Query Not Displaying Properly In Report

Apr 25, 2006

I run a Query based on some data in a "drop-down" box. It works in just datasheet view, but when I print it on a report, it displays the position that the data is in the drop-down box.
How do I display the data, not the position on the report? Here's an example:
My drop down box contains:

My query returns apples, but in the report view it displays the number "1" instead of my data "apples". If the query returned oranges, the report would display "2" instead of "oranges" and so on.

Any ideas?

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Datasheet View Not Displaying Properly

Apr 21, 2006

I'm using access 2003 sp2 with all the current updates. I've got several tables linked to a sql server 2000 DB. We use it for an app called Altiris. Most of the queries i've written from these various tables work fine. However, a couple of them for no apparent reason, do not display the correct data in the data sheet view when the query is ran.

for example, I have a simple query with two tables linked. The first field is asking for the "name" column of one of the tables. In the criteria of that column, I put something in to limit the names of the programs i'm looking for. Lets say I use LIKE '%adobe acrobat 7.0%' When I run the query, it returns a certain number of records, but in the name column, it has all wrong info. I just ran it and it came up with 4 records: "webcast....", "abacast client", "Ibm websphere", and something else. Nothing even close to "adobe...."

So then I export the query to an excel spreadsheet and then open. Guess what? It has the correct info. Four records of adobe acrobat. The other column I have is from the other table and is just listing pc names. They displayed properly in both datasheet and excel file.

does anyone have any ideas what could cause this? I've deleted the table and linked to it several times. I've used this table for many other queries and it works most of the time. I just have no idea what is causing it to do this for only a few queries.

Thanks in advance for any help.


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Reports :: Form Not Displaying Data Properly

Jul 29, 2015

I am brand new to MS Access 2013 & VBA.There is a form that collects the data and writes it to a SQL database. The form is a certificate order form for a school. There are two tables that data is written to. dbo.CertificateMaster & dbo.CertificationModules. There is a relationship between the two tables. A person will request the certificate and included in the request are the subject(modules) that the person has studied.As part of the request the college/school needs a printed copy of the request.As the report opens I need it populate certain fields with their full names. To do this I use the following script

Private Sub Report_Load()
Dim strSQL1 As String, db As DAO.Database, rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL2 As String, db2 As DAO.Database, rs2 As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL3 As String, db3 As DAO.Database, rs3 As DAO.Recordset


Problem 1:

When drawing the data from dbo_tblCourse_Department I need to populate 4 textboxes on the report. I am able to populate PgmTitle &NQFLevel, but I keep getting "Item not found in this collection error for Credits & SAQAID.

Problem 2:

I need to populate the various courses with their name which is extracted from dbo_tblCourses. However only the first course name is visible in the report. I have tried all sorts of different iterations with IF Then or Do While to get the names in the correct line of the report.

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Forms :: Command Buttons Are Not Displaying Properly?

Jul 10, 2013

Access 2013 People,where the command buttons are not displaying properly?Notice the words and images are nice and centered in the buttons. The buttons are all the same size.Now look at the same DB in Access 2013:

See how the buttons look bloated and the images and wording are not centered anymore. And working on it in design view is a nightmare! When you try to move the command button part of it is left behind every time to try to move it.You can turn the themes property to "Off" but I like the themes.

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Forms :: Cascading Combo Box Not Displaying Properly

Nov 18, 2013

I have a cascading combo box on a work order form that pulls the contacts from the customer selected in the main box.

It's working fine, values are printing fine on the reports, etc. however on the form itself - when you change from one record to another....the value is not displayed even though it's there if you click the report.

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Multiple Query Results Not Populating Report Properly

Sep 29, 2011

I currently have a combo box (combo121) on a form. I select the "Company" which is connected to "Company" in the query via [Forms]![courseinfo].[combo121]..That is working. When I press the "query" button on the form the selected company in the combo box is updated in the query and it updates the report templates.I also want to use the same system to populate a different report, using the same query. This works a bit differently.

Once the company is selected in the first combo box(combo121). I have other combo boxes which bring up students attached to that company. I have multiple combo boxes because I need select multiple students for the one report. These students are in fields "First Name" and "Last Name". So in the query I can only have those fields once. I have several links to the several combo boxes under "Last Name" as that is the "bound" selection for the combo box:


Problem I am finding is this is bringing up several lines in the query. So when I try to populate the report with all of the different Students I have selected for the query, it won't work properly because I can only put "First Name" & 'Last Name" fields on the report once.

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Reports :: Displaying Query Criteria In A Report Header

Apr 22, 2014

I can't get my reports' unbound field's to display the criteria parameter I enter when report is opened. I have done this before but not in Access 2010.

In my parameter, I do have a long string inside the brackets (e.g. =[Enter START Date "1/1/14" or Leave Ranges Blank to show ALL]). I am wondering if this or the quotes inside the brackets are causing it not to work.

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Why Doesn't RTF Text Display Properly In Report

May 2, 2012

I have a memo field with RTF that shows properly on forms. For example

"<strong>"&"my text: "&"</strong>"&"more text" displays my text: more text

However, on my report it looks like the characters (e.g., "<strong>"&"my text: "&"</strong>"&"more text").

The report control is RTF format. why it doesn't display as I'd like?

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Images Not Showing Properly In Form Or Report

May 6, 2013

In one of my databases, I have a form and a report where the images stored in my tables are not showing properly for all entries. They show as an icon with the file name rather than the image itself. This is not true for every entry, so I don't think it would be a problem with how the form and report are set-up.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Print Report Without Displaying Report

Jul 8, 2015

On this form, there is a text box for Quantity...At the end of the form, there will be a button that when pressed:The current record the data on the form is entered for is saved,A report is printed on a specific printer,I do not want the report to actual display,The number of copies it prints should be equal to what the quantity field indicates.I do have the report already created and the Quantity field is on the report (just not visible).Once this all happens, it should return the user to the form, that is blank, waiting for a new record entry.

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Join In Query Not Working Properly?

Jan 15, 2006

I have a query where I'm selecting fields from two tables - Students and Attendance. I have selected option 2 in my Join Properties, i.e "Include ALL records from Students and only those from Attendance where the joined fields are equal". The tables are joined by StudentID. Either I'm misinterpreting what the join is supposed to be doing or it's not working.
I need to see every record in Students regardless of whether or not they have a record in Attendance. I need to calculate absences and tardies. If there's a matching record in Attendance, I subtract the date absent from the total days. If there's no matching record in Attendance, I still need to calculate total days and show it. As it is now, if there's no matching record in Attendance, it doesn't do anything. How can I get it to do what the join says, "Show ALL records in Students as well as those that match in Attendance?


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Query Won't Filter For Dates Properly?

Aug 20, 2007

I have a query which is filtering by date as criteria...but it won't filter right.There is a date field from a table in another query which has date/times in it.I have used Format([Field], "Short Date") in that query to display just the date.I am now doing another query which points to that query (It's a SQL Union query if that matters) and it has the following for the Criteria:Between "6/1/2007" And "6/30/2007"However, it is showing anything in the month of June for the years 2005, 2006 and 2007, instead of just 2007. Any ideas why it is doing this? It doesn't make sense to me that it will filter for the month/date but not the year.I also tried changing the format to Format([Field], "mm/dd/yyyy") and criteria of "06/01/2007", etc.

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Queries :: How To Properly Use IsError In Query

Mar 13, 2015

I want this query to count all of the different types of order (Clase de Orden) and if a type of order isn't found, to return zero. How do I do this using IsError, since when it doesn't find an order, it gives me an error. This is the query:

TRANSFORM Count([E 025].Porcin) AS CountOfPorcin
SELECT[Listado de Empleados].Supervisor, [E 025].[Alias de TP], [E 025].Usuario, Telfonos.Telefono, Count([E 025].Porcin) AS [Total Of Porcin]
FROM Telfonos INNER JOIN ([Listado de Empleados] INNER JOIN [E 025] ON[Listado de Empleados].[Codigo de Usuario] = [E 025].Usuario) ON


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Queries :: UNION Query Will Not Execute Properly

Apr 1, 2015

UNION Query will not execute properly. Remove "WHERE" statement query runs.The WHERE statement is used to locate all duplicate records, based on serial number, in a table. Also, it excludes certain data contained in two of the four tables. There are four separate queries for four separate tables. They all work until incorporated into a UNION QUERY.

Question, is there another way to structure the "WHERE" statement for this UNION Query and achieve the same results?

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Displaying Date In A Report

Jun 3, 2005

Dear All:

How do I go about displaying the current month and year in a report? I reckon this would be in a textbox.

Any help is greatly appreciated.



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Report Totals Not Displaying

Jun 7, 2005

I have a form with 2 buttons on it, I'll call them button 1 and button 2. When I click on button 1 it calls a class that will go through and calculate some totals and then write them back to a table, all access to the table is managed through ADO. Then I can go over to button 2 and pull up a report displaying the totals. Although when I click on button 2 the report will be about half empty, only displaying 0's in most cases. If I close the report and open it again using button 2 all the data will be populated. What is going on here???

Thank you for any help

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Displaying Image In A Report

Feb 23, 2006

Don't Kill me folks... I know this has been asked and answered, but I'm not able to get it to work. I'm using Access 2000.

I have an image in the Report called ImageFrame and the following code:

Code:Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer) On Error Resume Next Me.ImageFrame.Picture = Me.PhotoEnd Sub

What am I doing wrong? Is there something else to set? I don't get an error, but it only shows the image I chose to place the image control in the first place...

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Displaying All Possible Options On A Report

Feb 11, 2008

In the report I am trying to generate I want every possible option for a specific field to show. I have it set up now as accessing its options from a table but can change it to a value list if that will be easier. I have listed a sample of what I want and what I am getting to explain what I mean by this. If anyone can help me go from one type to the other I would appreciate the help!

** I put dashes between the columns since this forum doesn't exactly show things in a column.

What I want

What I get

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Subform Not Displaying In Report

Jul 17, 2014

I am using Access 2007..I have created a main form and have inserted a subform. When I open the main form, the subform displays correctly. However, when I go to create a Report from the main form, the subform information is not displaying.

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Displaying Image In A Form/report

Nov 23, 2005

I have a form in which I want to retrieve images from a folder. Each record contains a txt field where the path of the image is located. Not every record contains a path to the image file as some records does not have images. I have created an image field in my form and used the following code: Me.Image129.Picture = Me.imagetxt to retrieve the image. I would like to display an image containing the words "No Image" whenever the imagetxt field is blank. How would I do this. I cannot go back and fill in the blank imagetxt field with a path as I am pulling the data from an external source. Also, would this be the same method if I am creating an image field for a report? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Reports :: Displaying Record In Report

Mar 2, 2014

I have a report, which opens a dynamic search form (built off of John Big Booty's code from this site). The form opens, and works as expected.During the dynamic search form testing, I created an 'OK' button that opens another form to display the record, but the dynamic search was opened first.

I would like to reprogram the button to display the selected record in the report which opened it.How can I get the selected record to display in the already open report?

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Displaying Field's Calculated Values In A Report

Feb 3, 2006


I have a field in a form which displays the Sum of 10 values from other textboxes. I want to display the values of that calaculated field in a report and somehow I am stuck. I am running the report based on a query.
How would I get those field calculation values to display in a report?



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Displaying Only One Field In Report - But Unique Situation

Feb 12, 2007

Hi. Back again with a badly designed number of tables that I inherited.

I have 20 tables each with an ID field and a dozen-or-so text fields. - (I planned on using a master report with sub-reports, but perhaps I am ahead of myself here.)

I need the user to enter the ID and a value which would only appear in one of the dozen+ fields for that record, in that table.
I set up queries with parameters for the ID and the desired text value.
However, when run, I get the correct client record, but also all of the fields for that record... Not only the field with the desired value.

Is there a 'simple' way to do this knowing ho wmany possible fields froma ll of the tavbles would have to be searched? And not all tables have the same field names!


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Help Needed With Displaying Crosstab Data In A Report

Oct 27, 2007

Hi all, help with this would be appreciated.

I have a crosstab query which returns values in a range of categories. I have 5 categories. My problem is that sometimes a category may not return a value in 1 or more of the categories. This means that when I am displaying this data in my report I haven't got the data in the correct columns.

In the underlying queries for this I tried using a LEFT JOIN forcing the category, but when I executed the crosstab I got errors in all fields.

Thanks in advance

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Reports :: Report Not Displaying Data In Order?

May 17, 2013

I have a report that generates the position of certain items. When I produce this report it doesn't put the data in order. All associated data with that position is correct, it is just not in numerical order. The attached screenshot shows the issue I am having. In the position column it should read 1,2,3,4 but in some cases the positions are not in order.

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Problem With Report Memo Field Not Displaying All Text

Feb 1, 2006

I have a report based on a query. There is a field "comments" that is a memo type however on the report it does not display all of the text. I have the property "Can Grow" set to "yes" however it still only shows partial text. Any ideas? thanks in advance!

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