Queries :: Wildcard Like Not Returning Desired Output

Jul 8, 2014

I'm building a query using wildcard "like". See the attached file. My question is that why doesn't the query "result" return "aaaaa" for "aaa" is contained within "aaaaa"?I'm basically limiting my records to those found in tbl_site based on a wildcard "like".

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Append Qry Not Returning Desired Results

Jan 17, 2005

I have built a query that should append to another table. Please see SQL below -

INSERT INTO tblMyBackupContent ( LoginName, Title, Type, Code, [Date Assigned], [Date Started], [Last Accessed], Progress, [Date Completed], [Time Spent (min)], Score, Result )
SELECT tblConentImport.LoginName, tblConentImport.Title, tblConentImport.Type, tblConentImport.Code, tblConentImport.[Date Assigned], tblConentImport.[Date Started], tblConentImport.[Last Accessed], tblConentImport.Progress, tblConentImport.[Date Completed], tblConentImport.[Time Spent (min)], tblConentImport.Score, tblConentImport.Result
FROM tblConentImport
WHERE (((tblConentImport.LoginName)="iderand"));

When I run this query, it shows that 41 records are going to be appended. I click on yes, but when I go into the table to view the appended records they do not show.

Please help me.

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Queries :: Save INTO With Desired Name

Mar 4, 2014

How I can save a Query result with a desired name. I use the following simple code.

FROM Query;

Now the results will be saved in "Table" but I want acces to ask me for what to call the table when the query is runned. Is that possible with a query?

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Wildcard Queries

Aug 17, 2005

I am running a query that links to a "wildcard" form so that the user can basically run a query filtered on any field they want.

For some reason when I try to use wildcards along with Criteria in my query the query will not return any results. I know the link to the textbox is right because if I take out the wildcard and put an exact word from the table I get a result.

I have tried using many different combinations inclusive of the following:

Like [Forms]![Refurb-WildcardReport]![RefurbWildcard-Name]
Like "[Forms]![Refurb-WildcardReport]![RefurbWildcard-Name]"

Any help would be appreciated, as always thank you ahead of time.

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Date Queries And Wildcard

Jan 24, 2007

I am looking for ways to sort date columns.
Something like find all in one particular month, or year.

I know i have done this before to sort data into monthly queries,
but now i have forgotten
>> something like ="#*/7/*#" to sort all date on the 7th month.

By the way I cannot seem to get access to format dates in the
dd/mm/yy format, does anyone know if there is an option for this.


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Queries :: Ignore Wildcard If Criteria Is Blank

Dec 16, 2014

In a database am building, I want to run a query with the criteria dependant on which field the user populates in a form.

The form has a number of fields that the user can select from including our reference number, the client's reference number and the site address.

I would like the user to be able to select the site address using a wildcard so that they can enter a part of the address such as "This Street" instead of "45 This Street" and the user be presented with all of the records matching "This Street".

I tried using the criteria:

Like "*" & [Forms]![SearchJobs]![SearchAddressLine1] & "*"

Which works perfectly as long as this field is populated. If this field is not populated, entering details in any other field bring up every record in the database.

IIf(IsNull([Forms]![SearchJobs]![SearchAddressLine1]),Null,[Forms]![SearchJobs]![SearchAddressLine1] & "*")

The full sql of my query is:

SELECT Jobs.JobsSalesEnquiryRecordNumber, Jobs.JobsJobStatus, Jobs.JobsEnquiryDate, Jobs.JobsTakenBy, ClientDetails.ClientDetailsURN, ClientDetails.ClientDetailsName, ClientDetails.ClientDetailsAddressLine1, ClientDetails.ClientDetailsAddressLine2, ClientDetails.ClientDetailsAddressLine3, ClientDetails.ClientClientPostCode, Jobs.JobsClientJobNumber, Jobs.JobsAlternativeClientJobNumber, Jobs.JobsClientContact,

[Code] ....

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Queries :: Wildcard In Query Fed From A Search Form

Jan 9, 2014

I have built a search form to feed information to a query. The form uses combo boxes tied to table values, and all have wild cards built into them so if the user leaves the combo box they get all the records. I also have to text boxes representing start date and end date. I would like to allow the user to leave these blank and get all there as well. I have been looking through my one Access book, as well as searched all over the internet, but I cant seem to find the way to do this. My filter criteria for the text based combo boxes are like this:

Like "*" & [Forms]![ReportDesignF]![Company] & "*"

My filter criteria for the Start and End Dates looks like this:

Between [Forms]![ReportDesignF]![StartDate] And [Forms]![ReportDesignF]![EndDate]+#11:59:59 PM#

In this case of the user leaves the date values blank, the query returns nothing. I would like to return all dates if that is the case. I am assuming it is my lack of knowledge of wild cards and how they work with date values.

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Queries :: Replacing Wildcard Characters In A Query

Jun 5, 2013

I am trying to replace a # character and all characters after in a text field.

U set up a Select query and used the following expression:
Expr1: Replace([Part Number],"[#]*","")

It doesn't change any of the records. Is this possible to do in Access 2007?

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Queries :: Wildcard Search Does Not Work With A Form Control

May 24, 2015

I am trying to get a wildcard search to work with a form.

I have a query, in which the criteria is:

Like "*" & [Enter a word] & "*"

That works fine. I enter a word, and I get the few records in which the word appears.But if I try to replace [Enter a word] with a word entered on a control on a form, it doesn't work - I get all the records. This is my code:

Like "*" & [Forms]![Myform]![Mycontrol]&"*"

What am I doing wrong?

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Queries :: Query To Return A Wildcard Search On A Field

May 21, 2015

How do I design a query to return a result in a wildcard format? So that I could enter a part of a name, and it returns all the names that include that part of name?

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Queries :: Returning A Particular Row?

May 21, 2013

I have a query that gives me the top 10 values. I would like to be able to use another query that says "only give me the second row or third row or what ever....So say I have column named ColorCode. For example...in this column it has the following:


I would like to be able to say give me "row 3 of the ColorCode column" and it would return "2"

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Queries :: Adding Value To Query Output

Dec 12, 2013

I have a field in a query that shows amount of hours a site is covered. This field name is Coverage hours and it changes depending on the number of work days in a month. This part is working correctly but some times additional hours may be requested by the customer.

I want to add a another field to this query that will prompt me if their were any additional covered hours. Then I would have the ability to enter a value and the shown output for this field would be the value entered plus the standard coverage hours in the other field.

I'm not sure how to set up the new field.

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Queries :: Change Output From Check Box To Y / N

Jan 30, 2015

I have created a query and one of the columns of the output displays a check box because this is the data type of the underlying table.

I would like the query to output either Y or N rather than displaying the checkbox.

How would I do this?

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Queries :: Modifying Query Output

Feb 13, 2014

I am trying to modify the output to only show discontinued items. While the query is in datasheet view, the text is read as "YES" or "NO" under discounted items. So, I tried entering "YES" in criteria while in design view, but keep getting an error message stating, "Data type mismatch in criteria expression".

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Queries :: Expression To Output Value As A Number?

Apr 17, 2014

I've created several expressions in a query to test for values in a field (one column for each value for use in a report).

The expressions output the value 1 where the test is true. I planned to sum them to establish how many times the value is true but this isn't working. I am only offered a Count and this returns the number of records. Other fields (numeric) are offering me a sum at the total line and are working as expected.

I assume the expressions are outputting the value one as text rather than as a number but I can't work out how to change this.

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Queries :: Sum 2 Expressions - Output With 3rd Expression

Apr 26, 2013

I'm trying to sum up 2 expressions.

1st. UsedAF: nz(DSum("AF_lengte+AF_zaagbreedte";"VRMUTSTAF";"VR ID = " & [VR].[VRID]);0)
2nd. UsedRES: nz(DSum("RES_lengte+RES_zaagbreedte";"VRRESSTAF";" VRID = " & [VR].[VRID]);0)

Now with a third expression I like to sum those 2 up.

3rd. Used: [UsedRES]+[UsedAF]

The thing I run into is when 1st has a value of 15 and 2nd a value of 0 the outcome of 3rd is 150 while it should be 15 ofcourse.

When I change the first 2 expressions to Sum (at Totals) the 3rd works properly. Yet the other 2 comes with wrong values.

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Multiple Queries Output To Be Displayed In The Form

Dec 15, 2004


I am trying view the query output's in different text on the form and I do not want to see them again in query window.How do I hide this.. comments

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Queries :: Incorporate A Date In Output To Statement

Jun 11, 2013

I have a database that enables the banking details for a small club to be generated as an Excel spreadsheet that is then emailed as an attachment to the treasurer. The event procedure below works fine but I have been unable to incorporate the banking date from a control called BankDate to end up with the Excel file being in the form DGC Banking dd-mm-yy - is this possible?

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "Export Banking", "Excel97-Excel2003Workbook(*.xls)", "DGC Banking.xls", True, "", 0, acExportQualityPrint

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Queries :: Multiple Records Appear In Output Of Query

Mar 4, 2015

i have got 2 tables i am trying query against. in table 1 i have a list of records which only appear once in the table under 1 field. in table 2 list of records which may have the same record appear under the same field numerous of times with different data in other fields on the table. i have created the reationship between both tables but i am getting multiple records appear in the output of the query where i only want the record to appear once in the output.

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Queries :: Get Output Of Query In A Parameter (VBA Variable)

Jul 1, 2015

How could i get output of a Query in a VBA variable ?? I'm trying as below butIi'm getting error:

Dim output As Integer
vari = DoCmd.OpenQuery("qryCompare", acViewNormal, acReadOnly)

Output of a query is a single MAX value.

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Queries :: Returning Multiple Records

Feb 17, 2015

I have a sub report that is based on a query. The Where clause of my SQL is giving me a bit of hang up. What I am attempting to do is return the records that are the items used to test products we test. The ID's of the records are gathered in a public function. The function is called GetCal Equipment. This returns all of the requested numbers just fine. For example ID numbers 4, 112, 124, 138, 232, 338 are returned when I call the function. Any number of records can be returned at any point. This is the unique numbers used to identify the records. I thought by having the function return the numbers the records would come up. However when I use that in my where statement, none of the records are returned. The whole SQL is as follows:

SELECT CalibratedEquipmentListTable.ID, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.Manufacturer, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.ModelNo, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.Description, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.SerNo, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.LastCal, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.CalDue
FROM CalibratedEquipmentListTable
WHERE CalibratedEquipmentListTable.ID In (GetCalEquipment());

how to get the query for the report to return the records.

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Queries :: IN Statement Not Returning Records?

Mar 10, 2015

I have a query that I set up to return multiple records. The number of the records is in that text box. I have tried to set the where clause to the text box but for some reason I don't get any of the records I want returned. I am using a Where... IN statement. I have tried to put the numbers in single quotes and no quotes and I have had no luck at all. If I do individual records they will return, just not when I try and do more then one at a time. This query is a part of something more, but since it doesn't return anything, Here is my sql statement

SELECT CalibratedEquipmentListTable.ID, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.Manufacturer, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.ModelNo, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.Description, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.SerNo, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.LastCal, CalibratedEquipmentListTable.CalDue
FROM CalibratedEquipmentListTable
WHERE CalibratedEquipmentListTable.ID In ([Forms]![ReportForm]![Text41]);

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Queries :: Returning A Blank Or Null Value

Jun 18, 2015

In a query, how do I return a blank or null.


They are all numerical values that I need to format into percentages however Field3 could contain zero so I can't replace Null with zero. I simply want to return nothing if Field1 is equal to Field2.

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Queries :: SELECT TOP 3 Returning More Records

Mar 24, 2015

My statement below is current returning 4 records. Two of the records have the same GBPAmount value.

RequestID is the Primary Key

SELECT TOP 3 RequestID, GBPAmount, Currency, RequestDate
FROM PayRequest
WHERE (((Currency)="CAD Canadian Dollar") AND ((RequestDate)>#11/16/2014#))

RequestID GBPAmount Currency RequestDate
10207 8.17 CAD Canadian Dollar 03/02/2015
9874 33.82 CAD Canadian Dollar 20/01/2015
11327 109.58 CAD Canadian Dollar 23/02/2015
10495 109.58 CAD Canadian Dollar 05/02/2015

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Queries :: Max Query Returning More Info

Jun 16, 2015

I have two tables:

tblSITE and tblUSID (joined by SITEID)

and I am trying to create a query which lists each site and the USID with the latest date in its ConstructionDate field (USID and ConstructionDate are both in tblUSID). If I omit the USID from the query and run a totals with MAX on the ConstructionDate field, I return what I would like to, but I want to add the PK (USID) of the record with the latest ConstructionDate for another query, and every way I attempt it the query returns multiple records per SiteID.

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Queries :: Query Not Returning Certain Data

Oct 17, 2014

I have 2 tables, one called Location and the other called PC Inventory. They both have columns called sites. The query is set to search both tables by site name and return the PC's at that site that match the search criteria.The search form has a drop down menu with all the site names. When you choose a site name from the last, the after update event does a re-query to a subform on that same form. The source object of the subform is set the query.[Forms]![PC Search]![Combo6] - this is the criteria on the query that point to the drop down menu.

Private Sub Combo6_After Update()
End Sub

This is the requery that point to the subform (child19)..The problem is that some selections from the list don't return any results to the subform. But there is clearly records that meet the criteria in the table. Example: ABC @ Maryland returns all the PC's at the site. DEF @ Maryland doesn't return any PC's at the site, but there are records with that site name.Even if go into the table copy the site name that isn't working and enter into the search field it doesn't return the results.

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