Query To Return Table Name As A Value?

Jun 23, 2007

Hello all,

Is there a SQL function in Access that will allow it to return (as a field value) the name of the table where a particular record was found?

The reason that I want to do this is because I have a single table (Table A) with building address records counted and broken down by state and by month - but some of the records belong to smaller groups (e.g. Zone 1, Zone 2, etc.) that aren't states, but that I want to count in the crosstab as if they were. There are building addresses on Table A that belong to each of these four groups, so I need to somehow match the records on Table A with the appropriate Zone, and place the name of that Zone in the "State" column of the query results instead of the actual state so that I can then count the results in the same crosstab.

I had the intention of resolving this by creating three tables (with the listings of address information for each Zone #), then matching records in Table A to each Zone table in a query by the address field to get each record's appropriate Zone no.(if available), then using the results of this query in my crosstab - :confused: but I can't figure out how to get Access to create a calculated field that lists from which table a resulting query record came from, so I can't continue.:confused:

Any suggestions, if able, would be appreciated!

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Modules & VBA :: Return Rows In Query From Variant Array Return From UDF

Sep 16, 2014

I have a simple UDF that takes a string and returns a variant, which is an array of strings Example Input "Brick Wall" Return value would be a variant array with first element "Brick" and and second element "Wall" Now I have a table with a field of strings, and I want to make a query that returns all the results from the function, one per line.

So if my input table looks like this

"kick the ball"
"return the pass"

my query result should looks like this

[Orig] [new]
"kick the ball" "kick"
"kick the ball" "the"
"kick the ball" "ball"
"return the pass" "return"
"return the pass" "the"
"return the pass" "pass"

Last time I had to do something like this I used VBA exclusively, with ADO objects, but I thought a query based solution would be easier.

With my current data the largest return array size my function returns is 27 elements but I wouldn't want to rely on that number being fixed.

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Queries :: Date Range Query - Return Lines Where Field Is Blank In Table

Aug 15, 2013

I have a single table with customer information, one of the fields is a date field "LastContacted".

I'm creating a search form with 2 date fields (txtDate1 & txtDate2) to search a date range of the LastContacted field, and I need to write this into the query that the search form uses.

I have written this using Nz so that it can still return results if the search boxes are left blank:

Between Nz([Forms]![frm_AdvancedSearch]![txtDate1],#01/01/1989#) And Nz([Forms]![frm_AdvancedSearch]![txtDate2],#01/01/2999#)

This seems to work and it returns lines from the table where there is a date entered. However some of the fields in the table have no entry in the LastContacted field. How to code this query so that it also returns lines where the LastContacted field is blank in the table?

I have tried:

like "*" & (Between Nz([Forms]![frm_AdvancedSearch]![txtDate1],#01/01/1989#) And Nz([Forms]![frm_AdvancedSearch]![txtDate2],#01/01/2999#)) & "*"

but this returns errors when I try to run it.

I'm using Access 2010.

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Queries :: Query That Will Return Records From A Table That Have Related Records In Another Table

Mar 4, 2015

I am looking for a query that will return records from a table that have related records in another table. Opposite to the Unmatched Query Wizard.I have two tables: tblSupplier and tblSupplierProducts.The two tables are related by the field "SupplierId".I need the query to only return Suppliers that have Products.

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Loop Through A Table And Return The Value

Mar 17, 2008

I have a table (ExportTables) with the following data


I want some VBA code that can loop through the table above one by one returning the value. The table data will change so i would like the code to handle change as well.

I want the returning value to be returned has a string i.e. TblValue = <table data value>

Because then i want to use the value to be put in this sql query- DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO TEST_DOC SELECT * FROM " & [color:red] TblValue [/color]

then loop onto the next value.

Hope you understand what im after.

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Sum() In Empty Table Doesn't Return Zero

Jun 12, 2007

i have a query with this basic structureSELECT id FROM table1,(SELECT SUM(field2) as total2 FROM table2) - (SELECT SUM(field3) as total3 FROM table3) as totalto understand better let's say that:table1 are clientstable2 is money that enters for clientstable3 is money that exits from clientsi want to obtain a balance. the problem is that if table2 or table3 has no records for certain client, this client is exluded from resultsany ideas?i tried using ISNULL like this:SELECT id FROM table1,ISNULL((SELECT SUM(field2) as total2 FROM table2),0) - ISNULL((SELECT SUM(field3) as total3 FROM table3),0) as totalbut it didn't workedthis is the querySELECT id, UPPER(apellido_titular) + ', ' + nombre_titular AS padre, (SELECT SUM(facturas_items.importe) AS totalf FROM facturas INNER JOIN padres ON facturas.id_padre = padres.id LEFT OUTER JOIN facturas_items ON facturas.id = facturas_items.id_documento WHERE (padres.id = p.id) AND (facturas.fecha_vencimiento < GETDATE())) - (SELECT SUM(recibos_items.importe) AS totalr FROM padres INNER JOIN recibos ON padres.id = recibos.id_padre LEFT OUTER JOIN recibos_items ON recibos.id = recibos_items.id_recibo WHERE (padres.id = p.id)) AS totalFROM padres pWHERE (activo = 1) AND ((SELECT SUM(facturas_items.importe) AS totalf FROM facturas INNER JOIN padres ON facturas.id_padre = padres.id LEFT OUTER JOIN facturas_items ON facturas.id = facturas_items.id_documento WHERE (padres.id = p.id) AND (facturas.fecha_vencimiento < GETDATE())) - (SELECT SUM(recibos_items.importe) AS totalr FROM padres INNER JOIN recibos ON padres.id = recibos.id_padre LEFT OUTER JOIN recibos_items ON recibos.id = recibos_items.id_recibo WHERE (padres.id = p.id)) > 0)ORDER BY UPPER(apellido_titular) + ', ' + nombre_titularsorry for my poor english

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Queries :: Return Last Record In A Table

Sep 23, 2014

My setup is simple, it consists of two tables:

Employee (one)
Position (many)

So an employee in this database can have many different positions. The tables are linked using an EmployeeID field.

I want to construct a query that will list each employee and the last job entered for them in the database. Right now my query simply returns all the positions held (where there are more than one)?

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Queries :: Find Value In Another Table And Return ID

Aug 8, 2014

I'm currently busy with something for my thesis as a student and I need to use Access for this. I'm not too new at access, I know how to do the very basics, let's say on the level of [if field contains *"text*", return x].

However I am struggling right now on something that shouldn't be too hard... I could do it immediately in Excel if there werent millions of rows..I have 2 tables. Table 1 regards a list of patent publication numbers (eg. WO2012024604A3) and additional data (publication date, title, etc), only the publication number matters for me now.

Table 1
publication numberWO2011085209A2

Table 2 contains another list of patents that might cite/refer to Table 1's patents and additional data such as publication date.

Table 2
Publication Number Citing PatentsPublication Date Cited Refs - Patent

AU2001287375B2 1998-12-01 US5178882A | US4225581A | WO1998001161A2
AU2001288365B2 1990-02-24 US5967154A | WO1996039117A2 | US3699979A | US3943949A | US3838702A
AU2001288437B2 1999-03-09 US6087157A


Now what I'd like to do is to create a third table which has for each of [Table 1].[Publication number]:

Column 2) A count of how many times the [Table 1].[Publication number] is found in [Table 2].[Cited Refs - Patent] ...

Column 3) In case a patent is cited more than once, return the [table 2].[publication Number Citing Patents] value of the earliest citing patent (so with the lowest Publication Date value).

For Column 2 I had expected it to be an easy count(iif( [Table 2].[Cited Refs - Patent] = "*"&[Table 1].[publication number]&"*")) command but apparently it's harder than that..

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Return Value From A Table Based On A Text Field

Aug 27, 2006

I have created a text field on a form that uses the DateSerial function to return the value of last month e.g. Jul-06.

I have a table that contains months (e.g. Jul-06, Jun-06 etc) and a corresponding numeric value (e.g. 1,2,3).

I have another text box on the same form that I want to display the numeric value in based on the value that has been returned by the DateSerialfunction. What properties/control source should I set for this field? Or do I need to write some VBA?

Any help would be appreciated.

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General :: Combo Box Not Return Description To Table

Feb 20, 2015

My combo boxes are not returning the actual combo box values back to my table, instead in the table it is displaying the combo box data list number i.e 1,2,3,1,5,1 etc where it should be displaying a property address.

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Queries :: Return Info To Table After Processing

Nov 21, 2014

I have a table (tblInstallations) which has records of date installed (for machines).

It is calculating that "next due maintenance" is one year after installation.

Sometimes we need to visit the site to maintain or service the machine before/after the specified date in "next due maintenance" and we need this to be calculated to reflect a year after date of visit.

I have a table called "tblMaintenance" which takes information about the machine an engineer is visiting from where originally the information are kept and that is in "tblInstallations".

How can I link the new date of the visit to update the record for "next due maintenance"...

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Modules & VBA :: Return Name Of A Record Source Table

Feb 19, 2014

I'm new to Access and VB but I managed to write parts of what I want access to do.By tweaking a code I found on the internet, I managed to write a small Subroutine that allows the user to click on one of the fields of a record in a report and then Access opens the form on that specific record.*My code goes something like this:*


Private Sub Edit_Click()
* Dim strWhere As String
* Dim DocName As String
* DocName = "FormName"
* strWhere = "[Field Name]='" & Field & "'"
* DoCmd.OpenForm DocName, acNormal, , strWhere
End Sub

Now I want to get the name of the Table where the record exists.So, let's say when I click on the "Field" it gets the name of the table where the record with that field exists and sets it in a variable.OR even better would be, get the name of the Form where that record exists but I guess that's a little more complicated since the record is directly linked to the table...*

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Queries :: Return Latest Record In Table

Feb 23, 2014

I'm trying to create in access2010

(1) a query that returns the latest record (newest) in a table called 'Invoices' and then

(2) places this value in a form called 'FrmInputInvoices' as the default value when the form opens. Newest record is by Autonumber and the table defaults this to top of table as views newest down to oldest.

Re (1) Query is called 'QInvoices'; the values I want to return in my query is ID (my autonumber) and Invoice_No . Must be a simple answer to put in the criteria, but I can't find this.

Re(2) What code do I use in my Form field named 'Invoice_No when the curser defaults there on opening?

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Queries :: Return First Forename From Sorted Table

Feb 20, 2014

I have a form that contains a combobox. I want the default value for this combobox to be the Staff_ID of the first forename to appear in a table when sorted alphabetically.

The table I'm querying is called 'Staff'. Fields within are 'Staff_ID', 'Forename', 'Surname'. The table is sorted by 'Forename' in ascending order.

From the example tables below I would expect to return a value of '3' for example 1 and '9' for example 2.

Example 1
Staff_ID Forename Surname
3 Andrew Banks
7 John Jacobs
2 Mark Jones
8 David Smith

Example 2
Staff_ID Forename Surname
9 Alice Jones
3 Andrew Banks
7 John Jacobs
2 Mark Jones
8 David Smith

I'm using Access 2007

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Queries :: How To Lookup Date And Return Value From Another Table

Jul 30, 2015

Basically, i have a table ("Transaction") with payment date and another table ("Control") with accounting dates and corresponding year/month.

Objective: I need to know which accounting year or month these payment date fall under.

Example: If the payment date is 18 Dec 2013, the accounting year should read as 2013 and the accounting month should read as 12.

In excel, this is very simple using vlookup.

I tried for hours using access dlookup query and i'm still stucked ..

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Queries :: Return Description Value Relating To PO Table Value

Feb 10, 2014

I have 3 tables joined as attached and Im trying to use the PO from the PO_Detail table to display the Description from the Material_Req Table. The two values are linked as the description in the Material_Req Table is for the PO in the PO_Detail table but I just cant get the results to show this.

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Return A Subform Value To A Table With Click Of A Button

Jan 11, 2013

Is it possible to return a value from a subform to a table on the click of a button?

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Return Only One Record From Table With Repeating Values In Fields

Nov 7, 2006

I have a table like this

ItemNo Name ImageName
123 Foo 00123.jog
123 Foo 00FOO.jpg
123 FOO FOO123.jpg
456 bar 00456.jog
456 BAR 00BAR.jpg
456 Bar BAR456.jpg

I want to do a query to return just one row per unique ItemNo

So the query would return
ItemNo Name ImageName
123 Foo 00123.jog
456 bar 00456.jog

I don't care which one it grabs, the first is as good as the last, as they are essentially different names for the same thing coming from different systems.

I know there's gotta be an easy way to do this, but I've tried things like TOP, DISTINCT, etc and none of them work for me.

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Forms :: Return Records From One Table Based On Date In Another

Jul 24, 2013

When I add a record to table A (using a form) the first field I enter is a date. That date will then determine which records I see in my drop down list from table B (via a query).

Some records in table B have EffectiveFrom and EffectiveTo dates recorded - because they are now obsolete, other records have no dates recorded in these fields because they active.

How can I view and then select from the drop down only those records in table B which are effective/valid to the date entered in table A?

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Tables :: Search Through Every Record And Return Result In Table

Jan 21, 2014

My boss has a form based on a rather large table with a lot of records/fields and she wants to be able to have a field where she can enter something and it will seach every record in the table and return the results in a table. How do I do this?

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Help Please With Multiple Outer Joins To Return All Records From Main Table

Jun 5, 2007

I have this query in design view and in an asp page and it works fine:

SELECT dbo_feedback.*, dbo_origin.originName, dbo_product.prodname, dbo_category.catName FROM dbo_product INNER JOIN (dbo_origin INNER JOIN ((dbo_feedback INNER JOIN (dbo_category INNER JOIN links_cat ON dbo_category.catID = links_cat.CatID) ON dbo_feedback.id = links_cat.FeedbackID) INNER JOIN links_product ON dbo_feedback.id = links_product.FeedbackID) ON dbo_origin.originID = dbo_feedback.origin) ON dbo_product.prodID = links_product.ProductID;

BUT, I want to return all feedback entries, even if they have no matching Product or Category. :confused: When I change the inner joins to outer joins I get a syntax error in the browser window. I changed the join type in the relationship diagram in Access and tried to recreate this in query designer, but Access says the statement cannot be executed because of ambiguous outer joins.

FYI, one feedback can have many products, many categories, and only one origin. I have the joins correct and enforced.

Please help, thanks!!!

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Trimming Query Return Value

Aug 25, 2005

HI, i have a field in a query called [cost_type], these typically contains the values "principle works" or "additional works" how can i set the query up so that it doesn't return the "works" part of the record? Could i just return the first 10 characters of the result?

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Need Query To Return Same Record Twice

Feb 23, 2006

Each record in my table has six possible sale dates as a result of cancellations. My problem results when a record is sold twice during the queried time frame (SaleDate1 and SaleDate2). Currently my query uses an if statement and if they are in the same time period, it will only return SaleDate1. I would like to see the record returned twice (once for SaleDate1 and once for SaleDate2). Any suggestions?

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Time Return Query

May 7, 2007

Hi Everyone,
I have a database that I enter time for in the form of military time, I would like to make a query to count the number of entrys in the PM,AM, And NIGHT. For instance if a record has a time of anywhere between 700 or 2299 I would like it to be in the AM catagory, then I would like to total up the number of AM records. Any help would be great. Thanks.

AM=700-1399 PM=1400-2299 NIGHT=2300-699

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Wrong Query Return

Feb 14, 2006

I placed ="G*" in a text field to get all names that begin with G and a blank return was issued. Maybe the manual I have has the wrong info. I have Access 2003 and a Access 2000 manual. Please help.

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Queries :: Max Query To Return One Row Only

Mar 20, 2013

I have a query which is a max sum of sales for several sales reps. (If that makes sense?)

Sales Rep, Total Sales
1, 100
2, 200
3, 500
4, 50
5, 150

I need to create a report which delivers the sales rep with the most sales and only that sales rep



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