Record Sick Leave Via Access

Apr 13, 2011

I am trying to create a database to record employee sick leave and to indicate when an employee has surpass they allotted sick leave yearly.

I have the following tables and attributes

Employee Table
ID#, FName, MInitial, LName

Status Table

Transaction Table


Category indicates if a person is Temporary, Appointed or Substitute and Allocation indicates how many sick days is allocated per category yearly. I place both in the same table so when the status is selected the allocation is autofill

I am thinking of creating a form with the Employee Table info at top and a subform with the status and the transaction information.

I would like when a new year begins the sick days not used is discarded and a new allocation of days per employee is generated also when an employees status is change how to deal with that. When an employee used all of there sick days is there a way to have all those names display when you open the database.

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Only Works If I Leave And Reenter Record

Oct 5, 2005

I have an unbound text box that displays when certain criteria exits, which I placed in the Form's properties, "On Current" ...

If [Decor6Date] <= Date - 30 And [NonrecommendQuestion] = 0 And IsNull([DateDecReceived]) Then

[LateDecoration2] = "Late Decoration"


[LateDecoration2] = ""

End If

I then made a timer event to show/flash the message

Me!LateDecoration2.Visible = Not (LateDecoration2.Visible)

Everything works fine ... the problem is the message will only flash if I exit the record then return to the record. How can I fix that problem? I tried Refresh ... no luck.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Previous Payperiod Ending Sick Time

Jan 15, 2006

Hello - I have a database that is almost finished but unsure on the final calculations and how to get the correct data to flow to the next payperiod.

Each payperiod someone enters all staff members hourly time, vacation time used, sick time used, etc... Depending on the staff members status (fulltime or parttime), they accumulate a certain amount of sick and vacation hours but can never exceed the maximum in any given payperiod.

I have a query (which is dependent upon another query) that calculates the beginning sick time, sick time used, sick time earned, and gives me the remaining sick time and it works fine for the first payperiod.

However, I do not understand how I can get the remaining sick time to become the beginning sick time for the next payperiod. Is this done in the same query? A different query? A different method?

I have been beating my head against the wall for several days. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

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Me.Undo Leave Autoincrement !?!

Jan 27, 2005

Hi there,

I've a button that position the table on a new record:

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

And I create a button to cancel that action:


But the code field (autoincrement) continues autoincrementing! Explaning:

1. I click on "Add" button
2. The table's positioned on autoincrement code #1
3. I click on "Cancel" button
4. The register is cancelled, it isn't includded on table
5. I click on "Add" button
6. The table's positioned on autoincrement code #2 and the #1 isn't exists...

How it's happen? How I solve it?


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Employees Leave Management

Nov 2, 2005

Hai guys Iam looking out for a sample DB for employees leave management.
# With leave application form
# Leave approval form
# Leave status
# All with username and password

Kindly help me out.

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Reports :: How To Leave Out All The Values That Are 0

Jul 10, 2013

I am trying to select a few values for my report, can this be done in the report design view or do I have to make a query and take from that?

I am using access 02!

EDIT: I want to leave out all the values that are 0!

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Leave Fields That Are NULL Out Of Query

Apr 26, 2006


I have 2 tables... one with 'answers' (on questions) and one with these 'questions'.
Now I want to show the questions with their answers on a rapport
(based on a query) .. but only these whereby the answer-field is NOT NULL..

So I have already:
ansques1: IIf([answers.1] Is Null;Null;[questions.1]+" "+[questions.1])

But now if the answer-field is NULL, then the ansques-field is also NULL...
I want if the answer-field is NULL, to have no new field.. like ansques1.. just want to leave it out of the query... can someone help me with this?

Thanks in advance,


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Queries :: Sum To Work Out Annual Leave

Mar 6, 2015

I have a database with shifts in for staff. They have a bunch of times in and times out over a four week period. I have gotten an average weekly amount of hours for each staff member based on this but I need another equasion to work out their leave entitlement. It breaks down like this...

Average weekly hours x 5.6 x number of days working in this period (ie start date and end of financial year day count) divided by number of days in the financial year (ie 1/4/2015 - 31/3/2016 day count)

I'm just wondering of a way to do the day count based on me keying in the start date of the staff member (default 1/4/2015) and that access can work out the days in that financial year left and the actual days in that financial year.

It sounds simple enough but I want to get it to automate based on my start date.

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Calendar Database To Track Employee Leave

Sep 14, 2013

Trying to modify this calendar database to track employee leave. I need the calendar form (frmCalendar) to show all employee leave on the calendar using the "Show All" command button on click event. This works if I specify a uID (UserID from employee table) in the code, but only for that specific employee. I need all employees at the same time up on the calendar so I can see if there is more than one employee off on any given day.

Events or leave is populated on the form through "Private Sub DisplayEvents" and the mdlCalendar module.

Using Access 2010

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Combing Tables With 'Union' Statement Leave A Column

Jan 4, 2006

I inadvertently deleted my previous thread. Sargeant reply to my previous thread recommending using the 'Union' statement. I did and below are the results. Below is what I used. Please advise. Thanks again ! ! !

SELECT Table1.Column1, Table1.Column2, ""
FROM Table1
UNION SELECT Table2.Column1, "", Table2.Column3
FROM Table2;


Column1 Column2 Column3

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General :: Click On Image In Form And Leave A Mark

Jan 30, 2013

I have a form with an image embedded in it. I want to be able to click on the image and leave a "dot" or "mark" where i have clicked, allowing me to click in multiple places on the image and leave multiple "dots"

I am assuming i need to crate a new shape each time i click, how is this done?

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Forms :: How Move To Next Record After Fill Mask In First Record In Access Form

Jun 27, 2013

How move to next record (without enter) after fill mask in first record in access form?

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New Record In Access 97

Mar 3, 2005

Hi All,

I have learnt VBA in access 2000, and am now working in a place which uses access 97. I am having some trouble in creating a new record, by memory all I used to have to do is;


However, this does not seem to work within 97?

Can someone point me in the right direction?


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Add New Record In Access

Sep 26, 2004

Anyone know how to determine in access if a user is adding a new record of editing a current one.

I have two buttons on my for. One is add new record which does the following when clicked...

Public Sub AddRec_Click() 'Add supplier record
On Error GoTo Err_AddRec_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
SaveRec.Enabled = False ' Disable the save button
UndoChanges.Enabled = True 'Enable the undo button
DisableSupplierNavigation ' procedure to lock the navigation buttons
unlocksupplierfields 'procedure to Unlock the supplier form fields for text entries

SupplierIdUpdate = "" 'Clear the supplier id update string
SupplierName.SetFocus 'Set focus on supplier name filed
NewSupplier! = True 'Update the test variant for record adding test
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_AddRec_Click

End Sub

All works fine. However, if we check the NewSupplier! test contents outside this procedure we get =0 instead of -1. Big problem as we can not determine if user is adding a record or editing one.

Any suggestions on how to make these determinations in access?

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Getting A Record From Access

Aug 4, 2006

I'm trying to retrieve some information from MS Access and display it but I have very little experience with ASP (I was trained in ASP.Net )

Right now my code looks like this and doesn't return anything:

Dim ConnectionString
ConnectionString = "DATA PROVIDER=MICROSOFT.JET.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=" & vPath & ";"

Dim Connection
Set Connection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Connection.ConnectionTimeout = 30
Connection.CommandTimeout = 80
Connection.Open ConnectionString

Dim rs
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")

rs.Open "SELECT ItemStatusId FROM Users WHERE UserName = '" & session("UserName") & "'", Connection, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic

do while not rs.EOF
for each item in rs.Fields

set rs = nothing

Set Connection = nothing

The problem shouldn't be the SQL statement because if I create a query right in Access using that statement it works exactly how I want it to.

When I run the page this is on the page times out and gives me this error:
Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0113'

Script timed out


The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can change this limit by specifying a new value for the property Server.ScriptTimeout or by changing the value in the IIS administration tools.

If I remove just the "Do While" loop, the page will run instantly but obviously it won't display what I am looking for.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.


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Add Files To An Access Record

Jan 24, 2007


Complete Access Newbie here. I am trying to create a Customer Complaints / Quality Assurance database and I am pretty much sorted except for one final thing that I wouldn't mind doing.

Because there is often a lot of support evidence with a complaint I wish to add this electronically to a record (it could be a Word Doc, Excel, jpg...etc..etc). So that whenever there is a link to the document to the supporting document on the record.

So really looking for an Add (and Browse for button) on the Form for each record.

Hope I have my dilema clear. Thanks. :)

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Starting Access At The Last Record Instead

Mar 23, 2005

When you start access it usually starts at the beginning of the file. How can I make it start at the last entry?

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SQL- Select Record From Access

Mar 23, 2007

I have designed an UserForm in Excel, the aim is to copy selected data from Access (tblIndex) to Excel. The form of the Access database is as following:
Country Type Date Index
....... ...... ...... ......

The UserForm contains a ListBox "ListCountry" and a ComboBox "ListType" to select country and type, and a ListBox named "ListCT" with two columns for selected country and type, and two TextBox (TextDateSta and TextDateEnd) for the user to Type in start date and end date. What I want to do is to copy the records of the selected Country, Type, and Index from the start date to end date. I suppose I should use SQL like:

strSELECT = "SELECT tblIndex.*"
strFROM = "SELECT tblIndex"

strWHERE, I do not know how to define the condition here. The clause below is what I mean, but it looks weird and it does not work.

Num = LiqForm.ListCT.ListCount
For i = 0 To Num - 1
strWHERE = "WHERE tblIndex.Type = LiqForm.ListCT.List(i,0) AND _
tblIndex.Country = LiqForm.ListCT.List(i,1) AND _
tblIndex.Date > LiqForm.TextBoxSta.Text AND tblIndex.Date < LiqForm.TextBoxEnd.Text"

Next i

strSQL = strSELECT & strFROM & strWHERE

Could anyone give me some clue?
many thanks

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Add A Record Using VB In Access 2000

Oct 13, 2004

I am getting a type mismatch error when I try to set up a recordset to add a record to. Here is the code:

Dim MyDb As Database
Dim MySet As Recordset
Set MyDb = CurrentDb
Set MySet = MyDb.OpenRecordset("GAME STATUS",dbOpenTable,dbAppendOnly)

I am getting the error at the Set MySet = MyDb.Openrecordset("GAME STATUS") statement. I needed to add some reference libraries to get the Database type to work as Access was just installed on this computer. Is there another library that I need to install to get the recordset definition to work or am I just doing something wrong? Thanks in advance for your help.

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Update Record In Access Using ASP

Aug 20, 2006

Hi Guys

Help needed on probably a newbie issue.

I am trying to update a field in my DB called USER_TYPE this can be either a 0 or 1. below is code I am trying to use... stop s******ing lolol

Code:SQL = "Update CustRecords SET CUST_TYPE=1 WHERE id="&id

Help truly needed!!


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Subtract From One Record And Add To Another In Access

Jul 11, 2012

In my database I have a list of organizations with a certain goal. If that organization can not hit that goal we have to "reallocate" the left over goal to another organization. As it stands now I have the following fields, Goal (which should stay stagnant), change (to either subtract from one organization and add to another) and New. What I would like to do is have a way to have a way to calculate if there is a change to maybe have a drop drown that when the change is subtracted I can add that to "new" of another organization.

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MS Access Record-Locking Information

Mar 31, 2006


I have a question.

Does anybody know about "MS Access Record-Locking Information"?

And, the file extension is .xxx

Only one person can open the file.

Does anybody explain to me and teach me how to make/solve it?
Or, offer the link about it to me?

I want to know that.

Thanks a lot.

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Access Record Transfer To Excel

Aug 8, 2006

Hey all,

Just a quick question to see if something is possible or not.

Basically i have a form which the users record errors which have happened with deliveries of our product and have to select the reason why this happened. What i have been asked to do is when the users are entering the reason 'incorrect address', they want to be able to click on a button and everything which they have entered for that record are appended to an excel spreadsheet. The are currently entering it twice...once in my database and once in a spreadsheet and they just want to reduce their workload.

This transfer of data is only needed when that specific reason is chosen from my combo box, no other reason. I don't have much knowledge of Excel, i was just wondering if this type of thing wa possible and if anyone could put me in the right direction. I have had a search for my problem, but havn't found anything similar to my pro. yet.

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Access Record Locking Confusion

Oct 6, 2006

In OPTIONS -> Advanced I have the option Open Database using Record-Level locking ticked.

What is strange is record level locking works on Form1 (Form1.recordlocks= Edited) as long as Form2 has Form2.recordlocks = No Locks. If I change the Form2.recordlocks = Edited, Form1's locking becomes page level locking.

This is even true if Form2 is not open...

Additionally, Form2's locking is always page level locking if Form2.recordlock = edited.

I would like all my forms to perform RECORD level locking not page Level locking. How do I accomplish this.

I've been trying to resolve this issue for about 2 months now but no answers from the community.

Thanks for any comments.

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[B]How To Stop Access From Saving The Record When The[/B]

May 25, 2007


I need to know how to stop access from saving the record when the
subform query is on focus?


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Access And Multiple Record Formats

Aug 11, 2005

I need to build a output text file (edi) with 500 byte records and up to 6 different record formats. Can anyone point me to any information/links that would help me understand how to do this?

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