Question About Normal Forms

Jan 26, 2008

Hi, I'd like to know your opinion about the following problem : (

I'm given this table and I'm supposed to say in which Normal Form it is. I'm not sure but I guess in this specific case I need to consider both Toy_ID and Order_ID as primary key. Then one can see that Order_Date ist dependent on Order_ID but not on Toy_ID, then the table should be in 2NF, right ?

The table is not in 3NF because even though Producer is dependent on Toy_ID (at least I think it's dependent), City and Country are not directly but only transitively dependent on Toy_ID. Am I right ?

Thanks !

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Background Colours On Forms Other Than Normal Options

Aug 1, 2005

I'm wanting to get a very, very pale shade of gray as the background colour for an Access form, as well as for several text boxes on it. This is so that users can distinguish editable regions (white bgs) from uneditable ones (light gray bgs).

The default colours that pop up in the menu choices are too dark for this. I've tried using a tiled image for the background of the form, which works fine. But I'd like my uneditable textboxes to be selectable (so users can copy data) whilst being that colour too, which can't be done.

Therefore I'm looking for either the number code for a very very light gray colour (Access' default lightest is "12632256") or some sort of translator tool to let me know how on earth these numbers relate to anything in computing -- I mean, what do those numbers represent? Are they html=no, hex codes=no, rgb values, no... I mean, how is Access coming up with those numbers? I've tried just getting a light gray using trial and error and can't figure it out (even ended up with lime green at one point - very nice on the eyes lol).

Anyone shed some light on this? :rolleyes: :D

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Forms :: Converting Accde File To A Normal File

Apr 22, 2013

I saved my database as ACCDE file which is executable now the problem i am facing is i can't edit my database since i can not view it into design view.

How can i change it to its normal file format

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Forms :: Copy A Web Form To Normal Form?

Mar 4, 2014

I have built a database using Access 2010 using the 'web' format for the forms, reports and tables.

This has been fine so far as I have been using macros for my clickonevents.

However I now need some functionality not available in the web forms macro expression builder. Namely Openquery, (it is not on the available list). I therefore want to copy my forms formatting and properties to a normal non-web form allowing me to enter vba code.

Is there no way of doing this though - will I have to redesign the form again from scratch?

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Password Problem - Not The Normal One

May 17, 2006

I created a DB that I put security on and now everytime I create a new DB or go into a any DB I have to use a password even though it shouldn't require one. I know it has to do with the SYSTEM.mdw file but all of them say the same thing and I can't seem to find the problem. Please help.

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Size Difference, Normal?

Nov 3, 2006

Hello all!Maybe strange, but I have litterely created a new database from my "old" one. I did this because I thought the size of the database was growing way to fast.What I did was open two instances of Access, one with a new empty database open and one with the other "old" database open. I manually created all tables, queries, forms and code again by selecting everyting in design view, copying it, creating a new table/form/query/module in the empty database and pasting the data. After that I had to set some properties and it was ready to go. After compiling and compacting the new database was just 718kb in size. Empty that is. Then I added a couple of cases, compacted again, added some more, compacted again. (copies of the same data on different records). The same I did with the other "old" database.Both now have 12 clients with 2 cases (totalling 24 cases) every client and every case existing of the same data.The new database is now 1.120KB in size, the old one is 2.096KB. That's almost double. The only real difference between the two that I can think of is that one has a 20KB image tiled on the background of each form (the same image though) plus, of course, in the one database I've been designing, adding, deleting more.But how is it possible that these data sizes are so different? 100KB difference, ok. But almost double the size? How is that possbile and why? Are there things I can do to keep it at bay apart from using the Compacting and Reparing option? Plus: Is this normal?Edit: I emptied them. One is now 812KB in size empty, the other one is 1496 empty. Still... double the size. ?

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Converting A Replica Back To Normal

Nov 28, 2005

I currently have a database thats A Replica which I need to Convert Back to a Normal Data file, Is there a simple way of doing this other than creating a new db with tables then using Querys to add the data from the replica.

I'm using 2002 and the replica if sized around 470Mb with over 200 Tables.

also does anybody know if the file size for assess 2002 was incresed from access 2000's 2Gb.



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Database Example-Pat Hartman Non Normal Form

Dec 1, 2005

Hey folks!

A favor to ask: Pat Hartman posted an example db shortly before this site was attacked that dealt with setting up a form in a non-normal fashion to enter/display data that was in normalized tables. Did anyone download and keep a copy?

I downloaded it and was going to study it to try to build something similar for a lab application, but I lost my copy and can't get it back. A search here did not pull the post up, so I'm assuming the attack got the post, which was in the example DB section.

If anyone still has a copy, or if you see this Pat, would you mind posting the file again? I'd really like to study this one.

Thank you in advance.

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Second Normal Form A Massive Table

Apr 4, 2007

Hi, i'm new here and I know there's a lot going on but i was hoping someone could point me in the right direction or give me a few tips...

I've imported a very large (nearly 15000 records) set of data into an Access database as one big huge table storing various bits of information about coins. As far as I can tell, the data is in at least first normal form, in that no multiple values are stored in any columns (not yet sure of the technical term - field?)

Anyway, I've managed to use a make table query to separate out some of the content of the table into separate tables with relating entities.

One question is, and please bear with me - How do I add an autonumbered primary key to these newly separated out tables and then add these autonumbered items to the original tables as IDs so that I can set up relationships? Is there a "proper" way to go about describing this?

The following consists of ALL the fields in the original table and how i've split them up by table:





The Variety field in the Variety table is especially problematic. There were 1259 varieties stored in the original table which are now in a separate Varieties table which is great. But how do i now add an autoincrement number and call it, say, VarietyID, but then link each Variety back to the main list of coins but replace the full Variety description with the newly created VarietyID?

If any of that made sense, i'd REALLY appreciate some wisdom here.


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Opening A Report As A Normal View?

Mar 19, 2006

Im sorry about the stupid questions!

How can I open a report in a view which will let me test my buttons? I only seem to be able to open it in print preview!

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Hiding Access ==> Must Be A Sort Of Normal Program

Feb 8, 2006

Hello All!

As in the topic stands that im looking for a code that hides Access and it starts up like a normal program. Ive searched several things on the forums and i actually did found something only he didnt gave the code ;(.

So first question:

How can i do this with a code?

Second question:

What do i need to change on my forms?

Etc etc :)

Thanks alot in advance!

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2 MS Office Record-locking Names....Normal?

Jan 11, 2006

Simple question

Why do I have 2 Office Record locking, with different names. One is called Secured (which is ok), but the second one is called the same name of the Database. My database is running real slow. I have compacted and repair, but still running slow. I thought it might be the network, but when I open my old backups they run normal.

Any ideas?

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Unhide / Unlock Normal Access Table View And Menus

Oct 11, 2007


I got a access file from a friend of mine, but when i open it in access, i don't see any tables or the standard menu buttons.

The only menu i see, is a docked menu with a couple of submenus, wich in turn open forms, where you can enter data..

How can i see the tables and bva script behind this access file?

I tried F11 and Alt-F11, but is does nothing.

He won't tell me how he did it, because he doesnt like to share what he knows...

Can anyone help me??

Thanx !

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Normal View -v- Design View

Jul 20, 2005

I am wondering why the alteration to my form in design view is not reflected in the "normal" form view. I have included the two views. In design view I moved "Staff In"/"Staff ID" to the top of the form believing that as I work left to right thay would appear on the left hand side in normal view.

However, in the image of "normal" view you can see that "Staff In" is way over on the right hand side of the form.

Any ideas how I can fix this?

Thank you

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Round Buttons Or Oval Buttons Instead Of The Normal Square Buttons

May 30, 2005

Hello everybody,

I’m new here and I have a question for you..

Is it possible to place round buttons or oval buttons on your forms instead of the normal square ones?



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Using Rich Text Instead Of Normal Text In A Text Box?

May 24, 2012

In my form's text box I have noticed that I can;t write paragraphs ie use the TAB key to start a new line. If I use rich text I assume this will be possible. But are there any disadvantages to using rich text?

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Forms :: Find Hex Or RGB Value For Blue Color That Access 2010 Uses By Default For Buttons On Forms?

Sep 5, 2014

Where can I find the Hex or RGB value for the blue colour that Access 2010 uses by default for buttons on forms? I need to change some buttons to yellow (I know the code for that) but later change them back to the previous shade of blue, which is shown in the Properties pane "Accent 1, Lighter 40%".

By clicking in the standard colors area at the bottom of the colour chooser I can find a very similar blue #D6DFEC but it doesn't look quite right. And the "accent" colour does not give me a Hex value.Is that "usual" blue even one colour? How can I reset a button to that style having changed it?

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Forms :: Number Of Buttons Which Open Other Forms And Filter Results Using Embedded Macro

Apr 6, 2015

I have a bit of a problem with a database in Access 2013. On 1 of the forms, I have a number of buttons which open other forms and filter the results using an embedded macro. All has been well until a few days ago when error 2950 pop up box started appearing. After fiddling around for a while it all works OK (without actually changing anything) until next time the database is opened. I checked to make sure the location is "trusted" and all seems OK.

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Forms :: Continuous Forms - Looping Through Records / Manipulating Fields On Form

May 29, 2015

I have a bound continuous tabular form,However, based on data content in one field of a record, I want a checkbox in the same record enabled, so the user can check it if necessary. I have created a record set using the form as shown below, and I am looping through each record. To show that my code is referring to the field with required data content, I display it as a message box and it works, yet my checkbox does not enable.

I have the code in the form_load event, however, for testing purposes I have it behind a button.If I am seeing this properly, the code behind the button enables the checkbox for ALL records once the criteria in the required field is true, and based on the last record, which has no data content, it disables the checkbox in ALL records. I also have the PK ID for each record hidden in the form. Can I utilize that to target the checkbox of each individual record??

Form Detail
-Form does not allow additions or deletions. Edits allowed
-All fields are disabled and locked
-I only want the check box to unlock if data is found in the "RequiredField" as referred to below. I have also tried if not isNull(requiredfield.value) then -enable checkbox, which yields the same results

Here is my code


Dim rstMyForm As DAO.Recordset
Set rstMyForm = Forms!MyForm.Form.Recordset
Do While Not rstMyForm.EOF
If Not RequiredField.Value = "" Then


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Forms :: Editing A Forms Control Source To Update A Field In A Table

May 28, 2013

I have created a table for installer invoicing, and have a field for invoice amount. I have created a user input form that allows a user to fill in certain pay rates for different aspects of installation, and would like to know how to make the invoice amount a calculated control that will auto update the field InvoiceAmt in my table. I can't figure out how to do this in the property sheet.

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Forms :: Default Property / Using A Control Of Main Form Without Using Names Of Forms?

Nov 8, 2013

In the default property of a subform control I want to use a control of the main form without using names of forms, but using me and parent.

I used in default property of cboVATDetail: =Me.Parent!cboVAT, but it is not accepted. My aim is to use cboVAT of parent as default in cboVATDetail of child.

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Forms :: Subform Control Event - Identify Parent And Child Forms

Jun 20, 2013

I have a listbox on a subform (or a subform within a subform).

When it is clicked I want all other listboxes to unselect.

There may be listboxes on the mainform, on other subforms, on other subforms of subforms.

I imagine I'm looking at a recursive function of some sort, but I'm not entirely sure of syntax to identify parent and children forms...

pseudocode so far:
loop all controls
if control = listbox, unselect all
if control = subform - recurse: loop all subform controls
if control = parent... err... Fail.

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Forms :: Button Click Event To Choose Between Forms To Open Based On TextBox Input

Jun 7, 2013

Making a small database, Got 1 Table.

1. ContactDetailTable

Got 3 forms.

1. ContactIDForm
2. ContactInfoForm
3. NewContactFrom

In ContactIDForm it contain 1 textbox name 'TextBox' with Button Name 'Btn'

In ContactIDForm there is only 1 Text Box ContactIDTextBox and 1 Button. User Enters ID in TextBox and On Button Click Event it should check data from TextBox in Table name (ContactDetailTable) in field ContactID and if there is record matching, ContactInfoForm should Open else NewContactForm should open with ContactIDTextBox value in it.

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Forms :: Permit Only 50 Group Leaders To Input / Edit Data On Password Protected Forms

Jul 29, 2015

I am building a very comprehensive Membership Management Database with extremely useful facilities initiated by some 20 or 25 Queries..

The database includes 5 Tables which store data relevant to members, another which stores details of Interest Groups and a 3rd which stores which members are affiliated to which Group or Groups.

Currently the database is accessible only by a very limited number of persons and data can be entered/edited by only one person. The database, using Access 2010, is maintained on a desktop computer and synchronized to a copy on a Cloud.

My requirement is to permit some 50 Group Leaders to input/edit data on a Password protected Group Members Form such that that is the only element of the database that they can access. The Forms would have only 2 fields from which the user would select entries from drop down lists.

My query is ; is such a procedure feasible in principle and would I be correct in assuming that the user would require to have available a copy of Access.

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Forms :: Pull Calculated Values From Approximately 10 Forms Into Another Form

Mar 21, 2013

I need to pull the calculated values from approximately 10 forms into another form. This is a summary form that should have all the totals pulled from the other forms.e.g. Form A has a textbox that reflects the sum of the amount. This is the total balance of form A.Form B, Form C, etc. all have a total Balance.Now, i need to pull all these totals into a summary form

-Form A Total Balance: x
-Form B Total balance: y, and so forth.

How and what is the best method to approach?I have tried using Forms![Formname]![Total] to get the data. This necessitates the need to hide all these forms and I ended up with blank forms, etc.Even so, the total sometimes appear and sometimes it does not. so it is very unstable.

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Forms :: Form Working Properly Alone / But Gives Error When Combined With Other Forms

Jun 5, 2015

I have a form "NewMetalF" that has three combo boxes. The first one is used to choose "Precious Metal" or "Base Metal". The second one shows all the metals based on the first combo box. When I open the form in form view alone the combo boxes work flawlessly. I run the form "NewMetalF" within another form "NewExternalPartF" by clicking a button "AddMetal". When the button is clicked "NewMetalF" opens. The first combo box is selected, and when the second combo box is clicked the error "Enter Paramater Value" "Forms!NewMetalF!cboPreciousOrBase".

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