Querying An Old Database

Jun 29, 2006

Hey all,

Here is my problem, im working on an old 97 database that is being used by a program and sometimes errors occur through the use of the program and certain tables are not updated properly, so instead of doing this manually I want to be able to query this database through SQL and then later down the line put these SQL queries into a program so it will be more user friendly to edit the database.

So when I try and test one of my queries out, access tells me that I cant make changes to the database because it was created in an earlier version. Now I know i can update the database, but if I were to do that the program that is using the database wont work!

So im a little stuck now, will I have to keep editing the database the manual way or is there another option here? Im wondering (for any java heads out there) If I were to write a java program that would query the database and edit the data inside would that work or would I get back an error?

Thanks in advance!

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Queries :: Database Of References - Querying Two Values From Same Field

Aug 23, 2013

I'm quite new to Access and have inherited a database from a colleague. It is a database of references from which we have extracted pesticide active ingredient, pest species and crop species using forms. I am trying to create a query that will allow us to search and return unique active ingredient x pest x crop species combinations (but which will return all instances of this combination).

The complication is that the pest and crop species names are within the same field ('taxa'). They are distinguished by a label ('pest' or 'crop') in an associated field ('PestorPredator'), but a query using 'OR' will only return a crop OR pest, whilst a query using 'AND' will return no records (because something can't be a pest AND and crop).

I want to be able to create a table that shows the active ingredient, associated pest species AND the associated crop species each in separate columns. We have tried a couple of methods, including UNION and UNION ALL....

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SUM Querying

May 15, 2006

Hi I'm having a bit of a problem with the sql query below

SELECT [Table 1 Personal Details].Surname, Sum([Table 3 Daily Activity].[Public Holiday]) AS [SumOfPublic Holiday], [Table 3 Daily Activity].[Week Commencing], Sum([Table 3 Daily Activity].[Authorised Absence]) AS [SumOfAuthorised Absence], Sum([Table 3 Daily Activity].Holiday) AS SumOfHoliday, Sum([Table 3 Daily Activity].Sickness) AS SumOfSickness, Sum([Table 3 Daily Activity].[Unauthorised Absence]) AS [SumOfUnauthorised Absence], Sum([Table 3 Daily Activity].[Hours Per Week]) AS [SumOfHours Per Week], [Table 9 Funding].Project
FROM [Table 1 Personal Details] INNER JOIN ([Table 3 Daily Activity] INNER JOIN [Table 9 Funding] ON [Table 3 Daily Activity].[ID Number] = [Table 9 Funding].[ID Number]) ON [Table 1 Personal Details].[ID Number] = [Table 3 Daily Activity].[ID Number]
GROUP BY [Table 1 Personal Details].Surname, [Table 3 Daily Activity].[Week Commencing], [Table 9 Funding].Project
HAVING ((([Table 3 Daily Activity].[Week Commencing]) Between [Enter Start Date] And [Enter End Date]) AND (([Table 9 Funding].Project)="NETWORKS"))
ORDER BY [Table 3 Daily Activity].[Week Commencing];

My problem is that the Surname is displaying for each record.. what I mean is that I want the surname to be grouped so that I get the SUMofHours summed correctly?

here's an example of what I'm getting



Here's what I'm really looking for though


I need the Hours SUMMED with no replication of surname.



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Querying Issues

Jun 16, 2005

Ok, I have a DB of client contacts. I'm drawing the values for a query from a form using [Forms]![Sort]![Contact] in criteria and using the parameter field to give values to each. The query works fine for state, contact and industry- all in conjunction with each other. Where I am having problems is:

1) When I input less then all 3 working parameter values in the referenced form the query will not run. I think i need an SQL string of some sort- doing an if, then relationship, but I don't know how to do this.

2) I don't just have 3 values I want to reference, I have 9 total. On the form one of the problems is that a field is chosen by the end-user using check boxes (allowing only one check between three values, with no default: current client, potential client, not applicable are the choices). However, in the table these are referenced by the values of 1, 2 or 3. Another of my fields is check boxes, but referenced by yes, no. How do I correspond the field values in text to numerical values in the table? (and the yes/no prbly the same I will assume)

3) I have "sectors" as a field option in my Sort form (again the drop down menu to select). There is one field for the choice, however, in my data table I have 4 fields corresponding all back to that one field in the form through the query. This doesn't seem to work at all. The sector choices, in my original Input form, are 8, chosen and recorded into the table using 4 consecutive drop downs. They are the same 8, so sometimes a sector like Agriculture could end up in the Sector 1, or Sector 2, etc field in the table. Some can also be left blank. So in summary of this dilemma: 4 drop downs in input form to 4 data table fields, all being queried through one field on the Sort form, which is tied to my query through a command button, having specific criteria reference text in the form.

Thanks in advance for any help!!!

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Need Little Help On Querying Two Tables

Aug 10, 2005

Just joined this forum and posting my very first thread.. ^^

I need to create query to pull data from two different tables. This should be really easy query for most of you. Once someone help me set it up, I can do the modifying.

If you look at the image, there are two tables. For each of pf_id (which is unique ID), I need to know the dept_name which is on other table. I know two tables can be linked with dept_id but I don't know how to create query. If you can help me , I would greatly appreciate it~

Result should be like below.

pf_id, dept_id, dept_name
wh08051bh-Navy, 01-001, washed hat
wh60516bh-white, 01-001, washed hat
ru11072bh-white_with_navy, 01-002, roll up bucket hat
dh03871bh-Dk._Blue, 01-003, denim hats

<img src="http://www.highdots.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=183">

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Querying For An Astricks

Oct 11, 2005

Is there a way of querying for an astricks? Some data in one of my tables has data that looks like this "A*" or "B*" or "C*", but most of the records are just "A" or "B" or "C"...I just need a query that I can pull out those records. Is there a way of doing this in a query?


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Querying Using Value From A Subform

Nov 4, 2005

I need to take a value from a subform and use it in a query but I don't seem to be able to come up with the correct criteria in the query....

I have so far tried:



And probably a load of other versions of the above.... can anyone help out possibly?

The following pulls back the value in code but isn't accepted in the query as a valid criteria:


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Jun 2, 2006

I work for a political party. I work with voter history information. Normally, I am doing queries in order to bring up particular voters, and eliminate others.

Example - the basic table I work with contains the names, addresses, affilitations, and voting histories of everyone in my county. I normally query to bring up voters of a particular party, or people who voted in a particular election or number of elections or both. I more or less sort voters out, but in a positive manner, by creating tables with voters who did a particular thing.

For example: out of all the voters, I just want Democrats who voted in two of the past three primaries. I would then get a table that contained just those voters and no others.

Today, though, I was asked to create a table that would exclude voters based on their behavior, exluding voters who did a particular thing but showing everyone else.

Example, I have a request for all of the voters in the county, except those who voted in the 2004 and 2002 primaries. I know how to create a table with those voters and no others, but I don't know how to query for everyone but those voters. Can anyone help?

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Querying On MONTH Alone!

Sep 18, 2006

Hi there,

I am getting really wound up with this. It should be so simple!

I need to create a query on a field (actualdateofvisit) and group it by the month to give me a count of all those visits (hence the catchy field name) which occurred each month since the beginning of the project. In other words I want to see:

Month Count of Visit
Jan 43
Feb 54
Mar 78

and so on.

I have tried everything I can think of but cannot work out how to do this? I need to do it in a query NOT a report as I want to port it to Crystal reports to display there.

I am think of something like:

field: Actual Date of vist
table: visits
total: Group By
Criteria: "Month"

Can anyone help me?

Thanks and Regards

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Querying A Time Value?

Dec 4, 2006

Hi all,

I have a query that is supposed to get a time value from a field and enter a string into a new field based on the time it gets.

this is what i have. Its my VERY first query ever and so i'm not sure of the syntax. I doesnt work though so i'm assuming something must be wrong. Can anyone help?

iif((hour([request date])>12)and(minute([request date])>30)), "After 12:30", "Before 12:30"

Spinkung. :)

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Querying Two Databases

Feb 15, 2007

Hi all,

Is it possible to create a query that looks over two different databases for information. i.e I have two departments at work that have seperate databases and I need to be able to search for data in both of them on the same query.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Querying A Subform

Mar 1, 2007

Hi, I'm having some issues querying a sub form.

I'm using a combobox (in a subform) which supplies some search criteria. I'm using the query Like [Forms]![Employee]![Course Subform].[Form].[Combo12] & "*" but its simply not working.

Can anyone see any glaringly obvious mistakes?

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Querying Several Criteria

Mar 13, 2007

I hope someone can help with this query I am having difficulty with. The table I am querying has several expiration dates and Yes/No Fields
Listed below is what I need and the query needs to return the name and data if only one or all of the following applies

"A Date" is before today
"B Date" is before today
"C Date" is before today
"D Date" is before today
"A Yes/No" = No
"B Yes/No" = No
"C Yes/No" = No

In other words, if all dates are = to today or later and Yes/No Fields are = Yes - I don't need them in the results.

I have tried this several ways using AND and OR but either way my results are ALL the records. not just the records that meet any or all of the above criteria. Maybe it's too much to ask? :o)

Thanks in advance for your help.


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Querying Between 2 Dates

Jan 20, 2008

Hey.I know you can create queries in access to find fields that have a value between 3 and 7 in them for example but how would you create a query that retreives fields with values between 2 dates for example between 12/10/07 and 11/01/08Btw the dates are inday/month/year

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Querying Massive DB

Apr 5, 2006

I need to select the last 20 records from a databse that have over 1.25 MILLION records.

Obviously the usual stuff like order by is breaking the server with buffer issues.

Anybody any ideas of how to get around this?

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Querying 1st 3 Characters

Aug 3, 2006

Hi everyone,

I have a DB that has over 180,000 records with zip code as one of the fields.

I would like to know how do you query the 1st 3 characters? For example, if zip is 95127, I want to query and retrieve records for the first 951.

I seen this on another thread, but can't find it. THanks in advance guys.

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Querying Fields With Zeros

Jun 20, 2006

I have a database where the primary key is a field for pass numbers. Many of the pass numbers begin with zeros (example: 0023456). I changed the table property for the pass numbers to text so the zeros would be recognized. However, I have a form based on a query to search this pass number field. How can I get the query to recognize the pass numbers that begin with zeros. When I put in any other number above zero, the pass number satisfies the query and the employee information pops up. Aside from AllowZeroLength and trying to format the text field, I cannot get the query to recognize the pass numbers that begin with zero. Please help:eek:

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Querying Duplicate Fields

Jul 14, 2005

Please can anybody help.
I wanted to have a form containing a list of members forenames and surnames in one record. I wanted to be able to input the members reference number and then the forename and surname would be automatically filled in.
I have achieved this through a query based on a table with ten foreign keys for the members. The query uses the members table ten times to join the ten foreign keys.
This works fine and the form runs with space for ten members and I can enter a members reference number in each field and their forenames and surnames are filled in.
The problem is that I wish to run queries with members surnames as criteria to bring out all records containing those members. How can this be done without having to set the criteria in the query in each of the members surname fields.

I know I can do this if I have a separate record for each member in the form
but I really need ten members in each record.
I hope this makes sense and somebody can help.

Thanks in advance

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Querying From Tables Without Same Fields

Aug 11, 2005

I am new to this forum and a beginner to intermediate with Access.

I was given a database that has 3 tables with data on the capture of alligators. One from 1998-2000, one from 2001-2003 and one from 2003-present. Each of these tables has different field names because they were created by different people on different projects. I need to combine the three tables into one that pulls such data as "date", "time", "size" etc. I don't need all of the fields from all of the tables just select ones and some of the tables do not have the information that I'd need in the final table. I've read through append, update, and make-table queries and am not sure if I can even solve this problem with a query. The error messages I get refer to null values or if I do get a table it has 14000 records, which is way more than the actual number of records.

Thanks for any ideas

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Beginner's Question About Querying

Oct 18, 2005

I apologize in advance if this question is completely obtuse, but I'll pose it to the group nonetheless.

My task is to analyze accruals versus actuals for the past quarter (i.e., July-September). What is of particular interest are the variances between the accrued and actual amounts. I have several fields of data, but the common field is Shipping Unit (SU). My initial plan is to upload the tables with the accrued and actual records separately and query SU's to pull in all instances in which there are matching accrued and actual SU's. This is where it gets a bit fuzzy for me. I would export the resulting queries into Excel, unless there is a means to produce the analysis directly from Access.

I haven't used Access in ages, so I don't recall how I might best proceed. Please advise with your thoughts. :confused:

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Help With Input Box Based Querying

Nov 22, 2005

I have two linked tables as follows:

Table 1

Main Service ID (primary key)
Main Service

Table 2

Sub Service ID (primary key)
Sub Service
Main Service ID (foreign key)

one-to-many relationship

I would like to query the tables, so you search on the Sub Service and it returns all of the Main Services it come under. I would like this query to run off an Input Box that will allow me to type in the Sub Service or a word.

I have managed to get the Input Box, by putting the following code into the criteria :InputBox («prompt», «title», «default», «xpos», «ypos»). But when I type something in the search fails. I have chopped and changed the fields I search on, but can't get it quite right.

Can anyone help me on what fields to choose and what I need to set in the criteria to get the search running properly from the input box?

Also is there any way to program Access or VB to return the results in a message box e.g. **** is a Sub Service of ***** - listing all main services it appears under?

Any help is most appreciated,



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Querying, Then Reversing The Query..

May 9, 2006

OK, coming up with a title for this one was a little difficult. Almost as difficult as the problem I'm facing ;)

Here's the basic premise. The database is used to register people for a weekend convention. Part of the registration allows the person to request a specific roommate. In an ideal world, this would be relatively simple--match the roommate to the person, and you're done!

Did I mention they're teenagers?

Here's what happens. In all of the following examples, you are given only the ID number of a person to start with (because referencing any column but the bound one in a combo box from a query seems impossible, despite what Microsoft has to say (http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/assistance/HA011730581033.aspx)), and must dump all relevant names and ID's into a temp table.
Example 1:


In this case, we have two people that have requested Matt Brown as their roommate. Based solely on the ID Number of any given person above I need to dump all three names into a temp table to be displayed to the user, so he can pick who will go where. Physically, the first two people would be roomed together, and the 3rd would be roomed in a single room nearby.

Example 2


Similar to the last, but we've added a fourth person that has requested the 3rd person. Doing it the manul way, we'd room the first two together, and the last two together, in rooms next to each other. Unfortunately, we may not find the last two until we're two floors away, and end up having to shuffle people all over the place to get it to work. Now, we could be jerks, and just say, 'sorry, you screwed up, your problem, not ours'...except facing a crying 14-year-old girl upset because she's not with her friends isn't exactly fun. This is why I want to find all four people immediately after rooming any one of the above.

Example 3:

Ah, the circle of life. Person 1 requests person 2, person 2 requests person 3, 3 request 4, 4 requests 1. This is surprisingly common. And annoying. Physical results would be the same as the previous example.

So to summarize, I start with person 1. Add him to the temp table. Then find the person he requested as a roommate. Add him to the table. Then look at the roommate's requested roommate, compare it to the temp table. If the person is there (ie, a direct match), then stop. If he isn't there, then query the database. Not there? Stop. Found another hit? Add him to the table. Search again. Then, display them all in a list box allowing the user to pick and choose who goes where.

I don't hope to automate the whole thing. That's not the goal. There are a variety of other factors that go into rooming that could never be automated, and require a personal touch. All I want to do is make it easier to find duplicates to streamline the existing manual procedure.

Now, how do I do it?

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Querying With Text/dates

Oct 2, 2006

I'm trying to make changes to records that are 3 years old. The date format is text and it displays as Ex. "20020831" or yyyymmdd.

i try <"20020101" but I get no results and I know there should be.
I'm a rookie and only know how to query using short date format.

ideas anyone?

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Querying And 'Tagging' Records

Oct 16, 2006

Help ! This is my first MS Access Project!

I am building a database for a real estate agent, and as such have tables of client details/requirements and properties available for sale.

I intend building a query that will match up a number of fields (number of bedromms, price etc).

How can I best build my query so as not to continually match the same properties to the same clients? I imagine I will need some SIMPLE method of identifying/tagging the properties for sale when the client has either viewed the property or has deemed it unsuitable. This would then not bring up these records when I ran the query a second time.

A SIMPLE method of remveing the 'tag' would also be useful.

Any suggestions appreciated. The simpler the better (I am only a novice) !

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Querying To Get Access Statistics

Nov 30, 2006

This is either very simple or very complex, I haven't figured out which yet.

I need to know the number of tables in my database and from each table I need to know how many records are in each table. Ordinarily I would just count the number of tables then open each one up to get the number of records, but I'm working with 100+ tables so that's not very practical.

If it makes a difference, the tables in question are linked tables. I don't imagine that is relevant, but thought I'd mention it.


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Querying SQL Linked Tables

Dec 12, 2006

Hi there,

I'm trying to query tables I have imported as 'linked tables' from a SQL database. I've built a query, but when I run the query it says 'Invalid Procedure Call'

Does anyone know why it's doing this?

Many thanks!,


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