Question Regarding Combo Box Values.

Mar 27, 2007


I have a combo box acting as a filter for a form with the following row source:


It is related to a field which has the following VB code:

If Not IsNull(Me.cboFilterPeople) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "([AvailableNoTickets] = " & Me.cboFilterPeople & ") AND "
End If

...basically I need the combo box to offer values of 1-12 but only return results if the value selected is less than the the value in the corresponding field.


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Forms :: Populate Combo Boxes With Values Depending On Selected Value In Previous Combo Box

Aug 5, 2013

I have several comboboxes (6) on my form.How to populate these comboboxes with values depending on selected value in previous combobox.

Example.Lets say that you select value "Audi" in combobox 1, then available values in combobox 2 should be "A4","A6","TT" etc. and if you selected "BMW" in combobox 1, then available values in combobox 2 should be "3-series", "5-series" etc...

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Constraining Combo Box Values Based On The Value Selected In Another Combo Box

Sep 7, 2006

Thanks in advance for your help.

I would like to set up rules/constraints such that the value selected in combo box A determines the available values in combo box B. For example, "Combo box A" is bound to the [PartnerType] field and "Combo box B" is bound to the [PartnerRole] field. Let's say that the two choices in Combo Box A are "LLC", "LP", and "Corporation". There are 5 possible choices in Combo Box B: "X", "Y", "Z", "Q", and "U". If a user selects "LP" in Combo Box A, I would like Combo Box B to only show choices "X" and "Y". And if a user selects "LLC", only choices "Y", "Z", "Q", and "U".

Similarly, I would like to set this up so that Combo Box B is not initially visible--it becomes visible when a user selects "LLC" or "LP". If a user selected "Corporation", Combo Box B would remain hidden.

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Forms :: Combo Box With Values Based On Another Combo Box

Jun 25, 2013

I have a main form that filters data in a subform based on selections via combo box users make on the main form.

So I have the 'department' and 'manager's name'. If someone selects 'Human Resources' from 'department' combo box, then I only want to see the managers that are in the Human Resources departement when I drop down the combo box for 'manager's name'. Currently I'm seeing all the managers and a user can select a manager that is not in human resources and get no data returned. I prefer for him to get a list of those that are in that department only. The source of the combo box is a query.

I got it! Found here: [URL] ....

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Combo Box Values Based On Another Combo Box Selection

Feb 6, 2013

I have a form, with a subform and another subform

Once a supplier name is selected from the combo box i only want it displayed that suppliers products in the subform, subform. (products combo box) I can get a basic query to show these results but can get the combo box to do the same.

The design screen is also attached below ....

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Values In Combo Box

Dec 18, 2006

I have some combo boxes on a form which are set to display all the distinct values from a field in my database. If any record has a blank in this field, then a blank entry appears at the top of the list box. Is it possible to set blanks to be excluded?


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How To Add New Values In Combo Box List

Mar 1, 2006

need help., have a form, have put a combo box to display values from another table, works ok, but when a type a new value, it displays 'not in list', so how to add the value to the table without opening the other table or any other suggestion, should i select values in combo box from a query...

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Duplicate Values In Combo Box

Jul 31, 2006

hi again,

I'm building a search function into my database and everything's fine apart from the fact that i have duplicate values in my combo boxes.

For example in the combo box 'market' i have many fields named Europe.

How do i replace these repeated values with one distinct value?


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Combo Field Values

Jul 31, 2006

I'm really hoping this is just a little bit of code here, but here's what I'm trying to do, without success so far...

I have a cascading combo box field called [Name], which is linked to a table that only has 3 columns, ID, Name, and Number. The combo box displays the Name column, with the other 2 hidden. When a name is selected from the list, the neighbouring field [Number] is auto populated with the Number column in the combo box. This works beautifully in saving some data entry time. My issue, however, comes when I try to export data into and Excel format. The two fields, [Name] and [Number] display as numbers instead of their values. What do I need to do so that the names "stick" as words, not as numbers?

I know this must be related to the hidden ID column, and that forms don't store any actual data. I tried to modify the table design, but then it throws off the auto-pop function on the form. I thought it may have something to do with joining the table fields to each other, but I couldn't get that working either. Any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks.

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Passing Values From Combo Box

Sep 23, 2004

I am having trouble getting information from a combo box to pass the data through some code.

The code is:

Private Sub ListBoxFind_AfterUpdate()

If ListBoxFind = 141 Then
Me.FilterOn = False
Else: Me.Filter = "[Assessment ID]= ListBoxFind"
Me.FilterOn = True

End If

End Sub

I've tried Me.ListBoxFind, Me.ListBoxFind.Value, and ListBoxFind.Value. In all cases, a message box pops up asking for ListBoxFind (in this iteration) and then the filter works with the value I type in. It just seems that the value from the ListBoxFind never gets into the code. ListBoxFind is a combo box with four columns and the value bound to column 1.


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Recall - Combo Box Values With VBA

Nov 9, 2004

How can I specify the list that appears in a combo box by programming it with VBA.
I have eight unbound text boxes on a form and I want a combobox to generate its drop down based on the values in these boxes.
I think I'd have to create 8 variables and take the values from these text boxes and assign to the variables. The bit I get stuck on is how to make these variables appear in the combo box list.

Please help,

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Getting Values In Combo Box To Work

Jan 31, 2005

I have a table with products catagories with different
weights: Each record is listed by the product name and by each weight
i.e. 100 has three records 100 5lb; 100 10 lb; 100 20 lb; 200 5lb 200 10 lb
etc. There are 6 different catagories. I'm trying to have a combo box that list
the different catagories 100, 200, 300, 400, etc. and when the value is clicked on,
the weights will appear in a different combo box that will display the cost and what's in stock
in separate text boxes.

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Limit The Values On Combo Box

Aug 24, 2005

I have a combo box displaying refference values.
Those refference values when i select them once i do not want to use it again therefore i do not want to be displayed again. Is it possible to do that?
Maybe with After Uptade code i can do that and how?

Please help

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Combo Values Depends Upon Another Field?

Nov 24, 2005

I have a serial no combo box which displays serial numbers available for shipment. What i need is some way to make the combo box show the values 'serial numbers in stock' (simple sql) when the [tocompany] is not 'CVP' and to show 'serial numbers out' (another simple query) when the [tocompany] is 'CVP'

Basically i need to change the row source depending on the value in the [tocompany] field.

Thanks in advance


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Values In Combo Box Not Populating On Some Computers

Feb 4, 2008


Hopefully this is a really simple requiring a simple answer.... hopefully

On one of my forms I have a combo box thats values are generated by a parameter query. On my computer and a couple of others i tested it (on the same network) this combo box populates fine, but i put it on a couple of other computers today and it doesn't show any values. I checked and the query itself runs fine, plus a combo box that runs off a table populates fine.

not too sure if its relative but the database is split with the tables sitting on the network share and the database sitting on the main computer. or perhaps this could have something to do with blocking unsafe expressions.. i am not sure

any help on this would be greatly greatly appreciated

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Combo Box Values Being Stored In Tables As 1 And 2 Etc..

Feb 12, 2008


I have combo boxes on a form which are pulling values from a one table and being stored in another table. However they are being stored as '1' or '2' in the other table once selected on the form, as instead of being stored as their literal values ie 'car' or 'van'. Is there any way of making this happen, as it makes reporting a nightmare! Thanks in advance...

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(Help!) Query On Values In Combo Boxes

Jun 10, 2005

I just started using Access a couple weeks ago. I bought a couple books, have read some help stuff in forums webwide, but I am still stuck on the basics of how to do the following~ Please Help ~

My DB:
I have a single main table, in addition there are several mini-tables used to support combo boxes for form inputing.

My Mission:
It's been requested of me that My Main Switchboard have an option to lead to a secondary form where the end-user can "quick-filter" records to generate a table or report based upon dropdowns and check boxes for 9 different search variables- the data will then be pulled from the original data table based on the 9 choices (or less, as there will be often certain variables left blank).

My Questions:
1) how do I tie the values from the combo boxes in my new form to supportive queries? (perhaps a parameter query with a macro that searches that particular combo box for values??) - or is there a better way to do this?
2) how do I tie all those queries together so that some of the 9 choices can be blank, and of the others the assurance that they'll stack- or further refine the results.
3) one of the search criteria is Industry Sector. there is a mini-table to provide the values for the drop-down, but in the main table there are four columns in case a particular company falls into more than one sector. will this present any problem or can a query be easily tailored to search any of those four columns for that value?

I want to thank anyone who cares to help very much, in advance. I know my issues probably seem very simple, but I've been tasked this duty of learning Access and working the company's DB on my own. The "comprehensive" books that I've purchased haven't seemed to clarify this particular issue, so here I am. :o

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Get Combo Box Values Into String Array

Jan 9, 2006

I'm populating a combo box from a query. I'm running a DCount on 2 criteria. The user selects the criteria from 2 combo boxes. If the user types * into the combo box, I want to be able to loop through each combination from the combo box values. I need to get the list of values from the combo box and put it into a string array, however it throws a type mismatch if I did something like
BRANCHES(x)=CStr(cboBranches(x)) 'cboBranches(x)=cboBranches.Value(x)
So I tried to run the sql from vb but found out that I can't return a string value from that (vb sucks). So I'm back to trying to get the values from the combo box. Any help would be appreciated.

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Hide Duplicates Values In A Combo Box

Mar 31, 2006

Hi Guys,

I have a problem. I'm trying to import values to a Combo List from a table:

Row Source = SELECT Tasks.Milestones FROM Tasks;

where Task is a table and Milestones a field of that table. In this field (Milestones) there are repeated values, but I'd like to hide those duplicates when I want to chose them from the Combo List. I don't know If it is clear, if not it's because I'm not an Expert of Access :p

Thanks a lot for your attention,


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Open Form On Two Combo Box Values

Sep 17, 2006

Hi I've tried to find an answer to this but having no luck.

I have a form that has two combo boxes the first box looks up the year from the project table and the second box the project number. I want to open the project details that correspondes to these two input values within the combo boxes by pressing a command box.

I've tried the following but just get a syntax error:

Private Sub cmdOpenJobDetails_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdOpenJobDetails_Click

Dim strDocName As String
Dim strYear As String
Dim strJobno As String
Dim strFilter As String

strYear = Me.cmbYear.Value
strJobno = Me.cmbJobno.Value

strFilter = "Select [tblProjects].[intprojectyear], [tblProjects.[intprojectjobno] FROM [tblProjects]" & _
"WHERE [intprojectyear] = & strYear And [intprojectjobno] & strJobno"

strDocName = "frmProjectDetails"

DoCmd.OpenForm strDocName, , , strFilter

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdOpenJobDetails_Click

End Sub

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Combo Box To Lookup Values In A Table

Nov 16, 2006

I have a small database with 3 tables.
Fields - Key - BillCustID , companyname, address1, address2, city, state



I have a form that has tblCustomers as the main form then tblOrders as a sub form.

I want to place a combo box on the form that will lookup a company name from the tblBilltoCustomer table then brin in the address1, address2, city,state , into the form for that record. But then I need that same info to print on a rpt.

I can get the lookup to work using =cboCompanyName.Column() but the addresses , city and state will not show on report
Is there any good samples of lookup fields

Any Ideas are greatly appreciated


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Combo Boxes - Values And Titles

Dec 7, 2006

I have a form that includes a field for the operating system of the client. I want this to be populated from a look-up table. I want the combo box to display the text name of the OS but enter the numerical ID number to the client table. How do I do this?

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Combo Box Values Display Slowly

Sep 12, 2005

My Combo Box is tied to a table with many entries. When I click on it to display the table values it takes several seconds to display. Is there any way I can "pre-load" the Combo Box (such as on form load, etc.) so when I click on it it displays more quickly? Or is there another way to speed it up?

Thanks ...

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Combo Box Values Being Stored In Tables As 1 And 2 Etc..

Feb 12, 2008


I have combo boxes on a form which are pulling values from a one table and being stored in another table. However they are being stored as '1' or '2' in the other table once selected on the form, as instead of being stored as their literal values ie 'car' or 'van'. Is there any way of making this happen, as it makes reporting a nightmare! Thanks in advance...

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Forms :: How To Assign Values In Combo Box

Nov 1, 2014

I am new to access. In a form, I have a combo box(combo1) that store values in field(remarks1) in a table.The values in combo box are:


These all values are being saved in remarks1 quiet easily. I have more fields in the table:


I want when I selet SL from combo1 it saves SL in remarks1 and save "1" as well in SL1 field.I want to have same result with all five combo1 values

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General :: Change Values In Combo Box

Aug 24, 2012

I have a form with a sub, and that sub has a sub. I'm on the first sub trying to change the rowsource of a combo box on the second sub, and none of the following want to work.


'Me!frmRentalsSubDetails.Form!cmbEquipmentID.RowSource = EquipFilter & Me.ToLocation & "));"
'Forms![frmrentalcontainer]![frmRentals].Form![frmRentalsSubDetails].Form![cmbEquipmentID].RowSource = EquipFilter & Me.ToLocation & "));"
'Me.frmRentalsSubDetails!Form.cmbEquipmentID.RowSource = EquipFilter & Me.ToLocation & "));"
Me![frmRentalsSubDetails].Form![cmbEquipmentID].RowSource = EquipFilter & Me.ToLocation & "));"

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