Queries :: Using Part Of Date As Query Criteria From Combo Box?

Apr 4, 2013

I have a query with a date field that is formatted mm/dd/yyyy. I have a combo box that is formatted as mm/yyyy. I need the choice from the combo box to be the criteria for the date field in the query. the combo box has to contain the month and year only (which it does now) and the query must return mm/dd/yyyy. I have tried a few statements and the closest I got was a between statement that added 30 days to the combo box selection but that's not really accurate.

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Queries :: Using Combo Box To Input Criteria Into Query

Jul 26, 2013

I have a customers list that i am always ading to .I need to run a query to see what individual customers have ordered .

I have the query that works great when i manually insert the customers Surname .but i want the combo to do this job .Is it possible ,or should i be doing something different .

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Queries :: Use Switch In Query Criteria Based On Combo Box

May 15, 2013

On I form I have a combo box called cboMobileStatus.Its row source type is "Value List".The row source is: 1;" All";2;"Has";3;"None".I have a query based on table "tblCustomerContacts" and I want to limit the records returned based on the value of the combo box.So if the user selects:

* All (1) I want all records returned.
* Has (2) I only want records that have a mobile number returned
* None (3) I only want records that do not have a mobile number returned

The field mobile is text (to keep the leading 0)I thought of using the Switch function in the criteria of the query for field Mobile like this:

Switch([Forms]![frmPrintCustomer]![cboMobileStatus]=1,([tblCustomerContacts].[Mobile]) Like "*",[Forms]![frmPrintCustomer]![cboMobileStatus]=2,([tblCustomerContacts].[Mobile]) Is Not Null,[Forms]![frmPrintCustomer]![cboMobileStatus]=3,([tblCustomerContacts].[Mobile]) Is Null)

but the query does not like it!Am I on the right track, and if so, how should I modify the code?

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Queries :: Put Date Criteria In Query

Dec 10, 2014

I have a table with a field TDate (dd/mm/yyyy format). A query with calculated fields is lying on this table. I want to put a date criteria in this query, by a combobox in an unbound form, where the date format has to be mmmm/yyyy and has to be updated as new TDates come in.

Trying to pick up values for the combobox from the TDates field (and formatting them), I get a list with several same values. This is of course expected as there are many records on the same month, even on the same day of the month.Is there a way to have this list with unique values for each TDates month/year?

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Queries :: How To Activate Query Criteria For Multi-combo Box Via Form

Aug 12, 2014

I am trying to make a form where the user can check/uncheck query criteria via several check boxes. The idea is that the user can start with many criteria and then deselect criteria if the search does not return enough results.

I have been setting up several queries and thought I would combine them in a "Master Query", since I thought it may be easier to deal with each criterion and the respective switch this way.

Lets say we run a hairdresser.

I have a field in the form that allows me to select clients. This is also used in the query. Works fine. Now to the hard part.

Example 1:

Each customer has a budget to spend on haircuts.
Each hairdresser offers haircuts from $x to $y.
The query should return all hairdressers that are appropriate for the budget of the selected customer.
There should be a yes/no button on the form to ignore or use this criterion.

Example 2 (this completely threw me off):

Each customer has a set of preferred services from a table (e.g. cutting,washing, coloring).
Each hairdresser offers certain services also based on this table (e.g. cutting,washing, coloring, drying).
The customer and hairdresser table use the services table and a multi combo box to select the services.
The query should return only hairdressers that offer some or none of the services wanted by the client.

Again, there should be a services yes/no button on the form to either ignore or include this criterion.

To clarify, the hard part for me is the query. I am fine with setting up the tables and the form. Just not sure how to implement something like "IF (ServicesCheckBox = -1, 'then use service criterion', 'ignore service criterion')".

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Queries :: Multiple Combo Boxes In Single Query Criteria

Nov 20, 2013

I managed to get separate combo boxes to filter out results on a query, however now I have a slightly different problem.

I managed to get the combo boxes to filter records in different query criteria, i.e criteria A for field A, criteria B for field B, etc.

Now I would like to have several combo box filters in one criteria field, however no matter how much I try to move the code about, they either filter out nothing at all, or show up blank records as they're filtering one after the other, i.e filter for A, and then B, which clearly won't work as there will be no B if you've already filtered for A.

The code I'm using in each criteria box is;

Like "*" & [Forms]![MyForm]![Combo1] & "*"

and this works as a single criteria in a single field.

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Queries :: Setting Criteria For Query Based On 3 Combo Boxes

Jul 10, 2013

Ok so im working in MS Access 2007.

I want to create a query based on 3 combo boxes but have it so that if the field in the second or third combo box is not populated the query still runs.

Right now i have the Criteria set for the three columns that i wish to sort by as seen below.

Column 1
Criteria: [Forms]![Entity Selection Form]![areabox2]

Column 2
Criteria: [Forms]![Entity Selection Form]![devbox2]

Column 3
Criteria: [Forms]![Entity Selection Form]![entitybox2]

This gives me the correct query result but im forced to make a selection from each combo box. Is there a way to progamme it so that if I only make a selection from the first combobox and leave the others blank i can still get results in a query?

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Queries :: Add Date Selection Criteria To Query?

Sep 11, 2014

Below is the SQL for a query I have, which returns events that are scheduled for today, I need to change this so that The user can specify events to be displayed in a date range and If possible only show those events for the users windows ID


SELECT tblEvent.EventStart, tblEvent.EventOwner, qryCompany.Company, ltDescriptionType.Description
FROM (tblEvent INNER JOIN qryCompany ON tblEvent.Company = qryCompany.ContactID) INNER JOIN ltDescriptionType ON tblEvent.EventDescrip = ltDescriptionType.[DescriptionType ID]
WHERE (((tblEvent.EventStart)=Date()))
ORDER BY tblEvent.EventStart, tblEvent.EventOwner;

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Queries :: Combo Box On Form That Passes Criteria To Simple Select Query

Sep 22, 2014

I have a combo box on my form that passes criteria to a simple select query. There are four possible selections to make from the combo box. For some reason, when I select the first option on the list the query runs perfectly. However, if I select the second, third or fourth option from the combo box, the query returns no records, even though I know there are records in my table which should be returned.

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Date Problem - Part Constant - Part Now()

Nov 3, 2006

Hi everyone,

I have refined my query from previous threads to involved a module function. This calculates more acurately no of working days between dates and takes into account a holidays table. (All credit to Arvin Meyer on the module:) )
However because the Leave Year starts at the 1 July and finishes 30 Jun I need to compose the date for any current year Year(Now())

Enclosed scrdmp shows my query design. I can easily get it to work as you see it, but obviously as each year rolls over, the year needs to change.

Have looked at many posts but can't find what I'm looking for. This one will get me over the hurdle.

Many thanks,

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Queries :: IIF Statements Within Query Criteria (Actual Date)

Jul 9, 2013

I am working with Access 2007. I have a little problem building the iif statement within a query criteria in [Actual Date] which is the following:

iif([Actual Date] Is Not Null And [Document]=0;>#01.01.2012# Or Is Null;999)

When I enter this I get no records out of about 8000. The table fields behind the query are in the right format (date/time and number).

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Queries :: Date Prompt Criteria In Crosstab Query

Apr 11, 2014

I have a table of data going back to 2007 that needs to be looked at on a monthly/quarterly/annual basis. I am able to filter the data when running a normal query by using

Between [Start Date] and [End Date]

in the Criteria section of the Date field. I now need to apply this same idea to a crosstab query. My current set up is:

[Gender]- Group By / Row Heading
[Plan Type]- Group By / Column Heading
[Pmt Amt]- Sum / Value
[Date]- Where / Criteria = Between [Start Date] and [End Date]

I am getting an error message that says:"The Microsoft Office Access database engine does not recognize '[Start Date]' as a valid field name or expression."Am I setting something up incorrectly or is it impossible to use input prompts in a crosstab query like this?

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Queries :: Query To Select The Date From Two Tables On The Criteria Basis?

May 21, 2013

get the data from two tables on the basis of criteria...

I want to select the whole table1 which has 6 fields including Emp_id...

I want to select the single field from table2. field name is "Username" from second table2. will select the username on the basis of Emp_ID becaue both tables has same emp_ID.

It should be in order like. Emp id, Username, Startdate, Enddate, Hours, trainingNames.....

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Queries :: Date Formatting Criteria - Query Returns No Data

May 7, 2015

I have a query in my database called "Open Date" which is a date formatted field when imported as DD/MM/YYYY. The criteria is set to:

>=#06/04/2014# And <=#05/04/2015#

The query works just fine. My customer has come back and asked for the way the date is displayed to be in the YYYY-MM-DD format (i know it's not ideal but thats what they want). When i've done that using the following

Format([Table].[Open Date],"yyyy-mm-dd")

The query then returns no data.

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How Do I Get Out Part Of A Date In A Query??

Jul 17, 2007

Hey People,

Is it possible to take out part of a date in a query and put it into a new column, e.g.

if one field is : "Date"... with entries such as 12/05/07.. etc,

is it possible to have another column "Month" that has the specific month in the date column.. e.g the one above will have "May".......

anyone have any idea about this...


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Queries :: Mailing List For Specific Month - Date Criteria Query

Jun 11, 2013

I am trying to create a mailing list of patients. Let's say I am creating a mailing list for February. I need the mailing list to consist of people who have had surgery in February from the beginning of the database, and people who have had surgery three months ago, so anyone who had surgery in November. I have created a form that has a button which is connected to a query, the form has a unbound textbox where I can enter the month in (2 for February). Then the query uses the datepart function to search for this month in their date of surgery. But this only gives me people for surgeries with february, how would I get people who have had surgery three months ago in the same query.

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Queries :: Access Database - Query Based On Multiple Day / Date Criteria

Jul 26, 2015

I am currently working on a project to develop an access database to manage a roster of calls to clients on a daily basis based on two general criteria:

1. Pre-determined days selected by the client. (e.g. Call Mon, Wed, Fri only. This can change as client requirements change.)

2. Ad-hoc changes based on the client’s circumstances. (e.g. No call from 27/7/2015 to 29/7/ 2015)

I have managed to successfully deal with the second of these with the following expression in a query:

CallToday?: IIf((Date()>=[NoCallFrom] And Date()<=[NoCallTo]),"No","Yes")

However dealing with the first is a little more difficult to work out. I have tried a multivalue lookup field with multiple days selectable, but constructing an IIF query to deal with these multiple values is proving quite a challenge.

I am thinking of using a table with days of the week and a junction table to allow the multi-selection, but I may need constructing the relationships and the query here.

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Queries :: Date / Time Field - Query Criteria To X Quarter Of Y Year

Jul 24, 2014

I have a form (frmMetrics) with 2 Combo Boxes: "Year" and "Quarter" These are just number fields (which might be my problem?)

I have a date/time field in a query, and I want the criteria to be based off the year and quarter selected in frmMetrics.

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Save Report As PDF - Adding Date Retrieved From Query As Part Of File Name

Nov 6, 2012

I'm trying to save a report to my Desktop as a pdf - adding a date {that I am retrieving from a query} as part of the pdf file name.

I get a
Run-time error '2501' - The OutputTo action was cancelled.
(See screenshot).

Here's the code I'm using. So far - all I've tried to do is run the function from the Visual Basic Editor.

Function SaveReport()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strFilename As String
'Get the ReportDate.

[Code] .....

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Queries :: Query To Select Part Or All Of A Table?

Nov 27, 2013

I need to give the user the ability to select either all of a table say


or only those stores where [tblStores].StoreNo Is Null

I cant for the life of me get my query to accept Null or Is Not Null in the parameter box.

What do I need to do.The end game is to produce a subform to allow users to maintain tblStores


StoreNo | StoreNm
000001 | StoreA
<Empty>| StoreB
000003 | StoreC

Null returns

Store B

Is Not Null returns


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Queries :: Group By Part Of Field In Query

Jun 26, 2015

I am trying to group records in a query and count them. I have records containing ABC12345


Basically the third letter is what I need to group on so that I can count the number of records with ABC, ABE and any other variant of the third letter but with the numbers all varying all over the place.In the example above I want to find ABC 2 and ABE 2.

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Setting Query Criteria To Be 'blank' Depending On The Criteria Of A Combo Box

Oct 21, 2006

I have set up a database that stores actions (i.e jobs). In the table; two of the fields are...'required completion date' and 'actual completion date'. I wish to lookup, by using a query, all of the open actions (those which havent yet been complete (i.e the 'actual completion date' is null)) and then later on all those which are overdue (i.e the 'actual completion date' is null And the 'required completion date' <today....this being the criteria for an overdue action).

However, I have used a form which has a combo box which contains the values open and overdue. When a selection has been made I want a form to display with the results depending on the selection that has been made. I am capable of creating a form based on a query, but am unsure of how to construct the query with the correct criteria based on the option that is selected from the form.

Any help would gratefully be appreciated. Thanks

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Queries :: Query To Run Before Report Based On Criteria Based From Two Combo Boxes On Form

Mar 20, 2013

I have a report that gets its data from a query. I need the query to run before the report based on criteria based from two combo boxes on a form.

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Queries :: Date Criteria - Query Previous 12 Months Including Months With No Data

Mar 22, 2013

I currently have a form where users can enter an "End Date", click a button, and it queries the data from 12 months prior to "End Date" entered.

Is there a way to force the query to show all 12 months, even if there are no records for a particular month? For example: if the user enters February 2013 in the date field, I would like the query to return:

March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
February 2013

...so even if June 2012 has no records, it is included in the query with a value of zero.

This is what I have so far:

WHERE (((Qry_Tbl_Assets.Dte) Between DateAdd("m",-12,[Forms]![Main_screen]![End_Date]) And [Forms]![Main_screen]![End_Date]))

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Criteria Matches 1st Part Of Another Field

Jun 22, 2005

undefinedHi, apologies if this has been answered before but can't find anything relevant!

Trying to match one field to the first 5 digits in another i.e.

Field 1 = 55667

Field 2 = 5566785431 so would want to match the 1st five digits in field 2...

Any ideas?


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Use A Criteria To Search For Part Of A Field

Jul 28, 2005

I want to ba able to search for only part of the field in a query. I want to run a reort from a query where the user only needs to enter part of the information from a product list ie the items listed may be as lisetd as make model in the same field. the user won't be able to get to the query to alter the criteria. i have tried:
Like "*" & [Enter Product Name] & Like "*" Which I found on a previous post but this returns a syntax error, and highlights the second Like

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