Re-Filter Report Within Form?

Apr 1, 2013

what i have is a form with a report inside of it (i just drug it in and dropped it). the report filters off of a field in the form. So upon opening the form, the report filters correctly. however as i browse through the form records, the report doesn't update. i can't figure out how to get it to update with the form its on. i've tried report.requery in the form_current area but it doesn't seem to re-apply the filter.

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How To Apply The Same Filter Used By A Form To A Report

Mar 12, 2005


I have a continuos form (list of records) with a tool bar with "filter by form buton". This buton allow to users filter the list of records showed by the form by diferent field criterias.

After applied a filter I need a buton in the tool bar to print the filtered records on a report with a specific design: logo company, header, footer, etc.

I don't know how to apply the same filter used by the form to a report. Notice the filter by form continuos change depending the user.

I have not too much experiencie in programming. So I appreciate in advance any help.


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Form Filter / Report Interactive

Apr 3, 2005

Please see the attached. I am receiving a fatal error when I attempt filtering my report. It reads "Data Type Mismatch". Can someone take a look at this and tell me what I need to do to make this work ???

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Filter Report By Form Not Working

Nov 4, 2006

I have a report "Work Order Details" that that is based on a query and opens along with a form that is used to set filters. Based on samples I have looked at and reading, I cannot figure out what is missing. When I select my item form one of 5 unbound combo box 's and click the "Set filter" button, it brings up a paramter box?? If I cancel out the box, I still don't get a result. Just for the heck of it, I filled in a name in the paramter box, still no luck. The report property has "Filter On" as YES. The close button, clear button, and drops downs operate perfectly.

Here is the On Click Event info from my "set filter" button:

Private Sub Command28_Click()

Dim strSQL As String, intCounter As Integer
'Build SQL String
For intCounter = 1 To 5
If Me("Filter" & intCounter) <> "" Then
strSQL = strSQL & "[" & Me("Filter" & intCounter).Tag & "] " & " = " & Chr(34) & Me("Filter" & intCounter) & Chr(34) & " And "
End If

If strSQL <> "" Then
'Strip Last " And "
strSQL = left(strSQL, (Len(strSQL) - 5))
'Set the Filter property
Reports![Work Order Details].Filter = strSQL
Reports![Work Order Details].FilterOn = True
End If

End Sub

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Filter By Selection/Form - Then Report Selected Only

Apr 19, 2005

Hello all.

I would like to place a "Print Report" button on my primary form that allows a Filter By Selection (OR Filter By Form) first, then when selecting the button will view or print my already-created primary report but only for the records that were selected by the filter.

I looked and looked, but am not sure even what to search for in the forum. I know this has to be simple.

Form is called PrimaryForm.
Report is called PrimaryReport.

Thank you.


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Reports :: Filter Report From Certain Selections In Form

Jul 30, 2013

My problem I am having is that in my database you can click around to different customers info on forms and from there you can click on a button to get to another form that lists all of the customers vehicles. From there I have a billing report that I created and I am trying to filter the report to get what I want on there.

I have been searching around and have found codes to filter reports so that right now I have it when I click on Billing Report it filters by the customers form i am on. But now where i am having some issues is that I am also looking to filter by a yes/no field so that anything clicked yes for that customer will be filtered to show on this report.

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Modules & VBA :: Filter A Report Via Unbound Form

Apr 22, 2014

When I have a value in "WorkCenter" everything works great and graph looks fine. When I leave blank in order to see all records, I get a blank graph.

Here's the code:

Private Sub Open_Downtime_Graph_Click()
Dim strCriteria As String
If IsNull(Me.WorkCenter) Then
strCriteria = "[WorkCenter] Like '*'"

[Code] .....

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Reports :: Using A Form To Filter Info On Report

Jul 24, 2013

I am using a form to filter information so that I can open a report. The report displays information pertaining job costs. Each month the company I work for records their labor, costs, and travel in a form with a year to date amount. Right now, I am having a problem opening up a report for one specific job and a specific month. So what I want the dialogue box to do is to pick from a list of jobs then pick from a list of months, click a button that prompts a preview of the report.

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Reports :: Filter Report From Listbox On Form

Oct 24, 2013

I have a report based on a query, the report loads filter based on dates input to the query from Form1 when report loads. I want to filter this report further from a listbox on form2, but I want the listbox rowsource to populate based on a field in the loaded report. Is this possible?

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Passing Parameters To A Query From A Form To Filter A Report

Aug 15, 2006

I would like to have a user enter a start date and an end date into two
textboxes on a form. The two dates will be used to query a table. I
would then like to print a report that was created from that query.

Here is the query created as a stored procedure:

SELECT Transactions.*, Hoods.*
FROM Hoods INNER JOIN Transactions ON
WHERE ([Transactions].[Date] Between [@StartDate] And [@EndDate])
ORDER BY [Transactions].[Date];

What would be the best way to pass txtStartDate to @StartDate and
txtEndDate to @EndDate in the VBA code of the form? How would I open or
print the report created from that query filtered on that date range?

Any suggestions? Am I going about it wrong? Should I have created the
report from the above query, or should I do it another way? Can anyone
direct me to some code that does all of the above or something


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Modules & VBA :: Form Filter And OrderBy Pass To Report

Aug 16, 2014

I am able to filter a data on a continuous form using drop downs and then the following code attached to a cmdbutton to create a report of the filtered data.

Private Sub Command30_Click()
Dim strWhere As String
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
If Me.FilterOn Then strWhere = Me.Filter
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptconveyorerrors", acViewReport, , strWhere
End Sub

On the same form where I filter the data i can sort it by clicking the headings aswell, however when i generate the report using the above VBA it doesn't take the sort with it and just generates it without the sort.

I am using the following VBA to sort my form

Me.OrderByOn = True
If Me.OrderBy = "[empname] DESC" Then
Me.OrderBy = "[empname] ASC"
Me.OrderBy = "[empname] DESC"
End If

I thought it may be possible to use the following sort of VBA to pass the sort however i cant get it to work:

Private Sub Command30_Click()
Dim strOrder As String
Dim strWhere As String
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
If Me.FilterOn Then strWhere = Me.Filter
If Me.OrderByOn Then strOrder=Me.OrderByOn

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Reports :: Print Report Based On Filter From Navigation Form

Aug 7, 2013

I am using the Navigation form and I have a tab that has all the sales quotes for a particular salesperson. Because my salespeople like to work with paper I have created sub tabs which contain a report with the same information but filtered based as follows: this Month, this year, and Last year. This report needs to be printable based on the filtered information so I created a print button within the report however when clicked it prints the entire report not the filtered report.

The filter criteria is located in the navigation button, navigation where under the data properties. I have the on click event of the button set to open the report in print preview but I need to know how I filter the where in the macro to read the criteria from the active navigation button property?

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Forms :: Buttons In Navigation Form To Filter Report Data

Sep 23, 2014

I want to create a navigation form, or any form for that matter that has an embedded report. The report has data arranged by ClientID. I would like to create buttons down the left side of my form (why I thought a navigation form could work) where I can put the client name on the buttons and when I click them the report will filter to only show that clients data. I have client tables and the report data linked in queries, but just need to know how to get started with these buttons acting as ID sorters.

For example:
ClientID: 1 = Client: ABC Corp

In my report ClientID 1's data is grouped along with all other client ID's.

In my form I'd like buttons down the left side with ABC Corp written on it (followed by buttons for the other clients) and then when I click the ABC Corp button only ABC Corp's data shows on the page from the embedded report...

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Reports :: Filter Multiple Fields In A Report Using Comboboxes In A Form?

Jul 24, 2015

I have a report based on a query that I put inside a form. What I want to do is create 4 comboboxes from which users can choose options that will filter the report without leaving the form or opening the report in a separate window. Also, I want to make the filters dependent on each other, meaning if a select option A on combobox 1, the options i will select on combobox 2 will only be based on the earlier filter on combobox 1 ...

So far I'm able to do at least 2 of the comboboxes to filter the report, but they aren't based on which one was used to filter the report first. So if i filter the records by choosing option A on combobox 1, combobox 2 will still filter every record.

here's my 2 codes so far:

Private Sub cboLocation_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo Proc_Error
If IsNull(Me.cboLocation) Then
Me.qrySalesByLocation.Report.Filter = ""
Me.qrySalesByLocation.Report.FilterOn = False


the other 2 comboboxes, I can't apply the same code cause the enter parameter dialog keeps popping out.

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Reports :: Using Command Button In A Form To Filter And Open A Report?

Jun 26, 2014

I'm trying to use a command button in a form to filter and open a report. I am able to get it to open the report, but I cannot get it to filter the report based on a combobox in the form. I've tried every combination of code I could think of and find. Here is what I currently have:

Private Sub FilterReport_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport "Report", acViewReport, "First Name='" & Me.FName & "'"
End Sub

Option Compare Database
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.RecordSource = Me.FName
End Sub

"FilterReport" = Form Button
"Report" = Report
"First Name" = Report Field
"FName" = Form Combo Box

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Filter A Report USING A Forms Filter Results

Oct 25, 2006

I am using MS Acess2000 and need to make a report that will be passed around with production work. My primary key is the invoice number of the work order. Currently to open an invoice i have a macro, attached to a query with the following qualifiers; Like [Enter invoice]

This pulls up the current record fine.
for the form and flags the folloing in the property filter sectin of the form

(((([CustomerTableMasterRef].[Invoice]) Like [Enter invoice])))


Now I am trying to use microsofts how to filter a report using a forms filter...
This picks up on the Invoice query as shown above but does not just insert the query results...

Is there better code or another way to approach this... Currently i am using:

Caption: Open Report
OnClick: [Event Procedure]

Private Sub CmdOpenReport_Click()
If Me.Filter = "" Then
MsgBox "Open an Invoice First"
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptCustomers", acViewPreview, , Me.Filter
End If
End Sub

Using this code not only does my report not detect the correct fields to import data (no data is filled in) but it requerys the invoice or atleast should, which I could do with out all of that code...

Where should i go from here?

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Placing A Report Filter At Startup Of A Report?

Jul 25, 2013

The company I work for has branches in multiple states and we use Access to organize all their tax requirements. We print out reports for every month, and my company would like to create a pop-up window that will let us filter the report when it starts up so that it automatically shows only the dates that we wish it to. How do I create a filter that pops-up when the report starts?

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How To Create Filter Button On Form And Filter Records

Nov 26, 2012

How can I create a "Filter Button" on a form and filter my records? I create a textbox on a form and a filter button on the right. Then I click the filter futton, the filter function will search/match the content in the box through the datasheet. And then the results of the filtering will be pop up on the split form datasheet.

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Forms :: Filter Button On Form As Filter

Aug 1, 2013

I have placed a filter button on a form as a filter and written the following on-click event procedure:

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdApplyFilterSort
Me.FilterOn = True

When I click the filter button I get a blank message box titled 'Microsoft Access" and an OK button, when closed the filter works perfectly.I have checked this procedure in other forms and it works without showing the blank message box.The only difference with this form is that its control source is a union query.

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Show Filter In Report From QBF

Dec 13, 2004

Hi there,

I have a QBF, and when user inputs the search criteria and clicks on print button, a report prints out based on that search criteria. I would like that report to include the search criteria as well. How can I do that?

I am not so good in Access, so please be as much specific as one can get, when suggesting a solution.

Thank you so much.

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Report Filter From Dropdown Box...

Aug 19, 2004

I'm a new user with access and I'm trying to build a "Status" report based on criteria within the database.
I've setup a form where the user would choose which "Status" they want to print on the report but in all my reading
(two days worth) I can't figure out how I should accomplish this task.

I'm attaching the database and the form is "frmStatusReport". If someone could take a look at it and give me an
idea of the best possible solution, it would be greatly appreciated.

Maybe someday I can pass my knowledge on to another newbie...

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Using An Integer From A Subform To Filter A Report.

Aug 17, 2006

THis has to be an easy issue.

I have a subform that in the on curren event i passes the ClassId out to my main for in an unbound text box

Forms![Student]![ClassID] = Me![ClassID]

I know this part works

I then have a command button that should pass ClassID to a report so that it can be filtered. Here is the on_click code

Private Sub cmdReprintAccom_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdReprintAccom_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim strReptCriteria As String

strReptCriteria = ClassID
stDocName = "Forms - Accomodations"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acViewPreview, , _
"[ClassID] = '" & strReptCriteria & "'"

My problem is that I keep getting a type mismatch error. I know that it is because CLassID is a number and it is getting passed as a string i just can't figure out the syntax to the highlighted code.

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Report Date Filter Problem

Feb 16, 2005

Hello All
I have been having problems with the filter that I created for a report. I created a form that filters the form by a date and the name of the class. The code looks like this:

If Me("Filter1") <> "" Then
strSQL = strSQL & "[" & Me("Filter1").Tag & "] " & " = " & Me("Filter1") & " And "
ElseIf Me("Filter2") <> "" Then
strSQL = strSQL & "[" & Me("Filter2").Tag & "] " & " = " & "#" & Me("Filter2") & "#" & "And """
End If

The problem that I am having is that this works fine on my computer at home but when I try it on another computer i get error messages for the date or the report appears empty showing me that there are no classes on the specified day that I have chosen. I have no idea why on some computers the date filter works an on others it doest. I could possibly be a problem with the date format on each computer and if this is the case how do I get around this problem. Thanks in adavance for your help.

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Filter Data To Compile A Report???

Jul 3, 2007

every month i compile a Customer Spend Report for my sales manager.

I currently do this by:

1) Taking my database into table view.
2) Setting the date to Asend.
3) Then copy all jobs from the first day of the month to the last day
eg: June 1st - 29th.
4) Copy the data
5) paste into excel
6) Set auto filter on excel
7) Copy & Paste each customers spend to an individual sheet.

This is very painful! Esp when i know that since all the data i need is in the database and there is a way to get my DB to do this for me.

I have created a query to pull the data out of the database.
Then made a report using the query as the "location of data"

Right i have the report now pulling out the data and showin how i want it.

It shows the groupin of jobs by "Customer Name"

I now want to set a filter to it so that i can tell it to give me the report for all customers for just one month.

EG: June 07.

That way i wil have the data shown as:

Month: June07
Cost For Doin Job:
Total Charge Out:

How do i do this??? I know it has to be done within the query but i cant work out how to set it.

If any one can help that would b great!!!

thanks in advance!

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Reports :: Filter A Report Not Query

Jun 27, 2014

I have a report based on a query.There is a field in my personnel table and the query: [Field] with values from my lookup table and has three choices:


I have a report and would like to filter based on [Field].I can filter by putting [Field]=Inspection on the Filter On Load, then typing 1 into the parameter box. And it works.I cannot however choose more than one of the three choices and I have to type the number in. Fine for me but it won't be for other is used for more than one report. I would also like to avoid having seperate queries for all these reports.In other words, I would like to filter the report, not the query.

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General :: How To Filter Report Using List Box

Sep 12, 2014

I have a query based report Linked to a form. That is, in my form, i have a combo box. Selecting this combo box pulls out a certain field values in list box in the same form. (Cascading Combo/ List Boxes).

So after i select a certain value in combo box, it shows a certain field values in the list box. Now, i want to open a report and view only the records that has the selected combo box and list box values.

Note: I have seen a guy made an access report based on a query. He made a form with a combo box and a list box.

The report is based on the combo box value selected by the user. Once, the user selected a value in the combo box, the list box updates automatically. ( I have done till here successfully). Then he used a toggle button on the same form.

This toggle button opens the report with the combo box value as the criteria but filters the report based on the field value in the list box.

How to place a toggle button with a filter command to open a query based report?

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