Record Addition To Trigger Sendobject

Sep 18, 2006

I am new to MS Access, and I am wondering if there is a way for Access to automatically send an email to a defined address everytime a record is added to a specific table? I have created an escalated issue table and I would need an employees manager to be notified automatically when a new record has been added to it.

Please help


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Modules & VBA :: Report Function To Trigger On Next Record

Jun 25, 2014

im working on an access report and would like a little vba script to run on when the page prints out the next record (mostly just need to hide/unhide a few objects and change the value of a variable on the report when it prints the next record)how i can trigger this (as there seems to be no onNextRecord event handler)

edit: upon a better inspection of the reports record source i realized that on next record doesnt actually work (i could force it to by adding a few new fields to queries and forcing endless loops), what i needs actually a lil more complicated

my report has a header, in the header is a field called productionNo, the record source has multiple instances of prodno's with countless duplicates, what i need is a function to trigger when the productionno changes, there will probably be a few pages with the same production number (theyd be grouped together though), so it should only trigger when the value changes, not when it stays the same

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Show Current Record Value From Table In Combobox In Addition To Query Results

May 3, 2015

I have a table, with a related value in another table. E.g. A Items table with a batch value from another table.

I have a form to enter how many of these items has been used and from which batch number they belong.

The batch number is from a dropdown, and batches can be finished(exhausted) and marked such in the table so they no more show in the dropdown.

All this works fine, until, I go back to a entry which was from a batch that has been finished. The combobox is empty although the (Already finished) batch number is mentioned in the table. This is perfectly normal as my query for the combobox is :


SELECT ItemBatch.ItemId, ItemBatch.ItemBatchNumber, ItemBatch.Finished, ItemBatch.ItemName
FROM ItemBatch
WHERE (((ItemBatch.Finished)=False)
AND ((ItemBatch.ItemName)=[Forms]![ItemMasterForm]![ItemDataSheet].[Form]![ItemName]));

What I want is to show the current batch number as well. I tried to make this query get the current value, but wasn't successful. I tried to make a calculated field based on the dropdown and show its value.

Is there any way I can show the batch number in the datasheet? I have to use a datasheet and not a form, because there will be many sub records for the main form, and having a form will be very uneasy.

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Modules & VBA :: Event That Trigger On Selecting A Record Of Subform

Jun 30, 2014

I've got a subform that im writing code for, once a user enters a value in one of the fields i want to make sure they cant change that field (and two other fields in that same record, though the rest of the fields are fine to edit at will)

I've got a function already written to validate the data in the record and decide whether or not the fields are enabled and disabled, however im having trouble finding an event in which to activate the function

Is there an event that triggers whenever a user selects a different record?

Any chart or list with all the handlers and how they trigger (in relation to each other) and when?

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Entering Field Value With Code Doesn't Trigger New Record With AutoNumber

Jan 4, 2006

In trying to respond to another thread, I have run into something that is confounding me (or maybe I'm just getting dense).

We have a subform. One field has an event on DblClick to launch a search form. When the user identifies the target, he/she clicks a button on the subform. This pushes the appropriate value into a field on the original subform using VBA code and closes the search form. This all works fine.

The behaviour that is driving me bugging is when the user clicks on a new record (i.e. new line) on the subform, we would like to automatically generate the next record (E.g. when you type in a field of a record with autonumber in datasheet mode, Access automatically generates the next record). Currently this doesn't happen - Access generates the PK for the record being modified, but doesn't generate the view of the next record.

What really confuses me is that I have created similar looking example in which this works just fine. I can't figure out which of the differences between the two samples is causing this behaving.

Also, typing information into the field on the subform does cause the next record to be generated. It is just doing this via code that works in one case but not another.

I have narrowed it down to the actual subform. Even as a standalone form the form exhibits the same behaviour.

For reference, the original thread is

Any suggestions?


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How To Make Creation Of A Record In A Table Trigger Creation Of New Table

Jul 17, 2013

I have a table that is a list of all of my events. Each record of events should have a child table that list all of the things that happened at the event. When a new record (event) is added how can I have a new child table created and linked to that record. Also I have a blank table to serve as a template for what each child should look like. How do I make sure this occurs? The child tables can have the same name as the index. I am just using numbers 1- for the index with 1 being the first event and so on?

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Help With Sendobject!!!

Oct 19, 2005

Hey Guys,

I have the sendobject currently working so that when the database is opened, it sends the required mail. But i would like it to send an email once a month, is there a way around this??

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Nov 23, 2005

Does anybody know if it's possible, using the SendObject command, to change the Name of the attachment it creates? Rather than having the Name of say the report, changing it to tha date/time.

Any help appreciated.

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Jul 25, 2005

hi, i have a form which shows all of the transaction that have happened in the business, a field in the form is 'logged by'. The 'logged by' field records the name of the person who completed the transaction. For monitoring the employees performance i have created a query which shows all of the transactions each employee has done, ie there is a promt for the users name to be typed in, then all there transactions are brought up. I now want to produce a report off this, but with the total of transactions the particular employee has done at the top of each page of the report. Basically i want the value it says in the record selectors at the bottom of the record, the total number of each employees transactions. I have tried doing a calculation in the query, adding the amount of auto numbers up, but that doesnt work. Not really sure where i should start from..any tips? :confused:

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Addition With 0

Feb 28, 2008

My update function does not always work properly, especially when one of the fields is 0 or blank.How could i improve my function so that when addding wih 0 not to give 0 ?

My function is the following:
Public Function dummy()
StrSQL = " UPDATE (products1 INNER JOIN products ON products1.Productid = products.Productid) INNER JOIN [Order Details1] ON " & _
" products1.Productid = [Order Details1].productid SET products1.items1 = [order details1].[quantity]+[products1].[items1]"
End Function

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Addition According To ID

Feb 11, 2015

I've a access table like below

I want to make a query which will first findout the duration of time by "Starting-Ending" and then add the result according to ID. For example below

ID Duration
1 17:05
2 14.30
3 7:00

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Help On SendObject Error

Nov 2, 2007

Hello everyone,

The DoCmd.SendObject command was working fine. Now it is giving me
a run-time error '2501' saying "The SendObject action was canceled"
Would anyone know why this is happening??

PS:I looked up for this error number but it doesn't say anything related to the SendObject method

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Text Box Addition

Jun 8, 2005

I have a form. Is there a way when you click the record selector at the bottom of a form it will out increment the text box.

heres what id like to do:
txtnum = 21
hit record selector.
goto record 2
txtnum = 22
hit record selector
goto record 3
txtnum = 23

Is this possible? Also these are new records that the record selector is choosing. So they will be blank.

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Promotions And Addition

May 24, 2005

Hi all,
I have a table with the number of existing staff per department separated by their corporate level. I am able to use a query to display the number of staff per month( on).

Since there will be staff changes such as promotions or new staff additions, I need to cater for that. Thus, I created separate tables for each case.(tblNewStaff & tblReclassStaff) The idea is to use a form to allow the users to choose which staff to promote (reclassification in corporate level)where the user just has to specify which month the change is in. A separate form is used to add new staff.

However, I am having problems trying to figure out how to make changes to the Number of Staff per month after such changes. New staff are added as new records while reclassifications will alter the current numbers. Both has been dogging me.

Is there a way to dynamically generate this through a query? Or is there a better way to go about doing this? The numbers collected will be used to calculate incremental salary etc...

Thanks for any help! My brain is fried after trying to solve this problem the past two days...

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Addition Query

Dec 14, 2006

Hey everyone,
I have a form that acts as a survey asking 11 questions total. Each field in my table is called material1, material2, ect. I have a total field in my table that I would like to be the sum and was told that I have to do this through a query. My only problem is when i query it only gives me the sum of Question 1, 2 ect and does total them all. Can someone nudge me in the right direction as I am relatively new to this. i appreciate everyones help on this forum.

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Addition Within A Query

May 31, 2007

I have a query which returns selected rows from my table, one of the columns in the table is price.

I want to total the price into a text box on the form and run the query in the 'on current' event of the form so it recalculates depending on the record

can anyone give me a pointer please?


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Addition From A Text Box

Sep 11, 2006

Hey guys, I'm trying to set up a small inventory database. On my form i want the user to be able to add and subtract from the item amount by typing in the text box a number, if the number is positive then i want it to add it to the table's existing number, if the number is negative then i want it to reduce my existing number. The number in the table will be contained in a different text box on the form. I'm sure i need to do some sort of expression builder, preferably upon enter. and i'm not sure if the form would need to refresh for the number to update? Could any of you guide me to the correct path? Thanks in advance -John

PS oh after it updates i would like it to clear the text box and then redirect focus to a different box but i think that is just basic coding

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Addition Problem

Dec 17, 2004

I have records that go by name(cfr_Name) with a charge amount(cfr_charge). Now the charge can have up to 5 diiferent charges per name. Most likely it will be the same charge 5 times. i dont want access to add the 5 charge amounts i want it to dispaly one value. So if it is 20.00 display 20.00. But if the person appears again with 5 records and a charge of 30.00 i want it to display the persons name and 50.00? so i am adding only two values not 10. If the charge field has a value of 20.00 for 5 records the vaule is 20.00. so if one set of 5 records has a value of 20.00 and another set has 30.00 the total in query would be 50.00

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Dropdownbox Addition

Aug 1, 2006

I want to have a dropdown box in a form but allow additions to be made, but after they are made, instead of them not showing up in the box like usual, I want them to become a part of the list. Plz help! Thanks

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Dissapearing Text On SendObject

Nov 28, 2006

Currently running a Sendobject to auto email results of a query. One of the fields on the Table that the query looks at contains large amounts of punctuated(paragraphs etc) text, so format is set to 'Memo' to avoid the character limit.
If i just run the query all the text will appear in the tabulated results view,
however when I use the Sendobject function to run & send as Excel, only the first few words appear in the relevant cell in the spreadsheet, but if I run & send as any other format all the text appears.

Any ideas??

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SendObject To More Than One Email Address

Dec 14, 2004

The code below works for the one email address "Quality Assurance"...but I want to add more email values to SendObject command.
If I do this: stEmail = Me.Quality_Assurance_Authorizer.Column(1) And Me.Engineering_Authorizer.Column(1)..... I get a Runtime error '13' Type mismatch. Is there another way of including a series of email values into the SendObject code below? The reason I'm using the value of the column is that sometimes the value may be null if that department doesnt need to be emailed. Thanks for any help.

Private Sub cmdPCAuthSend_Click()

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stEmail As String

stDocName = "rptPCAuthReq"
stEmail = Me.Quality_Assurance_Authorizer.Column(1)
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, stDocName, "SnapshotFormat(*.snp)", stEmail, , , "PCA Authorization Request", "Please review this product change and authorize when appropriate."

Exit Sub

End Sub

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DoCmd.SendObject AcReport

Jan 26, 2005

I am trying to find a way to use the "DoCmd.SendObject acReport" feature WITHOUT using Outlook. Does anybody know of any code or a setting that will enable me to specify another e-mail program, such a Thunderbird?

I should add that I am using Access 2002, SP3, running in Windows XP Professional, Version 2002, Service Pack 2.



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Addition Of Data In Two Tables

Sep 9, 2007

i have two tables - all fields are same in two tables.

Table1.salary, Table1.Interest, Table1.Bonus
Table2.salary, Table2.Interest, Table2.Bonus

now i want to add these values and put in a thirs table.


pls help me.
can i do it with help of Query, Macro or any other method.

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Addition Of Data In Two Tables

Sep 9, 2007

i have two tables - all fields are same in two tables.

Table1.salary, Table1.Interest, Table1.Bonus
Table2.salary, Table2.Interest, Table2.Bonus

now i want to add these values and put in a third table.


pls help me.
can i do it with help of Query, Macro or any other method.

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Addition With Null Values

Feb 28, 2007

Hi all,i am running a query that (as part of it) returns a total time.. using a formula i found on this site. this formula uses a start and end time and works wonders. works!IIf([StartTime]<[EndTime],DateDiff("n",[StartTime],[EndTime]),1440-DateDiff("n",[EndTime],[StartTime]))/60my problem however is an option that i need my users to have to enter a time not based on a start end time, but a "OtherTime" if u will. (ie they have 4 hours instead of writeing 1:00 - 5:00) already changed this from default value null to 0... (which i didnt wanna have to do cuz it messes up the query)Doesnt Work(IIf([StartTime]<[EndTime],DateDiff("n",[StartTime],[EndTime]),1440-DateDiff("n",[EndTime],[StartTime]))/60)+[OtherTime]i want the total time in the query to show the 4 hours, but it is leaving it blank. i am guessing that it is because my start end times are blank(null) is there a way to add a if statement into a query expression that will bypass this? Tried, but thats invalid in a query expressionTotalTime: If IsNull [StartTime] Then =[OtherTime]Else IIf([StartTime]<[EndTime],DateDiff("n",[StartTime],[EndTime]),1440-DateDiff("n",[EndTime],[StartTime]))/60+[OtherTime] end if

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Field Addition Complication

Aug 15, 2005

Hello again...

I got almost everything working on the form except for the Grand Total feature.

I tried the


and so on and so forth to the point it would add all the fields up into a grand total.

The only problem I run into is it won't add them up unless there is at least a value of $0.00 in the field. Which makes it look VERY cluttered since on average only 1/3 of the forum will be used regularly.

Is there any way to make it show the grand total even if a field is blank?

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