children]>0,1,2))=1))) as Table0 ON [Household].[HouseholdID]=[Table0].[HouseholdID]GROUP BY [Household].[RegStatus], [Sponsorship].[SponsorshipYear], [Sponsorship].[Gifts]HAVING (((Household.RegStatus)=-1) AND ((Sponsorship.SponsorshipYear)=Year(Now())) AND ((Sponsorship.Gifts)=-1))) as 8,(SELECT DISTINCT Count(Household.HouseholdID) AS SDSDFROM HouseholdGROUP BY Household.RegStatus, Household.SDSDHAVING (((Household.RegStatus)=-1) AND ((Household.SDSD)=-1))) as 9; Thanks much,aldo

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Modules & VBA :: Count Number Of Fields Have X As A Response

Nov 20, 2013

I have a form that records followup activities for protocols. The form allows the user to enter up to six f/u actions from a dropdown menu in six separate fields (called fu1_action, fu2_action, etc).

I am trying to write a query that retrieves only protocols that only have one f/u action selected as "telephone correspondence" and am having trouble. It seems I could write a function in VBA that would somehow loop through the 6 f/u action fields and give a value of 1 to those that have 'telephone correspondence' as a response, and then add them up to give a total of calls for that specific protocol, and then in a separate query only retrieve those that have a total number of calls = 1, but how to get started in writing this.

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How To Reset Count Of Auto Number Fields After Testing

Dec 12, 2012

I would like to know, how do i reset the count of my auto number fields after testing? is it also possible to specify which number the auto number should start counting from?

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Queries :: Count Number Of Dates Seen Or Zero?

May 28, 2014

I just can't seem to get this one to work right. I've got the following query. I need to count the number of Null dates or show zero if there are no Null Dates.

SELECT DISTINCTROW qryNoticeResponseNew.fldNoticeID, Count(qryNoticeResponseNew.[fldResponseSeen]) AS fldCount
FROM qryNoticeResponseNew
GROUP BY qryNoticeResponseNew.fldNoticeID;

Which is just counting the number of dates so far. It got me to thinking I need to do something like this.

SELECT DISTINCTROW qryNoticeResponseNew.fldNoticeID, IIf(IsNull(qryNoticeResponseNew.[fldResponseSeen]),1,0) AS fldCount
FROM qryNoticeResponseNew
GROUP BY qryNoticeResponseNew.fldNoticeID;

Which pops a "cannot have aggregate function in expression" error.

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Queries :: Count Number Of Duties

Jan 25, 2015

Consider the table

Date Shift-1 Shift-2 Shift-3
1-1-15 OP-1 op-2 op-3
2-1-15 op-4 op-3 op-5
3-1-15 op-2 op-1 op-4
4-1-15 op-3 op-6 op-1
5-1-15 op-5 op-1 op-3

How can calculate the duties of operators (Op-1 to Op-6)?

Possible result is

Op-1 = 4, Op-2 = 2, Op-3 = 4, Op-4 = 2, Op-5 = 2, Op-6 = 1

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Queries :: Count Total Number Of Records

Dec 18, 2013

I am wanting to display in a text box or on my report the total number or records in my database. Also I have some buttons that filter the results a little, I'm wanting to display the number after I hit the button(s). Would I just add the query to the end of each button I have?

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Queries :: Query To Count Number Of Different Records?

May 28, 2014

If I have a table called "Calls" with an autonumber and another field with names for stores like this:

1 Hobby Mart
2 Peter's Store
3 Hobby lobby
4 Hobby Mart
5 Peter's Store

How can I build a query to count the number of different store names?

For example, in this case I need the query to return the number 3.

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Queries :: How To Count Number Of Comma Within The Field

Nov 20, 2014

I have one field containing a couple of 6 digit codes and would like to count the number of codes in the field and write the number to a calculated field. Each code is separated by a comma and a space. How can I count the no of comma within the field?

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Queries :: Count Number Of Records With Values Within Specified Ranges?

Oct 1, 2014

How do I count the number of records with values within specified ranges?

My database contains a field with values ranging from say 1 to 1000. I need to write a query to show count the number of records with values in ranges I specify in the query.

I'm looking for output such as

<100 - 50 records
101 - 500 - 30 records
501 -1000 - 50 records

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Queries :: Count Number Of Times Field Has Been Selected

Apr 2, 2013

I'm compiling a monthly report based on data from my table "JobSheet"

I want to count how many times last month a specific field was entered, it's a drop down list which is formed from it's own table "Problem"

Is there a simple way of doing this?

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Queries :: Query Between Dates But With Count Grouped By Model Number?

Mar 18, 2013

I currently have a query of between dates which the user enters, but when I try to get a total count of model numbers it gives totals for each date. I am trying to get a count of model numbers between these dates with the dates excluded in the grouping.

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Queries :: How To Count Number Of Times Data Appears In A Field

Sep 23, 2013

How to count the number of times that the data appears in a certain field (which is [Ema!l]). I have a list of ema!l addresses and I want to find out whether that ema!l address has appeared once, twice or more. I want to add this as a field in a query. I don't want to delete it or anything because it's perfectly fine for the ema!l address to appear more than once, I just want to be able to identify when the ema!l address has already appeared.

If I was using Excel I would use a Countif function to count how many times the data in the specified cell appears in the whole column, and that would give me the number. I'm not use to the language of Access so I can't figure out how to achieve this.

I tried adding a Total row to the grid in the query and then changing the total to 'count' but this just returned 1 for every row.

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Queries :: Run A Query That Count Number Of Digits In Each Field / How Many Of Each Exist

May 8, 2013

The field SECL DDI has the users phone number unfortunately over time these have been entered in different formats so there are 5 digits, 6 digits, 7 digits etc...Can I run a query that counts the number of digits in each filed and then tell me how many of each exist


4 digits 3412
5 digits 5000

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Queries :: Count Number Of Society Members In Particular Postcode Area

Sep 16, 2013

I have a query to count the number of society members in a particular UK Postcode area. It works well for a single Postcode reference but adding further references to the Query Design View generates an 'or' or 'and' statement, rather than the additional counts that I need.

The SQL code I use for a single reference is :
SELECT Count([Mail List].[PostCode]) AS CountofPostCodeH
FROM [Mail List]
WHERE ((([Mail List].PostCode) Like "BN5 ???"));

How do I amend this code to produce counts for multiple references in one query.

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Queries :: DISTINCT COUNT Of Name If Total Number Of Items Greater Than 0

Jan 29, 2014

I have 2 tables linked with a 1 to many relationship by NAME. Tables look like this....


Walmart 12 Nowhere
Target 14 Somewhere
Lowes 10 Anywhere
Sears 16 Nowhere


Walmart 4 1/4/14
Walmart 2 1/5/14
Target 0 1/5/14
Lowes 3 1/5/14
Sears 1 1/5/14
Sears -1 (returned to store) 1/6/14

I want a DISTINCT COUNT of [NAME] if Total[NUMBER OF ITEMS]>0, so the correct number will be 2 in the example.

This is one way I've tried to write the SQL, but I keep getting an error...


I also tried an Count(IiF( and can't get that to work either..

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Queries :: Only Show Records Where Any One Of 6 Fields Is Not Null

Mar 17, 2014

I am looking to collate marketing data from different areas of our DB into a Marketing Hub. We have to collect various feedback at different times, if a client on a programme completes a course, they give feedback for that course.13 weeks after a client completes the programme we have to get them to complete a destination survey. On both these forms it asks would they be interested in doing any more courses. This data is then stored in the Courses table and Projects table respectively.

I want to create a query to become the record set for a new form which only shows those students that have stated they would be interested in doing other courses.Five of the options or Yes/No fields, and one is a text field (which courses, other essentially).How does one do a query that only shows records where any one of 6 fields is not null?


SELECT Students.ID, Students.[First Name], Students.[Last Name], Courses.[Sage Accounts], Courses.[Sage Payroll], Courses.[First Aid], Courses.[Food Hygiene], Courses.[CV Services], Courses.[Interview Skills], Courses.[Which Courses]
FROM Students INNER JOIN Courses ON Students.ID = Courses.ID;

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Queries :: Calculating With Null Fields In A Query

Oct 2, 2014

My training database requires me to identify each training record in the tblEmpTrainHist table as either "Compliant" or "Delinquent". I thought a simple calculation in my query:

RecordStatus: IIF([DateReceived]<=[DateDue],"Compliant","Delinquent")

would do the trick. However, I did not consider the records where the employee has not yet completed the training and the field [DateReceived] is Null. There are two considerations: those employees who have no [DateReceived], but have not yet reached the DateDue (Compliant); and those employees who have exceeded the DateDue (Delinquent).

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Queries :: Count Number Of Tasks - Group By Date / Time In A Query

Aug 14, 2013

I want to count the number of tasks by department by week. I need the time so my date the task was added is formated as a date/time.

I created a query and added the department (twice so that I can group and count), and transaction date. I clicked on totals and added the count function under the department. I added this criteria to the task date: between [start date] and [end date].

Problem is that it's grouping by day and each one is different because all times are different. How do I group these by day and not time?

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Queries :: Count Number Of Times Each Of Responses Show From Lookup Table

May 9, 2014

I have 2 tables...a lookup table with possible responses (i.e. yes, no, don't know) and the second with 8 fields that contain the values selected from the first table. Tables are related one-to-many. I need to count the number of times each of the responses shows from the lookup table shows in each of the fields in the main table. Have tried to query with the lookup field set to "group by" and each field set to "count".

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Queries :: Count Same And Differences / Calculate Percentage Of Number Of Same Over Total Amount

Jul 9, 2013

I am trying to count how many of the "same" and "differences", as well as calculate the percentages of the number of "same" over the total amount. To clarify, I work at a nursing home, and I need to calculate the number of people who were admitted to our facility and then to the hospital for the same diagnosis, and a different diagnosis. Then, out of the total number of people who were admitted to the hospital from our facility, I need to calculate how many of those people had the same diagnosis or a different diagnosis.

Also, I need to categorize these diagnosis by each type of diagnosis.

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Queries :: Give All Null Values 0 In Calculated Fields?

Jun 12, 2013

I have a query that performs some calculations, these calculations feed into another query and produce a final value. If there are no null values everything works perfectly. But when there are null values, I get errors.

What I have tried:

1) I tried to implement the Nz function for each field of the formula that is not calculated but from user input.

2) I tried to implement the Nz function for just the field that calculated the last result before feeding into the next query, but it didn't show the 0 value I gave.

3) I tried to use UPDATE TABLE SET in SQL, but I don't think I was using it right. I tried to use it for all records but always got an error when it ran.

The first two above result in showing no values at all, even if there are some. The third didn't work. How to easily update null values in the query to 0? All I could think of was to somehow use Criteria or SQL.

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