Query Help :copying Rows

Jan 30, 2007

Hi ,

I need to copy rows from a table to a specific location in the same table.

I suppose that it is possible to copy rows from a table to the same table
as followed :

WHERE Condition

How can I insert into a specific location based on another condition. ?

Thanks for the help .

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Queries :: Copying List Box Selections Into Append Query

Dec 15, 2014

I've got a listbox on one of my forms (with multi select enabled). Essentially its a list of products, the idea is for the user to select as many products as he or she likes, then they click a button and the selected products show up in an append query, which will add records to a table.

How to copy the data from a list box to an append query (nothing that each selection should have its own row)...

i also wanna look into "Select All" and "Select None" buttons, is this possible?

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Queries :: Query To Insert Missing Rows From Another Query / Table

Oct 8, 2013

I am using an Access 2010 DB to keep track of a schedule. Essentially, at least one person needs to be signed up to work for every hour of every day in a week.

Days with 7 records
Hours with 24 records
Workers with as many people that sign up to work the different hours
Schedule signifying the worker, day, and hour which are signed up.

As of now i have a query that relates these results and gives me a line detailing the worker/time information for the slots that are signed up for.What I'm TRYING to do is to create a query that gives me BLANK worker info when there is no one signed up for a particular hour.Currently my Schedule table has the following:

WorkerID | DayID | HourID
1 | 5 | 12
4 | 5 | 13
16 | 5 | 15

What I'm looking to do is have this table matched up with another table (or query) that provides every combination of day/hour. When an day/hour combination is skipped, the query will be able to "fill in the blank" with a row. Like this:

WorkerID | DayID | HourID
1 | 5 | 12
4 | 5 | 13
| | 14
16 | 5 | 15

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Too Many Rows In Variable Used For Query.

Jun 29, 2005

Hi, I am totally out of my depth on this one. I have managed to find ways to solve my other problems but this one won't seem to budge.

I have one large table ALLENGPUMP which has columns of data and other columns of lookups to associated tables. What I am trying to achieve is that by selecting a value from a combo box (which contains the results of: SELECT DISTINCT ALLENGPUMP.Coupling_Order_code FROM ALLENGPUMP; ) a list box will show all of the other columns from the table (and the associated tables).

In lstOther3 and lstOther4 the columns sought are in the same table and this will produce a result of multiple rows when the Coupling_Order_Code is apparent for more than one ID, as required.

lstOther5 contains the columns with lookups and only works when the Coupling_Order_Code returns only one ID. When more than one ID is returned it no longer functions and returns nothing. The best I have so far is shown below (this is from VBA) although lstOther5 only has one of the columns I am looking up whereas there are 5 in total for the data in 5 other tables.

So, to recap, the user chooses one of the list of Coupling_Order_Codes, this returns the ID for all rows that contains the Coupling_Order_Code. From these IDs I want a list box to show the data held in all of these rows, including the lookups to the associated tables.

Dim GvarCPLG_Ord As String

Private Sub cbCPLG_Ord_AfterUpdate()
GvarCPLG_Ord = Me.cbCPLG_Ord

End Sub

Any help at all would be very, very, very much appreciated.
Thanks, Brodie

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Comparing Rows In A Query

Aug 26, 2006

is it possible to compare values in 2 different rows? for example if the query returns this:

1 | $5.00
2 | $6.00
3 | $20.00
4 | $30.00

i want to find out the cost difference between 1 and 2 which will be $6-$5 and then 2 and 3 which will be $20-$6 and so on. how can i make this happen in SQL? any suggestions?

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Getting The Count Of Various Rows In One Query.

Oct 12, 2007

I've been toying with this for a few hours but I always end up with the wrong result. Hopefully an expert here can provide some insight. I have a table called colors with two columns PNAME and COLOR. There are various products and only three possible colors. E.g:

Tablename: COLORS

tshirt blue
pants blue
jacket blue
jacket green
shoes green
vest black

Now what I'm trying to do is create a single query that would provide me with the count of colors in three different columns.

Blue Green Black
3 2 1

I can get these results easily by creating several queries and then getting the results into one query from these, but I'm trying to learn how to put together nested queries. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Query Help: Grouping Like Rows

Mar 10, 2008

I have a table that has 2 colums.

Room_Number Items
1 Chair
2 Chair
2 Desk
3 Table
4 Computer
4 Radio
4 Book
4 Chair
6 Fish Tank
6 Chair

I want a query that will select rooms 1-6 and include all items for those rooms on one row. Example below

Room_Number Items
1 Chair
2 Chair, Desk
3 Table
4 Computer, Radio, Book, Chair
6 Fish Tank, Chair

I hope this makes sense. Thank you in advance.

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Merge Query Rows In A New One

Apr 15, 2008

Dear Friends,:)

I have 2 tables .. (GroupNo.) & (employee)

The conjunction between them as :

tbl1 tbl2
No. Name
1 John
1 Alian
1 Sali
2 Robert
2 ......

How Can I make a new Query that produce the result as :

1 John,Alian,Sali
2 Robert,.......
3 ......

Kind Regards,

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Repeating Rows In A Query?

Mar 27, 2014

I am attempting to perform a normalization process in a query where an organization would be operating in several different states and different countries. I have created three tables where: one table is Organization, second table is Country, and the third table is State. I made a table to record: Organization ID, Country ID and State ID. An organization could have 1 or more countries while having no US states. Also the organization could have 1 or more countries while having 1 or more US states.

What I am seeing is in my query is:

Organization | Country | State
Organization | Country | State
Organization | Country |

What I am wanting to see is:

Organization | Country, Country, Country | State, State

In the end, I want to make a mail merge from this query table.

How can I 'normalize' the query?

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Compare Several Hundred Rows Against Other Rows

Nov 21, 2005

Not sure if what I want to do is possible, or at least possible the way things are set up.

I have a massive table - c. 6 million rows. It contains data along these lines:

Plan#, Item, Price, Description, Colour, Value, Location, etc.

The primary key would be Plan# + Item. Each Plan# has approximately 1,000 Items, and there is only 1 Item per Plan#. There are only a limited number of Items (c. 1500) and all or only some Items might be assigned to the Plan#. All items under each unique ID# belong together, sort of in a set. So this huge table has approx. 6,000 unique sets (based on Plan#).

To add to the confusion, Item A under Plan#1 may have different information (Price, Description, Colour, etc.) from Item A under Plan#2. I know this isn't a great way to set up data but this is what I have to work with.

Over the years it's possible that the exact same combination of Items with identical values might have been set up for multiple Plan#s. What I need to do is find any Plan#s which have the exact same combination of Item, Price, Description, etc. So if Plan#R has 200 rows and Plan#S has 201 rows, it automatically doesn't match. If Plan#R has 200 rows and so does Plan#T, all information in each record must match between the two Plan#s (with the exception obviously of Plan#).

I don't think this is possible, and if it is I am sure it's not going to be easy. So far the best I can do is to come up with finding duplicates on Item, Price, Description, etc. but that's only one record at a time and doesn't tell me if the two Plan#s match.

Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.


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Query To Total Columns AND Rows

Jun 2, 2005

Is it possible to total columns in a query? Right now, I have a query that produces the following column counts, but I'd like to total Pending, Overdue, etc. This data is being displayed in a subform.

Process Pending Overdue Total
Engineering 1 2 3
Procurement 0 6 6
TOTAL 1 8 9 <- this is the line I want to add

Here's what the query (qryStatusRptB) looks like thus far:
Field: Process
Table: tblProcesses
Total: Group By

Field: Pending
Table: qryStatusRptA
Total: Sum

Field: Overdue
Table: queryStatusRptA
Total: Sum

Field: TotalRecords: Count(*)
Total: Expression

Can someone explain how to get the TOTAL ROW in here? (I can do it via another query, but that won't work since the data is displayed in a subform. I've tried crosstabs without success.)

Many thanks,

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Query To Find Rows With Only 5 Characters

Aug 30, 2006

How do a write a query to find those rows in a field that have only 5 characters?

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Locking Specific Rows Within A Query

Oct 12, 2007

Hey guys,

I have a query on a form in which I want to lock the first two rows to prevent the user from manipulating the data. The user will input information in the third column.

How would I go about this


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Number Rows In Access Query

Dec 15, 2004

Simple question - All I need to do is display the row numbers of a query I have created....For example:

1 St. Joes
2 Holy Family
3 St. Peters

I am not looking to rank anything, I just want a constant row of numbers for about 115 records.

Thanks So Much.

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Queries :: Counting Rows Within A Query

Apr 16, 2013

I am trying to get a total count of rows from a query on my tickets, Each ticket has a date and an ID number

SELECT tbl_ticket.ticket, tbl_ticket.entrydate, Count(tbl_ticket.[entrydate]) AS [Row Count]
FROM tbl_ticket
GROUP BY tbl_ticket.ticket, tbl_ticket.entrydate
HAVING (((tbl_ticket.entrydate) Between #1/1/2011# And #1/31/2011#));

I am trying to get this query built so I can attach it to a form.

I am trying to get three bits of data from this Query

1 a total count of all the Tickets in a given month

The ticket #'s and their date of entry.

So far this gives me a great list of Tickets and the date they got put in the system, but then for the total count it gives me 1 for each line. Even if some have the same date.

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Queries :: Multiple Rows In A Query?

Jun 10, 2013

I have a table where and account could have multiple rows with different data like Applied_Date and Trans_Code, and AMOUNT. The AMOUNT in two of the rows will be a positive and a negative and will be zero each other out. I am trying to create a query that will only return the the rows that do not offset each other. Here is an example of my table:

292020 M 5/11/2012 ($33.95)
292020 11 5/14/2012 $33.95
292020 A 5/30/2012 ($33.95)

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Copying Data Within Same Form From A Listbox Containing A Query To A Blank Listbox?

Apr 21, 2006

Hi, I'm new here, so I hope I'm posting this in the correct place. I've searched the forum to see if there are any existing threads that might help me, but I've not found anything that does...
(I think this thread ( http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=93444&highlight=Copying+data )may be trying to achieve something similar to me, but I'm a beginner and don't really understand it)

I shall stop waffling! I'm not entirely sure that what I'm trying to achieve is possible, I expect it probably is!

Right, I have a form (frmGroupRegister, which contains exactly the same fields as the table it comes from, tblGroupRegister), which consists of three things:

-GroupDate - The date a group took place on. It is my primary key, as no more than one group occurs on a specific date.

-ParentList (A listbox which contains a query showing the ID number, forename and surname of everyone in a table, tblParentDetails)

-ParentsAttending (A blank listbox)

I would like to place buttons in between the ParentList and ParentsAttending, which would allow users to conduct a 'register' of attendance by copying individual/multiple details from ParentList into ParentsAttending (much like you get when choosing which fields to include in a form when using a wizard for example). I would also like them to be able to remove people from ParentsAttending by using a button in case of accidentally adding the wrong person into the ParentsAttending box.

I'm aware that another, probably simpler way of achieving this would be to use a tick-box system, but I feel that visually, the first method would both look better and demonstrate who is present more clearly.

Any help would be much appreciated, but my Access skills are quite basic and things will probably need to be spelled out for me.
I'm using Access 2000 and Windows XP.
Thanks for your help,
Alice :)

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Query With Rows Based On Date Range?

May 23, 2005

Hi everyone, I am hoping to learn something new about access today. What I need is to be able to run a query that gives me rows of data based on paramenters that I specify. For example, I will query this all just on one table and I want to come up with an output that is in a nice format as follows:

Parameter..........................Member Count
01/01/04 thru 01/20/04...............298
02/01/04 thru 02/20/04...............287
03/01/04 thru 03/20/04...............301
04/01/04 thru 04/20/04...............254

And so on, usually for a calendar year.

Basically each member has an effective date, like member A might have 01/15/04 effective date and member B might have 01/02/04 effective date. I need to capture the count of members by month based on their effective date range. I would like to do it all in one query like above instead of just running a query for January, then February, then March, so on.

Is there a way to do this? Right now I am just running a query and getting one member count at a time and copying that number to an excel spreadsheet. it works okay, but is time consuming. I would rather semi-automate things for me. Any ideas?

Oh and I am new to access, by no means an expert, so be gentle with me.


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Query Returns Zero Rows And Count Errors

Sep 7, 2005

I am running a report based on a query. When the query returns zero rows, the count function in the report gives an error. Probably a simple solution but I've searched and can't find an answer. What do I do to stop the report when there is no data?

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Delete Query To Target Fields Not Rows?

Sep 5, 2007


I need to know if it is possible to create a delete query which will target particular fields in a row based on certain criteria in a seperate combo box(on same table).

The few ways that I have tried to do this have been unsuccesful so if anyone can shed some light on the subject it would be greatly appreciated.

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Custom Order Rows In Crosstab Query

Jan 22, 2008

Hello, I have created a crosstab query where I specify the order of Column Headings, however, I can't figure out how to specify the order of Row Headings. I only see that Microsoft Access offers the option to sort ascending vs. descending. I'd like to customize my sort order such as "Under 18" row first followed by "18-29" row and then "30-39" etc.

Any help you may provide would be great.

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Updating Multiple Rows In One Update Query Help Please!

Mar 7, 2008

I have one table, I want to update multiple fields in that Table with values.Currently I have on update query for each update.So for exampleRows: Commercial Quotes, Cover Notes, Personal QuotesWill have the values: Yes, No, Yes in them.I need to update those fields, if they say Yes to Commercial Quotes, Cover Notes or Personal Quotes depending on the field obviously. And blank them out if it says No.Currently I have 30+ different queries I have to click individually one after the other to update each row. I was wondering if theres a quicker way of doing this all in one hit.I have a tiny bit of SQL knowledge.So one of the queries I've figured out I've converted to SQL but again it only updates one instance...UPDATE Enabler_Data SET Enabler_Data.[Commercial Quotes] = "Commercial Quotes" WHERE (((Enabler_Data.[Commercial Quotes]) = "YES"));I tried whacking an OR replacing the ; and repeating that statment replacing Commercial Quotes with Cover Notes but it errored out on me.This is where I get completely stuck and my meagre knowledge fails me so any help would be useful.Thanks in advanceMatt

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Limited List Rows In Distinct Row Query

Nov 21, 2006

On a form I have a way to search for a record by using a listbox that has a Distinct Row Query from the table that the main table that the form is bound to. It looks for the Sample ID's that are associated with the samples that we test. The list ends at record 87877. We are WAY past that number in our numbering scheme but the list box does not display all the records. When the users type anything over 87877 the auto complete doesn't work and the last record shown in the list is 87877. Does anyone have any idea how to make all records show? The users use this to navigate quickly between samples but now it is broken. Is there some sort of limit?

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Queries :: Query To Display ALL Rows From Table 3

Feb 6, 2014

i have 3 simple tables as follows:

OwnerID, Owner_LastName,

TenantID, Tenant_LastName,

ID, Date, Amount, OwnerID, TenantID

I need query to display ALL the rows from Table3 and show columns of Owner_LastName and Tenant_Lastname. However, I want the rows in Table3, that do not have the value for TenantID to still appear, just with Tenant_LastName being left blank.

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Queries :: Ability To Add Rows From Query Results

Jun 16, 2015

From a Access database that I inherited. Users used to be able (from a form) run a query and then add data (i.e, new rows). But now that the the database is split and the backend is on MS-SQL, they no longer can do this. I do not think this will be possible. I think they will have to add data directly to the table or have another form for adding data.

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Queries :: Append Query Returning Too Many Rows

Nov 14, 2013

I want an append query to create a new record in a table and populate that record with fields from a form. Some of these fields are free text, others are from combo boxes.The append query adds vastly too many records (albeit all populated with precisely the same information) - and the number it adds seems to depend on which combo box options I choose.

I have a similar append query which pulls information from earlier records in the table, and combines that with free text and combo boxes on a near-identical form, which works fine and always just adds one row.

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