Querying To Get Access Statistics

Nov 30, 2006

This is either very simple or very complex, I haven't figured out which yet.

I need to know the number of tables in my database and from each table I need to know how many records are in each table. Ordinarily I would just count the number of tables then open each one up to get the number of records, but I'm working with 100+ tables so that's not very practical.

If it makes a difference, the tables in question are linked tables. I don't imagine that is relevant, but thought I'd mention it.


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Statistics In Access

Mar 18, 2006

Sorry if this is a question asked a lot but I need help with statistics in acces.. Im doing a booking system in access with customer and booking/bill tables. I have an IF statement to work out price (in a query) for the booking or which displays error if booking cannot be made. The query runs when a button is pressed in the form. The booking price is worked out by time (morning, afternoon, evening) and special (gold wedding anniversary, extended evening etc) which change the price. The date and booking time fields are set together as primary key (composite or whatever key...). The system works monthly. I need a system to find out how much money has been made, how many bookings have been made (and how many could have been made), how many are regular bookings (there will be a regular booking yes/no field). I have probably given too much information but I need to know how to do this more automatically then copying and pasting info into excel and doin equations in it. Also in excel I would just have to presume month = 30 days or manually type in. Is there any code to copy the data into an excel spreadsheet with predone equations automatically? or is there a better way to do this? that isnt too difficult. I have only just started looking at VB so dont know much. PLEASE HELP! PLEASE!!!

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Excel Querying Access Using MS Query

Jun 21, 2005

Hi folks!

I've got my application working wonderfully and now have set up some reports in Excel. People want to be able to manipulate the data and I figured this was easiest...the users don't know how to create their own report within Access but are Excel literate.

My workbook has two queries (setup using Microsoft Query) back to the database...the data is returned to the workbook and then sorted within the workbook using Excel formulas.

This works fine all data is present and correct and the results are accurate.


My database keeps corrupting. The LDB file isn't being deleted after the last person exits the database. I downloaded the LDBUTILS from Microsoft and found that when a person accesses the database via the Excel workbooks the session is left in a suspect state and this is causing the corruption.

I know it's not a server permissions error because I created the folder and am the owner of the file. I have full control of the files and folder on that part of the server yet my own PC frequently leaves the database in a suspect state.

Does anybody know what I can do to stop this? Is there a piece of code I can add so that when the workbook is closed the database session is also ended cleanly?

Thank you in advance


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Queries :: Access 2003 - Querying With Odd Date Format?

May 7, 2013

I'm using Access 2003 connecting through ODBC. I'm trying to set up an automated query to grab today's data. normally it's pretty easy, all you'd have to do is enter date() in the criteria in an access query. Unfortunately, the date in my database (i can't change this) is in an odd format.

example: april 1st, 2013 = 1130401

Every single date always has that preceding "1" in front of it, then the year, then the month, and finally the day.

I want to always specify the current date whenever the query is run (without having to type it in)

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Monthly Statistics

Jan 13, 2006

I will try to explain my problem as best i can and would appreciate any thoughts other people have on it, it is surely similar in some degree to someone elses previous work!

I need to produce management information on a monthly basis, one example of this type of work are an employees one to ones.

table121 contains following fields, ID scheduledDate CompletedDate Completed(yes/no)

My report/query needs to group records by the month (which i do through formatting date fields to display mm/yy), count the number of scheduled one2ones, count the number of completed one2ones, display a %.

I have played around and got this to work using querys with grouping and sums.

My problem is if the schedule date and the completed date are in different months then all of the statistics become out of sync, particualy when there are more appraisals taking place than scheduled.
Any ideas?

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Count Statistics Of Db

Jul 27, 2007

I'm trying to find out the statistics of my dabase:

# of total items
# of unique items from 4 different criterias

When I put that into the queries, using the count function, it works well for 1-2, and then if I add in more into the query, it gives ridiculously high numbers for the counts, and freezes. Am I doing something wrong?


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Statistics Query

Aug 15, 2007

I am looking to come up with statistics for my volunteer tracker. I have a table of transactions that records who works each night we are building our haunted house. These transaction records record the Date, Worker and the Time In & Time Out. I would like (probably a cross tab query) that lists all the dates in the left hand column, and count the number of workers in another column, then the number of man-hours put in for that date. Kind of like this:

Date | Worker Count | Man-Hours
7/30/2007 | 42 | 168
7/31/2007 | 31 | 124
8/2/2007 | 28 | 120
8/3/2007 | 17 | 68

Any help on this would be awesome. I have no experience with cross tab queries whatsoever.


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Queries :: Searching For Records - Statistics

May 2, 2014

I have a database which has numbers for different statistics and i would like to be able to search, for example, the past 10 weeks and find out how many time a certain number has been recorded.

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Reports :: Formulate Statistics At The Bottom Of Report?

Dec 21, 2013

Is there a way of formulating statistics at the bottom of a report?

Heres what i have.

The report pulls Rank, Last Name, First Name, Assigned weapon, Weapon qualification date. After 6 months i use conditional formatting to highlight the soldiers qualification date red. Im in the military that's why im tracking all this, but I need figures to report to higher, and at the bottom i would like it to show, "#Qualified", "#UnQualified","% Qualified", "% Unqualified", "#Expired","%Expired"

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Queries :: Create A Statistics Function On A Database

Jun 15, 2014

I am trying to create a statistics function on a database. The idea is that the user will enter a start and end date and either search for all records during that date range or select a client from a combo box and only view records for that client during the selected dates.

After doing quite a bit of searching, it seems that I should be using a wildcard in the criteria however I cannot get this to work. The code I have been playing with is:

=Nz(Forms![Statistics]![ClientCombo] ,"*")

I have changed the "*" to a specific client number and if the combo box is left blank, results are shown for that client only and if a client is selected from the combo box then the selected client is shown. The only thing I cannot get it to do is show all entries if the combo box is left blank.

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Tables :: Phone Statistics - Formatting Field To Show Duration Not Time

Apr 13, 2014

I am building a database to enter staff phone statistics. As an example my fields would be - Name, Date, Staffed time, Available time, Aux time and then calculated fields to show the percentage of time i.e %Aux, %Available etc.

My problem is the formatting of the times entered as they are duration not time. Say staffed time is entered as 08:00:00 for 8 hours and Aux time 03:57:21. The only format I can see to suit is date time but then Access takes these entries as 8am and 3:57am is there a way to change this to work as duration hh:mm:ss?

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SUM Querying

May 15, 2006

Hi I'm having a bit of a problem with the sql query below

SELECT [Table 1 Personal Details].Surname, Sum([Table 3 Daily Activity].[Public Holiday]) AS [SumOfPublic Holiday], [Table 3 Daily Activity].[Week Commencing], Sum([Table 3 Daily Activity].[Authorised Absence]) AS [SumOfAuthorised Absence], Sum([Table 3 Daily Activity].Holiday) AS SumOfHoliday, Sum([Table 3 Daily Activity].Sickness) AS SumOfSickness, Sum([Table 3 Daily Activity].[Unauthorised Absence]) AS [SumOfUnauthorised Absence], Sum([Table 3 Daily Activity].[Hours Per Week]) AS [SumOfHours Per Week], [Table 9 Funding].Project
FROM [Table 1 Personal Details] INNER JOIN ([Table 3 Daily Activity] INNER JOIN [Table 9 Funding] ON [Table 3 Daily Activity].[ID Number] = [Table 9 Funding].[ID Number]) ON [Table 1 Personal Details].[ID Number] = [Table 3 Daily Activity].[ID Number]
GROUP BY [Table 1 Personal Details].Surname, [Table 3 Daily Activity].[Week Commencing], [Table 9 Funding].Project
HAVING ((([Table 3 Daily Activity].[Week Commencing]) Between [Enter Start Date] And [Enter End Date]) AND (([Table 9 Funding].Project)="NETWORKS"))
ORDER BY [Table 3 Daily Activity].[Week Commencing];

My problem is that the Surname is displaying for each record.. what I mean is that I want the surname to be grouped so that I get the SUMofHours summed correctly?

here's an example of what I'm getting



Here's what I'm really looking for though


I need the Hours SUMMED with no replication of surname.



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Querying An Old Database

Jun 29, 2006

Hey all,

Here is my problem, im working on an old 97 database that is being used by a program and sometimes errors occur through the use of the program and certain tables are not updated properly, so instead of doing this manually I want to be able to query this database through SQL and then later down the line put these SQL queries into a program so it will be more user friendly to edit the database.

So when I try and test one of my queries out, access tells me that I cant make changes to the database because it was created in an earlier version. Now I know i can update the database, but if I were to do that the program that is using the database wont work!

So im a little stuck now, will I have to keep editing the database the manual way or is there another option here? Im wondering (for any java heads out there) If I were to write a java program that would query the database and edit the data inside would that work or would I get back an error?

Thanks in advance!

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Querying Issues

Jun 16, 2005

Ok, I have a DB of client contacts. I'm drawing the values for a query from a form using [Forms]![Sort]![Contact] in criteria and using the parameter field to give values to each. The query works fine for state, contact and industry- all in conjunction with each other. Where I am having problems is:

1) When I input less then all 3 working parameter values in the referenced form the query will not run. I think i need an SQL string of some sort- doing an if, then relationship, but I don't know how to do this.

2) I don't just have 3 values I want to reference, I have 9 total. On the form one of the problems is that a field is chosen by the end-user using check boxes (allowing only one check between three values, with no default: current client, potential client, not applicable are the choices). However, in the table these are referenced by the values of 1, 2 or 3. Another of my fields is check boxes, but referenced by yes, no. How do I correspond the field values in text to numerical values in the table? (and the yes/no prbly the same I will assume)

3) I have "sectors" as a field option in my Sort form (again the drop down menu to select). There is one field for the choice, however, in my data table I have 4 fields corresponding all back to that one field in the form through the query. This doesn't seem to work at all. The sector choices, in my original Input form, are 8, chosen and recorded into the table using 4 consecutive drop downs. They are the same 8, so sometimes a sector like Agriculture could end up in the Sector 1, or Sector 2, etc field in the table. Some can also be left blank. So in summary of this dilemma: 4 drop downs in input form to 4 data table fields, all being queried through one field on the Sort form, which is tied to my query through a command button, having specific criteria reference text in the form.

Thanks in advance for any help!!!

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Need Little Help On Querying Two Tables

Aug 10, 2005

Just joined this forum and posting my very first thread.. ^^

I need to create query to pull data from two different tables. This should be really easy query for most of you. Once someone help me set it up, I can do the modifying.

If you look at the image, there are two tables. For each of pf_id (which is unique ID), I need to know the dept_name which is on other table. I know two tables can be linked with dept_id but I don't know how to create query. If you can help me , I would greatly appreciate it~

Result should be like below.

pf_id, dept_id, dept_name
wh08051bh-Navy, 01-001, washed hat
wh60516bh-white, 01-001, washed hat
ru11072bh-white_with_navy, 01-002, roll up bucket hat
dh03871bh-Dk._Blue, 01-003, denim hats

<img src="http://www.highdots.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=183">

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Querying For An Astricks

Oct 11, 2005

Is there a way of querying for an astricks? Some data in one of my tables has data that looks like this "A*" or "B*" or "C*", but most of the records are just "A" or "B" or "C"...I just need a query that I can pull out those records. Is there a way of doing this in a query?


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Querying Using Value From A Subform

Nov 4, 2005

I need to take a value from a subform and use it in a query but I don't seem to be able to come up with the correct criteria in the query....

I have so far tried:



And probably a load of other versions of the above.... can anyone help out possibly?

The following pulls back the value in code but isn't accepted in the query as a valid criteria:


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Jun 2, 2006

I work for a political party. I work with voter history information. Normally, I am doing queries in order to bring up particular voters, and eliminate others.

Example - the basic table I work with contains the names, addresses, affilitations, and voting histories of everyone in my county. I normally query to bring up voters of a particular party, or people who voted in a particular election or number of elections or both. I more or less sort voters out, but in a positive manner, by creating tables with voters who did a particular thing.

For example: out of all the voters, I just want Democrats who voted in two of the past three primaries. I would then get a table that contained just those voters and no others.

Today, though, I was asked to create a table that would exclude voters based on their behavior, exluding voters who did a particular thing but showing everyone else.

Example, I have a request for all of the voters in the county, except those who voted in the 2004 and 2002 primaries. I know how to create a table with those voters and no others, but I don't know how to query for everyone but those voters. Can anyone help?

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Querying On MONTH Alone!

Sep 18, 2006

Hi there,

I am getting really wound up with this. It should be so simple!

I need to create a query on a field (actualdateofvisit) and group it by the month to give me a count of all those visits (hence the catchy field name) which occurred each month since the beginning of the project. In other words I want to see:

Month Count of Visit
Jan 43
Feb 54
Mar 78

and so on.

I have tried everything I can think of but cannot work out how to do this? I need to do it in a query NOT a report as I want to port it to Crystal reports to display there.

I am think of something like:

field: Actual Date of vist
table: visits
total: Group By
Criteria: "Month"

Can anyone help me?

Thanks and Regards

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Querying A Time Value?

Dec 4, 2006

Hi all,

I have a query that is supposed to get a time value from a field and enter a string into a new field based on the time it gets.

this is what i have. Its my VERY first query ever and so i'm not sure of the syntax. I doesnt work though so i'm assuming something must be wrong. Can anyone help?

iif((hour([request date])>12)and(minute([request date])>30)), "After 12:30", "Before 12:30"

Spinkung. :)

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Querying Two Databases

Feb 15, 2007

Hi all,

Is it possible to create a query that looks over two different databases for information. i.e I have two departments at work that have seperate databases and I need to be able to search for data in both of them on the same query.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Querying A Subform

Mar 1, 2007

Hi, I'm having some issues querying a sub form.

I'm using a combobox (in a subform) which supplies some search criteria. I'm using the query Like [Forms]![Employee]![Course Subform].[Form].[Combo12] & "*" but its simply not working.

Can anyone see any glaringly obvious mistakes?

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Querying Several Criteria

Mar 13, 2007

I hope someone can help with this query I am having difficulty with. The table I am querying has several expiration dates and Yes/No Fields
Listed below is what I need and the query needs to return the name and data if only one or all of the following applies

"A Date" is before today
"B Date" is before today
"C Date" is before today
"D Date" is before today
"A Yes/No" = No
"B Yes/No" = No
"C Yes/No" = No

In other words, if all dates are = to today or later and Yes/No Fields are = Yes - I don't need them in the results.

I have tried this several ways using AND and OR but either way my results are ALL the records. not just the records that meet any or all of the above criteria. Maybe it's too much to ask? :o)

Thanks in advance for your help.


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Querying Between 2 Dates

Jan 20, 2008

Hey.I know you can create queries in access to find fields that have a value between 3 and 7 in them for example but how would you create a query that retreives fields with values between 2 dates for example between 12/10/07 and 11/01/08Btw the dates are inday/month/year

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Querying Massive DB

Apr 5, 2006

I need to select the last 20 records from a databse that have over 1.25 MILLION records.

Obviously the usual stuff like order by is breaking the server with buffer issues.

Anybody any ideas of how to get around this?

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Querying 1st 3 Characters

Aug 3, 2006

Hi everyone,

I have a DB that has over 180,000 records with zip code as one of the fields.

I would like to know how do you query the 1st 3 characters? For example, if zip is 95127, I want to query and retrieve records for the first 951.

I seen this on another thread, but can't find it. THanks in advance guys.

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