Reading File Names

Dec 9, 2004

Is there a way for a access to read the filenames of files contained in a folder on the local machine and paste
those filenames in a database field?

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Reading A .txt File Using Access

Nov 16, 2004

Here's my situation. I have a .txt file that I need to bring into Access. This .txt file is set up with records that are separated by semicolons.

I need to pull this information into Access and separate the data by the semicolons. I can open the file in Excel and separate the information by using Data --> Text to Columns --> semicolon (as the separator).

Does anyone have an idea how I can do this into Access.

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General :: Reading DB File Information?

Sep 29, 2013

I see a lot of requests for this operation, but apparently .DB files are so general that sometimes it's impossible? Any all-encompassing program that can read files like this? I believe they come in different formats and are produced by a variety of different programs. The only thing I ever see though are files with [.db] as the extension.

If I open the one I have with notepad on a windows machine I see some of the info but some of it is not there and is garbled.


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Modules & VBA :: Reading Table Of Information Recordset From XLSX File

Mar 17, 2014

I am trying to use a Connection to an xlsx spredsheet to read in a table of information (the data is not a table, just laid out in a table, see attached, the one I am trying to load is xlsx not xls but I cannot for some reson upload the xlsx one on here)

I have the following declared:

Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

my connection string is:

strConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & cstrFolder &
Chr(92) & tempSymbol & ".xlsx;Extended Properties='Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES';"

I open the connection which works fine:

Code : cn.Open strConnectionString

Now here I hit the problem, I have the following SQL string:

Code : strSelect = "SELECT * from [table$]"

The spreadsheet contains just 1 tab, named table so I think I am referring to the data correctly in my SQL string?

When I open the recordet for variable rs using:

Code : rs.Open strSelect, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText

I get the error dialogue box:

The Microsoft Access database engine could not find the object 'table$'. make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly.....

I did a Debug.print to check the strConnectionString was correct and the Source is exactly correct and refers to the name of the file I am trying to access exactly.

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General :: Users And Permissions Missing Reading MDB File In A2010

Nov 22, 2013

I have been using a A2003 file through A2007 to be able to use user security.We are now in A2010 and the users and permissions component is not showing in the Administrator area as it did in A2007, although the security is still functioning. How do I get access to Users and Permissions in A2010?

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Can't Read Recent File Names On File Menu

Oct 19, 2006

I'm using Access 2000. When I click the File menu to go to a recently used file, the entire path is shown. With my file system, the File drop down widow is about 50 characters too short to show the entire path all the way out to where I keep my database. Is there a way to shut off the viewing the entire path "feature?"

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File Names

Feb 29, 2008


I apologise in advance for my lack of understanding but I need to know whether an access 95 database will accept file name's that are 21 characters long and contain underscore's?

I have never had to get involved ith access database's so far but have been told find this out.
Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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How To Get The Names Of Table In A .mdb File?

Mar 16, 2007

Hello All,

I ma using a .mdb file in a program and want to get the list of all tables and all the columns of the respective tables in the .mdb file.
In Oracle we use 'select * from table' for getting all the tables in the DB. But how it is done in MS-Access?

Pls help.


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Lock File Get Login Names

Dec 19, 2006

In the lock file I noticed I can see the computer names of the people who have the db open. Is there a way to get the login names from this file so I can knock some sense in my co-workers who still have the database on

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Hi And A Hope Of Help Over Listing File Names In Access

Nov 14, 2006

Hi, newbie here to this forum, been looking about for ages to try and find an access based forum.

I am not a great coder, have not really done it, nor remotely understand it, but I have still managed to write a database in access for the office.

We run a residential care home, where we had 5 databases (MS Works) which held different information of the residents within the home but duplicated name, dob, etc. I have successfully writen a access database which works well. But now I want to start pushing it a degree further if I can.

We took delivery of a HP officejet all in one printer, and it has a scanner with document feeder which we scan letters in so we can share them with head office, but what I would really like to do, is scan letters in relating to a specific client, and be able to save the file name as a link, so an other user on an other PC can open the document on their PC. Basically, I want to avoid us going to the filing cabinet to refer to a letter which was written to us.

I am using XP Home, with Office 2003 Pro, and Acrobat 8 Pro.

Any ideas where to even start looking?? I did do a search, but have no idea how to start.

Thanks in advance.

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Populating Picture File Names From A Folder

Jan 13, 2006

I could realllllllly use some help here....

I have database that looks like this:

Type | Pic1 | Pic 2
12-5525 C:RC125525-01 C:RC125525-02
12-3556 C:RC123556-01 C:RC123556-02

As you can see the picture naming system is standard and is based on the content in the type field. If one record of the Type field is say 12-6636 then the picture will be RC126636-01 (for Pic1) and RC126636-02.

Is there a way where the user say... can type C: and it will populate the picture file names in a combo box?

There are about 2000 records in the DB and I am just trying to find a way to keep a user from typing all that stuff.

:rolleyes: Could there be a way to do all 2000 records at once?...:rolleyes:

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Get Table Names From Another Database File VB Code

Nov 6, 2013

I'm trying to find all the table names from another database file using VB code. This is what i have so far:

Function getFileNameOpen(path) As String
Dim f As Object
Dim varFile As Variant
Set f = Application.FileDialog(3)

[Code] ....

This function will show a browser window so that the user can select a file, and returns the file path.

Function OpenFile()
Call getFileNameOpen(path)
Dim db As Database
Dim td As TableDef
Database = path

[Code] ....

I have this function. I need to get all the table names from the selected access file into a list so I can do a for loop after.

I can't figure out how to set the CurrentDb() to the path one. This code gives me the table names and some other names of stuff which I don't know what they are. But for the current database not the one in the path.

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Modules & VBA :: Code To Store PDF File Names In The Combobox?

Mar 11, 2014

I have a folder in which there are PDF files stored. Now in the Form, there is a combobox and I want the code so that when a Form is loaded then add all those PDF file names(only first 9 letters of that) in the combobox.

e.g if the PDF file name is ABCDE1990-YYY then add ABCDE1990 in the combobox. So if there 10 PDF files in the folder then add 10 names in the combobox.

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Modules & VBA :: Find All Table Names From External File

Nov 6, 2013

I'm trying to find all the table names inside an external access file from a path.

I have a code for the user to select a file which return a patch to the file.

Then I need to find all the tables names from that file and append them to a list.

so I them can input them into a code and link the tables.

here is the code to get the file patch:

Function getFileName(path) As String
Dim f As Object
Dim varFile As Variant
Dim path
Set f = Application.FileDialog(3)

[Code] ......

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Modules & VBA :: Loop Through Table And Create File Names

Oct 22, 2014

I have a VBA routine that runs some queries and then creates a report as a PDF document using my virtual PDF printer. At this point it brings up the Save As dialog and I give the file a name and select a folder to store it in.

But I run this report 30 times for 30 different parameters. The parameters are obtained from a table which contains values such as Cancer, Diabetes, Stroke

-I always name the PDF file according to this value.
-I always choose the same folder.
-I always overwrite the reports I produced last month (copies have been sent elsewhere by then).

how can I get VBA to cycle through this code 30 times, each time selecting the next value from my table and creating/overwriting those files without the need for me to tell it the filename and path?

Private Sub lstSpecialties_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)

At the moment I am running this code by double-clicking an entry in the Specialty listbox, 'but I would prefer the whole thing to run multiple times for as many Specialties as exist in the table '(currently 30 but could be more in time)

'Warnings off
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
'Make the tables needed for the cumulative queries
DoCmd.OpenQuery "Spec 002 Monthly recruits - part 2 - make table" Each of these queries
DoCmd.OpenQuery "Spec 005 Monthly recruits - part 2 - make table" uses the Specialty selected above
DoCmd.OpenQuery "Spec 022 ABF previous year - part 2 - make table" as a parameter to get
DoCmd.OpenQuery "Spec 025 ABF current year - part 2 - make table" the right data for the report


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Forms :: Get File Names Of Excel Spreadsheets From A Folder

May 23, 2014

I have a form with a subform.In the footer of the subform I have a combobox that get the file names of excel spreadsheets from a folder.I have a button (no code on it yet) that I want to press and import that spreadsheet into the table for the subform and associate it with the main form.

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Modules & VBA :: Export Pdf With Field Names Included With File Name

Feb 7, 2014

I have a report that I would like to export to a folder, and I would like to include the FullName within the naming convention of the PDF. When I run the report it prompts for the Employee ID..Here is what I have so far, I'm getting an error of "Run Time Error 424 object required" on the String Report Name,

Private Sub Create_PDF_Click()
Dim myPath As String
Dim strReportName As String
DoCmd.OpenReport "Report_Salary_Worksheet _Finalized_By_EmpID", acViewPreview
strReportName = Report_Salary_Worksheet_Finalized_By_EmpID.[FullName] + ".pdf"
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "", acFormatPDF, myPath + strReportName, True
DoCmd.Close acReport, " Report_Salary_Worksheet _Finalized_By_EmpID "
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Searching Subfolders To Open Files Using File Names

May 19, 2015

I am using Access 2010 with Win-7.Shared, split database with several users.Database Purpose:PM Procedure for Medical Equipment..To be able for the user to copy the file name of 1 or more technical manuals and paste into a table used for a subform on the procedure parent form.Users can then open the related files stored in a common directory that are related to the procedure when later reviewing the procedure .

Problem:File path on the common drive for our group remains static Syspro_5VOL1BIOMEDCOMMONEquipment (Service Manual).The subfolders are not static.There is an unlimited number of sub folders by vendor, model, or make.The subfolders sometimes get renamed as vendors change ownership.The file itself usually does not get renamed.New subfolders get added as needed.Everyone in our group has access to this area of the server.

Question:Is there a way in VBA that when a user opens the procedure record form and dbl-clicks the name of the file in the subform, Access can start at the parent folder and keep searching through all the subfolders until it finds the file?I cannot depend on people in my group to be able to correctly update hyperlinks so I need a way people with no Access knowledge can even use even if its a little slow.

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Field Names Don't Match Names On Form

Nov 7, 2006

I have a form with several data fields on it. I also have a button on the form that allows the user to duplicate a record . The reason for this duplication is so that if there will be an additional client record for the same customer, but only one piece of data will need to be changed, it's easier to copy the record and then change the one field.

However, I am getting the following message:

"some of the field names you tried to paste don't match fieldnames on the form"

and then not all data in all fields gets duplicated.

I need to figure this out, but am going nuts with it. If anyone has an idea or two they'd care to toss my way, I would be happy.

Thanks one more time, in advance!!

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Reports :: Repeating Row Names And Column Names

Jan 17, 2014

How can I repeat column names and row names on multiple pages of the report ?

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Reading A Table From Within Another Database

May 19, 2005

I'm fairly new to access (now using for work purposes) and i've become a bit stumped...

I have a database set up and running fine, however I want to be able to generate a form in one database from a table within another. Is this possible?

Thanks for your input, It will all be apreaciated.


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Barcode Reading And Security

Jan 30, 2007

Hi Guys,

This might be pretty simple, but I haven't found anything on it (might not have looked hard enough!). What I am trying to do is scan a barcode label that I created in Access, when this is scanned, it goes to a table and opens the record that contains this ID and allows me to enter further data in this record. The further data will be data capture from a balance, which works fine if you select the location where the data is to go (using the mouse), what I need is for this location to be automatically accessed when I scan the barcode, hope that makes sense.
Also, is there any way in Access to either prevent data in a table from being changed once it is entered, or alternatively to mark the data as changed/edited from the original input?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Reading Combo.column(1)

Dec 24, 2006

on the audit trail modul

when the field is combo box I need to capture the combo's column(1) to my audit trail table

i used the code :

If TypeOf ctl Is ComboBox Then
rst("OldValue") = ctl.OldValue.Column(1)
End If

but it's not working

can any one help me with that

many thanks in advance

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Issue Reading # In The Recordsets

Nov 19, 2004

I am working on searching my customer number in my billing table and finding the appropriate customer and then pass the customer number onto my shipping table to find the corresponding shipping data to go with my billing data. My problem is this :

When I find my customer in my Billing table ( searching through field0 = CustomerNumber)and then select it, it won't pass the customer number to continue to search field0 in the shipping table for customers that have a # in any of the cell values of the recordset.

Is there a work around for special characters in cell data ie) #

Any sugestions or comments would be greatly appreciated.

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Reading Data From Spreadsheet

Nov 23, 2004

I have a linked spreadsheet. Access is not pulling certain records from the field DOD. The code I used is as followsSELECT final.[SSN P ], final.TXPD, final.[TC-530], final.[TC-150], final.[ DOD ], final.[ DOB ], final.[SSN S ], final.[TC-421], final.[TC-420], final.[TC-424], final.[TC-540], final.[LFRZ-RFRZ], final.[TC-590], final.[TC-591], final.[TC-594], final.[TC-599], final.[TC-290], final.[TC-291], final.[TC-300], final.[TC-301], final.[TC-976], final.[TC-977]
FROM final
WHERE (((final.[TC-530])="TC-530")) OR (((final.[TC-150])="TC-150")) OR (((final.[ DOD ])="dead")) OR (((final.[ DOB ])>1929 And (final.[ DOB ])<1986)) OR (((final.[SSN S ]) Is Not Null)) OR (((final.[TC-421])="TC-421")) OR (((final.[TC-420])="TC-420")) OR (((final.[TC-424])="TC-424")) OR (((final.[TC-540])="TC-540")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-AL")) OR (((final.[TC-590])="TC-590")) OR (((final.[TC-591])="TC-591")) OR (((final.[TC-594])="TC-594")) OR (((final.[TC-599])="TC-599")) OR (((final.[TC-290])="TC-290")) OR (((final.[TC-291])="TC-291")) OR (((final.[TC-300])="TC-300")) OR (((final.[TC-301])="TC-301")) OR (((final.[TC-976])="TC-976")) OR (((final.[TC-977])="TC-977")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-ALR")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-L")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-LBR")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-LBRK")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-LR")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-LRF")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-LRKF")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-LW")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-O")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-OLR")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-V")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-VL")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-VW")) OR (((final.[LFRZ-RFRZ])="-W"));

For some reason the DOB and DOD fields are not being recognized. Please help.

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Reading Values From A SubForm

Jan 4, 2006

Hi guys, Im working on a DatABase at the mo that is heavily featured around forms - the problem is I dont have a clue about how the code side of it is structured in access. I know a lot about visual basic, and I've been having pot shots at how to do this, but with no success...

How do I read the value of an object from a subform with macros? Lets say on my main form I have a textbox called 'ExampleTXT' - to read a value from the text box would be simple...

Code:msgbox Me.ExampleTXT

but on this form I also have a subform, which contains an array of textboxes (they link to a seperate table, so there can be any number of these textboxes) and they have the name 'ExampleARR'. How do I read the values from these? I have tried the following code (like I siad, these are random stabs in the dark) but I have had no success...

Code:msgbox Me.ExampleARR--msgbox Me.ExampleARR(0)--msgbox Me.SubFrm.ExampleARR(0)


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