Query Execution And Record Modifying

Dec 8, 2014

whenever I run/execute a query in Access it is modifying the first record on the table in which it is calling the data from.For example if the first record might contain the following:

Record A: John Doe, Oct, 2014, Account is Active

And lets say I am running a query to pulling records from Nov 2014.The Month and Year Fields in the above example for Record A gets modified to the query search parameters for Nov.Is there some of of record lock or controls that I need to adjust to prevent this from occurring?

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Forms :: How To Force Execution Of A Query When Changing Record

Jul 13, 2014

I have the following tables:

Supplier# [Other columns]

Supplier# Material# [Other columns]

Delivery# Supplier# [Other columns]

Delivery# Supplier# Material# [Other columns]

I've created a form based on table DeliveryHeader with a subform based on table DeliveryDetail. The two are linked by Delivery# Supplier#.

On the form, Supplier# is a combobox that lists all suppliers from table Supplier.
On the subform, Material# is a combobox that lists only the materials supplied by the supplier selected with form's Supplier#.

The problem is that this second list always shows the materials of the first listed supplier. For instance, when the form is loaded, it shows delivery #1 with all its details on the subform. Suppose supplier loaded to form is #1.

1) If I use subform combobox, it shows correctly supplier's #1 materials. But then, whatever delivery I navigate, it always shows supplier's #1 materials.

2) If I navigate to another delivery without using subform combobox, suppose I stop on a delivery where the supplier is #4, then subform combobox shows correctly supplier's #4 materials. But then, once again, whatever delivery I navigate, it always shows supplier's #4 materials.

I've spread Me.Requery here and there but without any success. What trick must I apply to force the execution of the query of the subform combobox Material# each time I navigate to a new record on the form?

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Query Execution Time

Jan 3, 2006

I have a query, it joins a local table to a remote table (Oracle Database Table) which makes it slow(ish).

When I am in design mode and i click the "View Datalist" button, which visually shows me the results, the query executes in about 12 seconds.

When I use the "!" Button to physically Execute the Make-Table Query, it takes hours.

What things should i look for that might cause this problem? Where do I need to optimize.

To me it seems rather odd that the query would execute so fast when i view the data than when it physically executes the data.

Same speed problems when i just run the query as a Selection Query as opposed to the Make-Table Query, so it's not an issue of writing to disk/etc.

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General :: Modifying Record And Saving In New Location?

Dec 4, 2013

I'm working on a database that will be used by two different groups. Group A provides a list of items to be investigated by Group B.

I'm wondering if it is possible to:

i) have Group A create an excel file of items to be investigated (let's call the file tblNEW)

ii) open a record in the file through a form (let's call the form frmINPUT) to allow Group B to input investigation findings

iii) save the modified record into a separate table of all the work that has been done (let's call this table tblWORK)

iv) delete the investigated record in tblNEW once it gets saved into tblWORK

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Disable Datasheet From Poping Up After Query Execution

Sep 24, 2007

I am trying to take input for my reports based on a query result dynamically for which i dont want to display the Datasheet after the execution of Query ,inturn i am displaying results in Report. Any help on this would be appreciated.

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How To Stop Query Execution At The Form Start

Dec 19, 2005


I am a new user to Access. I created couple of forms using wizard, but when I view them, they show me all the available data by default. I want to stop this, if anyone can help me plz.


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Modifying A Query

Jan 10, 2007

I'm far from being an Access expert, so forgive me if I don't make perfect sense. I have a database where questions and pages are entered on a daily basis. I have a table with three columns: data, pages, and questions. I have a query where I can sumarize the data by Month. (I created a query by using the wizard and I chose to summarize by Month). This returns all of the data, summarized by Month. I want to limit it further by year, so that it would return 12 months of data. I am at a loss! I've tried typing [Type Year] but I get no responses. I was able to create a limiting one where I type in the month and year [Type Month and Year] that works great, but it doesn't translate into the year only.

Thanks for any help you can lend!

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Modifying Data In A CrossTab Query

Mar 17, 2006

Is it possible to modify data values in a cross tab query?

I tried and it won't let me delete or type anything.


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Need Assistance Modifying Date Query

Nov 19, 2006

I have a query that is based off of a union query

SELECT clvpertech.clvtech1 AS Technician, Sum(clvpertech.CLVCode) AS CLVs
FROM clvpertech
GROUP BY clvpertech.clvtech1;

This is returning a sum of all the procedures a technician does for the entire database.
This is working.

I need to break this down by day, week , month, and year base off of the datecomp1 or datecomp2 or datecomp3 or datecomp4 fields having a date in them.

I made this query to get the daily results and it works
SELECT clvpertech2.clvtech1 AS Technician, Sum(clvpertech2.CLVCode) AS CLVs
FROM clvpertech2
WHERE (((clvpertech2.datecomp1)=Date$())) OR (((clvpertech2.datecomp2)=Date$())) OR (((clvpertech2.datecomp3)=Date$())) OR (((clvpertech2.datecomp4)=Date$()))
GROUP BY clvpertech2.clvtech1;

How can I add different queries to get the results by breaking down the date field for year, week, and month?

I tried this for the month but I get Invalid Procedure Call when I try to run it???

SELECT clvpertech2.clvtech1 AS Technician, Sum(clvpertech2.CLVCode) AS CLVs
FROM clvpertech2
WHERE (((clvpertech2.datecomp1)=DatePart("mmm",[datecomp1]))) OR (((clvpertech2.datecomp2)=DatePart("mmm",[datecomp2]))) OR (((clvpertech2.datecomp3)=DatePart("mmm",[datecomp3]))) OR (((clvpertech2.datecomp4)=DatePart("mmm",[datecomp4])))
GROUP BY clvpertech2.clvtech1;

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Queries :: Modifying Query Output

Feb 13, 2014

I am trying to modify the output to only show discontinued items. While the query is in datasheet view, the text is read as "YES" or "NO" under discounted items. So, I tried entering "YES" in criteria while in design view, but keep getting an error message stating, "Data type mismatch in criteria expression".

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Modifying Query Fieldname & Criteria Thru Code

Nov 30, 2004

Self learning trying to modify a query fieldname and criteria thru code.

Have a small form with a button making a copy of a query/s (eventually making about 50 copies).
Once these have been made, would like to open the query up, which I can do, then modify both
the fieldname and the field criteria to suit my needs from parameters set in the form.

How do I do this if it can be done ?

Thanks in advance

Ian T

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Modifying Access Pass Through Query Using Querydefs

Feb 8, 2012

I have a pass through query which I want to add a parameter to the end.

The pass through query is very long and has to crate temporary tables on SQL Server in order to generate the required output.

I do not want to retype or try and paste all of this code into a vba module.

Can I use querydefs or something in the querydefs collection to extract the code into a new query and append my parameter along the way?

A simple way of looking at this could be


"set nocount off

Select UWREF
from policy
where UWREF like '"

parameter:- (picked up from a text box on a form)

additional text to follow:-
"%' set nocount on"

In a nutshell that's all I want to do, but as stated beforehand the real world query has a shed load of other code.

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Queries :: Modifying A Query To Return Only Instances Where There Is More Than 3 Records

Sep 26, 2014

I have an existing query, created using the query wizard which works just fine - however, I would like to modify it to return only instances where there are 3 or more records appearing.

Essentially, its an employee history report for a particular action done by those employees, which returns all records between two dates as specified by the user. What I would like to do is only show those employees who have had more than three instances of this action in the given date period.

I am thinking along the lines of DCount? but how it would be phrased in the query?

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Want To Stop Execution!

Feb 12, 2006

i have created a new utility DB that has only one form..when it opens I set the startup form "Main" and on the OnOpen event of this form I have some code to open another database and close this one...

this means that whenever i open this database, it opens, opens up the other one and this utility DB closes...and i cannot access it coz it always opens and closes automatically...how can I stop it from executing to be able to edit its VB code?!

Thanks, this is driving me mad !

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DTS Execution Via MS Access

May 23, 2007

Hi Folks,

I am wondering if it is possible to execute a DTS package via Microsoft Access. I have done a bit of research and cannot seem to really find anything that claims this is possible or how to go about to get it to work. I am running SQL Server 2000 which has quite a few DTS packages ... it would be really neat if I could just create a small interface in Access whereby a form has a few buttons on it that can be clicked and the DTS packages can be executed on the server, this way folks won't need to log on to the server and run the DTS packages via SQL Server Enterprise Manager. What would REALLY be awesome would be if values can be passed between SQL and Access but I think if that is possible it would be quite an animal to achieve (I know it is possible via Visual Basic programming but not really worth all the work to create an independent program just to run a DTS package or pass a value). If anyone can provide me with any information or where to look I would appreciate it.



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Form Execution Bug

Jul 3, 2005

Hi everyone,

This is my problem. Almost all the time(90%), I open the main form of my application and a large part of the form is blank(white). If I open it from the Database window it often work well and all the form is visible.

When the bug occur, If I just switch from Access to another application like Internet Explorer and I come agian to Access then all the form is visible.

Is someone ever seen that kind of bug. What that can cause that problem. How can I solve it?

N.B. There is a lot of controls on my form and I guess that bug can be linked with it. Seems like Access is trying to open my form too rapidely.

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Time Execution Question

Mar 14, 2005


how can i create a comand button that open a form at predifined date?

example: if current date=2005/14/12(yyyy-dd-mm) then open form "example"


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Unsuccessful Execution Of SQL Statement Within VBA Codes

Jan 1, 2006

I have a problem about running SQL statement in VBA code. I will appreciate a looot if you can help me solve the problem ASAP.

I tried to run the following statement in my VBA code to update a table in my database:


It turns out that the table will not be updated if I run the above SQL statement with my other VBA codes. (ACCESS doesn't give any error messages even though the database was not updated.) But if I run the SQL statement by itself rather than within the other codes, the database will be updated successfully. (When I set a breakpoint at the above SQL statement and run it manually within the other codes, the database are updated successfully too.)

Apparently, the SQL statement and the other codes don't have any syntax errors. I wonder why ACCESS doesn't execute the SQL statement when the SQL statement is put within the other VBA codes. Is it because the table it tried to manipulate was locked by the other codes?

The following are all the VBA codes including the SQL statement I'm talking about. When I run the following codes together, the database is not modified by the SQL statement (the last sentence). But if I run the last sentence and the other codes separately, the database was modified successfully.

Dim rstDataLoad As New ADODB.Recordset
With rstDataLoad
Set .ActiveConnection = cnnSHELL
.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
End With

'Calculate Retire_Date
Do While Not rstDataLoad.EOF

Calculation omitted.

Set rstDataLoad = Nothing


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Wait For Shell Execution To Finish?

Jun 19, 2007

I'm using hte Shell() function but this doesn't wait for the executable file to finish so I'm looking for a command line function that would wait until the executable file is finished executing...

I saw this function WaitFor but it is not supported in MS-Access? So, what do I do?


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Modules & VBA :: Call Value From A Text Box During SQL Execution

Dec 20, 2014

I have this segment of code that adds data to fields FName and FPath in the table Files. It works fine but the syntax is a nightmare with all the double quotes and symbols.

strSQL = "INSERT INTO Files " _
& " (FName, FPath) " _
& " SELECT """ & strTemp & """" _
& ", """ & strFolder & """;"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL

I have another field in the table Files called CompletedBy that shows who updated the table (they type their name into a textbox Text1 before clicking a command button to run the code). I would like to add this data to the table during the execution of strSQL. All the records added to the table Files will have that value in the CompletedBy field (say, Bob Jones).I tried the below changes but the code doesnt work.

strSQL = "INSERT INTO Files " _
& " (FName, FPath, CompletedBy) " _
& " SELECT """ & strTemp & """" _
& ", """ & strFolder & """ & Me.Text1 & """;"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL

How would I add a value in field CompletedBy, from the textbox Text1, to all records added to table Files when the code is run?

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General :: Pop Up Process Running MsgBox And Close Automatically On Execution

Aug 23, 2013

I have a form that loads when the database is open, and the form has buttons etc. that leads to queries and reports in the database. (Queries open in a form). Since most queries take a while to load, I was wondering if there is a way to Pop up a message box stating "Please Wait, Query is running..." (or something like that), and once the form opens the MsgBox should close automatically. (The user should not have to hit Ok button.)

Most users of this database would have restricted access such that they would not have navigation pane and toolbar visible - hence I want to make it a touch more interactive when a process is running...also if someone is new to access they might not notice that taskbar status and I don't want them thinking the program is stuck etc..

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Modules & VBA :: Excel File Opens And Code Stops Execution

Nov 12, 2014

I'me running on Win7, Office 2010, Acc2003 format (.mdb), writing data to Excel 2010 (.xlsx)I have code to create an Excel file, send record set data to it, and then add some formulas and formatting. I was trying to tune up the formulas, when I got a pull back:Access VBA code suddenly stops running, and the file gets displayed in Excel

'ApXl is Application.Excel
'xlWSh is the Excel WorkSheet
'rst is my DAO.Recorset


The same happens when I have ApXl.Visible = True

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Modifying A Replica

Jul 21, 2005

I am still new to Access and am loving the learning process. I am stuck on a problem though. I have serached the forums here and various other places and haven't found the info I am looking for. I was wondering if there is a way to have a relpica (or a seperate database that can syncronize) that has a modied design. I want the main one to have everything on it, reports/forms/ add/delete/ect, but I want another one that is simply a data entry form, with only the option to input data. I would love to do this and avoid system security measures with usernames and passwords. From my reading it doesn't seem like I can do this, but I still hold in my heart a glimmer of hope. Please help, and if you can explain the process to me, all the better (its how I'm learning).

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Modifying Projects - See Example

Sep 8, 2006

Hello, So far you guys have been helping me through my database that i am building. Thanks so far!But at the moment i need help on one more aspect of this Database Job. Currently i have a database that supports and holds records for jobs that are under contract. That means we have certain numbers and statistics of Jobs and there properties.what i have right now is a table with a couple fields. (there are more than this but this is just for example) project number "primary key" aerial units buried units planning units ICGS unitsThat part works fine with the current table. But since jobs are under contract the number of units might change further on during the design and construction. There may be more than one mod.Now the part that im stuck on is the most important. I need a table/query/form/report that i can input the changes to particular units. Like i said before there might be more than 1 mod. So i need to make it show ALL the mods ive done to a project.This is a huge part, and any help would be very much appriciated. ~Thanks so muchJon

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Modifying Security Using Sql

Jan 16, 2006

Is it possible in access to modify user permissions with SQL?

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Modifying Error Messages

Mar 14, 2006

Hi to all. I need to modify some existing error messages in my form so that I can create messages that will be more user friendly. I know that it is possible but searching for this issue was a bit confusing. How do I do this?

Thanks in advance

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