Firstly let me thankyou for your help because I feel this may be a difficult question.
I have a stock control db that records transactions through purchase orders, which allocates each line item (product) in a purchase order to an employee and a project it is destined for. I have three tables, one for purchase orders, one for transactions and one for products.
I then have a seperate table for stock in and out with a two other look ups for projects and employees.
Now sometimes a product may become a stock item as it is in surplus and not used for the project.
My problem is how do I re-allocate the product as a stock item then when it is used allocated it to another project.
Basically we use an internal unique number for each purchase order and i have a query set up that will recall each product in a purchase order. The reason for this is to save time updating goods recieved when an order turns up as i call all the item in a purchase order in one go rather than going to each product one at a time to update.
I think the db may be to advanced in the set up and feel a restructure of the db is the only solution but hopefully i not. I am no means an advanced user buit have done ok so far in seeting this db up e.g. my knowledge of vba is limited etc.
This has only just come up in what is needed so it is an after thought, however is very important for the operation of the db as a stock control system.
I have 3 separate tables with the following fields: Year; Name of School; Emis No. (Primary Key); No. wrote; No. passed; Pass %. These tables were created in Excel and imported in Access.
I would like to do the following (see table below): 1. create a form that would allow me to view all the data per school in datasheet view and also allow me to enter new data annually; 2. create a new table where this information can be stored . YEAREMIS NOSCHOOLNO WROTENO PASSEDPASS %2009109964Bhuqwini4012302010109964Bhuqwini6126432011109964Bhuqwini6422342012109964Bhuqwini
I have 3 separate tables with the following fields: Year; Name of School; Emis No. (Primary Key); No. wrote; No. passed; Pass %. These tables were imported from Excel. I would like to do the following: create a form that would allow me to view the all the data per school in datasheet view and also allow me to enter new data annually.
I have 1200 tables (precipitation data) that I need to aggregate into 1 table for summary and statistical operations. I need to retain each table's name: <month_year>. Is there a way to insert a column with the source table title while I am appending? Or should I go about this in a completely different way?
whats the best way of appending tbl_orders and the related data in tbl_order details to the two identical archive tables when the "COMPLETE" column is "YES" in tbl_orders
I have two auto-numbered tables, each with one-to-many relationships with a couple of other tables.
The two auto-numbered tables have identical column properties, as do the tables each are linked to.
How can I set up an append query to append records from one of these tables into the other, but ensure that all of the links stay intact? (Right now, the two tables duplicate ID numbers.)
I have a linked ODBC table in my database that contains data like this -
[Code] .....
What I would like to do is remove the duplicate values for the Task field, but show how much time each Crew has spent on each Task per Serial. The end result would look like this -
Code: Task SerialAS1AS2AS3OMAOMB 01_BORESCOPE INSPECTION 70649614.2423.2428.78 00_INSTALL ENGINE INTO PEDESTAL STAND 7073080.20.2 01_INSTALL OIL TANK 7073085.67
[Code] ....
What is the best way to achieve this result? I've played around with Append queries, union queries etc, but nothing seems to give me the result I'm after.
I use Cognos to pull raw data from Oracle. I take this data and put it into Access 2010 tables to then run queries. Because the people creating the data in Oracle are often slow, I run back data to catch missed information, typically two months. For October, for example, I'll run October and also September and August.While I have new data, I also have a great deal of duplicate data. How can I ensure that I append only the new data and exclude the duplicate data?
I'm fairly new to Access, but have set up a database containing 8 normalized tables. I would like to know if it's possible to update all those tables by importing an Excel file into each table, or importing the Excel file into one Access table and then appending that table to those 8 tables. AND STILL MAINTAIN THE RELATIONSHIPS. The Help directory only talks about importing or appending into one table.
I have two tables "Tab_Issue_1" and "Tab_Issue_2". Tab_Issue_1 has two fields "Issue" and "AssignedTo". Tab_Issue_2 has the same fields. However, the "AssignedTo" is a multi-value field in both tables. I want to append data from Tab_Issue_1 into Tab_Issue_2. I use the following SQL but it pops up this message "An INSERT INTO query can not contain a multi-valued field".
[SQL] INSERT INTO Tab_Issues_1 ( Title, AssignedTo ) SELECT Tab_Issues_2.Title, Tab_Issues_2.AssignedTo FROM Tab_Issues_2; [SQL]
I have a table in MS Access 2010 that is a link to an external data file in .csv format. I assumed that it was not possible to append data to a linked table until recently. I appended 3 records to the linked table and discovered that the 3 records were appended to the table and the external data file it was linked to.
I have about 100 or so tables that I need to append back into one table :eek:
However all of these 100 tables all begin with the number 100 at the beggining. I know that you can append tables - but as far as I know you can only do one at a time. Is there any easy way to do this - for example writing a small SQL statement - saying select all tables that begin with 100* and then append into a master table :confused:
Alternatively are there any programs on the net that can do this (I just wrote a massive macro to import them from a text file in to access- not realising this problem would happen!) :(
Unfortunately each of the tables has the first row as the column heading too?
I have a single table database for inventory. Every 3 months or so, some records get changed or updated. My manager wants to keep an archive of all of the records that have been changed so we can go back and look at an history of all of the records. So, My thought is to create an "Archive" table, appended all of the current records to it. Then, when changes are made, create an Append Query, or what ever works, to copy just the changed records from the Main to the Archive table. There are only 200 items in the inventory so it is not a large database.
Only discovered Access a few days ago, absolutely brilliant tool. Have ordered 4 books (most with the words "idiot" or "dummies" in the title!), but would appreciate some advice with a problem i can't seem to get my head around.
As you can see from my attachment, i've got a lovely database that i made.
Well, i say made.. downloaded from Microsoft templates and turned it into my own. Very proud of it!
I'm a co-cordinator for the Tresco Marathon - a full marathon run around a 2 x 1mile island all for charity (Cystic Fibrosis Trust). This database is supposed to be an efficient way of keeping track of all the entrants, if they've paid registration, if packs have been sent to them, their eventual finishing times, their running numbers etc.
I've managed to do the most basic operations in Access - a nice form that keeps allows you to add a runner, and all their details.
The problem i'm having is...
Once the few hundred applicants have been entered, we then have to assign them Race numbers... but i can't figure out how do to this.
Ideally, something like a form openable from the main form (already have a tab showing an empty box for a manually entered race number - this is showable by choosing their status as "Active") showing 1 - 130- and then whether they've been assigned to a runner already (and their name), or whether they're available.
I really am stumped on this one.
Would appreciate any help or advice in the best way to do this!
I have a table of name and address data as a back end and have put a front end of each of 12 "user" computers on a workgroup-based small network. Each user can look at on twelfth of records, the range being specified in a query on each front end PC, which, of course, means that each front end has to be slightly different.
I wonder if it's possible to assign some sort of owner system so that whenever "user1" logs on he/she gets the first twelfth of the records, user2 gets the next set and so on.
As a separate issue, can I somehow work out the start and end records needed for each user by automatically dividing the total number of records by 12 (since the master table can have a different number of records each time we get new data). At the moment I am calculating (using Excel) and inserting the ">1200 <2400" for each user.
I have a database that uses a table to capture work by reference number. I would like to be able to allow users to only be able to see work they have been allocated.
I am creating a DB for race results and have a field which calculates the elapsed time based on the start and finished times. What I want to do now is populate a field "position" with the finishing position relative to other competitors elapsed times in the race. But I cant see how to do this.
I understand I would probab;y have to use some sort of query but not sure how to create it.
I am assisting my employer by combining two databases into one. Both databases have the same field "structure" but the data differs. When creating my append query.
I currently have an unnormalized table that consists of individuals (employee profiles) which currently has a field for attachments. I am using the "attachments" for photographs of each employee however I dont want to maintain photographs for former employees, or if I do not forever. I was told to normalize the table by removing the "attachment" field and placing it in a new table with referene to the employeeID.
Since I currently have something like 200+ records where I want to relocate the employee picture, i tried to create a make table query off the origional table and only referencing the employeeid and "attachment" to the new table however I keep getting an error when running the query. The error indicates something to the affect of having multiple values.
Basically in my order details table i have the following fields
Product Unit Size
At the moment i have the Product field with a dropdown that gives me all the products from my ProductT. But once i choose the correct product in the unit field it gives me all the possibilities of every product not just the units associated with that product. ie
ProductT Grasshopper Box1000 Adult Grasshopper Box1000 Subadult Worm 10pz Big
When I select the grasshopper product and move on to the unit field i also get "10pz" option but this is not a product available.
How do i set up validation of the fields Unit and size based on another fields data?
I reached the limit of 255 fields in a table. I just need to add one more field so I deleted several fields I no longer needed thinking I would then be able to add one more new field. However, I am still unable to add one more field. How to free up fields that are no longer needed?
I am using calculated field as a data type in access 2010.
They are working fine.
However, I added a new field and now the final calc won't work.
I have Subtotal adding loads of fields together. Works fine.
Then I have a VATunit field which is a double integer, so enter 20 and my next field is VATTotal calculates the SubTotal + the VATunit by doing (Subtotal/100)*VATunit. This calculation is fine and gives me the correct amount.
The next field is a Total field. Which adds Subtotal and the VATTotal together. Howver, the Total is the same as Subtotal. It is not adding the VATTotal to it?