Record Selector Sync

Aug 27, 2006

I have a table with fields ID, NAME, ITEM, QUANTITY and DATE_IN. I have a query "qry_Logged_In" based on the table. I then have a form based on the query.

I created a combo box as a "go to record" selector and used the following Row Source:

SELECT DISTINCTROW qry_Logged_In.ID, qry_Logged_In.NAME, qry_Logged_In.ITEM, qry_Logged_In.QUANTITY, qry_Logged_In.DATE_IN FROM qry_Logged_In ORDER BY [ID];

On the After Update proceudre I have the following code:

Sub Combo135_AfterUpdate()
' Find the record that matches the control.
Me.RecordsetClone.FindFirst "[ID] = " & Me![Combo135]
Me.Bookmark = Me.RecordsetClone.Bookmark
End Sub

It works fine, but one thing I would like is that as I toggle through records using the record selector (forward/backward) buttons, I would like for the record number in my combo box to also change keeping in sync with the record number. Unfortunately, it currently stays to the number I last selected in the combo box.

Any suggestions on how to make the record number showing in my combo box to change with the record number?


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Modules & VBA :: Highlight Record On Click Record Selector In Continuous Form

Oct 23, 2014

I would like to highlight record when user will click Record Selector in the continuous form. How to do it?

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Problem With SubForm - Record Selector Always Jumps To First Record

May 29, 2006

In the zip-file attached below is my "problem" database. (to see the problem open frmLedenArtikels)
On top of the form just select a name from the combo box, the subform then lists the items that person has bought on a certain date. So very easy form.

The problem is the following. When I try to add items to the subform, the record selector in the subform always automatically jumps back to the first record in the subform. this is very annoying and I have totally no clue why this is happening.

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Record Selector

May 9, 2006


Does anyone know how to remove the "Record ID" from the record selector? I want to be able to traverse from one record to the next, however I do not want the field representing what record it is on showing up ( if that makes any sense).


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Preventing Record Selector, Creating New Record

May 18, 2005

Hi All,
I have a form that when loads, runs some VBA on the "On Current" event.
Some of that code, fills in text boxes, with concatenated (?) strings.
So every time I use the record selector and get to the end of all the records, the "On Current" fires adds the concatenated string (even if it's empty), and that then becomes a new record! Is there some way i can prevent this, but still keep the "On Current" event, some type of logic I could run before the concatenations etc.

Any Help would be appreciated.



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Remove Record Selector

Mar 22, 2006

How do I remove a record selector from a subform? I went to the actual form for the subform and went into design view. I changed the record selector to NO and it is still there.

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Change Color Of Record Selector

May 11, 2006

I set the white background color. But, the record selector is grey color. Can I change the white color of the record selector bar?

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Sync A DSUM To A Record

Oct 13, 2005


Could someone help with showing me how to sync a DSUM to a record as i am currently summing all the records instead of the ones i need?


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Record Selector In 2007 - One Click At A Time

Mar 5, 2008

In Access 2007, I don't seem to be able to scan through a few records by holding down the advance record arrow in tables liked I used to?!
Am I missing something here, it worked in the same way in all other versions, the same as if you use the mouse wheel, it should run through each record in turn.

Is there a way to change this? I've been through all the settings I can think of...

Thanks guys


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How To Disable Back Button Of Record Selector

Aug 17, 2005

How can i disable back button of record selector, i dont want my user to fiddle with the data which is already entered.

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Hide Record Selector In Datasheet View

May 25, 2006

Can anyone confirm (or otherwise) that you can't set the record selector property to 'no' in a datasheet view form? (well, you can set it to 'no' but it seems to have no effect)


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Forms :: Subform Record Selector Moving?

Aug 21, 2014

When moving from a subform back to the mainform and requerying one of the mainform controls, the record selector of the subform moves back to its first record. ...

GoToRecord (,,Next) '(in the subform-this is correct)
Object Type Form
Object Name pv '(go back to the main form)
In Database Window No
GoToControl (SubTot)

Requery (SubTot)If I remove the Requery, the record selector remains where it is supposed to be. The SubTot data source does include the aggregate dsum value of the subform's underlying table. What is strange is that this has been running properly for many years until it was upgraded from .mdb to .accdb format. Is there an easy way to make the record selector stay put?

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Forms :: Combo Record Selector Using Either ID Or Username

Jul 19, 2013

My problem is related to an Access database, where an auto complete Combo box is used to select a client record by entering the ID number or the clients name. EG: 14034 or Bloggs,Fred. This problem has me puzzled (not difficult to do).I have seen this in a functioning DB. I can see that maybe the ID (a long integer) would have to be stored or converted to a string on the fly.

I am currently using Access 2007 but 2010 and 2013 are available (prefer 2007 as MS keep moving things around ).I am currently selecting a client record using either an ID select Combo or a ClientName Combo and works very well. But, after seeing it done in one Combo box, it just seems so elegant.

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Forms :: Stop Record Selector On Form?

Nov 15, 2013

I am using Access 2013. I have a form with 2 subforms, each time the form is opened, the first record on both subforms are selected. Is there a way to turn off the record selector so no records are selected when the form opens?

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Forms :: Combo Box Record Selector AfterUpdate Macro

Jun 18, 2015

I have a form that has a Combo box record selector which works fine. I need to add more to the Where condition of this macro.

Combo1 - Options 1-Facility, 2-Physician (referral_type)

Combo2 - Record selector that works, either shows a list of facilities or list of physicians.
Macro SearchForRecord - Where Condition ="[fac_id] = " & Str(Nz([Screen].[ActiveControl].[Column](0),0))

Would like it to be

="[fac_id] = " & Str(Nz([Screen].[ActiveControl].[Column](0),0)) AND [referral_type] = Me!Combo2

Have tried a few different things with no luck.

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ActiveX Color Selector ?

Nov 30, 2004

For selecting a Date /time value, I use activex control DTPicker5... What Activex object, or infact any object, can I use to select a color value ?

your answers will be appreciated


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Need Help With Subform Sync

Feb 23, 2005


I am really stuck - I have a form of companies with a subform of contacts.

In the DB (SQL) the tables are related one to many CoKey to ContactCoKey.

How do I synch these so any new contact record automatically gets a "new" ContactKey as well as the related ContactCoKey?


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Cant Get Pop-up To Sync With Sub-form?

May 31, 2005

Hi Gang,

I am using Access 2000.

I have a Main form that displays a sub-form. On the sub-form is a image box that displays a jpeg associated with the current record. The jpegs are stored outside of the db as links and the links are stored in a table in a field called Image1Lrg_Path. Due to the GUI design the image box is a set size = 4cms X 5cms.

On the sub-form I have a cmd button that when clicked should open a seperate pop-up form that *should* display a large version of what ever jpeg is being displayed on the sub-form. The user would then have to close this pop-up to return to the db in order to continue scrolling through the records as normal.

Main Form = frmPlant_Main
Sub-Form = frmPlant_Sub1
Sub-Form Control = Garden_Sub
Image Box = Image1

pop-up form = frmLargeImage1
pop-up Image Box = Image1Lrg

Here's my problem:

If I set the pop-up form up a normal form and have a linked control on it (to display the image) and a text box (in which to type in the image path and name) and a cmd button that, when clicked, sets the image box to the value of the text box. Then this all works great, what ever jpeg file name I type in the text box, providing it exists of course, is displayed when I click the command button. Iset it up this way first as a test to see if I could get the image displayed OK.

Just for reference, here is the code I use for the command button;

-------------------------Code Start---------------------------

Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command1_Click

Me!Image1Lrg.Picture = Me!Image1Lrg_Path.Value

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command1_Click

End Sub
----------------------Code End--------------------------------

Now, if I try to link the pop-up to the image being displayed in the sub-form Access throws up "Can't find the form" errors.Just while I set this up, I am using the cmb button to set the path but in the final db I will want the pop-up form to select what ever jpeg is being displayed on the sub-form as its path.

Can any one suggest how I can get this to work?

Again, for reference, here is the code that I am trying to use when linking the image in the pop-up with that shown on the sub-form;

-------------------------Code Start---------------------------

Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command1_Click

Me!Image1Lrg.Picture = Forms![frmPlant_Main]![Garden_Sub].Form![Image1_Path].Value

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command1_Click

End Sub
----------------------Code End--------------------------------

My grateful thanks in advance,


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Independant Selector Controls Per Sub-form Row

Jul 12, 2005

I'm new to Access so apologies in advance if this occurs as simple-headed...

Given a group identifier (e.g. department) I want to display a list of members (e.g. employees) in that group. So I use a sub-form in datasheet view.

Now I want to associate an independant checkbox with each row so that I can identify partiuclar members for some action (e.g. assign to a project).

Thus, I need to set up the checkboxes on each rsub-form ow and then be able to probe them later and get their state and any other info on the row (e.g. key(s) for the individual members).

All help / advice / references welcome!

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Sync With Computer Clock

Jan 18, 2006


My question there any way to get Access to work out the actual day of the week from a date entered into the computer? The reason for this is...I am designing and implimenting a bookings data base for a village hall, and I wish access to automatically store what day of the week it will be on the specified date, in a field called 'Day'. I need this field to produce a report for the week ahead, showing exactly what is in on which day of the week. Is there any way this can be done? Or do the days just have to be typed in manually, i.e. check a calendar and type them in? I would appreciate it if anyone could give me info...on ANY way this can be it store the dates in a table or use a giant Iif statement or whatever! And the tags necessary would be helpful,

Thank-you for your help in advance, and i apologise for such a lengthy post!

Please get in touch directly through or alternatively post the answer here.


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How Do You Sync An Unmanaged Replica?

Mar 14, 2008

I need the same database as managed and unmanaged in repl manager, I think.

My replica set got scrwd up and now I need to re add an unmanaged replica.

Previously the map displayed a scheduled synchronization line to the replica not managed by synchronizer.

I can add the unmanaged replica, but how do I add the synchronization line?

Do I need the same replica added to the map 2x? 1 managed and the other unmanaged?

i tried uploading 2 bmp files to show the way it was and is now but i dont see them, how do u add bmps to post?

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Sync Two Forms To One Table

Mar 16, 2006

Does anyone have any idea how to sync two forms so that I can create one record in a table from the pair of them.

I have a form which is so big that I have had to place a continuation to a new form on it. However, when I move to the new form, the data is placed into a new record instead of continuing on from where it left off.

Someone please help



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Sync Tabbed Form

Feb 25, 2008

I have a Tabbed form where one of the tabs shows about 20 rows of a table. Another tab shows a single record from that table with all the fields for that record.

I want to be able to move from tab to tab and and stay on the same record (hopefully that's clear).

What is the cleanest approach... any suggestions?


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How To Sync Up Fields Within Databases

Feb 23, 2006

I have written a application that uses an Access database. I have a table that displays the following information.

Customer Name
Customer Phone
Customer Address
Shipping status

Now in my application I am displaying these 4 things in a data grid. But here is the problem. The shipping team updates their database daily with the new Shipping status. So to get the latest shipping status I created a linked table, lets call is link_shipping. Now All I have to do is somehow get the shipping status field from link_shipping and update the respective table in my database with this info.

To do this I created a query. but now I am having to manually go into my database and run this query to make sure the shipping dates sync up. How can I do this in a better way. The only thing I can think of is to find some way to automate the running of this query every day. But I dont know how to do this. Can anyone suggest anything here.

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Linked Table Not In Sync

Jun 25, 2014

Yesterday my work's IT department moved a network drive to another location. The old location still worked as read-only. I have two Access databases: One contains the tables and the other contains the forms and queries, and has links to the tables in the other files. In order to avoid having to use the linked table manager every time I move the databases, I use the networkaddress notation instead of drive letters, such that the database with the linked tables was pointing to the old, read-only location. I deleted the linked tables and relinked to them using the new location, and noticed that there was a discrepancy of 30 records I had entered through the forms not showing up once I linked to the tables in the new location.

It was clear that the database I use to enter data never actually inserted those records into the linked tables, but still acted as though it had in that it showed all records. Once I deleted the linked tables and linked to them again, those records completely disappeared. What's odd to me is that I'd entered these data into the database over a week ago. Why does Access take so long to synchronize the data between the linked tables and the actual tables? Are there any settings I can change to make sure the data are synchronized when I exit the application? Is it the ODBC refresh interval? If the default is 25 minutes (1500 seconds), does it mean that the data are never synchronized if I don't keep the database open for at least that long?? This is really puzzling.

I was able to go back to the old network location and get the old database showing all the records it's supposed to have. I had it import the linked tables as local tables and it looks like the local tables contain all records. This is not an ideal solution, but at least it seems like I recovered all the data.

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Queries :: Basic Date Selector Query

May 10, 2013

I'm attempting to create a very basic database for a school project. It is a property management database, and I am attempting to create a query that selects properties listed within the last 45 days. I'm unsure how to code this in the build field of the query.

Field: Date_Available
Table: Property_Table
Show: (Ticked)
Criteria: (This is the part I am trying to code but am unfamiliar with the syntax)

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