Quick Question: Autocorrect Option (updating All Reports & Queries W New Fieldname)

Dec 22, 2005

Hello friends,
I am having trouble displaying or updating data through all my subforms.

So im just trying to isolate the issue,
I went into my table definition and changed fields named with seemingly reserved keywords as follows:

name = personName
userId = personId

Now, i have hundreds of report and queries based on these tables (3+) with these fields. What do i need to do to automatically update my reports and queries without going into each one to manually update :eek:

Is that what the autocorrect option does? I have been advised to always have it turned off as it causes database corruption.

So how do i update my all things with these field name change.
Any suggestions, comments would be greatly appreciated :)

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Queries :: SUM Of Fieldname Holler When Fieldname Area Has The Same Value

Jun 26, 2015

I have got a query which gives me the following output;

Nr ----------- area ------- area 2 ---------- holler

What i would like to do is to calculate the sum of holler when they are in the same area.So the sum of nr 14-1096 + 14-1100 and 14-1097 + 14-1101. Ive tried to do the following;I tried to do the following just to check it would even work;

test: (SELECT Sum([holler]) FROM querytoetsn2hr_gemiddelde_filter WHERE ((querytoetsn2hr_gemiddelde_filter.area)=("1")))

Which worked perfectly, it gave me 19.3..

test: (SELECT Sum([holler]) FROM querytoetsn2hr_gemiddelde_filter WHERE ((querytoetsn2hr_gemiddelde_filter.area)=(querytoetsn2hr_gemiddelde_filter.area2)))

That gave me the sum of all 4 the Nrs. Which makes sense, because you basically say that as long as area and area are the same calculate the sum of holler.if there is a way to say "sum of holler when area has the same value".

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Forms :: Record Selectors - Quick Scroll Option No Longer Available?

May 13, 2015

I have recently updated several forms from Access 2003 to 2010.

On the old version I could 'hold down' the forward or backward pointers to quickly scroll through the individual records. Now I have to click each individual record to move one at a time.

Have I inadvertently changed a setting or is the quick scroll option no longer available?

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Reports :: DCount With String For Fieldname?

Jan 22, 2015

Access 2010 report. I am trying to use DCount but have a string for the fieldname and cannot figure out the correct syntax. This is what I have tried:

txtMiscYes1 = DCount("[" & str1 & "]", "tblTemp", "[" & str1 & "]" = '1')

I want to count any answer that has a 1 and skip a 2 or 3 answer.

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Updating Reports And Queries

Sep 27, 2006

I am updating an existing distributed access database.
I have made changes to an existing report (from my workstation - I have admin rights on the DB). The changes show up on the database. However when a client generates a report, the changes do not show up. What can I do??

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Quick Question: Is There A Way To Sort Forms Like Reports With Sub-groupings?

Jun 16, 2006

I have one table holding lots of different data. That data is all the same, but when it comes to output, it needs to be separated by groupings (which I have defined within the table itself as group 1, group 2, etc)

I was wondering. i would like to do the same thing with forms so that input will be separated easily / visually for the data input. At this point, all I can think of is order ascending /etc, but this doesn't give any visual queues to the user when he has moved to the "next" part.

I don't like the option of just another text box beside it spamming a textbox per record of whats next.

By the way, the form display is continuous, and thats why I want a "grouping" option.

Any suggestions?


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Forms :: Handling Abbreviation - Autocorrect Options?

May 20, 2014

I have a form that has a field called Project Name where a user types the project name. We have certain abbreviations we use for a building making it hard to search in the future.

I know we can set the autocorrect option on Access Program but that will effect all MS applications.

Is there a way to have a certain field or for have these autocorrect options?

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Updating Option Group Within A Form (problem)

Jun 10, 2005

I have a form where the users need to update an option group when they enter any information on the form.

The problem is that the users don't always update this option group.

The option group does not have a default value and has only two options.

When the user updates a form they need to choose a value.

One problem though, they may have to go in and update the form later and this action may cause them to change the option selected within the group.

Is there code I can use to alert them to first update the option group when updating the form and second to change the value within the option group when they need to.

Option Group --- Incomplete and Complete
Date Resolved can trigger the Complete option to be updated

I am seriously thinking we should make Incomplete the default value and then I would only need code for changing the option group from Incomplete to Complete.

However, Management wants the Option Group so we can run a report that lists all of the Incomplete and Null values within it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...

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Reports :: Setting Filters - Updating On Multiple Sub Reports?

Apr 26, 2015

I have created a report which contains within it multiple sub-reports, which I use to generate a document for management meetings on a bi-weekly basis.

For each of these I have the subreports filtered to a unique number for consideration that period e.g. LIKE "88/00039" which relates to my data.

In order to change this I have to manually update each of the filter commands within the subreports but I assume there must be an easier 'catch-all' method of achieving this?

Ideally I'd be looking for a command prompt so I could enter just the number sequence e.g. "88/00040" and then enter this (via a corresponding macro or similar) to update the filter commands.

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Option Group & Reports

Nov 8, 2005

I have a question. Please see attached database.

I have an option group called is there another insurance
in the table in the description field i have 1=Y, 2=N 3=None

If you take a look a the report displays as 1 2 3

Is there anyway that instead of 1 2 3 it will display an X
And if none is selected will print nothing on the report.

One more question

I have a date field set as MM/DD/YYYY format
everytime i try to format it example =now
Display computer date as well as time

is there any way that i can post the date only.

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Option Groups That Run Reports In Forms

May 18, 2005

In the file MembershipV3A2K.zip that was posted at the link listed below...I found a form that had a feature I would like to use or create on my own. I'm not sure what to call this feature. But it looks as if the form has two option groups and a listing of all committee members. In one of the option groups you selected which report you wanted. The second group you selected your output method for the report. The form in the database posted is labeled as frmPreReport but I was not able to get this form to work, so I think various components are either disabled or removed???

I'm not familiar with visual basic and want to know if there is a way to create this feature without visual basic knowledge? If so, would anyone be able to point me in the right direction? If visual basic knowledge is required, what would be a good source for this information?


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Reports :: Form With Option Group

Jul 30, 2015

I have a form with an option group. Within the option group I have a series of queries (all records, closed records, open records, etc.) to sort the data. Everything works fine.

My issue is a cosmetic one. When I change the query via running a report versus the option group, the option group doesn't reflect the correct status (e.g., I run a report for all closed records but the option group still shows All Records). In my VBA, is there a line I can write to change the option group appearance from All to Closed, without clicking on the option group itself?

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Reports :: Option Group Value To Text On Report

Mar 14, 2013

is there an easy way to do a conditional format on a report where the value is 1,2,3,or 4 from an option group. I want the 1=Yes, 2=No, 3=Maybe etc.

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Reports :: Option Groups To Filter Report

Nov 14, 2013

I have a report with 2 option groups, I cannot get both of them to filter the data simataneously, they will each inititally filter the data, but when the opposite group it clicked, the previous filter data does not remain filtered. I have posted the code for the two option groups, I know I'm doing something wrong.

First option group code:
Private Sub Frame43_Click()
Select Case Me.Frame43.VALUE
Case 1
Me.Filter = "allowable_weight Like '263000'"
Me.FilterOn = True

[Code] .....

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Reports :: How To Change Enter Parameter Value To Option In MS Access

Jun 2, 2014

I have Access database I want to change enter parameter value to option when I want to view a report.

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Reports :: Sort Report Based On Option Group On Form

Oct 9, 2014

I have created a form with an option group with 4 options (date, line, description and observation). Each of these options are to be a sort order for a report that will open after the user selects an option and clicks a button. I am trying to code the button using a select case so that case 1 opens the report sorted by date, case 2 by line, etc. how to write the code for the sorting.

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Reports :: Option Button To Filter Report With Dates In Access 2010

Jun 9, 2014

I have a retort that I want to use an option button to filter the report is a specific date is 48 hours before the current time. I'm not having any luck. Below is the code I have been playing with, but no go.

Private Sub NoMove_Click()
Select Case Me.NoMove.VALUE
Case 1
Me.Filter = "CLM = 'Now() - 48'"
Me.FilterOn = True
End Select
If Me.Filter = "" Then
MsgBox "The filter returned Null"
End If
End Sub

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Updating Reports

Sep 28, 2006

Good morning!

I hope you don't mind extra questions from me on Access.

First I am creating a query, than I am creating a report with it. I am making for example query on pending projects, bring it to the report and then printing out. next week status of some reports changes to "executed" but I am getting new projects that are pending. will they automatically appear in my query and my report as a result simultaneously or I have to run another query just to make sure that I got all recent updates that I made in my table?

Thank you,

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Queries :: Option Other Than Multiple Unmatched Queries

Apr 11, 2013

Is there anyway to join 15 queries into 1 (all have the same data from a different source but need merged into 1 large query) rather than doing 12 unmatched queries?

Let's say I have 5 records in the first query, 5 records in the 2nd, and 3 records in the third - I want to end up with 1 query that has 13 records.

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Mar 1, 2007

I ahve in error typed the above - however it compiles and compacts and repairs without throwing an error. Should this be spotted before I actually run the line of code??


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Combobox = FieldName

Dec 13, 2007

I am trying to create a query that can be customised by a combobox.

I have a combobox that lists the fieldnames from table (rather than records)

I want to be able to run a query that updates the field selected from combobox with the vaule from another txtBox

What I want to be able to write in SQL is;

UPDATE Products
SET [Forms]![Master_Form]![Combobox] = [Forms]![Master_Form]![Qty]
WHERE (((Products.ProductName)=[Forms]![Master_Form]![ProductName]));

But of course this does not work.

Any help would be appreciated in SQL or VBA?

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Reports :: Graph Not Updating With Each New Group?

Jun 17, 2013

I currently have a report that generates information based upon a query. The report is broken down into 3 subgroups (Temperature --> Vzip --> VDD). The information within each subgroup seems to be correct as the report cascades through each grouping, however the graph does not update with the new information and instead just copies a clone of itself throughout each Temperature group in the report.

That being said, the first graph that is generated is correct for that group (Temp: -55)... but the report simply copies that graph into the next temperature categories.

I've attached a .pdf of a report generated to visually show what I am referring to, ** notice it replicates the same graph for each group **

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SetFocus On A Selected FieldName

Apr 24, 2005

I have a form with numerous fields and would like to be able to move the focus to a selected field by typing the field name into a control box. How can I do this? TIA

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Forms :: Using Variable As Fieldname?

Aug 8, 2013

I have a form with 48 unbound text fields name txt1 to txt48.

These are to represent 24 hrs in half hours, to visually represent the hours capacity of my workshop. Now if I choose a date, which is say Monday, I check my settings, and see that the workshop has a capacity of 15 hrs on a monday. Now I would like to in a loop set the backcolour of the remaining fields to red.

Something like for I = 15 (workshop capacity) to 48

me."txt" & I.backcolour=1111
next I

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Report, Subreport, Query, Fieldname

Mar 5, 2006

I have a report named rpt100 with two subreports srpt100a and srpt100b. The subreports are based on query qry100a and qry100b. Both queries are based on tbl100. I removed a field named 'Comment' from tbl100, as it wasn't useful; Also removed the fieldname from both qry100a and qry100b. When opening rpt100 a parameter dialog opens asking for data on the deleted fieldname 'Comment'. The field 'Comment' was never used in the report or subreports.

Inspection of the subreport fieldlist shows field 'Comment' still present.

How, other than remaking the rpt100 and both srpt100a and srpt100b, do I remove the field 'Comment'?


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Build A Dimensional Fieldname In A Query

Feb 20, 2008

As example, I have a table with an Item number, introduction year and a number of historical and future Sales periods set per year, these sales columns are listed Y1990, Y1991, Y1992....... Y2015.

Based on each items introduction year, I want to list the first 5 years of sales.

I wanted to create a dimensional fieldname eg: FirstYear: "Y"&[introduction year] to get the value of that respective year. (I currently just get a text saying "Y1995", and not the content )

Any help is appreciated!:)

(Note: I can't transpose the data in the tables for other reason)

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