Question About Setting Up A Timer Alert

Sep 12, 2007

Hi everyone, I quite new to access, so I would like to ask for a little help. Is it possible to create an alert in a database related to date and time. Shortly the user needs to be alerted when a certificate expires on a specific date. Is it possible to do that in Access?
Thank you anticipated,

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First Timer

Apr 14, 2008

Hello Administrator, contributors, experts and friends!

I am excited to join this blog for the very first time. I am new to MS Access but learning every day and doing very well. I am in process of buiding an Issues list and because of that you will see lot of me with tons of questions. First most, I will search this forum to find the answer otherwise I will be posting questions. Thanks for the opportunity to participate in this forum.

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Timer On Tab Pages

Nov 13, 2007

Hi im trying to see if there is a way to put a timer in tab pages. so that when the time expires it changes to another tab. I have it working fine with the command button. I have like 20 tabs all hidden until the user clicks the cmd. Now is there a way to put a timer? I know that i can do it with the Form_timer, but that dont seem to work with tabs.

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Form Timer

Mar 30, 2005

I’m not sure if this is going to be more of a VBA question but at the moment for me it’s a form thing.

Is there any way i can have a form automatically close and load a different form after an amount of time since it was loaded has passed.

I have a form and i want it to lose after 30 seconds of opening and load the next form.

I’ve had a search around access help but that really wasn’t too successful and I found nothing like it on these forums.

Any help or advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks,

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Timer Event

May 24, 2005

I'm looking for a code that close my databse when a user is unactive for a set time.

I've search the forums but nothing workked for me

Is there someone who already have a code for this or maybe can help me?

thanks in advance

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Timer Function

Mar 12, 2006

Hi guys, im looking to incorporate a timer function into my database.

Basically at the moment students can takes test in the 'quiz' form - id like a function that starts a timer once its opened, and then display the time taken in a message box when the test is finished.

Any ideas on how i should go about this would be much appreciated,


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Timer Code

Oct 11, 2004

I wrote the following simple code in a form's event procedures, in order to create a splash screen for my application. The form remains open all the time, I meant it to close after cnt>10. I checked with message boxes and it seems that cnt never increases to more than 1. Any ideas why ?

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim cnt As Integer
Me.TimerInterval = 1000 'timer interval 1 second
cnt = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Timer()
Dim cnt As Integer
cnt = cnt + 1
If cnt > 10 Then
Me.TimerInterval = 0
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name 'here I want the form to close
End If
End Sub

Where can one find what terms such as acForm, Me.Name, acPreview etc mean ?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Stop Timer

Aug 2, 2013

I tried this but dont know how to stop the timer...I want to run the code that changes the Form color but want to be able to stop the Timer and reset it to start over..Will this timer work? Almost like an auction timer. But want to be able to reset the code at any stage...

Public Sub ExcelTimer()
Dim PauseTime, Start, Finish


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Simple (?) Timer Event Problem

May 24, 2005

I created a form to list the number of customers in my lobby. In the Form Footer I placed a field to count the number of customers waiting (Name: CC1, Control Source: =Count([LName]). Works fine.

I want a Beep on the form if the customers exeed 5. I placed the following code in the Timer event but I cannot get the event to work. I believe it has something to do with the field name but I'm unsure. Any help would be appreciated.

Private Sub Form_Timer()


If [CC1] >= 5 Then



End If

End Sub

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Skip On Timer Event Cycle

Sep 15, 2005

My form is always open and runs a timer event which runs a series of functions and procedures. I don't want to run a certain procedure on every timer cycle, but rather, every other timer cycle.

Any thoughts on how best to accomplish this. I'm having a mental block!


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Problem Whit Timer In Form

Aug 7, 2006

I' am trying to make a form which executes a macro in every minute. I have put the Timer Interval to 60000ms. But now the form executes the macro only once and I want that macro will be executed always after one minute. So how I can make this work? Do I have to make somekind of loop in code or what?

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Forms :: Date Count Down Timer

Jul 18, 2013

I want a count down timer up to a certain date (30th Aug 2013) in days how do I do this and have is visable on a form?

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Forms :: On Timer Event Execute Only Once

Oct 1, 2014

Got a problem here:

Timer Interval = 5 Seconds
Private Sub Form_Timer()
My code here..
End Sub

The code repeats every 5 seconds, what I want to do is to execute it only once.

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Queries :: How To Open A Form With A Timer Event

Aug 12, 2014

I've taken a break from Access for a while, but I'm back at it again and having some difficulty. I am trying to open a form with a timer to state that the database is going to shut down in five minutes if they don't respond. I'm obviously using the wrong code. I've been trying to use the following:

Private Sub Form_Timer()
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmWarning"
If Forms!frmHidden!chkActive Then
Forms!frmHidden!chkActive = False
Me.TimerInterval = 300000
End If
End Sub

It crashes on the 'DoCmd.OpenForm "frmWarning"'

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Forms :: MsgBox To Display Using Timer Event

Aug 19, 2014

I have a form (MS Access 2003) that has a button that when pressed, assigns the current time to field [Time1] using

Me.Time1 = Now()

I have another field [Time2] that adds 15 minutes to [Time1] using the following in the Control Source field


I was wanting to use these to force a message box when the system time reached Time2 and tried the following code on the Form ON TIMER event (Interval at 1000 ms) but it does not work.


If Time() > Me.Time2 then
MSGBox "Time to show message"
End if

I tried putting in a manual time in the VBA such as:


If Time() > #2:05:00 PM#
MSGBox "Time to show message"
End if

which worked. So, I am guessing there is something with my orignal code using Me.Time2 that is causing the problem.

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General :: Countdown Timer On Form Using Different DateDiff

Jul 31, 2012

I have created a countdown counter on a form using different Datediff's so to split the renaining time into days, hours, minutes and seconds.

The Datediff compares Now() to a text box called txt.Leaving which has a date/time unputted via a table (Format: General Date)

However the seconds and minutes work ok but the hours and days dont count down inline with the minutes and seconds reducing. The hours do alter when the minutes are 13 mins into the new hour. This would seem to point possibly to rounding off but I would expect that further into the hour.

Below is the Datediff that is set as the control source in a text box and the form it sits on has its timer set to 1000 and the event requeries the text box.

=DateDiff("d",Now(),[txt.Leaving]) & "d, " & DateDiff("h",Now(),[txt.Leaving]) Mod 24 & "h, " & DateDiff("n",Now(),[txt.Leaving]) Mod 60 & "m, " & DateDiff("s",Now(),[txt.Leaving]) Mod 60 & "s"

Using Access 2000.

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Pop Up Alert

Sep 28, 2005

I am developing a database for our fleet of company vehicles. What I'd like to know is is it possible to set up some kind of alert where a dialog box appears (like the sort of thing in Outlook with reminders).

What I'd like is, for example, if a vehicle requires a service a pop up would appear, a couple of weeks before, when the database is opened to alert the user that it will be required soon.

If anyone knows how to do this it would be greatly appreciated.

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Creating A Timer Event That Checks System Time?

Apr 21, 2005

I need a query run that brings up a list of customers that need maintence after 6 months after their last maintence service. As soon as you open the DB, the event/query runs and if there are any customers past due to display them. And if there are none, to not even show the query at all.

I have very little experience with timers and if/then statements and don't know how to set this up.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Modules & VBA :: Timer Based Event - Auto Shutdown

Oct 9, 2014

I use a timer based event that shuts down the frontends after some idle time.

1. How to disable the timer as it causes some weird bahaviours while editing the code? is shuting down the hidden form enough?

2. Is there a way to add regular maintenance intervals, i.e. every wednesday at 20.00.? how?

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Text To Label Caption On Timer

Jan 20, 2015

I have globally defined 'Progress' as integerer and using the following code on my splash screen - i want to add a "." to the end of the label caption until progress = 10 (10 timer events)

Private Sub Form_Load()
Progress = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Timer()
Dim Dot As String
Dot = "."
Progress = Progress + 1
If Progress = 10 Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmLogin"
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmSplash"
End If
End Sub

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Add Timer In Access Form And Store Data In A Table

Dec 2, 2012

How to insert a timer in the PropertyFrm Form in the Access Database attached to this message. When a user opens the PropertyFrm form I want the timer to record the number of hours, minutes, and seconds each user spend time on a record including the current dateand have the data stored in the Timer table.

When a user goes to another record, I want the timer to reset and store the hours, minutes, seconds, and current date on another record in the Timer Table and so on. If the fields and data types in the Timer table is not created properly.

I do not want the time and current date to be displayed on the PropertyFrm Form. I want the information to be stored in the Timer table.I do not want the user to see the hours, minutes, seconds and current date information on thePropertyFrm Form.

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Date Alert

May 17, 2005

When I start my database, I would like a field to be checked for todays date. If the condition is true, I would like it to use an alert to tell me that the condition is met. Any ideas?

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Alert Message

Apr 15, 2008

Hi all, wondering if anyone can help me.

I have an access database, with a form called "Stock Maintenance", the controls on the form are QTY & Min QTY.

What i would like if possible, is once the Min QTY is below (10) an alert message/flag appears, saying QTY LOW Re-order Stock!!

I hope I have expressed what im trying to do.

any help on this matter would be greatly appricated.

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MsgBox Alert

Mar 17, 2006

Hope you guys may be able to help

I have a form with a sub form. On the sub form I have #Ordered, #Supplied & #Used. These fields calculate to give the user the # in stock. This figure is displayed on the form. On the form I also have the Reorder level which is set by the user.

I would like to be able to make a message alert pop up when the database is opened or when any of these records show the # in stock is lower than the Reorder level, ensuring that we do not run out of stock.

Many thanks for any help you can give.

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E-Mail Alert

Sep 30, 2004

My knowledge of access is pretty limited. Can anyone help me with this problem.
I have some due dates entered into the database via a form. Is it possible to send an email alert say 1 month and then 1 week before the due date?

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Alert Message Help?

Dec 5, 2004

I have a screen that has 8 different buttons and clicking on any of these buttons generates an appropriate letter and once the button was clicked in also inserts a date, today's date.

Private Sub btnSecondReport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_btnSecondReport_Click

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70
'* Call the standard letter printing routine for this form.

Call StandardLetterVariables("Bd$50paid.doc")

[DTSecondLetterSent] = Date

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_btnSecondReport_Click

So I would like to create an alert that looks at this date and 14 days from that date will alert, remind whatever I want to do.
I am thinking it wouldn't be too hard to create a reminder that pops up when the record is opened but I am sure users will want to be reminded without having to go into the record.

My question: can I and is it hard to create a reminder that will take care of paying attention when and who needs to be reminded or should I just create a report and let them run this.

I hope this makes sense and sombody has done this.

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