Jul 30, 2007
If there is such an animal...
My employer uses a third party employee tracking system and I do back end work to massage the raw data for ad hoc reports using tables created by this third party software.
Is there a simple means to have a query compare Table A and Table B where Table A is a list of all jobs in a company - both filled and vacant - and Table B is a list of all employees in the company? The table containing jobs data has no field designating whether a job is filled or not. The only way to determine vacancies is to compare the two tables and select only those job numbers where there is no matching employee.
So, using examples from an earlier question - one that KeithG answered perfectly - let me see if I can demonstrate what I'm trying to do...
The Jobs table has two fields; JobNum and JobDesc.
The Employee table has three fields; EmpNum, EmpName, JobNum.
Here's Table A, Jobs;
100, Boss
105, Aide
200, Manager
201, Worker
202, Worker
Here's Table B, Employees;
111, Montgomery Burns, 100
112, Waylon Smithers, 105
121, Homer Simpson, 201
122, Lenny Leonard, 202
Jobnum is the link between the two tables in the query and the query's fields are;
JobNum and JobDesc
The result I need is;
200, Manager
The only vacant job.
So, how do I do a subtract query, if that's even a proper term? How do I have a result that is all of Table A that does not have a match in Table B?
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Jan 19, 2007
Hi Everyone,
I am working on a Sales Analysis db, which pulls from:
tSales - Sales Figures (40k records)
tBuildUnit - Bom Build Units (8k records - one per product)
tBom - Bills of Material - All Components (71k records)
tUom - Units of Measure for Products (80k records - 10 per product)
It is quite basic in theory, it looks at a product sold, goes to tBom to get the cost of the raw materials.
I have a query that sums the components by their group, distinguishing between material and labour cost by the component group (cGrp) which is 'WORK' for labour and <>"WORK for materials. I can then sum the cost of the materials for a given product.
Anyway to cut to the issue in hand.
I export from our system (LM4 on btrieve on novell 3.2) into CSVs then manipulate those
And basically i want to have:
Cust______Sale04__Sale05__Sale06__Mat04__Mat05__Ma t06
Genesis 400 350 420 230 190 250
Exodus 0 100 0 0 60 0
Revelation 200 300 140 200
we have 220 customers in this recordset. so i would like just 220 rows.
My data that i export shows every transaction (so i have 40k records)
So i used a aggregate query, grouping by customer account and summing the value, material, and labour fields, however this gives me each customer three times, one per year e.g.:
Cust______Sale04__Sale05__Sale06__Mat04__Mat05__Ma t06
Genesis 400 0 0 230 0 0
Genesis 0 350 0 0 190 0
Genesis 0 0 420 0 0 250
How do i get one what i describe above?
After the query runs i want to export to excel with:
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "qGrouping", acFormatXLS, "d:Output.xls", True
(Carpenter by trade, now in construction acoustics and really shouldn't be doing anything with access!)
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Sep 15, 2006
Hi guys,
I am completely at a lose here. I have a LARGE sql query that was written before my time and how have the task of customizing it a little. It will run perfectly in Advisor Office (the program it was written for which uses access as the back end db). But if i try and create a query in access directly i get the following error:
You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression 'IIF (CommnPremiums.Type IN (1, 2), IIF (CommnEntries.Type IN (1, 4), 'Non Indemnity', IIF (CommnEntries.Type IN (2, 6), 'Indemnity', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 3, 'Renewal', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 5, 'Trail', ' ')))),
IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 3, 'Initial', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type =' as part of an aggregate function
the full IIF statement that is causing it to fail is:
IIF (CommnPremiums.Type IN (1, 2), IIF (CommnEntries.Type IN (1, 4), 'Non Indemnity', IIF (CommnEntries.Type IN (2, 6), 'Indemnity', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 3, 'Renewal', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 5, 'Trail', ' ')))),
IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 3, 'Initial', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 4, 'Renewal', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 5, 'Trail', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 6, 'Protected Rights', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 7, 'Transfer', ' ')))))) AS CommissionType
The WHOLE SQL query spans over 4 pages of A4 so i will only put it at the bottom (hoping its not needed to see the error. There are a few unions so i will put the first one in here to show what it is doing.
SELECT IIF (Policies.Owner = 0, clients.partnersurname + ", " + clients.partnerforenames, clients.surname + ", " + clients.forenames) AS Name,
Managers.FullName AS Manager,
IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 1, 'Initial Premium', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 2, 'Increment', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 3, 'Single Premium', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 4, 'Annual Renewal', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 5, 'Value Based', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 6, 'Protected Rights', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 7, 'Transfer', ' '))))))) +
IIF (CommnPremiums.Type IN (1, 2), IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 1, ' - Non Indemnity', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 2, ' - Indemnity', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 3, ' - Renewal', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 4, ' - Level', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 5, ' - Fund Based Trail', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 6, ' - Level Indemnity', ' ')))))), ' ') AS PremiumType,
SUM (Matches.Amount) AS TotalMatched,
CommissionCredits.CreditPC AS Credit,
Consultants.FullName AS Consultant,
ROUND ((CommissionCredits.CreditPC * SUM (Matches.Amount) / 100), 2) AS CommissionMatched,
Cheques.Amount AS ChequeAmount,
IIF (CommnPremiums.Type IN (1, 2), IIF (CommnEntries.Type IN (1, 4), 'Non Indemnity', IIF (CommnEntries.Type IN (2, 6), 'Indemnity', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 3, 'Renewal', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 5, 'Trail', ' ')))),
IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 3, 'Initial', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 4, 'Renewal', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 5, 'Trail', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 6, 'Protected Rights', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 7, 'Transfer', ' ')))))) AS CommissionType
FROM ((((((((Clients LEFT JOIN Policies ON Clients.ClientRef = Policies.ClientRef)
LEFT JOIN Schemes ON Policies.SchemeRef = Schemes.SchemeRef)
LEFT JOIN CommnPremiums ON Policies.PolicyRef = CommnPremiums.PolicyRef)
LEFT JOIN CommnEntries ON CommnPremiums.CommnPremRef = CommnEntries.CommnPremRef)
LEFT JOIN Matches ON CommnEntries.CommnEntryRef = Matches.FKeyRef)
LEFT JOIN Cheques ON Matches.ChequeRef = Cheques.ChequeRef)
LEFT JOIN Managers ON Cheques.FKeyRef = Managers.ManagerRef)
LEFT JOIN CommissionCredits ON CommnEntries.CommnEntryRef = CommissionCredits.FKeyRef)
LEFT JOIN Consultants ON CommissionCredits.ConsultantRef = Consultants.ConsultantRef
WHERE Matches.FKeyType = 1
AND Cheques.FKeyType = 1
AND Cheques.ChequeDate BETWEEN #01-Jan-2004# AND #31-Dec-2004#
AND CommissionCredits.FKeyType = 1
AND CommissionCredits.Type = 1
GROUP BY IIF (Policies.Owner = 0, clients.partnersurname + ", " + clients.partnerforenames, clients.surname + ", " + clients.forenames),
IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 1, 'Initial Premium', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 2, 'Increment', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 3, 'Single Premium', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 4, 'Annual Renewal', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 5, 'Value Based', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 6, 'Protected Rights', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 7, 'Transfer', ' '))))))) +
IIF (CommnPremiums.Type IN (1, 2), IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 1, ' - Non Indemnity', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 2, ' - Indemnity', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 3, ' - Renewal', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 4, ' - Level', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 5, ' - Fund Based Trail', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 6, ' - Level Indemnity', ' ')))))), ' '),
IIF (CommnPremiums.Type IN (1, 2), IIF (CommnEntries.Type IN (1, 4), 'Non Indemnity', IIF (CommnEntries.Type IN (2, 6), 'Indemnity', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 3, 'Renewal', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 5, 'Trail', ' ')))),
IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 3, 'Initial', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 4, 'Renewal', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 5, 'Trail', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 6, 'Protected Rights', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 7, ‘Transfer’, ' ')))))), Consultants.FullName, CommissionCredits.CreditPC
If I changed the IIF statement to:
'X' as commisiontype
it all works great but i need this information and its driving me mad. I can not see why it doesnt work within Access.
Any and All help would be great.
I have attached the FULL sql query if you want to look at it all.. it hurts my head to read it all ;)
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