Query Suddenly Stops Working

Oct 19, 2004

I have written a very simple query which get's it's criteria from a form I also created, which couldn't be any simpler itself. The form simply has a text box that I enter a value into, in this case, the date in a specific format "20041019". The query then pulls all records according to the form value. This query has always worked fine for weeks now. Today, suddenly it would not return any records. If I go into the SQL and manually enter "20041019" it will pull the appropriate records. It will NOT function when relying on the form value though. This has happened to me in the past, of course I did not document what I did to overcome the obstacle though. I have tried matchign the formats of the field in the table to the text box in the form so that they are both general numbers with 0 decimal places, originally they were both text format and it worked. I can't seem to figure out why this would happen. If anyone has any suggestions, I would GREATLY appreciate it.



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Queries :: Query Stops Working With InStr Null Value

Feb 7, 2015

I have a question about errors on null value.I have made a small database for tryout, it has to be implemented in another one.And the small database is working.I have one table where there is one field called BatchInput.I scan a barcode into it and let two query's breaking it apart. I scan this batch into the table field

BatchInput: 20 MAY 2004H149-082-79 A4147011A05

Then I have my first query (Qrybreak1) extracting the date and deleting H14

Date: Left([BatchInput];11)
PartCertNr: Right([BatchInput];Len([BatchInput])-14)

The result is this:

Field date: 20 MAY 2004
Field PartCertNr: 9-082-79 A4147011A05

The second query (Qrybreak2) I look for the first space:

space: InStr([PartCertNr];" ")

Then with the result I cut it into two pieces

PartNumber: Trim(Left([PartCertNr];[space]-1))
CertNumber: Trim(Right([PartCertNr];[space]+2))


And query (QryResult) even wont start, giving a popup with Invalid procedure call..How could I handle Null on the part where there is no space after the partnumber (missing Certnumber)?

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Module Code Stops Working

Nov 17, 2006

just wondering why randomly certain modules in the form code stop working..

when you accidentally press return.. or do something in the wrong order.. or apply one rule to one control.. and then another control rule stops working..

so you have to delete the code.. right click on the control's event.. and re-insert the code into the event section.. and then it works..


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Access 2013 Stops Working With Recordset

Jan 6, 2015

I have a database with a table and 2 forms.One form (frmList) is a list of all records in the database, and the other form (frmInput) displays fields for a single record.There is a button in frmList which runs the following script. The user clicks a record in frmList, clicks the button, and the selected record opens in frmInput. ID is a text field containing digits and an alpha that is in both frmList and frmInput.

Private Sub Command9_Click()
Dim ID As String
strCriteria = "ID = '" & Me.ID.Value & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmInput", acNormal
Form_frmInput.Recordset.FindFirst strCriteria
End Sub

This script works as expected in Access 2010. However we recently upgraded to Access 2013 and since then, this script causes Access to crash ("Access has stopped working..." dialog appears).I have stepped through the script and the line causing the crash is

Form_frmInput.Recordset.FindFirst strCriteria

I can't find any problems with syntax or anything about Recordset.Findfirst being deprecated in 2013 so I suspected some kind of file corruption. To resolve this I have tried: Compacting and repairing the databaseDecompiling and recompiling the VBA modulesCreating a fresh database and copying all the objects into it

could this be due to a missing library or something? Are there other methods of resolving a corrupt database if that is the problem? Or as a last resort is there an alternative method to Recordset.FindFirst that I can use to open a form to a particular record while retaining the ability to navigate through other records?

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Graph On Form Not Suddenly Not Working.

Dec 19, 2006


I have a graph which uses the value of two combo boxes for beginning and end parameters. In order to work, the datevalue() function is used.

When i design the rowsource, it works. But when I exit Access and open it again, it doesn´t. Then the rowsource is either wrong or too complex.

What is going on?


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On Error Suddenly Stopped Working ??

Nov 16, 2007


This worked fine for some short (but blissfull) time

On Error GoTo MANError

pathbgc = Path & "Man.xls"
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, , "B_Man", pathbgc, vbYes

If Err.Number = 3011 Then ExitSub

Now the damn error message pops and says error 3011, can't find the file..
Why isn't On Error stopping it anymore ?

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Forms :: Query Screen - Fields Suddenly Become Invisible

Mar 4, 2014

I have a query screen which worked. It has a header and some details. Now only the header shows up. No detail is visible. I look at the design all these fields are visible, but in reality they are not.

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Tab Stops Through Sub Forms?

Feb 14, 2005

This has been annoying me to now end. I have a master form with 3 text boxes, and 3 subforms with about 26 more text boxes.

How can I make the tab stops flow from one subform to another? It's like the tab stops won't get "linked up" by virtue of them being on the same master form.

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Concatenating First 3 Records Then Stops

May 6, 2015

I'm trying to concatenate several fields from a set of tables/subtables. But for some reason, it concatenates the first 3 records, then stops. I should clarify that the concatenation "skips" a subtable. Here's the structure of the relationships (not sure if this pic is working so I'm adding the link to the screen shot)

[URL] ....

and the concatenation itself

As you can see, I'm looking to create a concatenation of (Vendor_Code)&(Vendor_Item_Code)&(Item_ID) which runs through the subtable Items_Child, but doesn't use any field in Items_Child

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Forms :: Auto Populating A Form Stops After Column (6)

Apr 13, 2013

I'm using a combo box to pull data from a table to auto populate the fields on my form. But for some reason, it stops inserting the data after city (column(6) and I can't figure out what's going on. When I run the query the data is there, if I change the order of the columns, the data shows. Here's the code:

Me.txtadjusterfname.Value = Me.cboAdjusterlkp.Column(0)
Me.txtadjusterlname.Value = Me.cboAdjusterlkp.Column(1)
Me.txtadjustertitle.Value = Me.cboAdjusterlkp.Column(2)
Me.txtadjustertype.Value = Me.cboAdjusterlkp.Column(3)
Me.txtadjustercompany.Value = Me.cboAdjusterlkp.Column(4)
Me.txtadjusteraddress.Value = Me.cboAdjusterlkp.Column(5)
Me.txtadjustercity.Value = Me.cboAdjusterlkp.Column(6)
Me.txtadjusterstate.Value = Me.cboAdjusterlkp.Column(7)

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Access 2010 Text Box Running Sum Stops Computations On Second To Last Row

Oct 10, 2011

I'm using an Access 2010 report to recreate a spreadsheet that contains rows consisting of fourteen columns of data. Each column is totaled. The data types are numeric and the property sheet format is either Standard or Percent depdening on the column.

In order to track the totals, I utilize two text boxes for each column. One is visible and contains the data for that particular row. The other is hidden and has its Running Sum property set to "Over All". The final totals row consists of text boxes that reference the final result of the running sum text box.

This works up to a point. I see correct totals results for columns 1-10. Then for some reason the running count appears to stop for the second to last row of column 11. (It's always the second to last row). As a result, the totals for this column (11) and subsequent columns (12-14) do not total.

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Modules & VBA :: Excel File Opens And Code Stops Execution

Nov 12, 2014

I'me running on Win7, Office 2010, Acc2003 format (.mdb), writing data to Excel 2010 (.xlsx)I have code to create an Excel file, send record set data to it, and then add some formulas and formatting. I was trying to tune up the formulas, when I got a pull back:Access VBA code suddenly stops running, and the file gets displayed in Excel

'ApXl is Application.Excel
'xlWSh is the Excel WorkSheet
'rst is my DAO.Recorset


The same happens when I have ApXl.Visible = True

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Suddenly Getting Errors

Jan 15, 2008

We have an access db that has been working fine for ages and now when we click on a New Record button we are getting the following error:-

Run time error 2105 - you can't go to the specified record. erroring out on the line DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec. We are not aware of anything changing on the PC that the db is sitting on. I have spent the whole day searching the web but have found nothing helpful.

I have compacted and repaired the db, even went to the form/table security to see if all users can edd/add.

Any help greatfully received

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Access Suddenly Closes

Oct 10, 2006

What would cause Access to suddenly close without warning while busy with a query?

No error messages, nothing! The query is a fairly big one that normally takes about 6 minutes to run, but has had no problem with it for a number of years. A new drive used for back-up purposes was recently fitted to my PC which now has 3 internal hard drives.

Could this problem be caused by a bad memory handling configuration? The original setup that worked before may have been changed when the new drive was installed. The XP Page File size for example may have been changed.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

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Database Suddenly Read-only

Jun 19, 2007

I have a database running for the last 6 or so years (A97) and have the ctl-shift disable enable code in it to stop people tinkering about with it.

The database was aparently working fine yesterday and today it's decided to be read-only so no-one can update the data.

It's on a server - all permissions ok and not read-only.

I can't get the disable/enable code to work either. So basically, it's locked for any development changes and it's locked for any data changes.

The IT boys are going to take a backup from the tapes of the server and re-install it, so it should be ok, but I've never had this happen before and the database is used daily for the last 6 years with no problems.

Any speculative thoughts?

[edit] I have done a search and couldn't find anything that fitted the situation



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Access Suddenly Slow Down

Nov 16, 2007


My acccess (.mde) application suddenly slowed down. I have increased the size for some fields in some Tables. Is it could be the reason for this? Is there any way i can get the speed back.

Many thanks in advance..


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Suddenly, Subform Flips Me Off

Dec 24, 2004

this never used to be an issue, but all of the sudden it just started happening.

frmCustomers (data: tblCustomers) is linked to sfrmJobs (data: tblJobs) via CustomerID (autonumber). Depending on their [Status] in frmCustomers (dropdown, either "Customer", "Lead", "Lead-to-customer" or null), a customer may or may not have a job in tblJobs (or may have more than one).

When scrolling through my list of customers , after passing by a "Lead" (or if i just select a "Lead" to begin with), who cannot and does not have a job, the subform does not show any jobs from that point on for people who do have jobs. Also when I create a new job and then attempt to insert data, it tells me that I have an invalid use of null, which is weird because the only field that needs to exist is the customerID, and that's created automatically.

I think it has something to do with the CustomerID not functioning correctly, which i don't understand at all, or somehow not getting passed to the subform. i've entered plenty of new customers into the program without an issue, and i used to be able to scroll through all of them and have all of them show up all the time. Additionally, even after i clicked away all the "index or primary key cannot contain a null value" errors, it still gave me a CustomerID, but after I created a job (again, "index or pk blah blah") for a customer, i looked at the table and it showed that the JobID (primary key of tblJobs, is not autonumber) was recorded, but not the customerID.

Cry For Help:
Please help me! I discovered this bug almost 5 minutes after publicly deploying my program to my client's company, and if he finds it before i can fix it, i'm toast. please please help!

Thanks to all in advance!


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Access 2000 Suddenly Closing

Jul 16, 2007

Recently Access has started to suddenly close. Usually when I have been developing although I do not appreas to have lost anything as I Save, Save, Save all the time. Last week I had a report that a live access 2000 is doing the same thing. Users are in the middle of entering data and suddenly the database is gone, with no messages. They can re-open the database and continue.

Anyone else experiencing this problem with Access 2000?

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Suddenly Encountered An Error In Access

Nov 20, 2007


It was working firn till yesterday morning. I have not made any changes in this. But now i am encountring the following error

Run time error 3125
The database engine can't find ". Make sure it is a valid parameter or alias name, that it doesn't include invalid characters or punctuation, and that the name isn't too long.

Please help me. Same thing working properly in other application . Same code same database.

Many thanks in advance fro your help.


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Dates Suddenly Being Entered In US Format!?

Dec 8, 2005


An Access database table I'm looking at has a date column, where date is entered in UK format (dd/mm/yyyy). However, upon entering the database, the date is somehow converted into US format, despite me passing the date into the table as dd/mm/yyyy.

The trouble started when someone else worked on the database - leaving us now with all of the old records in UK format (correct) but all new entries to that column in US format.

Please note, when I open the Access table, all of the dates for the past 2 years or so are fine (dd/mm/yyyy) but recently, since someone else worked on the file, the new records are appearing as mm/dd/yyyy. Within the same table column we're getting apparently mixed formats.

I'm aware of using session.lcid=2057, but would prefer just to be able to have the dates appear in the right format in the database itself rather than having to use this (I'm concerned if I use lcid, it might balls up the older, correct records in the table).

How can this have suddenly changed, and more importantly, how can I get the records into the table in UK format?

Thanks very much for your help...

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Form Suddenly Doesn't Work

Aug 26, 2004

I have a form that worked when I left work Tuesday. It is supposed to look at all the information in my "courses" table in descending order by year, ascending order by date, in edit mode. There is also a look-up list that allows me to select the date of the course and jump to that record.

I came in today and it doesn't work! The form LOOKS like it's in add mode--completely empty. the data is still in the table. I checked all the properties and they all look right. The query still looks like it did when I left. It just quit! When I use the look-up list the dates appear in the list, but nothing happens when I select it.

I know I'm not giving you much to go on, but any ideas?

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Forms :: New Buttons Are All Suddenly Embedded Macros?

Feb 3, 2015

I've been developing a new db and have been adding buttons to forms all along without any issue.

I would create a button and under the event tab in the properties sheet all the buttons used to indicate "On Click" would produce an [Event Procedure]. Suddenly the "On Click" now indicates an [Embedded Macro] is going to run, which is not what I really want to have happen......

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Forms :: Required Field Suddenly Needed During Filter

Feb 25, 2015

I have a form that I have opening in Filter by Form mode. It WAS working flawlessly, at least it was opening in that mode. It IS still requiring me to click on Toggle Fields once data is entered into controls to filter by, but that's another issue (I wrote a recent comment, but haven't gotten any response). Something different is happening suddenly that wasn't happening before. This form is a copy of a form needed to enter data.

Both forms read from a table which has several required fields. Suddenly, when I open the form to find records in ANY mode it's making me enter something into these required fields, even though I'm not searching/filtering by them. The message comes up "You must enter a value in the [Specific Required Field name here] Field." What did I do to make this start happening? How do I stop it? I DO want something to need to be entered in the required fields when new records are being entered and when things are being changed. However, I don't want it to be required during search processes.

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Access 2010 Table Suddenly Read Only - How To Remove That Restriction

Nov 8, 2014

This application has worked fine in the past, but now I find it stops cold saying a particular linked table is read-only. I've looked around and all I can find in the various forums is how to MAKE a table read-only. Reversing that process seems very difficult.

The application is a copy of another that now exhibits the same problem. Each uses a different data mdb - part of the development I'm doing involves changing a different table. I'm developing changes to the application in this separate copy.

I can't tell if other tables would have this problem - the table in question is the very first used (initialization routine) and I can't get past it without deactivating a bunch of code.

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AutoNumber Primary Key In Database Starts Jumping Suddenly By Thousand Places

Jul 14, 2014

The above image is of a table which I need to update according to a new data on daily basis. As you can see when I added two records at the last , the AutoNumber primary key of the table jumped by thousands . I have used the following query to update the table

db.Execute "INSERT INTO D_Counterparty (CPTY_ENTITY_ID,CPTY_DESC)"_ & "SELECT Ctpy_Entity_Id,Ctpy_Entity_Legal_Nm"_ & "FROM NewCU LEFT JOIN D_Counterparty ON D_Counterparty.CPTY_ENTITY_ID=NewCU.Ctpy_Entity_Id"

I never changed the AutoNumber from incremental to random and I have also tried re-seeding it but had no success. Also when I inserted the sample values using a sample table ,the AutoNumber was working fine . Here's that query

db.Execute "INSERT INTO D_Counterparty (CPTY_ENTITY_ID,CPTY_DESC,) SELECT a,b, FROM sample"

I did not use join in this query ...

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Sub Report - Data Stops Appearing In Sub Report After Page 2?

Dec 21, 2012

I have an asset data base to generate individual asset detail reports with a sub report on the same page listing similar assets from a separate query. I have set the master and child fields, one to many. This works perfectly for the first two assets (pages), however the sub report stops showing data on the third asset (page).

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