Query Showing All The Dates Within A Range

Nov 19, 2007

Is it possib;e to create a query that would all the dates withn a range of Date1 and Date ?
Ex if I have

Filed Date1 Date2
x 1/1/07 1/3/07
c 1/6/7 1/8/7

for query to show

Field Date
x 1/1/7
x 1/2/7
x 1/3/7
c 1/6/7
c 1/7/7
c 1/8/7

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Can You Query A Range Of Dates With A Range Of Dates

Mar 17, 2008

I have a client that wants to enter a range of dates in a query of when they will call that person back. Then they want to be able to type in a range of dates and have a make table query show them all the people that fall in between these two dates....is this even possible???
Joe March 3 to March 8
Mary March 4 to March 9
John March 5 to March 10

So if they type into the query March 3 to March 6 all three people should show up because one of the dates specified lies within the parameters they are asking for.....man I am out of ideas


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Need Helps On Query Retrieve Range Of Dates

Apr 18, 2007

4/11/2007 1:01:28 AM
4/12/2007 2:02:52 AM
4/13/2007 4:21:30 AM
4/14/2007 2:22:21 AM
4/15/2007 3:34:53 AM
4/16/2007 4:02:37 AM
4/17/2007 5:03:15 AM
4/18/2007 7:17:34 AM

I need some helps
I have a table with date + time, how can I query so that it retrieve a 7 days range from today and go back ti 7 days

i though this should work (it works if the the table has date only no time)
Between Date() And DateAdd("d",-7,Date())


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Queries :: How To Make Certain Range Of Dates For Query To Run

Oct 9, 2013

I have a query and I want to make a certain range of dates for the query to run. For example: from 10/6 to 10/7. What would be a parameter for this range of date? Should I put it on a query?

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Queries :: Unable To Use Between Query Without Pulling Dates Out Of Range

Feb 19, 2014

Unable to use Between query without pulling dates out of range.I

f I set the Criteria to Between [Enter the start date:] And [Enter the end date:] and input the dates 1/2/2014 & 1/15/2014 i'm pulling data for those dates but for year 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 as well.

if I enter in Between #1/2/2014# And #1/15/2014# it gives me just the dates I requested.I need to be able to have a user use the macro and just enter in the dates they need data for.

Also, I am using the criteria on a date ime field that I have set up an expression on - CreateDate: DateValue([TABLE]![date])the date in the table is stored with time and I just need to show the date.

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Queries :: Converting Mmmm Yyyy To Including All Dates In That Range In Query

Oct 14, 2014

My table has many records for each month. I am creating a report that will display only the records in one month of a year. I have been able to create a form that gives the user the choice of the Month and Year for which to create the report. The code I am using to create the combo box is:

SELECT DISTINCT Month([QTDate]) AS MoNum, Format([QTDate],"mmmm yyyy") AS MoName
ORDER BY Month([QTDate]);

What I need to do now is create the query for the report that displays all records for the chosen month and year. If I simply reference the combo box, all it shows is mmmm yyyy and the days are missing so the query doesn't work. What do I need to do to create the query so it displays all days within the month and date selected?

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All Dates In Range

Mar 24, 2006

As part of a larger issue, I am trying to figure out how to have an Access 2000 select query produce all dates in a date range into one field on the query. Assume at this point there are no tables in the query.

If 01/01/06 (mm/dd/yy) and 02/01/06 is used, then it'd list all the dates between those two, inclusive.

Is this even possible?

Thanks for looking.

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Totals Over A Range Of Dates (numbers)

Oct 10, 2005

My dates are stored as numbers (long integers), because they need to be in the form YYYYMMDD, and I couldn't figure out how to enter them and keep them in that format as Date/Time.

Anyhow, I have a form with a textbox and a button. When the user enters in a date range, I need totals to show up for only dates that are in-between and/or equal to the date(s) typed in the textbox.

For example when the user types in 20050904-20051004, and pushes the button, a display of totals will be displayed for only those dates and those in-between. If the user leaves the textbox blank, and pushes the button, I want totals from all dates to be shown.

As you may know from my previous question, I am a relative newbie to Access. Suggestions about how to do this maybe even how to derive and present the totals, and especially specific code will be very helpful and VERY much appreciated.

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Print Report In Range Of Dates And More

Jul 12, 2005

I need to print out a report from a start to end date. But theres a catch i also need to print those items from previous months that are not yet resolved. I have a checkbox that tells me if the record has been resolved or not. Is there a way that I can put both the conditions into my query, one for the dates of transactions and the other being all outstanding items no matter what the date.

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Select Range Of Dates With Calendar

Mar 19, 2006

I have a form and table which I use to collect some reservation information. I then have a subform/table which I use to enter the actual dates of for that reservation. This subform/table has only three fields. The foreign key field that links it to the main form/table, the date(s) entered and the subform/table autonumber primary key.

What I would like to do is use an ActiveX type of calendar as the subform and be able to select a range of dates. If someone is making a reservation for 8 days, I want to be able to select that range of days on the calendar and have create/enter all 8 of those records in the subform/table.

I would much prefer this as opposed to simply collecting a single IN date and a single OUT date.

Anybody have any ideas?

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Forms :: Add Range Of Dates To Table?

Jun 20, 2014

I want to create a form that ask the user for a start date and an end date. Then when the click OK it will append a record to a table for each date and each date in between based on the increment. For example the start date is 6/20/2014 and the end date is 6/27/2014 and the increment will be 1 day. I want to add records to my table for:


I have the form setup to to prompt for the start and end dates. It's the VBA coding to do the dateadd function in a loop

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Queries :: Showing Available Vehicles By Dates

Mar 26, 2013

We have vehicles which are lent out to employees on a daily basis,

I currently have a query shown as a report which vehicles are out between the given dates using this criteria in a query

>=[ENTER Start Date] And <=[Enter End Date]

what I want to be able to do is show which vehicles are NOT being used between these dates tried a few different ways but no success

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Calculating New Date And Returning Dates Within A Range

May 26, 2005

I am tring to add a number of years to a dob. I'm doing this by adding my
date+years*365.26 I get a string of numbers. I then convert the number in
the next column to actual date again. I'm getting the correct date. I've tried unsuccesfully to use the dateadd function.Now I want my criteria on that column to allow me to return only date in a given to from period of my choosing. I want to determine the date range each time I run the query.

An example would be:

DOB age date I need to follow up
5/15/1935 + 75 = 5/15/2005

Then I request dates between 4/1/05 and 5/30/05 and this date is returned.

I've tried the between_and functions but nothing is returned. I'm guessing it's because the column is still a calculation and not a true date.

I've tried: Adding a column to my query to convert the number string back to
date format (criteria failed to return a result). Adding a second column
that ='s my converted number to date column (criteria failed to return a
And I've tried the make table query and then run another query from the new table. I can't seemto make this happen. I think it's not recognizing my data as a date because it isn't returning any data.
Is ther an easier way to: Add a number of years to a date and have it return
a date and not the number string?
If not is there a better way to convert the string to a date?
Is there a way to get my criteria to recognize the date and return date
between my begin and end dates?


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Queries :: Dates Showing Up For Multiple Months?

Jun 18, 2015

I have a query that is supposed to be showing todays data (as it is labeled) but it keeps pulling today's number date (i.e. the 1st, or the 17th) for every month, when i only want June 18th not including jan/feb/march etc. 18th.

I started running this query in may, that's why it only shows may and june's data.

I'm thinking it's definitely a problem with the criteria but check out the attachments and let me know

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Queries :: Way To Include Firstdate And Lastdate In Range Of Dates?

Jun 7, 2013

I am using Between Me.Firstdate and Me.Lastdate in a query. I thought that it would include both Firstdate and Lastdate in the range. But it appears that it does not. Is there a way to include Firstdate and Lastdate in the range of dates?

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Queries :: Assigning A Number Based On A Range Of Dates?

Mar 19, 2013

I have a table called StockTable with the following fields Location, Status, Serial, Make, Model, LastDate, DotNumber

I also have a table called FCDateRange with three fields

DateStart DateEnd and DotNumber

For example

3/7/13 - 3/13/13 - 1
3/14/13 - 3/20/13 - 2

Im trying to figure how to write a query that if the lastdate from the StockTable falls during the DateStart and DateEnd fields it will assign it the number in the DotNumber field

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Create Reports Showing All Start Dates By Month

Dec 8, 2014

I have a table that has the following:

Program Year
Start Date
Midpoint Date
Internship Date
End Date

I have successfully created queries to create reports showing all Start Dates by Month no matter what program and similar reports for all the other date queries. What I need it to do is list everything happening within a month and sort them by category. How do I do that? I've attached the database so you can see my queries as well as the main switchboard reports associated.

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Look Up A Range From Within A Query

Mar 30, 2007

Below is a table that I want to look up from a query. Basically I want to look up a value (e.g 3.56) and find which PRA it fits in so in this case 3.56 is between 3 and 6 so the value returned is 0.7. Where it gets complacted is that the 3.56 is generated on the fly in the query. Can I use a dlookup with a range. Ive tried but the syntax is wrong i think. DateDiff_RepToMat is the generated field (3.56)Any help or suggestion are appreciatedx = DLookup("PRA", "tab_ref_MaturityRiskRatings", [DateDiff_RepToMat] BETWEEN [RangeLow] and [RangeHigh])RangeLowRangeHighPRA0 1 0.003 6 0.46 12 0.7

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Age Range Query

Aug 29, 2007

ok here is whats in my table

Document ID

I need to have grouped UserName, Total count of DocumentID.
Then i need to have age range count between 0 and 5, 10 and 15, 20+ ....
basically, Username , Total DocumentID count for User, Range Count (0-5,10-15....)


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Date Range Query

Aug 25, 2005

I am trying to extract records within a certain date range.

My structure is as follows:

Query 1 = pulls data direct from a table. There is a date field which is in the format YYYYMMDD.

Query 2 = pulls data from Query 1 and amends the date format to:

Has anyone any suggestions on how I pull data from query 2 from within a certain date range. i.e 01/01/2005 to 01/05/2005


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Query Date Range

Jun 8, 2005

I have a query which requires date parameters, which the user enters into a form. The form enters the parameters into 4 different queries then runs them to produce a report.

This all works fine EXCEPT for one query.

If I enter my desired date range into the query (in this case it is between 01/11/2004 and 30/04/2005) it returns no results. As the only values in the date fields of the table are 01/03/2005 and 01/04/2005 it should return all the records.

However if I enter the date range between 01/01/2005 and 30/04/2005 it works fine. It also works if I enter 01/01/2000 and 31/05/2005 - it just doesn't seem to like the year 2004!!!

The problem occurs whether I enter the parameters from the form or simply type them into the criteria of the query. Any ideas, it's driving me nuts!!

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Query - Records Within A Certain Range

Aug 14, 2006


I've been wrestling with this problem for a while now and any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

I have a single table containing flight data. Each record represents a single flight. What I'm attempting to do is count of pairs of flights that come within a certain range of each other. For simplicity sake, let's say that any flights A and flights B passing through Point X within a certain window of time (-15/+15 minutes) of each other are counted as a pair. Each record has a unique numeric key and all the neccessary information. Getting a table of all the possible matches is easy. The tricky part however, is that I only want to count each pair once. Is there any way this can be done with an SQL query?

I apologize in advance if this isn't specific enough. I would really appreciate any feedback whatsoever.

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Time Range Query

Nov 15, 2006

I am using access to store logged maintenance actions. There are two 12 hour shifts and I want to create a report that the crews can show to the oncoming crew of all maintenance performed over the last shift. For example, the day shift is from 4am to 4pm and the night is 4 pm to 4am, and I want the night shift to hand day shift a report with all records from the last day 4pm-4am.

Here is the where clause in my query, I can't seem to get it to work, but I'm not too familiar with dates and times in Access.

WHERE (((tblMSL.Date)=Date() Or (tblMSL.Date)=(Date()-1))
AND ((tblMSL.Time) Between #16:0:0# And #4:0:0#))

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Date Range In Query

Feb 8, 2007

Hello all

I was wondering if anybody could help me out with a query problem I've been having.
I've been trying to use a query to display a list of available cars for a given start and end date entered by the users. I have found some guidance to make an attempt but it isn't working. The text in the Input boxes isn't what I'd like. Also the query is displaying all the cars in my database even when I deliberately trying to exclude some.
I'd really appreciate any help As this is my first database and Im really struggling with the use of criteria.
I've included a screen grab including my formulas


Apologies if I've missed this advice in my searching

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Date Range Query

Jun 19, 2007

I am trying to design a report that uses a range of dates as column headers. The row headers are vehicles and the intersection between the columns and rows will display details about that day's vehicle usage.

To do this I need a query that will produce a row of date headers based on parameters from a form. Also, the report needs to display date headers even for days on which no events occur.

Any ideas?

See also:

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Query And Date Range

Nov 24, 2004


I've set up a query which contains among others the following fields


MonHoursDate and Monhours come from another query where the date is a calculated value.

If I now run the query, it works and lists the hours done for that project.

If I enter the following expression in the criteria for MonHoursDate

Between [Start] And [End]

and then run the query and enter start and end dates, I get nothing.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? The date formats are set to Medium Date and follow the following fomat DD/MM/YYYY



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