Query For Late Payments - Partial Payment Quandry

Jan 4, 2008

Hi all:

Well, as part of my new job I get to revise a current database for a client and I am hitting a brick wall in my mind at the moment and could use some ideas thrown my way on how to deal with it.

First of all I have two tables -

Table AR_Due
AR_Due_ID - Autonumber (PK)
Entity_ID - Long Integer (FK)
AR_Due_Amt - Currency
AR_Due_Date - Date/Time
AR_Due_Waive (boolean and if checked the amt due is forgiven and not due)

Table AR_Pay
AR_Pay_ID - Autonumber (PK)
AR_Due_ID - Long Integer (FK)
AR_Pay_Date - Date/Time
AR_Pay_Amt - Currency

Now, I have to pull all AR_Due where the payments are late (past the AR_Due_Date) and have no in the Waive column and, if partial payments were made those payments can't be past the due date or else they need to be included as late (that's my main issue - trying to figure out the logic on that one).

So, any ideas on how that might be best accomplished? I need a report that shows all late payments (not counting lates more than two years ago) including any where there were partial payments made but the total partial payments were not made before the due date.

I'll take any ideas, although I might not be able to use some of them due to having to follow certain standards here (don't know all of them yet but I've kind of figured a few out based on the existing db). And, I didn't put this all together so there are some things I can't change (at least at this point), but I'm happy to get any ideas that might spark the "aha" moment :).

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All Payments By Customer Query

Mar 27, 2006

I am having dificulty setting up a query. What I have so far is two tables one with customer contact info (name address phone etc..) and one with transactions. I want to have a query that can show me the customer and all of his transactions in one record. I am able to list it now as multiple records but i want to have it all in one record.

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Adding Payments Due For Family Members In Query.

Sep 28, 2005


I have a query that lists members who have outstanding payments. The results of this query are being used to populate a winword mail merge document.

The problem with this query is that if there are multiple members from the same family who owe then I will get an entry for each of them in my query results. What I would like to do is add the amounts due so that I only have 1 entry for that family. Additionally, since it is possible that more than 1 person can have the same last name and not be related I would also like to have the query check the address field and if it's the same than add the amounts due. The following is the sql statement for the current query.

SELECT Members.FirstName, Members.LastName, Members.ParentsNames, Members.HomePhone, Members.PaymentDue, Members.Active, Members.MemberDues, Members.FamilyAmount
FROM Members INNER JOIN MemberTypes ON Members.MemberTypeID = MemberTypes.MemberTypeID
WHERE (((Members.PaymentDue)=Yes) AND ((Members.Active)=Yes))
ORDER BY Members.LastName;

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


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Bit Of A Quandry

Apr 26, 2005

Been awhile since I have been in the forums, but I was hoping to receive some enlightenment on a problem. I have a system that requires some simple data filtering/cleaning before it goes to processing. I have created 3 queries (the ones starting with ~) and need to have these fire in thier numbered order on the open event of the param form. Problem is that the original developer has his module load at that point so....

Should I alter the module to handle this, and if so....how???

Should I run it after the module and just refresh the form?

Note, that when this exceutes, all warning need to be set to OFF since this is automated overnight, and executed by macros.

Please let me know any thoughts you may have, all are appreciated.

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Combo Box Quandry

Jan 23, 2006

ok, so I felt like being slightly poetic.. :D

On to the problem. I have a form that's fairly complex and drives a report our sales and management departments use to determine a lot of business decisions. The form has a couple of date fileds and 10 combo boxes. Each combo box get's its list from a query of various product/accounting tables so that all unique posibilities for each catagory to select from are listed. So far everything works wonderfully, if slow due to the number of queries and form options to check when the report is run.

My problem starts when one of our managers wanted to suddenly get results for all SKU numbers that start with a certain string. Basically he wants to do a wildcard criteria in a combo box, which of course doesn't work even with Limit to list set to no or false. This sku list has thousands of choices in it, any ideas on how to incorporate the ability to search with a wildcard (eg. "ADD*") or by the combo box listing in the same report?

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Partial Entry Query

Jul 11, 2006

When i go to input my query, firstly it doesnt display results half the time, secondly it is normally very problematic in terms of being case-sensitive, exact word matching etc.

What do i use (criteria) to program the query to let me use partial and non case-sensitive search methods?


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Queries :: Create Query To Filter Customers When It Is Time Of Their Monthly Payments

May 21, 2014

I'm trying to make a query to filter or show only those customers when it is the time for their monthly payment.The query I have consists of four fields which are

1- Order ID
2- Payment
3- Date (Default value set to Date ())
4- Date for next time Payment (Default value set to date () + 30)

I made another field called "states". In this field I putted the following expression

IIf(([Date for next time Payment]-Date())= 0 "Should Pay";" ")

Then, I set the criteria for such field to "should pay" so that only customer "should pay" will appear in the query datasheet. However, this method has the following shortcomings:

1- It works only for one day (alert day) ,i.e., customers will filtered only when the expression is true.
2- Customers who have paid will still appear as a "should pay" until the day (the day that make the expression true) finish.
3- Customers whose pay late (maybe after 1 week) will disappear form the query datasheet after alert day finish.

To overcome the above shortcomings, i modified the expression to

IIf(([Date for next time Payment]-Date())<-1 And ([Date for next time Payment]-Date())>-15;"Should Pay";" ")

This method will extend the alert duration to 15 days, so the customers who haven't pay yet will appear in the query datasheet for 15 days. However, the customers who have payed will appear also, and that is the problem. The problem here is I can't compare the current payment date with previous one for one customer. method to create suitable expression, or even another query scheme ??

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Queries :: Update Query For Partial Data

Oct 23, 2014

How do I get an update query to only copy part of a fields value?For example: The original field has a date in month, day, and year. I only want to update the new field with only the year.

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Memo Field, Will Show Only Partial Contents On Query

Mar 24, 2008

Running 2007

I never ran into this problem before.
I have a qry, with showing totals (group by). One of the fields is called comments, which is a memo field. I am only seeing partial comments.

When I redesign the query and take out the "totals", I see the entire comments.

Is there a fix to this?

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Late-night Question Regarding Drug/disease Database

Jul 28, 2007

Thanks again for the help I've received here. Sorry if I appear a bit clueless at times; I'm a medical student, not a programmer :)

Let's say I have one table for a variety of disease: primary key field would be the disease; other fields would include fields for various symptoms, fields for various etiologies (causes), and a field for the drug of choice to treat it. Now, let's say I wanted to link this table to another table, one which records all the drugs used (the drug name field being the primary key), their mechanisms of actions, their uses, their side effects, their contraindications, etc... Now, maybe I'm misunderstanding the normalization rules, but wouldn't including the name of the drug used to treat the disease in the first table while simultaneously having a second table listing all drugs violate normalization rules? If not, is the task of relating the table as simple a matter as defining the drug name field of the disease list table as the foreign key in a relationship to the drug name field (the primary key) of the drug list table? Or is there a much simpler way to do this?

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Queries :: Summing Days Late Through Multiple Columns

Aug 29, 2014

I have 4 revised ship date columns, an est ship date, and an actual ship date. I have a column summing days late for est ship date and one summing revised days late. The expression I am having problems with is to calculate the total days late for the revised. I want it to check the 4th revised and if it has a date calculate from that date. If not I want it to go to the 3rd and calculate from that, and so on. I have pasted the code I was trying to use. It just goes all the way to the bottom of the code and calulates from the 1st revised ship date. I have also attached a jpg of the layout of the columns. I also want to do this in the query using expression builder.

Days Late Revised: IIf( [4th Revised Ship Date] <>null,(DateDiff("d", [4th Revised Ship Date] ,
[Actual Ship Date] )-DateDiff("ww", [4th Revised Ship Date] ,
[Actual Ship Date] ,1)-DateDiff("ww", [4th Revised Ship Date] ,
[Actual Ship Date] ,7)),IIf( [3rd Revised Ship Date]<>null ,(DateDiff("d", [3rd Revised Ship Date] ,

[Code] ......

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Modules & VBA :: Send Task To Recipient Using Late Binding

Oct 2, 2013

I am trying to send tasks to other people using access vba. I had used before in my database but was using early binding and now through version issues of office I am trying to recreate the code using late binding, however I am getting various problems with certain lines of code.

Primarily .datedue line I am getting run time error 438 object does not support

Below is my code:

Public Sub ASB5PostponedTask()
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olTask As Object
Dim olDateEnd As Date
Dim ToContact As Object
Dim olTaskOwner As String
olTaskOwner = "e.grainger"

[Code] .....

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"Check If File Is Open" Quandry.

Jun 16, 2005

Dim objExcel As Excel.Application
Set objExcel = New Excel.Application
Dim strFileName As String
strFileName = objExcel.Application.GetOpenFileName("Select CSV file, *.csv", , "CSV file")

MsgBox "File is currently open. Please close and re-run this program.", vbInformation, "Program Error"
GoTo end_:
Set objworkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(strFileName, , False)
objExcel.Columns("A:B").Insert Shift:=xlToRight
objExcel.Range("A5").FormulaR1C1 = "Account No"
objExcel.Range("B5").FormulaR1C1 = "Invoice No"
objExcel.Range("A6:A" & Range("C65536").End(xlUp).Row).FormulaR1C1 = Range("D1").Value
objExcel.Range("B6:B" & Range("C65536").End(xlUp).Row).FormulaR1C1 = Range("F1").Value
objExcel.Rows("1:4").Delete Shift:=xlUp

objExcel.Application.ActiveWorkbook.Close True
MsgBox "CSV file formatted.", vbInformation
End If

Set objExcel = Nothing
Set objworkbook = Nothing

Hi there,

I use the above code to open any CSV file, format it as required, then close/save it.

What I need to do is to find out if the file I have selected is already open and, if so, not to proceed with the code (see If "FILE NOT OPEN" line above).

I have tried several statements but am having no luck.

Thanks in advance,

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Mar 4, 2007

at the moment i am making a system that calculates the cost of gym membership cost. however, i am stuck on how i can determine whether or not the member's have paid. i have a make table query that calculates each members fees. i would like the payments to be made quarterly. does anyone have any ideas on how i would be able to do this.

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Recording Payments

May 17, 2007

I have a database with 10 properties which I want to record details of weekly or monthy payments. I have a table for properties, one for tenants details and one called payments. I then have them on a form. I want to open the tenants form and insert a command button to open the payments form and record payments as the occur but i can only enter one - it is giving me an error message as I am duplicating a record. The tables are linked with a property reference which I have set as the primary key. I have obviously done it wrong. Can anyone advise me of a way to do this please.
Thanks Tracey

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Yearly Payments

Mar 21, 2007

i am making a db for a gym. the members pay yearly and the fact that they have paid is shown by a tick box in the members table. i therefore want to reset these boxes to 'No' at the beginning of each year. anyone got any way that this could be done.

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Payment Shcedule

Jan 7, 2006

I am creating a db for a property management company. They want to be able to enter the monthly payment made each month on each property (there will be multiple properties involved) and also have a field that totals all payments made by the tenant over the course of their lease.

What might be the best structure for this type of situation?
Should I create 12 fields for a year of monthly payments for each record?
Should I create a seperate table for each property and it's payments?
Should I create an Excel spreadsheet for the payments and link that file to the db as a table?

Any help and suggestions on this are greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.


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Payment Processing ERD Help

Nov 21, 2005

Hello,I'm designing a contract and payment processing database for a friends construction company. I've made an attempt at designing the data model, but wondered if anyone out there had ever come accross a similar scenario and could be of any help. I have attached a copy of my initial ERD.Entitys are as follows:CompanyHolds details of the company that are operating the system.CustomerBilling details for the customer.SiteA customer has many different sites at which work is undertaken.ContractA contract is created for all work undertaken at a customer site.PlotThe work a contract covers is carried out on various different plots at a customer site.StageWork is carried out in stages on a plot by plot basis. When a work stage is complete the stage can then be invoiced for payment.InvoiceOnce work stages are complete an invoice can be raised. An invoice can be for one or more stages (always under the same contract).Invoice_LineDetails of the different stages billed under a single invoice.PaymentStores detail of a customer payment.Payment_AllocationA single payment may be split accross multiple invoices. A single invoice may be paid through multiple payments.The main area I was hoping for help with is payment allocation, the requirements of which are listed below:1. When a payment is received it must be possible to split it accross multiple invoices (a payment will only ever be for invoices within a single contract).2. It must be possible for an invoice to be paid in part (i.e. be paid by mupltiple payments).3. If a payment isn't allocated in it's entirity, the the remainder should be put to a payment on account for allocation at a later date.4. An entire payment should be able to be put to a payment on account and then allocated later.5. It must be possible to enter credits against invoices.The reason I have Contract joined to Payment_Allocation is so that a payment on account can be created and linked back to the contract, for allocation at a later date. If a payment on account is stored as an entry in the payment_allocation table it will become difficult to then allocate the payment on account to invoices and keep an audit trail. The payment on account isn't really allocated until it is put against an invoice so I'm loathe to do it this way.On the other hand if I store the payment on account in the payment table (until allocated) it may make it harder for me to produce my statement report.I'm also having difficulty seeing how I can build a statement of account from these two tables...do I need to build up a transaction table in order to do this effectively? Or a temporary table of transations to base my report on?Any advise or pointers would be very helpful.Thanks in advance for your time.webbmatt

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Staff Day To Day Work Times And Payments

Feb 26, 2006

i am unsure as to whether this can be acheived in a database..

basically this task is almost calendar like.

the company operates 7 days a week.
i have a table of company drivers and each has their own driver ID.

my user would like to store what time each driver comes into work each day and what time each driver leaves. this needs to be quite flexible however because some days certain drivers wont work, but each day..if a driver has a 'come to work' time then they will for sure have a 'leave work' time.

each driver also pays rent to the company once a week. within this calendar like system i would also like to store on what day the driver paid what amount towards their weekly rent.

i cant quite imagine how this can be done in a database. but if these kind of applications are common, i would be most grateful for some direction.

thank you.

one more thing..

i would also need to record during each day what time the driver left and returned from lunch (sometimes our drivers leave for a few hours during lunch time)

i want to store this because if they miss a job while they are on an extended lunch break im gonna roast em.

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Help With Recurring Monthly Payments And First Time Fee

May 31, 2007


I have a database for rental units and i have two problems that i cannot solve. I have a table with 4 different options of units with different prices. what i would like to do is for the first time customers there is 1 time fee, how would i be able to charge them only 1 time and no charge after that.

My second question would be i have a payment form also and lets say a person joined today and has to pay 40 for monthly rental and 20$(the 1 time payments) which comes to 60$, and the person pays it in full so the balance is 0$, how would i set it up that a month from now, the 0$ will turn again to 40$ so the person has to pay again?

And also would i be able to set up a late charge if they dont pay on the day that they are supposed to?

Thanks for all the help....

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Problem With Payments For Multiple Jobs

Apr 27, 2007

hello all.. trying to resolve an issue in my system..

basically i run a taxi firm.. for those that dont know.

this issue deals with credit card payments, and in particular payments for multiple transfers.

lets say you are booking 2 journeys..

the first journey is on 2nd June from London Heathrow to your hotel in Kensington

the return journey is on 5th June from your hotel back to Heathrow

you want to pay for both journeys at once with your credit card.

both transfers cost £40 each, 40x2 is £80 plus 5% transaction fee is £84.

we keep the credit card details on file to save our passengers time when they want to pay for their journey using the same card.

so lets say we have a job table.. and a credit card table..

Card Table
cardid (pk)

Job Table
job id (pk)

should i create a new transaction table which holds the jobids that were paid for and the cardid that paid for it..?

shall i include the price of the job in the jobtable.. and store the transaction fee in the transaction table?

if this is clear i would like to hear a few opinions on this.. i will be thinking hard about this over the next few days so i might come to some conclusion but what do you guys think

the reason im asking this is because at the moment i am storing the credit card details.. pricing information and job details in the job table..

when i send my passenger an email confirmation.. it sends them the job details, card details and payment details..

this is fine for single transfers.. but if they book more then one transfer i have to send them multiple emails outlining each job individually.. and if they wish to use the same card i have to find their card from the original job and copy those details.

if someone books 4 jobs and pays for them all with one card and one transaction i really have difficulties, i would have to send them 4 emails (with 4 job details respectively) and i would have to include all the payment details in each job to verify it has been paid.. this means i would have to enter their card details 4 times.. and even though each job might be £20 each.. i would have to write £80 in the total charged field because it is covering all the jobs..

anyways.. if you can spare me a thought i would be grateful.. thank you

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Queries :: Payments Made Between Two Dates

Jun 18, 2015

I'm working two dates that will highlight the accounts that have made a payment Today (Last Payment) + 60 days & move the entire row to another tab

Payment Made: iif ([Date of Last Pay])>60 days from ([Dis Date) highlight and move to tab number 2


Payment Made60: iif ([Date ()])>60 days highlight and move to tab number 3

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Update Next Payment Date

Feb 20, 2006


is there a way to get access to update the "next payment date" field... if it is a date field.... to one calendar month on

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Payment Date With To Many Variables?

Aug 2, 2007


We have a special reduced rate that a client must prepay 12weeks before or sooner if a date is put in the [OverRideDate] field

I have been trying to construct a Query / If statement or should I use case statement to work out the actual payment date. Taking in to consideration all our funny little variables like

I will try to put the variable into words

[DateOfArrival]-84Days unless [OverRideDate] & Not Less than today
then check its not a [ClosedDates] from the tbl_ClosedDates
Then if it’s a Sunday –1 day as the accounts lady doesn’t work on a Sunday

Their simple????

Attached file with sample variable data


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Payment Calc In Table

Oct 29, 2004

This is the second edited section:
I got the update query to work properly. Is this the best way to solve my problem?

This is the original edited section:
For the problem below would it be possible to use an update query to update the table?
Criteria for the termination_date field would be "is not null"
payment_to_date Update to: field would equal DateDiff("m",[payment_start_date],Now())*[monthly_payment]
Is it possible to use other fields in the table as part of the UpdateTo: calculation? I get an error when I try this.

This is the original question:
I have a field in a table called payment_to_date that I want to always be populated with the current total of how much a customer has paid to date based on their monthly payment rate. I have a form for data entry into this table but once their account info is entered the first time their won't be any changes to the account unless they terminate the service so calculating from an event procedure on the form doesn't make sense to me (I am new at this).

I entered the following in a text box control source on the form and it works but the textbox is not bound to the table so it's not the right way to do it.

=IIf([termination_date] Is Null,(DateDiff("m",[payment_start_date],Now())*[txtpayment]),(DateDiff("m",[payment_start_date],[termination_date])*[txtpayment]))

The calculation from above is basically:
If there is no termination date then the payment to date = the number of months between todays date and the date payment was started multiplied by the monthly pay rate.

Can anyone tell me how to keep the information in the table current for the payment_to_date field?

Any help is appreciated.


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Help With Recurring Monthly Payment Please

Jun 2, 2007

I have a database that is like storage unit business. It gives you a fee once you select which unit you take for rent. When the balance is paid off, and new Month comes around i want the database to create a new balance on the table, how would i be able to do this?

I know that i can do it in two ways as i was told but i dont know how and where to start. I create some of it but i dont know what to include in the appended query etc.

i was told that In Access Help, look for COMMAND LINE OPTIONS and you will find -X macro, which is a way you can run a given macro from a command line.

"Create an append query that adds a $40 charge to every open account. Put this query to run in a macro. Create a separate icon that is private to you so that only you know where it is. Edit the icon properties to launch access on that database file with the -x macroname appended. Now use Windows Task Scheduler to launch the icon at a specific time of day on the 10th of each month. Don't forget that the macro has to end with a QUIT action."

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