Quick Search Function On Menu

Mar 17, 2005

Quick question.....I have a menu that links to 4 main forms displaying data from 4 different tables. I wanted to add the facility to quick search on the menu(i.e enter a record (the primary key) into a text box and click search. I would then want it to open the exising form at the relevant record or produce an error message stating no record present. I would have 4 quick searches on the main menu (one for each form)).

If anyone could help me on this i would greatly appreciate it, or if you could point me in the direction of an example it would also be great (although i have been looking and havent seen one i can get my head round)



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Modules & VBA :: Search Function With Drop Down Menu

Jan 5, 2015

I have a form with First name, Last name, Employee number, Information. The information box is a drop down menu with four options (contact, emergency, company, personal) I would like to be able to enter in search criteria for an employee using one of last name first name or employee number then choose an option from drop down box click a button to search and have it pull up just the info I needed.

I think I have two options but i am not sure which would be more efficient.

1. creating a query and using the criteria from design mode to have it filter the information. The only problem with this one is I do not know how to set it up with the drop down box from the form. Or would I need multiple querys for each option or just one with all of it?

2. writing code for the search button on the form that will bring up the appropriate query (I think I would then have to create a query for each drop down option)...

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Just A Quick Question On Recordset Function

Sep 29, 2005

sorry if this question seems misguided or stupid, but i figured maybe someone here could point me in the right direction. its really simple and short, and i did try searching first.

i have a query that i'm running as a record set:

Set status = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select description FROM tblProducts WHERE product=" & [Forms]![frmLookup]![Text5])

and the field "product" is defined as text in the database. the problem is, when i try to look anything up via this query, my program returns that it cant find the record, even if it certainly matches something in the product field. now i'm pretty sure the structure of the query i'm using is for integers, not strings. my question is, what is the correct way to look for a string?

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Quick Search Won't Work! Please Help

Oct 2, 2005

I have a quick search on my site and it wont work any more and I cant figure out what is wrong with it? the search uses two check boxes, one for cards and one for comics and all the info is in an access bd with two tables. I'm totally new to all this so I cant figure out what I did wrong
here is the form
<TD ALIGN="CENTER" HEIGHT="89" WIDTH="330"><font size="4" font color="#FF0000"><b>Quick Search of our Inventory</b></font>
<FORM NAME="searchform" ACTION="./html/quick_search_results.asp" METHOD="get">
<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME="search" VALUE="Search"><br>
<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME="card" onClick="uncheckcomic()"><FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF">Cards</FONT>
<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME="comic" onClick="uncheckcard()"><FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF">Comics</FONT><BR>
The query string is
function uncheckcomic(){
function uncheckcard(){


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How Does The Quick Search Feature Work?

Dec 20, 2006

I need to implement a Quick search feature in my employee application.

So that when any text is typed into the textbox, it searches the db for a match:


It returns the record in the employee table that consist of the text typed in the search box. Most websites have this quick search feature (blanket search..is that what it's called?) and a link for advanced search, where they can select specific fields to search.

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Access 2010 - Search Field On Main Menu?

May 7, 2014

Currently I have a basic database with the following

Table 1 = "EmployeeT" with fields "Employee_ID", "First_Name", "Last_Name" etc.
Table 2 = "NewLabReportT" with fields "Report_ID", "Report_History", "Submitted_By", "Reviewed_By", "Date_Submitted", "Report_Title", "Abstract"

Form 1 = "MainMenuF" this is where I would like to have the search
Form 2 = "NewLabReportF" with fields "Report_ID", "Report_History", "Submitted_By", "Reviewed_By", "Date_Submitted", "Report_Title", "Abstract"
Form 3 = "EmployeeF" with fields "Employee_ID", "First_Name", "Last_Name" etc.

Problem:I would like to have on the Main Menu a drop down list with all of the fields described in NewLaBReportF ("Report_ID", "Report_History", "Submitted_By", "Reviewed_By", "Date_Submitted", "Report_Title", "Abstract") and then allow the user to click a button to the side of it to alert a pop up.

In this pop up:

If they originally clicked "Report_Id" then have the message prompt then to "Enter a Report ID"
If they originally clicked "Submitted_By" then have the message prompt them to "Enter an employees Last Name"

Further More, after they enter the respective value in this box, have a FORM not a REPORT generate that lists all of the records that match the criteria. This way then can specifically click on each record individually and have it open directly up to it.

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Access 2010 - Main Menu Needs Drop Down Box Referencing A Table For SEARCH

May 6, 2014

I have a main menu "MainMenuF" in my database and I would like the database to be able to be searched by any of the column headings. For example I have a table titled "NewLabReportT" this table has many column headings like "Submitted By" "Reviewed By" "Title" "Abstract" etc...

I would like my users to be able to click a radio button with the same column headers on this main menu and have a box that pops up to say "Enter search parameter" and have that parameter be searched in the table "NewLabReportT" and generate a FORM not a REPORT of all of the listings in the database that have that keyword associated to that certain category searched. That way they can "CLICK" the exact field they are looking for and have it open right up to that form.

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Search Function

Apr 6, 2005

Whenever I search a table using Ctrl+F it always says access returned zero results, even though I am searching for stuff I know is there.

How do I make a search field that will return in a table form all the results.
(Software inventory database, so I need to be able to search by serial number, as well as peoples names that are using those serial numbers)

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The Search Function

Sep 1, 2005

any way to set the searchfuntion to only search for part of the word as standard?
or is it any other way to make a search function where u can write like 133 and get all the numbers starting on it.

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I Would Like To Add A Search Function.........

Sep 7, 2004

I would like to add a search function to a form. There will be a textbox on the form to let user to type in there searching criteria,
the grid (on the same form) will display the result records (search from the database) on the grid base on the searcing criteria. How to acheive this? Any example that I can refer to?


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Help With Search Function

Oct 16, 2006

hi guys... i am currently working on a search form for my database.. here's
how my form looks like:


when the user will type in for example "ABC Company" in the "Search for" field and will choose "Company Name" in the "Search by" combo box, the database will look for all the "ABC Company" entries under the field of "Company Name" in a table. There will be a lot of category to search from such as Position Name, Company Name, Dealer name, Outlet Name, Employee Name and Employee ID..

the results should be shown in a continuous form...

i've already tried this code:

Code:SELECT " & cboSearchBy.Text & " FROM TABLENAME WHERE " & cboSearchBy.Text & " LIKE '*" & txtSearchFor.Text & "*'

but it didn't work...

does anyone has a sample SQL query or VBA code for this function? i've been searching for it, but unfortunately i wasn't able to find what i was looking for. thank you very much. all your replies would mean so much.

if you want, you can also check the actual ms access file:


the name of the form is frmSearchEmployee...

thanks a lot... =)

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Search Function

Jul 30, 2007

Hello everyone,

I was trying to make a query in access that will search for approximately what the user types into a textfield. I can only make something that searches for EXACTLY what the user has typed into the text field, but I want a more versatile search query that includes wildcards etc. so that anything related to the search will also be found. I was trying something like this but I just cannot get it to work:

SELECT FirstName, LastName, City, Major
FROM Students
WHERE FirstName LIKE '" & FirstNameToolStripTextBox.Text & "* '

I am using Visual Basic 2005 . NET and Access database, but the query is being made through access.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions you have

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How To Run A Search Function In MS Access

Sep 6, 2006

Hi there,
I would like to run a query which will allow me to search a specific column in a table. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

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Search Function On A Form? How To?

Jan 4, 2006

I am sure this is a common question but anyway:

I have a form based on a table which I use to fill the table with data.

I would like in the header of the form to have a text box where if I enter a keyword it will display the corresponding entry.

field 1= first name
field 2= second name

Textbox 1= first name
Textbox 2= second name

Search textbox I type: "john" I want it to display/filter to show only the entries where first name=john

I hope my question is clear, I know most DBs do this but I can't seem to find a way of implementing it...

Thanx for your help and suggestions

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Search Function In Microsoft Access

Jan 12, 2006

Hi everyone,

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

I will firstly give you the low down on the business that I am doing the database for. It is a Car Restoration Business, where we deal with vintage/classic/muscle cars and restore them to the former glory.

I do not know Microsoft Access very well, I have attached a file with what I think is a databae I could be wrong. The main function of this database is to search for suppliers for a specific car part for a specific car.

So if I want to find a doorhandle for a 1970 Ford Mustang, I need the suppliers pertaining to those criterias to come up.

How do I get this to happen?

Thankyou for your help



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Search Function Returning Zero Results On 2nd Use

May 15, 2007

Item: Access app front end for an SQL database (production tracking/job logging utility)

Problem: The app has a main search page that allows job entries to be located and opened by varies criteria (job#, job name, etc). I can currently run multiple searches on different criteria successfully but if I open a job window(which has been returned as result of my search) and then close that job window to do a new search my search function will no longer return any results(other then “Calculating….”) unless I close out the access app and reload.

Thanks in advance for any ideas that can point me in the right direction to hunt down my bug.

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Adding A Search Function Into Switchboard

Nov 22, 2006

What is the best way to implement a search function into a switchboard? I need this search function to allow a user to check a database for specific names, so that they do not enter duplicates. Thanks in advance for all advice

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Question About Creating A Search Function

Oct 17, 2004

Anybody here know how to create a search field on a form to pull up a certain record?

I am practicing with Microsoft Access by creating a database that tracks my college degree progress as well as my wife's college degree progress.

Here is the Database Structure:

---numStudentID (AutoNumber)


---numStudentID (Lookup field from tblStudentID)
******(Displays the First and Last Name according to Student ID number)
---strDegreeProgram (Yes/No field)
---strQuarter (Lookup field from tblQuarter)
---strComplete (Yes/No field)


Now, on the form (frmDegreeAudit), I want to put in a search function that allows me to drop down a list with the Student's name and all of their courses next to the name according to the Student's ID. Below is how I want to list to look when you drop the list down:

First Name-----Last Name-----Course Code----Course Number

If I can't do that, then this is what I want to do then. I want a drop down list that has the first and last name. Then right next to that drop down list, I want another drop down list that lists all of the courses associated with the Student ID. It would look something like this:

List #1=========================List #2
First Name-----Last Name->->->->->->Course Code----Course Number

Anybody understand what it is I'm looking for? I hope so because once I figure this out, I can figure out the other database I've been trying to create for the longest time.

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General :: Search Operation Function

Oct 5, 2012

The following search operation have to search some operation in the database, but there is a bug and I don't know why..

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Create A Search Function In Database

Aug 13, 2013

I've been trying to create a search function in my database and a " TmprryQryFrLnkFldsCrtn0123456789 " Query has appeared that I cant alter or change.

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Data Access Page - Search Function

Jan 11, 2005

I’m having problems trying to construct a database for my company. They need the database to enter information about certain insurance policies that our company has. We have a table setup and ready to go. I need to allow multiple users to add records to the database so I want to setup a Data Access Page to accomplish this. However, there’s a problem I’m still stuck on.

In the Data Access Page, I need the ability to search and display a record designated by the primary key field (policy number). I found code to do this, however when I click the button, input a known policy number at the prompt, and click ok, it displays Error: 3265 the item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal. Here’s the code from http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/assistance/HA010345491033.aspx

<!-- I took this out as i did not know what to do with it, it could be causing the problem
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=vbscript FOR=MSODSC EVENT=Current(oEventInfo)>


<SCRIPT language=vbscript event=onclick for=Command0>


' Clone the recordset.

Dim rs

Set rs = MSODSC.DataPages(0).Recordset.Clone

On error resume next

' This line assumes that the value you are filtering on is an integer.

' If the search value is a string, use slightly different syntax.

' For example, "CustomerID = '" & CStr(InputBox("Please enter customer to find", "Find")) & "'"

' rs.find "ProductID=" & cLng(inputbox("Enter a ProductID","Find"))

rs.find "CustomerID = '" & CStr(InputBox("Please enter customer to find", "Find")) & "'"

' Custom error handling.

If (err.number <> 0) Then

Msgbox "Error: " & err.number & " " & err.description,,"Invalid Search"

Exit Sub

End If

' Check search results for success.

If (rs.bof) or (rs.eof) Then

Msgbox "No Product found",,"Search Done"

Exit Sub

End If

MSODSC.DataPages(0).Recordset.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark


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Forms :: Search Function Using Multiple Criteria?

Oct 8, 2013

I'm currently trying to build in access a replica of an atrocious search function in excel.

I have a list of data quite simply in 5 columns and i want to filter through this data about (10000 rows).

My form has 5 data points.

The first is Product Name this is a string (i've looked up a lot of codes to search strings and even partial strings but no one seems to have done what i need).

- Basically i need it to search for any / multiple parts of the string entered.
- for example if someone enters apple trees june i need it to look for cells containing those three words in any order, even conjoined for example "appletreejune" would still return or "apples on a tree in june".
- This is attached to a single col called Product Name.

Based on this search i need it to look for data in a col called mark type (which is selected by a drop down)

Then by Market Context (also a drop down)

Then by a start and an end date, however, only one of the values (start or end) needs to be between the start and the end dates listed in the start and end date columns in the table.

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Queries :: Search Function In Parameter Query

Nov 18, 2014

I have a parameter query in which consists of a search statement as below:-

Search: [Model] & " " & [FiscalYear]

It works very well. I am wonder if there is any options available to affect the search results. As far as I understand, when I enter the key word into the pop up box, it will search the fields sequentially and populate the result. Can I enter different key word for each field? If so, what is the syntax for entering the key words.

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Modules & VBA :: Search Function In Locked Form?

Dec 2, 2013

I have a form that I allow my users to view but not to change any of the records.

As the number of records has grown it's become necessary to add a search function.

My problem is that because the form is locked it cannot be searched.

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Forms :: Built-in Search Function With Combo Box

Aug 6, 2013

I have a combobox on a form that lets the user select a business name which then populates the rest of the fields in the form appropriately. But when it does this it makes it so that the seach function at the bottom of the screen no longer works, as it only has the selected record as an option. So before selecting a name from the drop down list at the bottom of the screen is says "Record: 1 of 5" but after selecting the name it become "Record: 1 of 1." Is there anyway to still allow the built-in search function to work alongside using a combobox?

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Forms :: Combo Box - Search Function Not Working Within Form

Jul 23, 2015

I recently created a database to be used to store incoming invoices. We have 4 suppliers which supply the same material and wanted each supplier to have its own database.

I began by making a database which included all the key tables, forms, queries and functions I would need to then save 4 copies, one for each supplier. This just meant I would not have to repeat the process for each individual supplier.

The problem is all my data is external and upon importing it into the database it has made the search function (combo box) not return results.

I believe this is because:
1) The form was created before the records existed
2) The records were imported from an external source and not created using the form.

However, the way I have designed the form is so I can see all relevant information linked with a specific invoice. This aids in gathering information quickly about an invoice but also so I can input credit note and invoice query information linked to a specific invoice on the same page.

Is there anyway to remedy this?

Or use a similar search function that returns records in my form "Main View"

The last thing I want to do is have to create the form again, although I don't think this will work either as reason 2) states.

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