Query Delete Statement - Date Field Problem

Oct 27, 2005

I have created a date field in format of "d/m/yyyy". However, when I perform the Query statement to delete the record, I found that if the day part under 12 the Query statement recognize it as m/d/yyyy, but if the day part over 12 the Query statement can automatic recognize it as d/m/yyyy. I want to know how to overcome this problem. !!!!!!!! :confused:

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SQL Statement To Get Only 1 Date For Timestamp Field In Query

Nov 12, 2014

The Timestamp Field I have is formatted like this: 11/4/2014 5:56:46 AM. The field name is [Timestamp] it is in a table named INPUT_RedSheets_Plates. I have a query right now that pulls in certain fields from this table based on criteria of the [Type] field Like This:

SELECT INPUT_RedSheets_Plates.[Type], INPUT_RedSheets_Plates.[BatchDate],
INPUT_RedSheets_Plates.[BatchNumber], INPUT_RedSheets_Plates.[SampleNumber],
INPUT_RedSheets_Plates.[Compound], INPUT_RedSheets_Plates.[DateRequested],
INPUT_RedSheets_Plates.[RequestedBy], INPUT_RedSheets_Plates.[AcknowledgedBy],


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Auto Delete Record On Date In Field

Jan 1, 2014

I have a database of personnel. People come and go all the time; however I can't have a personnel record deleted as soon as they leave. They remain on our books until a specified date for each individual. The date is different for each individual. I was hoping to have a field in their record with the date, and have a query or some code delete that record on the date in the field. Is this possible?

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Combinding Date And Time Field In Sql Statement

Nov 6, 2007

I have a schedule table which contains a field for the start date of the schedule and another field that contains the start time of the schedule. I want to combind these two fields in a sql statement so that I can query for a range of schedules based on the date and time. The below sql statement works fine in a query, however, when I tried to use it in a opening statement in ADODB, it does not work. ADODB somehow does not like the combinding of the date and time fields. Can someone point me to the right direction in achieving the same result.

mysql = "SELECT tbl_Customer_Site_Schedule.*, CDate([startdate_sch] & " " & [starttime_sch]) AS StartShift
FROM tbl_Customer_Site_Schedule
WHERE (((CDate([startdate_sch] & " " & [starttime_sch]))>=#11/5/2007 20:0:0# And (CDate([startdate_sch] & " " & [starttime_sch]))<=#11/7/2007 20:0:0#))
ORDER BY CDate([startdate_sch] & " " & [starttime_sch]);"

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Delete Query Using Date Format

Mar 12, 2007

I would like to delete records using a sql statement and comparing dates.

The dates will be current date and creation date.

Creation date will be imported into the table from another database. Obviously the current date will be rendered by the system.

I would like to delete all records that have a created date less than 30 days old.

Any thoughts.

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General :: Delete Query With Date Criteria

Nov 23, 2014

I have 2tables,table1 id,name, table2 id,name,date.

How can i write a delete query that will delete everything in table2,if the data date is today?

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General :: Derive Month In Digits From Date / Time Stamp Field - IIF Statement?

Dec 18, 2012

I'm trying to derive the month in digits from a date/time stamp field. Any month between 10 and 12, I need the first 2 digits but anything <=9 is only 1 digit.

MONTH: IIf(Left([LOAD TO SKU LEVEL DETAIL]![PICK_PLAN_TS],2)="10" Or "11" Or "12",

IIF/left statement not returning false argument

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DELETE Statement

Jul 27, 2006

Hy again!
Can someone please tell me why the following code doesn't work?

DELETE tblHolliday.RACF AS EXP1, tblHolliday.Date
FROM tblHolliday INNER JOIN tblPlanner ON (tblHolliday.RACF = tblPlanner.RACF) AND (tblHolliday.Date = tblPlanner.Date)
WHERE (((tblHolliday.Date) Like [forms]![frmtest].[txtday1]))

When I run it, it comes with the following error:

Specify the table containing the records you want to delete


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Update And Delete Query Of A Record By Date At The Same Time..

Oct 9, 2006

I have two tables. PreOrder and Order Tables. When our customer actually order a product, I want all information of that product to move from PreOrder table and append it to Order table. Currently, my user has to run an append query to add the record from PreOrder and add it to Order table. After that, she has to run a delete query to delete the record from PreOrder table. Since our query is setup to run by date, and order number..My user has to type the same thing twice. Is there anyone out there know the easy way? Thanks in advance..

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Delete Fields In Tables By Using Sql Statement

Nov 14, 2012

I need to delete data in a table that named Cap One Table. I can not use a delete query since database located on company server and it is being used by many people. So, I have created a form and put on there two text boxes - txtStartDate and txtEndDate and command button cmdDelete. An idea behind this is that a user types date in txtStartDate and txtEndDate and click command button and delition happend in table Cap One based on that criteria. I put the below code in command button click event , but it doesn't work.

Dim startDate As String
Dim EndDate As String
Dim strSql As String
startDate = txtStartDate.Value
EndDate = txtEndtDate.Value


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Modules & VBA :: SQL Statement DELETE With Variable As Table

Aug 14, 2014

I'm trying to run this very very simple code but I get a Run-time error '3450' Syntax error in query. Incomplete query clause. For sure the problem is the variable I used as Table parameter but I cannot understand where my error is :

Private Sub cmdRunCheck_Click()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strTempTbl As String
strTempTbl = "tblCheckDoubles"
strSQL = "DELETE * FROM " & "'" & strTempTbl & "'"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
End Sub

What is clear is that if I use this line the Sub is working smoothly

strSQL = "DELETE * FROM tblCheckDoubles"

Please do not tell me that it is not possible to use a variable as Table parameter....

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Forms :: Delete From Statement Returning 13 Mismatch

Mar 7, 2013

I am trying to delete from a form, the record in the JD SOP TBL where the record Job Description matches the Combo Box "Job Description" on the form, and the Required SOP in the table matches the selection in the list box "SOP List". The list box has multi select to none and both fields are text fields.

DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE FROM [JD SOP TBL] WHERE [Job Description] = '" & [Job Description] & "' " And [Required SOP] = " & SOP_List & "

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Queries :: Basic Delete Insert Select Statement

Nov 8, 2013

what is wrong with the following statements. I'm new to access SQl. This would work in ms sql.

DELETE from Table1
INSERT INTO Table1(email, productid, datecreated, datesend) values ('adf', 5, '10/10/2012','10/10/2012')
Select * from Table1

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Queries :: Query Returns (DELETE) As Field Value

Mar 18, 2015

I have a query, and when I execute it, the correct data set is returned. However one field shows "DELETE" as the value for all records.

when I ran it on the SQL server management studio as a test it ran fine. End user does not have access to the tables, so I created a small MS Access application. When I ran the query in MS Access, then connected table dbo_DocRef > Notes shows a value of DELETED.

What am I missing?

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If Statement .. If [Field] Exist In Table, Then Run Query

Mar 24, 2005

How would i write an if statemet that does the following:

If Forms!Form1!Field1 exists in table1!Field1 then run Query1

Let me know,

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Invalid SQL Statement; Expected 'Delete', 'Insert', 'Procedure', 'Select', Or 'Update

Nov 8, 2004

Hi, I was wondering why the following code would give me an invalid SQL statement message:

Dim Rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Rs.Open "Manzanero # 450", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockBatchOptimistic

The error message is:

"Invalid SQL Statement; expected 'Delete', 'Insert', 'Procedure', 'Select', or 'Update"
I'm just trying to open up the table "Manzanero # 450" so that I might add to its contents. I have Microsoft Active X Data Objects 2.6 library included as well. I find it strange since this is basically a line for line copy of a sample I found in a MS Access book. Please help. Thanks! =)


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Queries :: Make A Nested If Then Statement In A Query Field

Apr 27, 2014

I'm trying to make a nested if then statement in a query field, and I can't figure out why I can't get my formula to work:

Volume: IIf([MethodCode]="K",[total]*12.54*0.026873,IIf([MethodCode]="S",([length]*[width]*[depth])/2,IIf([MethodCode]="M" And [Location]="SH",[total]*5.08*0.026873,IIf([MethodCode]="M" And [Location]="C",[total]*18.58*0.026873," "))))

I keep getting the "data type mismatch in criteria expression" error. If I separate out all the individual if then statements individually, they work. But if I connect them all as a nested if then it doesn't work.

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Queries :: Append Query - INSERT INTO Statement Contain Unknown Field

Sep 19, 2013

I have two tables each with an ID field (autonumber/PK/No Dup etc).

I want to append two fields from one table to the other table. I have set up an Append Query to do this but it won't work - I get the following error - "The INSERT INTO statement contains the following unknown field: 'FiID'...."

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Query Lets Me Delete But Doesn't Actually Delete...

Apr 2, 2007

I have a query based on two tables, joined on one field (this field is the primary key in Table A. Table B doesn't have a primary key). When working inside this query, it gives me the option to delete records. However, when I try, the row disappears from the query but then if I save and close and either re-open table A or the resulting query, that record is back. It doesn't actually delete. If I go to table A directly and delete it, it's gone for good.

How can I make it so that when I delete the record inside the query it actually deletes? And if that's not an option, can I make it so that it doesn't seem like I can delete records inside the query so that people don't make the mistake?

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Query Date From DateTime - General Date Format Field.

Mar 10, 2006

I have a date and time stamp in a Date/Time field of General Date format (3/1/2006 7:52:25 AM).

I wish to select query on the table's Date/Time field by date portion only (3/1/2006) and not include the time portion (7:52:25 AM) of the field.

Using this expression in the query's criteria - "Between [Enter Start Date: (MM/DD/YY Format)] And [End Date: (MM/DD/YY]" will not return the date ranges as desired without also typing in the full time string.

How can the date integer be parsed out and the query properly expression ed on the criteria field without using VB?

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Queries :: Date Field With Time - Query For Date Only And Get All Records

Apr 26, 2013

I have a query based on a table which has a date field. the field both in the table and the query have the time also in the date value so when I try to query on a date I get nothing if I copy the date and time from the field I will get the result for that record if I just use the date I get nothing. I have tried the format which does display just date but if you click on the field the time is also there You must be able to query for a date only and get all the records.

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How To Delete Record Using Delete Query

May 19, 2011

I have two simple tables. I want to delete the records from Table1 that are on Table2. I've created a select query that gives me what I want but when I change to a delete query, I get this message: "Unable to delete from specified tables"

I think my problem has something to do with security but I can't figure out what to change.

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Forms :: Delete Search Field In Order To Point To Appropriate Field?

May 6, 2013

I am using access 2010. I technically have an unbound form but I am changing the record source by command buttons. Switching between 3 command buttons. My problem is that I have a subform that I was linking to the form to an unbound search field. Now I want to switch the master and child links to a field on the form when I switch the record source which happen to be the same field as the unbound search field; however; it still pulls from the unbound search field rather than the field on the form. Do I need to delete the search field in order to get is to point to the appropriate field?

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Delete The Actual Month Date

Jun 9, 2006


I am importing a table into my access database from an oracle DB. The date field comes in as text (20060604 - for June 04, 2006). I am trying to build a delete query, macro, expression or anything else that searches all the records in that particular field and delete those particular records that have the actual month date. (ex:all the records that have 06 (for June) in the middle). Any help will be much appreciated.

Thank you

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IIF Statement In Date Calculations

Sep 18, 2013

I tried this Between (Date()+7) And Date()

But was wondering how do I write this in an IIF statement.

I want to get a text field going for example:

IIF Between (Date()+7) And Date() THEN "Certification Alert"

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Delete Records Based On Date Criteria

Aug 16, 2005

I have a table that stores records by "return date". I would like to create a delete query that removes all records that fall outside of the date range entered on a specific form (frmMainMenu).

I can deleted the records that match the form criteria, however that is not what I need. The criteria used to delete the records was:

Between [Forms]![frmMainMenu]![from date] And [Forms]![frmMainMenu]![to date]

Let's say that the frmMainMenu contain the date range of 8/1/05 to 8/10/05, however the table contained data from 6/1/05-8/14/05, I would like for the query to delete all records that have a date 6/1/05-07/31/05 and 08/11/05-08/14/05.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help![/SIZE]

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