Query Criteria Function And Operator List?

Jun 3, 2012

Is there someway within Access itself or the documentation to see a complete list of:

Functions such as sum, median, average

Operators such as "and" "or"

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Passing Operator Into Query Via Function

Jan 16, 2006

I have built a function which passes values into the criteria of a saved query. It has worked very well until I recently built a query builder based on this same concept. The user can select from a list of operators "<=", ">=", ">", "<", "=".

Example, the function will pass into the criteria the following:

Unfortunately, I have exhausted all avenues for passing the "<" less than or greater than signs into the criteria. The Access SQL forces an equals sign before the passed in criteria and thus treats the "<150" as the entire criteria.

I have overcome no criteria by defaulting the function value to pass in the wildcard "*" and putting "Like" in the criteria.

Has anyone every handled a "variable" operator in a saved query in Access? :confused:

I am aware that I can change the QueryDef, use temp tables, and do several other longer methods, but the success of this concept will reduce an large amount of coding effort as well as make the software much easier to transfer knowledge on.

This overall method is really a great way to reuse criteria based on a form without hard coding.

Thank you in advance for your help,


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Queries :: Using IN Operator With IIF In A Query Criteria

Jul 21, 2013

I am trying to select specific records based on input in a query. This criteria currently works to select everything with an ID less than 21 or 31 based on the users entry: <IIf([Enter "Y" for List 1]="Y",21,31)

I now need to change the query so that only certain records are selected based on the users entry. As an example, I would like to select 1, 3, 5 and 7 if they enter Y. And I would like to select 2, 4, 6 and 8 if they dont enter a Y.Here is what I have tried:

In IIf([Enter "Y" for List 1]="Y",(3,5,7,9),(2,4,6,8)).With this criteria, I get this error .The In operator you entered requires parentheses.

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Forms :: Passing Operator Values To Criteria Field In Query

Mar 11, 2014

I have a query which contains figures. i have a search form based on this query and need to search using comparison operators such as <10000 or >500.

Is there a way to pass these value to criteria field in query ?

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IIF Function As Query Criteria

Nov 14, 2007

I am trying to use an IIF function in each of three yes/no fields in a query to select records where one of the yes/no fields (as determined by a dialog form) = true, regardless of the value of the other two fields. Each record can contain any combination of Trues and Falses in these three fields.

The field to be evaluated will be determined based on a combo box on a dialog form. For example for the SALproc field the criteria cell contains: -


There are corresponding functions in the criteria cell for the otehr two fields

So when I am reporting for SAL I can include all records where SALproc = true, regardless of whether the other fields are true or false.

I can get these functions to work in three separate text boxes on the dialog a form, and was feeling quite clever, but I can't get them to work as query criteria. I get an error message saying it is typed incorrectly or too complex.

I have also tried using the IIF functions in text boxes on the dialog form, and then using the value of those text boxes as criteria in the query. I get the same error message.

I can also get the query to select the records I want by manually entering True for the SALproc field and * for the other two yes/no fields, so the concept of using some combination of true, *, * as criteria appears to be valid.

I would really appreciate some help on this, I suspect I am not far away from making it work.

I'm assuming that it is actually possible to use an IIF function as a query criteria ... ...

In the meantime I am going to try creating functions containing the IIF functions and use those as criteria.

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How To Query List Of Criteria

Oct 24, 2006

I'm very new to access - perhaps this is an easy one...

I have a master table 2 columns wide. I want to extract data from the master table for values that appear in a second table.

That is...
Master Table:
1 a
1 b
3 c
4 d
4 e
6 f
6 g
5 a

My second table


I want to return:

1 a
1 b
6 f
6 g
5 a

I basically want to enter a list of values in the criteria section of the query design view.

Any suggestions?

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List Box Criteria For Query

Dec 12, 2007

I have a query which is based off all fields of the main table. I want to run the query based on one or more choices made from a list box on one field: category.


qry_ClientCategory - all fields of tbl_ClientMain with criteria under Category as =[Forms]![frm_CategoryList]![lstCategory]));

frm_CategoryList is a listbox form based on qry_Category

qry_Category is a group by query from tbl_ClientMain of the Category(s) collected

When I run the query, I get Enter Parameter Value: Forms![frm_CategoryList]![lstCategory]));

Based on what I've read in various postings and other sources - I must be close, but I'm missing something. Any ideas?

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Queries :: Query Criteria To Pull Its Value From Control On A Form - IIF Function

Aug 16, 2014

I want the Query Criteria to pull its value from a control on a form.The form control either has data or is null. (My problems occur when the form control is Null). The field in the table either has data, is null or is blank.

=IIf(IsNull([Forms]![FormName]![FormControl]),"" Or Is Null,[Forms]![FormName]![FormControl])

This works for the records with fields that are blank.


This works for the records with fields that have data.

Like IIf(IsNull([Forms]![FormName]![FormControl]),"*",[Forms]![FormName]![FormControl])

This works for the records with fields that are Null or Blank if i drop the iif function but then i lose the ability to pull criteria data from the form control.

"" Or Is Null

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Query Criteria A List Box Record

Mar 22, 2008

Hello Daily Post, I suppose,Here is what I've got:On one form resides a list box that get's it's results based on a customers sales history.The form contains all the customers prudent information, otherwise. What I'm attempting is such:Onclick for the listbox is DoCmd.OpenReport "RptIndividualSale" the source for the report is a query whose criteria is the unique SaleID [Forms]![Main]![LstSales].[SaleID] for the records in the list box.It also has a few other fields such as the item name, sale amount, etc. My hitch is that it is using every SaleID as a result in the report. What I wish to attain is a report that only generates the information for that single sale, instead of the entire history.So if the list had SaleIDs of 12345and a user clicked 5 a report would open showing ONLY the details of the Sale with ID 5, as stated it currently shows details for all the SaleIDs, so I have a report with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Any way to fix this?

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Using Two List Boxs To Use As Query Criteria

Jan 15, 2006

Hello everyone, i am trying to get 2 listboxs (the first is for name, the second is for state). I need to be able to select a name from one listbox and a state from the other and have a query display after a button is clicked. At the moment i have found a section of code which runs under the OnClick Event Procedure of the button to display the query (one listbox only though). It is as follows:

Private Sub cmdOpenQuery_Click()

On Error GoTo Err_cmdOpenQuery_Click
Dim MyDB As DAO.Database
Dim qdef As DAO.QueryDef
Dim i As Integer
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strWhere As String
Dim strIN As String
Dim flgSelectAll As Boolean
Dim varItem As Variant

Set MyDB = CurrentDb()

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblCompanies"

'Build the IN string by looping through the listbox
For i = 0 To name_listbox.ListCount - 1
If name_listbox.Selected(i) Then
If name_listbox.Column(0, i) = "All" Then
flgSelectAll = True
End If
strIN = strIN & "'" & name_listbox.Column(0, i) & "',"
End If
Next i

'Create the WHERE string, and strip off the last comma of the IN string
strWhere = " WHERE [strCompanyCounty] in (" & Left(strIN, Len(strIN) - 1) & ")"

'If "All" was selected in the listbox, don't add the WHERE condition
If Not flgSelectAll Then
strSQL = strSQL & strWhere
End If

MyDB.QueryDefs.Delete "qryCompanyCounties"
Set qdef = MyDB.CreateQueryDef("qryCompanyCounties", strSQL)

'Open the query, built using the IN clause to set the criteria
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryCompanyCounties", acViewNormal

'Clear listbox selection after running query
For Each varItem In Me.name_listbox.ItemsSelected
Me.name_listbox.Selected(varItem) = False
Next varItem

Exit Sub


If Err.Number = 5 Then
MsgBox "You must make a selection(s) from the list", , "Selection Required !"
Resume Exit_cmdOpenQuery_Click
'Write out the error and exit the sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdOpenQuery_Click
End If

End Sub

Is anyone familiar with the code to tell me how i go about adding code to this so to have a second listbox working?

The working example with one list box can be found here: http://www.databasedev.co.uk/downloads/multi_select_listbox_2000.zip



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General :: Query Criteria From List Box

Nov 12, 2014

I have a parameter query where user enter the department number to get their info. I want instead of entering the department number, a list box pops up and ask to select department as parameter and run the same query.

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Queries :: Mailing List For Specific Month - Date Criteria Query

Jun 11, 2013

I am trying to create a mailing list of patients. Let's say I am creating a mailing list for February. I need the mailing list to consist of people who have had surgery in February from the beginning of the database, and people who have had surgery three months ago, so anyone who had surgery in November. I have created a form that has a button which is connected to a query, the form has a unbound textbox where I can enter the month in (2 for February). Then the query uses the datepart function to search for this month in their date of surgery. But this only gives me people for surgeries with february, how would I get people who have had surgery three months ago in the same query.

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Access Query To Filter Out List Based On Multiple Row Criteria From Another Table

May 10, 2014

I have an access database in which I have a table A and table B. Table A has a list of 200 website URLs. Table B has one column ID and another criteria.

I want to create a query to filter websites list which does not have values or characters from table b.

I have these values in table B that I want to be filtered out or not shown in my URL Select Query


I would keep on adding more criteria into this so criteria table so adding new criteria into table B should not disturb our filtering.

Below is what I have tried but in vain and it says atmost you can atmost one criteria row in sub query

FROM tableA
WHERE ((([tableA].[wEB_ADDRESS] Not Like '*'+(SELECT * FROM tableB)+'*')=True));

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General :: Access Query To Filter Out List Based On Multiple Row Criteria From Another Table

May 10, 2014

I have an access database in which I have a table A and table B. Table A has a list of 200 website URLs. Table B has one column ID and another criteria.

I want to create a query to filter websites list which does not have values or characters from table b.

I have these values in table B that I want to be filtered out or not shown in my URL Select Query


I would keep on adding more criteria into this so criteria table so adding new criteria into table B should not disturb our filtering.

FROM tableA
WHERE ((([tableA].[wEB_ADDRESS] Not Like '*'+(SELECT * FROM tableB)+'*')=True));

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Query Not Working With &lt;&gt; Operator

Sep 4, 2007

Hi All

Can't understand why the following doesn't work when changing the operator.

Using the "<>"
SELECT qryColleagues.WCN, qryColleagues.ClgName, qryColleagues.Shift FROM qryColleagues, tblTempNew WHERE (((qryColleagues.WCN)<>[tblTempNew]![WCN])) GROUP BY qryColleagues.WCN, qryColleagues.ClgName, qryColleagues.Shift ORDER BY qryColleagues.ClgName;

the particaular part is (((qryColleagues.WCN)<>[tblTempNew]![WCN]))

it works if the operator is "=" but not "<>"

The thing is I'm sure this was working fine.

edit: I have just noticed that this works if there is only one record in the tblTempNew table. As soon as I put 2 records in there it does not work.

Any ideas.


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Having Trouble With OR Operator In Query

Nov 11, 2007

Hello everybody,

I am having trouble with this criteria on one field in a query

<>19 Or <>15 Or <>14 Or <>16 Or <>17 Or <>1 Or <>3

The query is still showing records that contain 14, 3 and 16.
Basically, I don't want to show records containing 19, 15, 14, 16, 17, 1 and 3.


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Query Not Picking Up The &lt;&gt; Operator

Jul 3, 2006

I have two tables in the first table there is an outline number and the second table there is a task id (both are text strings, i.e. outline number and task id would be something like

I want a query to return all the results in the first table that are not equal to the second table

I have tried the following but it returns all 54 records
Code:SELECT DISTINCT RawData.TeamLeadNumber, RawData.Category, RawData.OutlineNumber, RawData.OutlineDescription, RawData.Start, RawData.Finish, RawData.Milestone, RawData.PercentComplete, RawData.DeliverableDesc, RawData.ReleasePeriod, RawData.OutlineNumber2, RawData.OutlineDescription2FROM RawData, SharePointDataWHERE (((RawData.OutlineNumber)<>SharePointData.TaskID));

I have tried changing the where clause to have it as
Code:WHERE ((RawData.OutlineNumber)<SharePointData.TaskID) AND ((RawData.OutlineNumber)>SharePointData.TaskID);

but then no data is returned, and I know that of the 54 records 21 of them are the same so I should be seeing 33 records

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Missing Operator In Query

May 30, 2007

Hi everyone,

I have a problem with a query.
Just for info, I export some table from SQL to access. The same query in SQL work fine but when I try in Access come out this error:

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'tbl_Style.FABRICID = tbl_Info.Infoid INNER JOIN tbl_Info AS tbl_Info_1 ON tbl_Info.Parent = tbl_Info_1.Infoid'.

The query:

SELECT tbl_Style.STYLECODE, tbl_Info_1.Infodata AS [Fabric Type]


tbl_Info ON tbl_Style.FABRICID = tbl_Info.Infoid INNER JOIN

tbl_Info AS tbl_Info_1 ON tbl_Info.Parent = tbl_Info_1.Infoid

I appreciate your help.


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Query Problem (missing Operator)

May 29, 2007

Hi everyone,

I have a problem with a query.
Just for info, I export some table from SQL to access. The same quary in SQL work fine but when I try in Access come out this error:

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'tbl_Style.FABRICID = tbl_Info.Infoid INNER JOIN tbl_Info AS tbl_Info_1 ON tbl_Info.Parent = tbl_Info_1.Infoid'.

The query:

SELECT tbl_Style.STYLECODE, tbl_Info_1.Infodata AS [Fabric Type]


tbl_Info ON tbl_Style.FABRICID = tbl_Info.Infoid INNER JOIN

tbl_Info AS tbl_Info_1 ON tbl_Info.Parent = tbl_Info_1.Infoid

I appreciate your help.


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Like Operator In Calculated Query Field

Aug 1, 2007

Good afternoon,

I have a field that contains semester info ie: F07 Sep.

What I am trying to do is using an if statement to test for which month and returning a section number based on the month. I can make it work using an exact match but am trying to make it work on the partial match "Sep" so I don't have to change it next year as F07 stands for Fall 2007

This is what I've tried and various combinations.
Section1: IIf([tblOnlineCoursesDetails]![Semester]="* Sep","70","")

Having trouble getting this to work.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.



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Modules & VBA :: Missing Operator On A Delete Query

Dec 2, 2013

I'm trying to find a solution for this without success..I have this code:

CurrentDb.Execute "DELETE FROM Type WHERE Project_ID =" & Me.Project_ID & " & AND (Type = '" & Me.Txt_Type & "')"

and I'm getting this error message:Syntax error(missing operator) in query expression 'Project_ID = AND (Type = 'Webinar')'

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Syntax Error (missing Operator) In Query Expression

Oct 11, 2007

Morning all
The problem whihc i have is that, when trying to open the form "Create Timetable", through the switch board.... a message box appears saying "Syntax error (missing opertor) in query exprssion"
Any ideas on why it is showing this message box???
Help would be appricated
Thank you

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Syntax Error (missing Operator) In Query Expression

Aug 27, 2006

I have an asp page which modifies articles in my access database.
I added a field in the db called "Blocco" which is a checkbox field.

The code (working) which the page used before was (I'm copying just the part that modified will cause the problem):

Code:SQLModifica = " UPDATE [Articoli] SET Articoli.Sezione = '"& FSezione &"', Articoli.Autore = '"& FAutore &"', Articoli.Titolo = '"& FTitolo &"', Articoli.Podcast = '"& FPodcast &"', Articoli.tags = '"& Ftags &"', Articoli.Data = '"& FData &"', Articoli.Ora = '"& FOra &"', Articoli.Letture = "& FLetture &", " If FBozza = "si" ThenSQLModifica = SQLModifica & "Articoli.Bozza = True "ElseSQLModifica = SQLModifica & "Articoli.Bozza = False "End IfSQLModifica = SQLModifica & "WHERE Articoli.ID = "& FID &" "If Session("BLOGAdmin") = False ThenSQLModifica = SQLModifica & "AND Articoli.Autore = '"& Session("BLOGNick") &"' "End IfSet RSModifica = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")RSModifica.Open SQLModifica, Conn, 1, 3Set RSModifica = Nothing

After adding a radio type field in the form called Blocco (with yes or no values, working like the existing field "Bozza") I've modified the code adding something to update the db:

Code:SQLModifica = " UPDATE [Articoli] SET Articoli.Sezione = '"& FSezione &"', Articoli.Autore = '"& FAutore &"', Articoli.Titolo = '"& FTitolo &"', Articoli.Podcast = '"& FPodcast &"', Articoli.tags = '"& Ftags &"', Articoli.Data = '"& FData &"', Articoli.Ora = '"& FOra &"', Articoli.Letture = "& FLetture &", "If FBlocco = "si" ThenSQLModifica = SQLModifica & "Articoli.Blocco = True "ElseSQLModifica = SQLModifica & "Articoli.Blocco = False "End ifIf FBozza = "si" ThenSQLModifica = SQLModifica & "Articoli.Bozza = True "ElseSQLModifica = SQLModifica & "Articoli.Bozza = False "End ifSQLModifica = SQLModifica & "WHERE Articoli.ID = "& FID &" "If Session("BLOGAdmin") = False ThenSQLModifica = SQLModifica & "AND Articoli.Autore = '"& Session("BLOGNick") &"' "End IfSet RSModifica = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")RSModifica.Open SQLModifica, Conn, 1, 3Set RSModifica = Nothing

The page itself is loaded with no errors but when the form takes action I get this:
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'True Articoli.Bozza = False'.

why? I've just used the same code that worked with the field "Bozza" (which is a checkbox field too)

Sorry for my english

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Error Message '3075' Missing Operator In Query Expression

Dec 3, 2007

Sub PickRandom()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim fld As DAO.Field
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strTableName As String

' 1: Create a new temporary table containing the required fields
strSQL = "SELECT tblWoodrow Odom.ReviewTopic,tblWoodrow Odom.TeamMember1, tblWoodrow Odom.TeamMember2, tblWoodrow Odom.TeamMember3, tblWoodrow Odom.TeamMember 4" & _
"INTO tblTemp " & _
"FROM tblWoodrow Odom;"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

' 2: Add a new field to the new table
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set tdf = db.TableDefs("tblTemp")
Set fld = tdf.CreateField("RandomNumber", dbSingle)
tdf.Fields.Append fld

' 3: Place a random number in the new field for each record
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("tblTemp", dbOpenTable)
rst![RandomNumber] = Rnd()
Loop Until rst.EOF
Set rst = Nothing

' 4: Sort the data by the random number and move the top 25 into a new table
strTableName = "tblRandom_" & Format(Date, "ddmmmyyyy")
strSQL = "SELECT TOP 25 tblWoodrow Odom.ReviewTopic,tblWoodrow Odom.TeamMember1, tblWoodrow Odom.TeamMember2, tblWoodrow Odom.TeamMember3, tblWoodrow Odom.TeamMember 4" & _
"INTO " & strTableName & " " & _
"FROM tblTemp " & _
"ORDER BY tblTemp.RandomNumber;"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

' 5: Delete the temporary table
db.TableDefs.Delete ("tblTemp")
End Sub

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Forms :: Syntax Error (Missing Operator) In Query Expression

Oct 24, 2013

Why am I receiving 'Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression' error message ? Below is the code.

stFrmName = "Previous Plan"
stLinkCriteria = "(Employee = " & strPreviousTeacher & ") And (Record_Date = " & strPreviousDate & ")"
DoCmd.OpenForm stFrmName, , , stLinkCriteria

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General :: Syntax Error Missing Operator In Query Expression

Jul 27, 2012

I've come across a simple error that has me baffled. I continue to receive the run time error 3075: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'tblMasterPersonnel.FirstName"042" Or (tblMasterPersonnel.EmpID)="044"))'

Here is the strSQL

strSQL = " SELECT tblMasterPersonnel.EmpID, qryiuSSN.SSN, ""SSN"" AS [ID Type], """" AS TXN, tblMasterPersonnel.LastName, " & _
"tblMasterPersonnel.FirstName, tblMasterPersonnel.MI, """" AS Suffix, IIf([tblMasterPersonnel].[Gender]=True,""F"",""M"") AS Gender, " & _
"tblMasterPersonnel.Birthday, tblMasterPersonnel.PlaceBirth, """" AS [Country Code], """" AS Country, tblAddresses.Phone1, " & _
"tblAddresses.Street, tblAddresses.City, tblAddresses.State, tblAddresses.Zip, tblAddresses.Country, " & _


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