Quick Q About Product Tables (parts)
Jun 30, 2006
OK, here's my delima (my head is spinning)
I have a standard Product table:
ProductID (PK)
Every Product has many Parts, but one Part may go to many Products
I will build this table:
PartID (PK)
How would I relate them together? I figure I need to use a Many to Many, with this table inbetween:
ProductPartsListID (PK)
ProductID (FK to tblProducts)
PartID (FK to tblProductParts)
I feel like I'm missing something, can you let me know what you think???
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Jul 30, 2014
I'm trying to do a lookup between two tables, whereas table A includes the product ID and table B includes the price. Is it possible to create a field in table A with a DLookup function on the product ID to get the product price from table B?
Whenever I try to type in the DLookup function, it does not calculate.
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Dec 5, 2013
I have a report that is generated daily that is a TXT file that is also the has the same file name each morning. One section out of this file is needed in a database that compiles and sends out reports to our customers. This section of the TXT file is variable in length, but is always preceded and ends with a specific text string that I can search for. It is also formatted in columns that are always the same width.
I currently have to hand enter this section into the database every morning. Not the easiest of tasks... I would like to get this automated.
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Dec 13, 2013
Access 2013. I have a table that I would like to contain columns from other tables when the form containing the table is loaded.
I open a form to input information into the table 'Equipment Input', but I want Equipment Input to be partially loaded with columns from another table 'Equipment and Rates.'
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Apr 2, 2007
i am using the following query to make a table. i was wondering if anyone knew a way to have the table be named from data entered into a text box in a different form. so when different people type in different names a new different table will be created. thanks
CREATE TABLE tbalename (First_Name TEXT(20), Last_Name TEXT(25), dob DATETIME, Constraint Employees_PK Primary Key (First_Name, Last_Name, dob));
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Dec 1, 2006
I have 2 tables a project table and a project additions table, they have a relationship of 1 to many. When I run the query using both tables it only gives me the results of the project numbers that match in both fields. I need to have all information from both fields.
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Sep 19, 2014
I'm going to design an access database for an LPGas company. This company sells LPGas and LPGas cylinders.
1.AlfaCylinder supplies it's cylinders(not the same kinds of cylinder as ME's)
2.MECylinder supplies it's cylinders(not the same kinds of cylinder as Alfa's)
3.PerfectGas Co. supplies it's LPGas.
Products :
This company sells cylinders and fills different kinds of cylinders with LPGas. for example, 11 kilogram LPGas in one kind and 25 kilogram LPGas in another kind and so on. Therefore, products are :
See the attachment
No problem with customers table. There are two kinds of customer. 1. Known customers 2. Unknown (everyday changing) customers. (there is a record for them in customer table named as Uncustomers, that at the end of the day, the sum of sale of this kind entered under this name.)
Problem is : As you see, there are some products with the same ID and same name or same type but different prices. How can I arrange the product table?
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Nov 19, 2013
i am very new to access. Logic and method needed in order to create a data base that records weekly orders.
What types of tables do i need?
How can i input more than one product per order?
How do o group the information in a organized way?
Ideally i would like to Input the clients name the week of the order and then all the products etc that are ordered.
Then be able to see in an orders table each client that made an order and a subdatasheet (the small plus in the corner) that once clicked i see all the products that are in that order?
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Dec 11, 2014
You have a company that sells a small line of very exotic, non-perishable, chemicals to manufacturers.
You source these chemicals from around the world and resell them to the manufacturers.
The chemicals are not only very expensive, but may or may not be required for any given batch of product the manufacturer is producing.
The manufacturer does not know if the chemicals will be required, or not, until the last minute, so must have them immediately available for each batch.
You keep track of the process with a simple database that is built around a "Chemicals" database and a "Transactions" database. Which are linked by [Product Code]
Quite straight forward to this point.
You are seeking a way to make these chemicals accessible to manufacturers who cannot afford to buy them, just to have them sit around waiting for the day they are needed.
You set up a system where a manufacturer can purchase an "Option" on the chemicals whereby:
They pay you a certain amount of money for the right to hold the chemicals at their plant for a given period, denoted in weeks.
After the pre-determined period is over they must either:
Return the chemicals to you and you keep the money they paid for the option.
If they used the chemicals, pay you the pre-determined purchase price --you still keep what they paid for the option.
My problem is incorporating the options into the database built around "Chemicals" and "Transactions," e,g,:
(1) The "Chemicals" table has fields such as [Product Code],[Quantity in Stock],[Cost],[Sales Price per Kilo]. The options require a unique set of fields such as [Product Being Optioned], [Expiry Date of Option],[Sales Price per Kilo -If Used],[Weekly Price for Option]
It doesn't seem correct to jam these into the same "Chemicals" table although I could be wrong.
(2) The same is true for the "Transactions" table, i.e., it now identifies the chemicals in each transaction using [Product Code].
To identify an option in a transaction one needs to use [Product Code] and [Expiration Date of Option]
(3) When a chemical is optioned the company has to track the fact that that quantity of it is not available for outright sale until the option expires
(4) A further problem exists even if I have figured out how to structure the tables.
Before selling a chemical one must create a record for that chemical in the "Chemicals" table--not a problem.
Options on the chemicals, however, do not exist until they are sold i.e., instead of using the "Chemicals" table to look up data for each transaction. Each transaction (to sell an option) has to create a record in the table being used to track the options
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Apr 17, 2015
I got a product table that I want to link with Customer Table.
To relate one to many I have a IDCustomer on my product table that is about 1000 rows.
I can link and all is working.
But in the product table I need a Primary Key that is shorteer in rows (only 15 rows) and access won't let me create such a primary key because it contains null value.
I Need Product ID (as primary key) to relate to another table which I will name Product details.
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Jul 25, 2014
I am attempting to create a database for managing nonconforming product internally.
Different stages will need to be assigned to an individual within the organisation, is it possible to have a lookup value in my table which draws its information from active directory?
All the users are obviously in here and managed already, I dont want to have to create and manage a separate list of users just for my database.
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Oct 11, 2007
Am creating a Product-Sales Database, and I would like the corresponding Sales made in the Sale Table to be automatically deducted or to be reflected in the Product Table. The product table contains all my stock and has a relationship with the Sales Table. The Sale Table does not necessarily include the Stock. How can I create possibly a Sales Form that will be used as an entry point for all the products (stock) sold and automatically register the sold products in the Sales Table and at the same time make the required adjustments in the Products Table.
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Nov 8, 2006
Simple one for most, but I have having problems with a Database I am setting up
The database controls stock movement (i.e. inwards stock and outwards stock)
I have set up a Parts Inwards table with the following fields:
Part Number (linked)
Qty In
Stock Location
And I have set up a Parts Out bound with the following fields:
Part Number (linked)
Qty Out
Stock Location
Now for the problem, when I run a query to tell me how many parts I have left in the stock room i.e. Qty In - Qty Out, it duplicates the data in the Qty In.
I assume its got something to do with the fact that I have multiple Qty out’s for a single Qty In entry…hope this make sense?
Can someone help?
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Jul 5, 2006
In a field “NAME” I have “Adam Smith”.
From this field I want in a QBE window (not in VB) to make two new fields “FIRST NAME” “Adam” and “LAST NAME” “Smith”.
In Excel there are the functions FIND and SEARCH with which I take the number of the gap “ ” (5) between Adam and Smith and with the functions LEN, RIGHTS and LEFTS I have a result.
What could I do in Access 2003?
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Apr 28, 2008
I am trying to delete a part of a string but not all of it.
For example; American Express Inc. I would like to delete only the "Inc.", but leave "American Express".
How is this done?
Many Thanks,
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Mar 1, 2006
Hello All,
I am new to this forum :) and learning Access :confused: .
The Database
Most of the products are similar so they have the same parts for the majority. However they do not all have the same parts. So I created a parts table that contains all the parts needed for any product. Now each Product also can contain multiples of one part (such as wheels) where I would want to list the Product and the parts list and quantity needed of those individual parts for that product. Hence the PartQTY table.
Now what I want to be able to do, is go into a form where each record is one of the products. A subform (datasheet view) for that product that shows all the parts and the quantity of each part that make up the product. Such as 4
wheels, 5 screws, etc for Product A.
I would like there to be an ExpectedQauntity field in the main form which once you found the product you can enter in the number of that product expected. Then this Qauntity would be multiplied by the qauntity of each part required (in the datasheet subform a column with =[expectedQTY]*[PartQTY]) and list next to each part the number needed to order. So if for product A the expected quantity is 50 I would have to order 200 wheels and 250 screws for that product.
A report would Sum each part qauntity after the expectedqauntity has been entered for each product. So I could print a report that tells me how many of each part we need to order based on the expected qauntity of all the products.
I think I am complicating things and would like a fresh mind to assist me in which direction to go.
Thank You,
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Feb 27, 2008
I know how to Grab the Right and left Characters and grab the mid characters from a field value
ex: Right([fieldName],4)
My question is how to I grab characters based on a space
Say for instance "Fred Smith" or a name field. There are going to be varing lengths of last names...but the format is the same...First Name, Space, Last Name....
How do I search the string, count to the space, then take all characters after the Space?
One step further how would I grab the middle name in this example?
"Fred M Smith"
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May 6, 2012
How to find out the Salary. A school remains closed for Winter vacation from 15th Dec. of Current year to 28-29 Feb next year.)
The management disburse the salary to the school as per following procedure
If the Employee has not completed 6 months period (180 days) as on 15th December of current year he will not be entitled to winter salary (2 and a half months) from 16th Dec. of current year to Last day of Feb. next year. For rest of the period he will get normal salary. i.e. for 11 days of June and July, August, Sept. Oct, Nov and 15 days of Dec. of current year he will get full salary.
To elaborate it further it means that if an employee has been appointed on 19th June of the current year his winter salary with effect from 16th Dec. of current year to last day of Feb next Year will not be disbursed. For other time period he is entitled for normal salary.
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Aug 8, 2006
I have one field with complete url´s.
I like to make a groupby but only from the left side up to ".com"
Is there a way to select only the text untill ".com"
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Aug 8, 2007
Hi, can anyone help me do this...
In my products table I have fields such as Bulletpoint1, Bulletpoint2, MainDescription etc.
Each holds part of the product description
In a seperate table I have my description templates with placeholders for the bulletpoints and maindescription. for example....
<ul><li><!-- Bulletpoint1 --></li><li><!-- Bulletpoint2 --><li></ul>
Now, for each record I want to grab the template and replace the placeholders with the real text.
I've got as far as putting this in a query...
Expr1: Replace([DescTemplates]![TemplateData], "<!-- Bulletpoint1 -->", [Products]![Bulletpoint1])
That does the job nicely or the first bulletpoint but where from there? There must be a neater way than having a load of query columns each updating the last. ie.
Expr2: Replace([Expr1], "<--Bulletpoint2 -->", ...
Expr3: Replace([Expr2],...
Or is that the simplest way of doing it?
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Jan 1, 2008
If I have three fields
Surname - text
Given name - text
Dateofbirth - dd/mm/yyyy
how can I generate a field consisting of
surname(then)first letter of given name (then) year of birth
(ie SMITHK66)
Thanks in advance
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Aug 2, 2012
I have a table with an ID and PartNumber field.
Parts tbl
PartNumID PK(Auto)
Heres some example data:
1 M24308/2-2F
2 M24308/4-2F
3 ORD9F0000
4 ORD9M0000
5 D90000VLO
6 D90000JOO
How would I design the table to allow me to define alternatepart numbers and also related parts? For example:
Record 1 is the primary part and record 3 is the alternatepart.
Record 2 is the primary part and record 4 is the alternatepart.
Records 5 and 6 are related parts to records 1, 2, 3 and 4.
I have a form that allows the user to select a part and displaythe part data. But I also want the alternate parts and related parts displayedon the form, maybe in a subform with tabs. I havent gotten there yet because Icant determine the table design.
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Oct 27, 2005
i've created a database for city permits to be issued (which works perfectly thanx to alll your help), but now i need to be able to print out 1 permit at a time when it is issued (immediately after the data has been entered into the forms). i have 3 tables & 3 forms: contractors/owners, permtOrders (which has tabs for the different types of permits), and permitOrderDetails. the problem is the forms are set up for data entry (and only open in add mode for obvious reasons)...i need to be able to print an actual permit (like the carbon copy, landscape kind that usually tears out of a book). once the user enters the information into the forms, i need a little bit of that info from each form to be carried onto the actual printable permit. i'm not really sure how to accomplish this. :confused: i don't really know if i explained this right, but any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
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Nov 3, 2004
I'm not sure what the best way to set this up is, and I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
I have a long list of different parts that I have acquired and taken inventory of. I am selling kits that contain different amounts of certain parts. For example, Kit 1 contains 2 of part A, 3 of part B, and 14 or part L. I will only be selling complete kits and not the individual parts.
Here's what I'm thinking. I need a table for the individual parts that lists the quantities of each. A table for the kits and a subtable for the kits that lists the quantities of each part. A transaction table.
Then I just need a form that has a combo box with the kits listed, date of transaction and quantity shipped, and a button that runs a query to subtract from the quantities of the individual parts based on the kits table and subtable.
Can someone please help? I'd really appreciate any tips.
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Feb 26, 2007
I have a sales invoice table that contains parts that start with *, for example *SPR362.
I need to select only those parts that start with the *, as this is the wildcard in queries how do i select those products that start with it without it being recognised as the wildcard and selecting all records?
The field name is simply: Part
Many Thanks
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Nov 4, 2013
I want to create a form to search my parts.example I typed in a part number 123 , the other text box also will come out the detail about the part 123.
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