Query Based On Multiple Forms

Jul 22, 2005

Hi there,

I have a query to update data to a table which takes the account ID from the form and updates. This works fine as is.

The problem is that the update can be made on several different forms and was wondering whether there was a way to conditionally select the ID in the query based on what form is open. I have tried some combinations of IIF statements but every time I get a parameter prompt for the Forms that are not open.

Is there any way around this or do I just need a separate query for each form. Any advice would be appreciated.


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Query Based On Multiple LIKE

Feb 14, 2006

I have a situation where I have 2 tables A (20K records) and B (2K records).
Each table has a field 'Name'.

I'm trying to figure out a query that will return all the records in table A that have a LIKE match in table B, i.e a the name in table B is somewhere in the record in table A (pattern matching).

So, it looks as tough I would need to step through the records in table B, take the data in the 'Name' field, compare it with a Like '*<whatever>*' match on table A to return any records that contain that data from table B.

Then move onto the next record in table B and compare it again to all of table A and so on.

The result set would then display just the unique rows from table A that had a pattern match with one of the rows in table B.

Hope I'm making myself clear, apologies if not.

Any ideas?

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Forms :: Make Multiple Records Based On Occurrence

Dec 13, 2013

I am making a database that has to do with Preventive maintenance. Everything is going good and I came to a problem. There are recurring events. Some are weekly monthly quarterly etc all the way to 5 years. When I put in the task and a start date and the occurrence. So Say I put in a date of a task for today and its set to monthly I want the next record to be 1/13/14 for the task and go all the way up to infinity until a box is checked making it inactive.

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Forms :: Parametric Search Based On Multiple Fields

Feb 17, 2015

I want to create a parametric search for tools on the shop floor based on multiple fields [using VBA]

I've had a good search and turned up lots of useful things; but each example insofar has been fairly specific as opposed to a guide on how to implement it in a wider setting.

Let us say, for example, that my database has three fields each with a bound combo box: location; house-type; number of bedrooms

As I type in location, I want it to filter my results in the other boxes to that location (should be a simple case of applying a filter?) - which leaves me with all the house-types and bedroom-counts in that location.

As I type in the house-type, I want it to then narrow down the search again to filter the "location"+"house-type" to leave me with the available number of bedrooms.

What is the best way to implement this, given that I have about 20 fields*, some of which will inevitably be blank: as the user types in (or selects using combo boxes) the data required, it narrows down the search - and finally there's a "search all" button which returns all results matching the current criteria.

When I say "implement" I mean what underlying structure should I use. Is it best to create a query and update the query as items are entered, or would it be better to filter the form that's having the data entered?

The fields are organised sensibly into sub-forms for various characteristics (i.e manufacturing data, materials data, cutting data, etc, etc), don't worry - it's note a huge mess - and the code is all there to pull the data together as required!

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Forms :: Passing Multiple Values Based On ComboBox

Jul 10, 2014

I have a form where the user will choose a contact name or names from a multivalue combobox and I want the email address field to update with the corresponding emails separated by "; ".

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Forms :: How To Select A Record Based On Multiple Criteria

May 15, 2013

I have a list of client stored in a table "Clients". I would like a form to present a user with the next client in the list at the click of a button, but there will be some exceptions:

Some clients will be given priority, and should be moved to the top of the list although they may not be the next logical entry in the table. Priority clients are indicated by a field "Priority" with a Yes/No option set before work begins.

Some clients will have requested a call at a certain time of the day - This time will be stored in a field named timeToCall. The next user to click the button after the time has passed should be given that clients details.

When the end of the list is reached any clients who could not be contacted will be tried again. My table currently has a field "Attempts" to track this, but that may not be needed. Clients who have been dealt with will be removed from the "Clients" table to a "Completed" table.

Whichever record is selected will be flagged as being dealt with so that 2 people don't get the same entry. I may add a new field for this, but right now I plan to use the "attempts" field to control this

I am unsure of the best approach to the above, I'm not very well-versed in Access, but if I were doing this in Excel (as originally requested by my boss) I would do it like this:

Use a form where the "Next" button will use VBA code to first check if there are any priority clients, then check if there are any timed client's ready to call and then move to the next entry that has had 0 contact attempts. Whichever record is the next one will be displayed in the form to the user.

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Query Based On Multiple Conditions

Jan 11, 2005

For some reason, this one is driving me nuts so i would really appreciate some help.
This is kind of complicated to explain but here goes.
I am trying to create a query so that, based on certain conditions certain rows from the Form/Table are either visible or not visible on the report.
I have four fields involved:
Antic Dep$ (Anticipated Deposit Amount)
Antic Loan$ (Anticipated Loan Amount)
Date Dep Booked
Date Loan Booked

Basically i am trying to hide any records that in which the Date Dep Booked and/or Date Loan Booked are older than the current month...

I can think it through logically but cannot get my head around the query.

If Date Dep Booked or Date Loan Booked is not older than current month then show the row;
If Date Dep Booked is older than current month and Date Loan Booked is older than current month then hide the row; unless

If Date Dep Booked is older than current month but Date Loan Booked is not older than current month then show the row; except
If Date Dep Booked is older than current month and Antic Loan$ is zero then hide the row; but
If Date Dep Booked is older than current month and Antic Loan$ is not zero then show the row;

Then i also need to do the reverse for the Date Loan Booked, i.e.

If Date Loan Booked is older than current month but Date Dep Booked is not older than current month then show the row; except
If Date Loan Booked is older than current month and Antic Dep$ is zero then hide the row; but
If Date Loan Booked is older than current month and Antic Dep$ is not zero then show the row;

Phew! That probably makes no sense but i had to try.

Once again, i appreciate any help so that i can keep the remainder of my hair.


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Query Based On Multiple Criteria With Check Box's

Nov 18, 2004

I have a table(Product Change) with these fields:
Tracking Number
Approved (a check box)
Engineering (text box that represents department)
Purchasing (text box that represents department)
Quality (text box that represents department)
Production (text box that represents department)
Customer Service (text box that represents department)

I want my query results to show all records that have the "Approved" check box...checked, and then only the records that have one of the Department fields with a null value.
So I'm looking to see only records that are "Approved" and out of those....only the records with at least one department field empty(Null).

Any help doing this is SQL view would be great...or even design view.

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Forms :: Multiple Records From Single Form Based Upon Checkbox Values

Feb 10, 2015

Currently we track areas of non-conformance for a fleet of flight simulators. Each flight simulator has a particular ID number. In some instance an area of non-conformance is associated with a single simulator, at other times it is a fleet wide issue and applies to all or some simulators. In order to track as well as advise leadership and the contractor responsible for maintenance of the simulators of the situation we generate individual response letters.

In order to track each instance of non-conformance my idea was to create a new record for each deficiency. In the event that it is applicable to multiple simulators I would like to fill out the form with all pertinent data and then place a checkbox associated with each simulator and when the record is saved, it creates one record for each simulator with a checkbox ticked.

Once the deficiency on each simulator is fixed, I would check a box for a field called rescinded, which would remove that particular deficiency on that particular simulator from the active list of deficiencies but the others would still remain because they are associated with unique records.

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Forms :: Entering Values For Multiple People On One Form Based On Month

Jan 31, 2015

I need to enter workload counts for 10 people, and it is done on a monthly basis. So I have a table of Months (Jan-Dec), a table of names, and a joined table with the months, names and a field for the workload counts.

I would like to make a form where I could select the month and all the names show up so I could go and enter the counts for everyone at the same time. I've attached a diagram to show what it would look like

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Forms :: Print Report Based On Subform With Multiple Search Criteria

Jun 14, 2015

I have a problem printing a Subform that uses multiple criteria(in textboxes) as filters.

The search portion of the form works fine. The problem is I have created a report based on the subform and am using the following code to open/filter the report

Private Sub PrintBtn_Click()
Dim strCriterion As String
Dim strMsg As String, strTitle As String


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Forms :: Opening A Form Based On Multiple Tables On A Specific Record

Dec 31, 2014

I have a form "frm_PatientNew" based on table "tbl_patients", this form contains a button "cmd_NewVisit" which is supposed to do the following: opens the form "frm_NewVisit" for recording a new visit for the last recorded patient in "tbl_Patients", I found many approaches depending on DMax and Dlookup and they worked fine just if "frm_NewVisit" is bound to "tbl_Patients", but "frm_NewVisit" is bound to "tbl_Main" which acts as a container for all information (patient data, visit data,service done and service provider), so the form "frm_NewVisit" contains fields from different tables. I wonder if I should create "frm_NewVisit" as unbound form, then adding fields from different tables to it and using vba to populate "tbl_Main",

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Forms :: Filter Based On Multiple Selections - Referencing A Control On A Subform

Oct 23, 2013

I have a multi select list box which I am trying to use to open another form and apply a filter based on the user's multiple selections.

List box - lstCatergories
Main Form - frmSuppliersSummaryCategories
Subform on Main Form - frmSuppliersSummaryCategoriesSubForm

The Subform contains the text box CategoryID

Here's my code which nearly works...

Private Sub cmdFilterSuppliers_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdFilterSuppliers_Click

Dim strWhere As String
Dim ctl As Control
Dim varItem As Variant

[Code] .....

My problem is that the control "CategoryID" is on the subform and I'm having massive problems trying to reference it. This is the part of my code that won't work:

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmSuppliersSummaryCategories", acNormal, , "CategoryID IN(" & strWhere & ")"

However; if I open the SubForm directly it works perfectly. I.e.

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmSuppliersSummaryCategoriesSubform", acFormDS, , "CategoryID IN(" & strWhere & ")"

To summarise... How do I reference the control "CategoryID" on the subform "frmSuppliersSummaryCategoriesSubform"?

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Excluding Multiple Records From Query Based On Value In ONE Record

Sep 27, 2005

Table1 gives Case Nu.

Table2 gives Case Nu. and EventType.

Table3 gives EventType and Cleared (yes/no field)

I want to run a query that gives Case Nu and Event where if there is even one event marked Cleared for a Case, then that case number and its events (even those not marked cleared) don't show up at all.

Any ideas? I know there must be an obvious solution, but my mind is stuck right now!

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Forms :: Preventing Double Booking Of Room In Form Based On Multiple Criteria

Aug 13, 2015

I have Table for rooms called Rooms, and the data in the table is roomNumber which is in the format Letter and two Digit number, so A01 would be dorm building A and room building 1, and I then have a seperate row named roomType that is either VIP or Semi Private.

Now I am creating a form where a worker will put in there scheduledCheckin date and scheduledCheckout date and it will be written to the Bookings table. I would like this form however to take the dates they have put in, as well as room type (Semi-Private or VIP, and assign them an available room that isn't booked at all in that range) or list all available rooms for that range of time and they could then just select the room. I would rather it automatically assigns an available room based on room type though because this check in system is going to have about 500 rooms.

I've attached a link for what I have so far. I know how to make a query to list anyone who has booked rooms over that date, but need one for just preventing booking the same room.

[URL] .....

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Queries :: Filter Query Based On Some Criteria In Multiple Columns

Jul 25, 2013

I am working in MS access 2007.

What I am trying to do is fairly simple i just dont have the ability to correctly code what i want to do.

I want to filter my query based on some criteria in multiple columns. But i only want the query to filter based on the specific criteria if a checkbox has been selected.

Basically i want the criteria for one of the columns criteria to read

IF a check box "Check0" is selected THEN filter the column to only records that = 1 and if "Check2" then filter all records that = 2

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Form Based Parameter Query With Multiple Controls Used For One Criteria

Nov 14, 2012

My form-based search mechanism uses controls to set the parameters for the query data source.

I have one field call quantity in stock. I could you a Between and And method to allow the end user to input the stock quantity they want.

HOWEVER, i would love it for the user to first select the Comparison Operator (e.g. > , <, >=, <=) from a combo box and then in an adjacent text box, enter the quantity.

The expression i entered in the query goes something like this.... Forms![frmSearch]![cboRange] & [Forms]![frmSearch]![txtQuantity]

When i try and run this, i get the message "THe expression is too complex to be evaluated".

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Modules & VBA :: Sending Emails To Multiple People Based On Same Query And Report

Jul 15, 2013

At present I have a tblData, a tblPeople, a long union query and a report that displays its results. On a form I select a person from tblPeople (another field on that table contains their email address), run the query and report in that person's respect and email the results to them.

What I want to do is add a button which runs some VBA code which cycles through tblPeople, runs the query for each person, works out if the query has returned any records from tblData for that person, and if so - sends them the report.

I am using Access 2010

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Queries :: Access Database - Query Based On Multiple Day / Date Criteria

Jul 26, 2015

I am currently working on a project to develop an access database to manage a roster of calls to clients on a daily basis based on two general criteria:

1. Pre-determined days selected by the client. (e.g. Call Mon, Wed, Fri only. This can change as client requirements change.)

2. Ad-hoc changes based on the client’s circumstances. (e.g. No call from 27/7/2015 to 29/7/ 2015)

I have managed to successfully deal with the second of these with the following expression in a query:

CallToday?: IIf((Date()>=[NoCallFrom] And Date()<=[NoCallTo]),"No","Yes")

However dealing with the first is a little more difficult to work out. I have tried a multivalue lookup field with multiple days selectable, but constructing an IIF query to deal with these multiple values is proving quite a challenge.

I am thinking of using a table with days of the week and a junction table to allow the multi-selection, but I may need constructing the relationships and the query here.

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Access Query To Filter Out List Based On Multiple Row Criteria From Another Table

May 10, 2014

I have an access database in which I have a table A and table B. Table A has a list of 200 website URLs. Table B has one column ID and another criteria.

I want to create a query to filter websites list which does not have values or characters from table b.

I have these values in table B that I want to be filtered out or not shown in my URL Select Query


I would keep on adding more criteria into this so criteria table so adding new criteria into table B should not disturb our filtering.

Below is what I have tried but in vain and it says atmost you can atmost one criteria row in sub query

FROM tableA
WHERE ((([tableA].[wEB_ADDRESS] Not Like '*'+(SELECT * FROM tableB)+'*')=True));

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General :: Access Query To Filter Out List Based On Multiple Row Criteria From Another Table

May 10, 2014

I have an access database in which I have a table A and table B. Table A has a list of 200 website URLs. Table B has one column ID and another criteria.

I want to create a query to filter websites list which does not have values or characters from table b.

I have these values in table B that I want to be filtered out or not shown in my URL Select Query


I would keep on adding more criteria into this so criteria table so adding new criteria into table B should not disturb our filtering.

FROM tableA
WHERE ((([tableA].[wEB_ADDRESS] Not Like '*'+(SELECT * FROM tableB)+'*')=True));

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Queries :: Select Query To Pull Records Based On Multiple Strings Entered By A User?

May 1, 2013

Is it possible to run a basic select query to pull records based on multiple strings entered by a user?

I have a query with field criteria - Like '*' & [Type In MMDBID:-] & '*'

This allows the user to input one MMDBID and the records are retrieved from the db.

I can also use the OR statement in the same field criteria "AB123" OR "BC123", and all records based on those values are pulled back.

But I cannot get the user to input multiple values and I tried amending the SQL string based on the OR criteria above

SQL statement (Like) is below :

SELECT tblFund.MMDBID, tblFund.[Investment Name], tblCodesLive.[IOE Code], tblCodesLive.[Uptix Code], tblFund.[Red Payment Deadline]
FROM (tblFund INNER JOIN tblCodesLive ON tblFund.MMDBID = tblCodesLive.MMDBID) INNER JOIN tblContact ON (tblFund.MMDBID = tblContact.MMDBID) AND (tblCodesLive.MMDBID = tblContact.MMDBID)
WHERE (((tblFund.MMDBID) Like '*' & [Type In MMDBID:-] & '*') AND ((tblFund.Editing)=False) AND ((tblFund.Closed_Fund)=False));

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Reports :: Query Based On Linked Tables - Report Produces Multiple Copies Of The Same Record

Jul 22, 2013

My report produces multiple copies of the same record. I know why, but don't know how to fix it.


With a one to many relationship with TrainingTable (via employee PK as FK in trainingtable).

Training table has a one to many relationship with a table called Range.

Report is based on a query that picks up the Employee/Training/Range (range just describes the training unit).

However, If I have more than one range expressed organized a training unit, the report spits out several copies of the Employee record to display all the ranges.

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Forms :: Parameter Based Query - Filter A Form Based On Another Form

Mar 20, 2013

I have a form which uses a parameter based query to present an individual senior doctor with a list of names for of individual juniors to provide an assessment report on. When the first form opens the user enters their RespondentID.

Once senior has decided which names to comment on I have another form which has the questions to be answered which is opened by clicking a button on the first form.

How can I pass a parameter from the first form to the second so that only the records relevant to that senior doctor are displayed? The underlying table has 60 senior doctors and 20 junior doctors. The senior doctor is identified by the field RespondentID in the first form. I've tried putting a WhereClause in the FormOpen command but I still get a dialogue box asking for the parameter RespondentID when the second form is opened.

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Queries :: How To Count Records Based On Multiple Criteria From Multiple Tables

Jan 4, 2014

I need to count records based on multiple criteria from two different tables. I have two tables (i.e. "tblTasks" and "tblTaskHistory"). The tables have a one-to-many relationship based on the "TaskID" field. "tblTasks" has a field called "AssignedTo" and "tblTaskHistory" has a field called "TaskStatus". I need to know how many tasks have been "reopened", the "reopened" status is located in the "TaskStatus" field in "tblTaskHistory". I need this count against a unique listing of employees which can be found in the "AssignedTo" field in "tblTasks".

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Forms :: Split Record Quantity To Multiple Records Based On Quantity Per Package

Jun 21, 2013

I have a form for inserting invoices, and on the subform records I have a command button to print the labels, the label would contain the quantity of the product, so, if the quantity is ex. 11000 and package contains 2000 only.

so I have to print 5 labels with quantity 2000 and one label with 1000 qty

what I need to do, is when I click the label cmd button to insert the 6 records required to print the labels to temp table

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