Hello, how do i add 2 field numbers in a query together, i have the fields: "basic hours" & "overtime", and a "total". I would like the "total" field to add basic hours & overtime together.
I believe i need to use the =sum function in the query on the criteria bit, is that right?....but forgot what to do :o please help?
I am trying to display a total based on 3 separate combo boxes in a form. there is a name with an associated number value using 2 fields. the values come from a linked value spreadsheet. the name field is "text" and the number is "number". the user selects their name and number using a combo box drop down window. this occurs 3 times in my form and i want to sum them in a 4th combo box. this is about how it should look, where "Total" happens automatically depending on the name selected.
I have an table that contains StudentID, Name and Age. I have imported the data from Excel sheet and there are some records which contains Null Value and some "h", "n/a" etc. I would like to design query which finds the records that are non numeric.
SELECT TOP 1 [Table].[QuestionText], [Table].[Answer] AS CorrectAnswer FROM [Table] GROUP BY [Table].[QuestionText], [Table].[Answer], rnd([IDQuestion]) ORDER BY rnd([IDQuestion]);
SELECT TOP 3 Table.Answer AS Correct, qQuestionTextAndAnswer.QuestionText, qQuestionTextAndAnswer.CorrectAnswer FROM [Table], qQuestionTextAndAnswer WHERE (((Table.Answer)<>[qQuestionTextAndAnswer].[CorrectAnswer])) ORDER BY Rnd([IDQuestion]);
These queries are displayed now in an Access form "frmQuestions" which is applied to "Table" that has three columns id, text , and answer. The result is one question and four suggested answer with one only being correct.The arrangement of the answers is randomized-- but the choice of the question is not realy random....it always starts with the same question as it relies only on rnd.
can I improve the queries and randomize and rnd in the same ...or else can I switch these queries to be used from vb6 code and achieve that result.
any help would be appreciated.
By the way I am really a beginner at this who is seeking help from the experts.
The current challenge I have in MS Access in really giving me a headache. I can’t seem to find an answer or indeed think “outside the box” so I am hoping there is someone who can help.
Below I will outline the design of my database, the problem I have and my proposed solution. My solution is “What I want to do” rather than “How I do it”. If you have the time and patience to look at my problem and suggest how I proceed, I will be really grateful.
I created a database that imports daily telephone data. The design below is a simplified version of the real thing but it contains the essential information needed to understand my database.
I extract data from the phone system for “Lines” (3 digit code) e.g. ‘301’,’302’ which each have a corresponding line “Description” e.g. ‘New Customers’, ‘Accounts Queries’. There are three main daily extracts (1) Inbound Calls (2) Outbound Calls and (3) Time. Each extract has either “Line” or “Description” as the unique identifier but not both.
There are 50 lines with matching descriptions and each is allocated to one of 20 teams. I have a query which links all three extracts, groups the data by team and date. Therefore this query creates 20 records (teams) for each day (date).
Tbl Line Lookup (50 records) Line Description Team
Tbl Inbound Calls Line Date Offered Calls Answered Calls Abandoned Calls
Tbl Outbound Calls Description Date Outgoing Calls
Tbl Time Description Date Answer Time Abandon Time Talk Time Wrap Up Time
Qry Grouped By Team Daily
Line – linked to line in Tbl Incoming Calls Description – linked to description in both Tbl Outgoing Calls and Tbl Time
Team – Grouped field Date – Grouped filed Offered Calls - Sum Answered Calls - Sum Abandoned Calls - Sum Outgoing Calls - Sum Answer Time - Sum Abandon Time - Sum Talk Time - Sum Wrap Up Time - Sum
Customer Services “Team” is made up of six lines (301-306) and Business Partners “Team” is made up of three lines (307-309). For each day my query creates a record for each of these teams based on how the line is allocated in Tbl Line Lookup.
The business had decided that line 304 calls are part of the Business Partners with effect from 01/05/06. If I change the team name associated with 304 in Tbl Line Lookup this will, incorrectly, allocate all information (from 01/01/06 to present) to Business Partners.
I need a mechanism to allocate 304 to Customer Services prior to 30/04/06 and to Business Partners after 01/05/06.
I want to introduce a new field in Tbl Line Lookup called Effective Date.
Tbl Line Lookup (50 records) Line Description Team Effective Date
Then I want to introduce a new query which links the data in the three data tables and allocates the correct team name by comparing the date in these extracts with the effective date in the Tbl Line Lookup.
I would then run my original query (Qry Grouped By Team Daily) over this query instead of the original tables.
Please can someone tell me if it is possible to look up values in another table to determine the value of a field in the way I have described?
Have a button on a form that when pressed opens a file browse, allows you to pick a text file (May contain different values and in future the structure may change slightly), then import the text file contents into a temp table (2 fields, Setting & Value), then run a query to take different values from the temp table and put them in to different fields in to different tables linked to the same main record where the button is, then save the record and all linked tables data, and then delete the temp table, and display a message box saying something like done.
Each import file will be a single record, but has to many fields to be in one table
I also need to extract only part of Field 1 (Sample Below), the part after the = (150 in below)
Many will look at this and laugh but its real. My Access Dbs are opened in hidden state and i dont see my forms. This must be the cause. I tried to hide the menubars using ghudsons code,i disabled the shift key. But i dont know what has happened.
I can nolonger view them. I have tried every method out and i think the only option is to repair OS, may be it will work.
I have enabled the database which i disabled the shift key but when i hold down the shift key, it loads but the forms are totally hidden, STRANGE! ijust see the grey access background and when i click on it twice from the task bar.It pops up.
I have tried to make another database, use the autoexec macro to call a form which enables all command bars, but this works only for this database and when i press the shift key down, this database hides the toolbars and i only see the grey access background. This is happening on EVERY DB ive developed on this machine. I thought it was the access that is totally corrupted but i tried to reinstall my office and i still get the same results This is now a NIGHTMARE to me.
When db is shifted to another machine it works fine as before. This is REAL but can i get some suggestions from you folks before i repair my OS.
"relationship must be on the same number of fields with the same data types" data types are same, numbers.
Primary table has just jobnoID that are all unique (primary table) ie 6907, 6908, 6909 etc
second table "jobs by order" (secondary table) has unique orderno(order numbers) in column one say 69071 and 69072, 69073 and jobno in second coloumn say 6907, 6907, 6907 for all the above.
trying to link JobnoID primary table (one to many) to Jobno secondary table (many)
Also need to note. This database is a purchase order database. so am trying to load in all past data from excel. data is in already. so primary table above with jobno is an auto number so will generate the new jobno for us. but had to copy and paste blank fields into table to get records upto the number we are upto now, ie job number 7112. I have only put data in secondary table for jobno's 6885 through to 7112, and even some of these have blank spaces.
Any ideas? Also how do i do a screen capture and dump in here so you can see relationships etc, which would be a whole lot easier to explain. thanks heaps Alastair:rolleyes:
I am building a database for a Real Estate business.
I have 2 tables tblPurchasers and tblVendors.
I intend to write a query that will match the requirements of the purchasers to the properties for sales (from the vendors).
My issue is this (best illustrated via an example);
I run my Query on the 1st April and four properties are produced as being suitable for purchaser 'A'.
Purchaser 'A' immediately deems properties 1 and 2 unsuitable and views property 3 on the 6th April. Property 3 is subsequently deemed unsuitable as well.
I re-run my qury on the 10th April and five properties are produced as now being suitable for purchaser 'A'.
Purchaser 'A' has already dismissed properties 1,2 and 3 so i don't want to show him these again ....... how do I just ensure that properties 4 and 5 appear ?
Purchaser 'A' has already dismissed properties 1,2 and 3 so I don't want to show him these again ....... how do I just ensure that properties 4 and 5 appear ?
Something involving a yes/no box on a form would be the best method for me of implementing this (as it would fit in with the scematic of the database to date).
I imagine the properties (with a small photo) appearing and tick boxes headed 'Unsuitable', 'Viewed' etc be used to dismiss properties, which do then not re-appear.
Detailed search cannot answer my time problem. Returning after long break in programming, I am trying to create a form to display TimeIn and TimeOut fields such that actioning an OnClick command (or separate tick-box), TimeIn field will hold current time for that record. Need to set the same for a TimeOut field. Both cases time always to be < 24 hours.
Am so rusty on MS Access putting default value as =now() produces an error!! Any basic help to wind up the old mind always appreciated.
Ok, I have access on my computer but my boss does not. (I use my personal laptop). When I finish my project is there a way to allow him to use it without access? Like can I just make it a windows application? If so can somebody please point me in the right direction? Thanks
Hi: I try to get the value in a real time. There are two subforms inside a mainform. First user enters value into mainform. Than comes to subform1. And after that on the basis of a choice in subform1, the 2nd subform is open. In 2nd subform i create a listbox with that query.
SELECT [tbl_Events].[PPVVOD_Outlet] FROM tbl_Events WHERE [tbl_Events].[ticketnum]=[Forms]![tbl_PPVResearch]![ticketnum];
But it shows empty. [tbl_Events].[PPVVOD_Outlet] is a subform1
History: MS Access 2003 Database up and running over 5 years Compact and repair daily 250 end users Security screen with log on to database
Problem: User signs on and everything runs smooth, then all of sudden can’t access some reports or forms. I call our IT people, usual fix is resetting the profiles. Now sometimes this works and sometimes it does not work. This problem just started a few weeks ago. I try to isolate the problem. I sign on his computer and have no problem. I have the user that is having the problem to sign on another computer same thing, he has problems. So to me it’s the user profiles right?. The IT people think it’s the database. I have tried about everything I can think of, but still have the problem. Also all the other users are up and running fine.
Now the only thing that I can say is, that we are getting up dates from Microsoft on a daily bases now. Our IT people would run them at night instead of during day. Do you think that could do anything to the database? I have spoken to them and they mention its security updates.
Can you give me any other direction that I can go? We are going to have a big pow wow meeting next week, I’ am trying to have something that I can go on.
Is it possible to control a lighting system from Access using a combination of VBA code or Active X add ons with some specialist hardware and cabling attached to the PC, etc ?
To be more specific, I've designed a Snooker Hall Management program and want to be able to turn the lights on over the Snooker table when you start a game in an Access form...My application has 8 tables but could be expanded obviously.
I'm happy with the Access side of things (first attempt at a real world solution, etc) but to be totally polished a hardware interface to control the lights would really create a 'wow' factor...
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated :)
My database is due tommorrow and my switchboard has gone crazy on me, it doesnt work anymore. When you scrolll your mouse it then goes through the links thats the only way to get to the section you want.
So question is this, whats the advantage of using it?
Cant I just set some hyperlinks to the items I want and it would be the same. Wondering cause dont know if I should spend time trying to fix it or just make hyperlinks...and its due tommorrow.
Hi, i know i have done this before but its been so long and i know its real simple so here goes:
Say i have a record in a table and i want to add records to that record in another table does simply creating a relationship between the two tables make sure the information is relevant to that record and how do i add more than 1 tables information to a form so i could show the record from the first table and say all of that persons orders from another table?
I am trying to create a database (duh!). At the moment, I have two tables. One table is a small timetable with the fields:
Day, Airline, Flight Number, Time, Origin, Destination, Aircraft
The other table (Delay) has the following fields:
Date, Day, Airline, Flight Number, Time, Origin, Destination, Delayed by.
I would like to do the following. In Delay I put in the date: 01/07/2005, fine. The Day (field format Date/Time dddd) is also 01/07/2005 which Access transofrms into the word "Friday". Airilne is BA. In Flight Numbers, I want the database to do a query on "TIMETABLE" to search all flights that operate on a Friday as some do not operate daily. (By the way in the 'Day' column of Timetable the values are "Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday" or "Monday Thursday Saturday" depending on the flight). This query/lookup should be performed right after I type 01/07/2005 in the "day" field of "Table: Delay". A lookup combo box should be displayed when I arrive at the field FLight Number. I select a flight (e.g.: BA001) and automatically the Time, Origin and Destination of the flight should appear in the "Table: Delay".
I have been unsuccessful at even getting past the first hurdle. I tried a query of the "Table: Timetable" and fields "Day" and "Flight Number". The Criteria I do not know what to put in. "Like [Delay]![Day]" or "[Delay]![Day]" does not help and brings up nothing. However, "Like *Monday*" does bring up all the flights which operate on a Monday. However isn't there some way of telling the query to automatically occur after I type in the relevant day in the "Delay" table? Futhermore I would like to avoid (but not totally exclude if it's impossible) macros as eventually I hope to publish this to SQL or whatever.
Okay, seems like it should be simple... maybe I'm wrong though:
Any one know how to do real-time counting of the number of characters in a text box so that once it reaches 3 it automatically moves to the next text box? (Doing a phone number ... area code (int) and phone (long) to make for a total of 6 bytes.)
I've tried several versions of code for the on-change event but I can't seem to find the right way to assess the number of characters currently in the control... I'm pensive about setting an invisible control to just 'count up' because the on-change event would stack it even with a deletion. See most recent attempt below...
Obrigado, ~Chad
Private Sub txtAreaPhone_Change() Dim bytCount As Byte Dim strAPhone As String
If IsNull(Me.txtAreaPhone) = False Then strAPhone = Cstring(Trim(Abs(Me.txtAreaPhone))) bytCount = Len(strAPhone) If bytCount = 3 Then Me.txtPhone.SetFocus Else End If Else
I have a form which im using to store records about companies that I have mailings with. The company name is my unique field as no two companies should have the same name. This form is accessed by several different people and data is input so I dont want duplicates of the company name being produced. Currently, the form wont save a record if it is duplicated but by then I would have filled out the entire form and wasted my time. Is there a way to do the following:
As I enter the company name it would look up exisitng company names. eg if i wanted to enter a new company called 'Dans Plumbing', I would type 'D' and below the text box would display a load of existing records starting with D. after that when I type 'Da' it would only display records starting with Da and so on. All being well, when I have finished typing the company name there should be nothing underneath so that I instantly know its not a duplicate and vice versa.
The possible duplicate doesn't have to be underneath it could auto complete IN the text box a bit like the address bar on a web browser.
I'm having multiple problems with my database like things such as -
i'm currently working on the Query 2 - On the Phone database (ignore Query 1) and i want to search for multiple plot numbers preferably in one parameter prompt with a comma to seperate numbers. (this could be a multitude of numbers so i would like to be able to input as many as needed). Also when i do search on this query since the Criteria is a 'Between' Value i would expect everything between the 2 numbers input to show up - but a lot of numbers out of the range show up too - why is this? (The Numbers are like "69 to 136" and they will show up - but 1-69 and 136-170 would too
I would also like to implement the search results from Query 2 into the Form i currently have made but it just opens up a access table when the search is made?
i cannot link my database as it is too big for the server - But here are the Criteria for Query 2:
Plot No - (criteria = Between [Enter First Plot No:] And [Enter Last Plot No:]) Site - (criteria = Like "*" & [Enter Site:] & "*") Product - (criteria = Like "*" & [Enter Product:] & "*"
The Query is the one im most concerned about , i can live without a form.
I have a query in which some of the field names were assigned a while back and don't make a lot of sense to the person who gets the report so I give them new labels in the query...for example:
I pull in the field AE_resp_req and in front of that I type in RM Response: AE_resp_req and when I run the query, the name for the field is RM Response and it works great. I have another field called Category_Rating that I pull into this query and I did the same thing: Exam Rating: Category_Rating (field name) but when I run the query it still says Category_Rating and I get no errors or messages..
Ok so in excel I have some numbers that are stored as text. The reason being that they are zip codes and some begin with 0 and excel doesn't want numbers to start with 0....so when I import these into an access field that has an input mask for zip codes...will it convert these correctly since the field is a text with input mask?
I have 2 fields that I would like to automate if possible
One field is called "p/o number" and another field called "line no"
These fields are part of an ordering database
Let say I have 200 items to purchase form 10 suppliers
And form example 20 items from each supplier
What I do at present is put the order number on each line item and the line number
p/o number line no
1 1 1 2 1 3
2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4
What I want to do is just put the first po number in the required line . Put the first line number in i.e. "1" and the macro will complete all the p/o numbers and line numbers for me as per the ones marked in red.