Question Regarding Returning Query Selection From A Form

Jan 11, 2006

I have a table called Prem. It contains three fields (Offer, MailCode, MktgProgam). I want to have a form where a user can select. the Offer (from the offer field) Once selected, it takes the MailCode and MktgProgam information from the Prem table and uses that info (MailCode, MktgProgram) to pull from the main table called "Cust" Is this doable?

Thanks in advance

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Returning True/False To A Form When Query Is Run?

Mar 9, 2007

I'm really not sure how to go about this. I'm creating a course booking system and when creating a booking I need to check for current bookings with the same employee and course id's (i.e. the employee is already booked on the course). The query takes the employee and course id's from a form, and is initialised when the 'book' button is pressed. It correctly selects if the person is already booked on the course but I want the query to return a value to the form i.e. if it returns null/false then the booking can be created but if it returns a record/true then the booking already exists and a message box can be displayed.

I'm not sure if I'm going about this the right way, can anyone suggest how this can be done as described above or suggest a better way of doing the task?

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Forms :: Returning Value From A Query To A Form Text Field

Apr 16, 2013

I am using Access 2007. Second, I am using two tables, Inventory and Service Request. Inventory is a list all the Inventory, with has things like location (building & room number), type (desktop, laptop, etc.) and access tag number. Service Request also has Access Tag Number (should link back to Inventory) & date of reported/resolved problem and description of problem/solution.

On my form for Service Request, I have the access tag number as a fill text box, when you double click on that text box, it runs a Query that asks for the 1) Building, 2) Room Number & 3) Type . . . Query currently opens in a the spread sheet view that shows those three things but also the Access Tag Number associated to them.

I would like that Access Tag Number to just return into the field that was double click to start the query.

Is this possible? If so what am I missing?

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Forms :: Nomination Form - Combobox Selection List Not Updating After Each Selection

Oct 27, 2014

I am designing a nomination form (web database so no vba macros can be used).

The form has 3 combo boxes: cboStaffName, cboLevel, cboNominee.

The form is bound to the tblSubmit table where the submissions are populated.

I used a select statement:SELECT Staff_List.Staff_Name FROM Staff_List; to populate the combo box for the Staff Name selection.

This is the select statement to populate the job level combobox:

SELECT Staff_List.Level, Staff_List.Staff_Name FROM Staff_List WHERE (((Staff_List.Staff_Name)=[forms]![frmtest]![cboStaffName]));

The select statement to populate the combobox for the nominee combobox:

SELECT Staff_List.Staff_Name FROM Staff_List WHERE (((Staff_List.Level)=[forms]![frmtest]![cboLevel]));

The problem is that the staff_name in the first combobox is still found in the nominee combobox which should not be because a staff cannot nominate self. There is a field in the Staff_List called YesNo that should be activated for each staff that is selected so that the select statement on the nominee combobox can be updated accordingly to remove items with the field "Active"

How to get the checkbox selected for each corresponding staff.

Sample of the database has been attached.

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Selection Query To Form

Jun 7, 2006

I wonder if anyone can help with this:

I have put a selection query as a subform in a form which shows client details. When the form opens from the switchboard it asks the user to enter the clients unique number and then the query links the number to the client ID (autonumber) which then populates the form with all the details for that client. This is all great but I have 2 questions?

1. If I put in an incorrect number or press cancel the form loads anyway with no record. Is there a way to force the user to re-enter the number or if the number does not exist say so, and then return to the switchboard. The aim of this form is for reference and not data entry anyway.

2. Once in the form correctly is there a way to 'refresh' the form so that it asks for the card number again. My plan is to have a button "search for another client" and when it is pressed the query runs again and the input box comes up.


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Multiple Selection In A Query From A Form

Aug 1, 2006

Dear All

I've got an issue with a query/form combination that I'm working on. I have the following:

A query where one of the the fields is 'Name' (a text field). 'Name' can be one of 6 different values. I have a form which has 6 check boxes, one for each name. I'm using check boxes on the form rather than a multiple selection list box simply because I think it looks better.

When the user has checked one or more of the check boxes and hits the 'show results' button, I want the query to open up with the details for orders associated with the name(s) selected.

I am writing my query in 'design view' rather than in 'SQL view', and don't know what to put in the criteria box of the 'Name' field. Depending on which check boxes are checked, I'm building a string and storing it in a text box, called Text1. I think the best way to do the filter is to use the In operator, and I currently have a structure like this in the criteria of the query: In([Forms]![Form1]![Text1]). This, however, doesn't give any results.

The problem I have, therefore, is that I don't know the correct syntax for the text within Text1. If I have, for example "Rob","Dave" as the text in Text1, it doesn't work, but if I put In("Rob","Dave") in the criteria rather than referencing the text box, it works fine.

Do anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

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Displaying Selection-query In Form Display

Jul 27, 2005

Hello there,

perhaps it could be a fault in my PC;
though I designed a form which depends on a selection-query and when I fill in the criteria in the selction query to look for a certain record, my form display stays empty. Even empty records won't be shown.
Is this phenomenon occuring either normal in Access or is this problem related to the configurations of whether my query or relations.

It's already pissing me off the whole day,

so I would be very eager to know what's the solution,


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Queries :: Using A Form Selection As A Query Field

Oct 24, 2013

I've inherited a database that has a table with a large number of Yes/No fields. Apart from normalizing the database, I was wondering if the following was possible:

ContractTable has Yes/No Fields for rights granted for each order (television, dvd, internet etc).

Using a form, the user selects the specific right they'd like to run a report on - selecting this right from a drop-down menu, this is labelled "RightsCombo21" on the form.

When the button is clicked, the right selected is now the "Field" section of the query.

The SQL query right now looks like this (shows all rights sold for the territory):

WHERE ((([Contract Table].[Contract Cancelled])=False) AND (([Contract Table].[Contract End Date])>Now()) AND (([Contract Table].[Contract Type])="License Agreement") AND ((ContractIDAndCountry.CountryName)=[Forms]![TerritorySpecificRightsChooser]![TerritoryCombo7]));

I'd like to add something to this WHERE statement:

AND (([Contract Table].RightsCombo21)=True)

Not sure if it's a syntax issue, or I'm attempting something that isn't possible.

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Queries :: Alter Selection Criteria Of A Query From A Form

Nov 25, 2013

I have a form that runs off a query that displays further details of a record in a datasheet when you double click on a row.

The query itself has criteria that looks at the open form and selects the correct record.

My question is can you change the results of the query either using vba or a built in feature of access without having to use a separate query.

The selection criteria in the query is:

Forms]![Main]![Ordering-Supplier]![Ordering-Order List].[Form]![suppOrderID]

Basically I want to override the resulting data with another record when I run an event on the form.

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Queries :: Dynamically Add Fields To SQL Or Query Based On Form Selection

Nov 6, 2013

Is it possible to add a field (i.e., variable) to a query (or SQL programming) based on a form selection?For instance, if I use a form to allow an end-user to specify which fields they wish to include in the query (essentially creating a UI for the query builder), how would I go about creating the query/SQL or updating the query/SQL?

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Forms :: Running A Query Based On User Selection Criteria On Form

Jan 9, 2014

I have a form which lets the user enter a contract ID and then a combo box that has a list of reports which run against whichever ID is entered.

What I want to know if I put the ID's in a table if theres a way to allow the user to select multiple ID's in one go and run the report against them the range rather than 1 at time?

I'm thinking about utilising the check/tick boxes would this be possible? or another way?

I'm using 2003 and have some VBA ability.

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Returning A Value From Pop Up Form

Mar 18, 2005

I have a function that opens a pop off form that basically has a yes or no
button in response to a question (sent via openargs)
at present i am using a Database Public Variable to store the response to Yes or no buttons
Ans d setting to function to this value.

Function YesOrNo(Message as String)
Open FormName,,,,,acdialog,Message
End Function

gret being the public Variable changed by the pop form

I am a liitle concerned as to whether this is the best way to achieve this as the gret varaible is used extensively through the database and i am worried about any conflicts that may occur especially in a multi user enviroment.Any comments?

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Returning Caps On A Form

Jan 7, 2005

Heeelo all:

I have a form with text fields where I am entering customer last names and first names in different fields. Does anyone know how to return UPPER CASE letters automatically?



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Returning A Recordset For A Form

Feb 27, 2013

I am setting up a form using a couple combo boxes. I want to populate a text box or 2 from the item record selected from one of the comboBox. Below is the code I am using.I have commented out where I am trying to transfer the value to the form, and try focusing on the query. When I run this code I get a type mismatch.


rivate Sub cbx_SlideNo_Change()
Dim StringSQL As String
Dim rs As Recordset
StringSQL = "SELECT Slides.[SlideTitle] "
StringSQL = StringSQL & "FROM Slides "


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Query Not Returning Results

Jun 23, 2005


I have a query with two table's in them. One is filled, the other is still empty.
Both table's are related to each other with the field "document number".

This was working fine in access 2000, now in 2003 it returns zero results.
I am starting to think it is because one table is empty it returns nothing.
How can i adapt the query criteria or something else that it shows the results from table one, while table two can still be empty.
One table holds the documents and all information about it, the other holds the information wich document is referenced on wich document. Now since i can have documens which don't reference to a document, i still want those in the list.

Anybody any idea?


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Query Not Returning All The Records I Need

Sep 28, 2005

I have 3 tables - Students, which contains all students; Attendance, which contains dates a particular student was absent; and AttendanceCtrl which contains Quarter beginning/ending dates. I need to be able to calculate the number of days a student was present, absent, tardy in a quarter. The query needs to extract all students regardless of whether or not they missed any days. I tried using a Left join Students to Attendance and then joining AttendanceCtrl but Access said it couldn't do it because of "ambiguous outer joins". It said to create the first join then use that query in the second join. I tried that. I created a query with a Left join joining Students to Attendance. That gives me what I wanted, all students from Students and also those students with matching records in Attendance.

The 2nd query is giving me problems. I tried joining the first query (qryStudents) to AttendanceCtrl and calculating my totals. Problem is, the query only gives me students what have records in the Attendance file; it doesn't give me all the students. If a student did not miss any days, I need to show that he was present 90 days out of 90. Because there's no matching record in the Attendance file, I get nothing for those students.

As I said the first query (qryStudents) seems to be working but I need to take the records from that query, group them together by StudentID, and then calculate my totals. How can I do this? Am I approaching this wrong altogether?

Thanks for any help.

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Returning All Values In A Query

Jan 21, 2006

Can someone help me?
I am trying to make a query return all values (please see attached jpg)
It returns some of the values, but is not returning values that have nothing in the "material" field (Null Values?)
In this example, I would like it to return all values that fulfill the Completion_Date, CW_Department, Handed_Over and Chargable fields, whether they have any data in the Material field or not.

Do I need to use the NZ, IIF or IsNull function? I have seen this is previous threads, but nothing like this example.....I apologise if there is.

Many Thanks.


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IIF Query Not Returning Result.

May 27, 2006


Can anyone see anything wrong with this query?

I have 10 combo boxes where years are selected. If the last year nothing is selected (meaning is empty) then my query should return the last selected value. It seems the IIF query does not seem to work (Still showing empty). Can you please advise and help me on this?

The query I am using is shown below.

Thank you


IIF([Trade].[Vintage_ to] = ' ',([Trade].[Vintage_from9]) OR ([Trade].[Vintage_from8]) OR ([Trade].[Vintage_from7]) OR ([Trade].[Vintage_from6]) OR ([Trade].[Vintage_from6]),[Trade].[Vintage_ to]) AS [Vintage to]

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Query Returning To To Much Information

Jun 21, 2006

Hi all
I have a query that is getting data fron 2 linked tables. The relationship between these 2 tables is 1 to many. The first table(One side) contains Due Dates for services. I have asked the query to return services for the current date which is working fine. The second table(Many side) has additional work required for each vehicle. The work can be either New, On Hold, In Progress or Completed. I only want work that has not been completed to be returned if the vehicle is due for a service today. I tried having the Work Status field in the query and criteria set to <> Completed. This returned all open work including vehicles not due for service. Is there anyway this can be achieved. If I take the criteria out of the Work Status field I get the information I am looking for but it includes Completed work and I do not need to know this.
Any and all advice appreciated.


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Query Not Returning All Results

Jul 6, 2007

I have a table listing a number of cell phone products and their carrier along with their status' in the production process. I want the query to return the most recent status for each product for each carrier. However, out of the 20+ products that I'd like the most recent status for for each carrier, it's only returning about 12 products of the most recent status for one carrier.

Any help would be much appreciated! Leave a message if you need more clarification.


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Returning Records On Query

Oct 5, 2004

I cannot seem to get my query to return all the records i want it to, i want to search by year group, which it is doing fine, but if a record has a table wich does not have data in it, the query will not return that record, i can't find the solution anywhere!

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Returning To Main Form From Subform

Apr 25, 2005


I've a form that has 2 subforms - which subform is used is dependant on the selection of a combo box in the main form. After much time spend trying to set this up I am happy to report that this section works fine.

My problem is that when I have completed the subform I am not able to continue tabbing through the rest of the form.

Any help would be great,


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Query Returning Records That Don't Exist!?

Jun 21, 2005

Hello all

I had a query which was working fine to tell me the number of weekend bookings for holiday parks for a specified year:

SELECT Bookinfx.[Park Name], Month([Start Date]) AS FilterMonth, Year([Start Date]) AS FilterYear, Count(Bookinfx.[Park Name]) AS Bookings
FROM Bookinfx
GROUP BY Bookinfx.[Park Name], Month([Start Date]), Year([Start Date])
HAVING (((Year([Start Date]))=2005));

However it has become necessary to only find bookings of specific accommodation types so I modified it like so:

SELECT Bookinfx.[Park Name], Month([Start Date]) AS FilterMonth, Year([Start Date]) AS FilterYear, Count(Bookinfx.[Park Name]) AS Bookings
FROM Bookinfx
WHERE ((Bookinfx.Day)="FRI" Or (Bookinfx.Day)="SAT") And ((Bookinfx.Nights)<=3) And ((Bookingfx.[Accom Type])="CHALET/LODGE" Or (Bookinfx.[Accom Type])="STATIC VAN")
GROUP BY Bookinfx.[Park Name], Month([Start Date]), Year([Start Date])
HAVING (((Year([Start Date]))=2005));

Now when I run this, the first problem is that it asks me for the accommodation type, which is odd as I've already specified this in the query. The second problem is that if I enter say 'chalet/lodge' it returns records telling me that there are bookings for chalets and lodges at parks that only have camping! I have trawled through the database to make sure no erroneous records exist and so I know it is a problem with the query.

If anyone can shed any light on what I've done wrong, I would be extremely grateful! :)

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Query Returning #error When It Should Be Null

Jun 24, 2005

I have a left-join query where I know that some of the values in the left-hand table have no corresponding values in the right-hand table...that's why I used a left-join: I want all the values in the left-hand table to show up. I would expect that records without corresponding values in the right-hand table would show up as nulls (I swear I have dozens of other queries that work this way) but in this one, they show up as "#error" instead.

This is a problem because I want to do some calculations on this field. Normally I would use the nz function to change the nulls to zeros.

1. Any idea why this is happening?
2. Is there a way to change the #error values to zeroes, similar to using the nz function?

HEre's the SQL:
SELECT FeederInventorySummary.machine, FeederInventorySummary.Size, FeederInventorySummary.Leaf, FeederInventorySummary.Type, FeederInventorySummary.CountOfFeederID,FeederNeeds Summary_7.FeederQty FROM FeederInventorySummary LEFT JOIN FeederNeedsSummary_7 ON (FeederInventorySummary.Type = FeederNeedsSummary_7.Type) AND (FeederInventorySummary.Leaf = FeederNeedsSummary_7.Leaf) AND
(FeederInventorySummary.Size = FeederNeedsSummary_7.FeederSize) AND (FeederInventorySummary.machine = FeederNeedsSummary_7.ActualMachine);

For every record without a corresponding record in FeederInventorySummary_7, the FeederQty field shows up

as #error.

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Returning Null Or All Records In Query

Nov 21, 2005

Depending on the answer of a question, i would like to get the records that have no data in that specific field, otherwise i want the query to give me all records.
I've tried this in "criteria" but it doesn't work: IIf([Question? J/N]="N";"Is Null";"")

Who can help me?


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Select Query Not Returning Any Data

Jan 13, 2006

I am trying to select all projects with the keyword "sett" in them. About a thousand rows with this keyword exist but why isn't my query returning any data? :confused:
Here's an example of the data "STPT-SETT-NY-EQ Legacy"

Now i want to return all rows with "SETT".
What am i doing wrong here please :)

SELECT projectList.*
FROM projectList
WHERE (((projectList.projectName) Like "%SETT%"));

this doesn't work either. No records are returned when query is run:

SELECT projectList.*
FROM projectList
WHERE (((projectList.projectName)="%SETT%"));

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