Record Time Spent Task?

Jul 9, 2014

I am using the Issues Template Database and would like to add a function to it.

I would like to record each time spent task/ action when working on an issue.

For example:
- Email
- Phone Call
- Report

So, say I wanted to add one Report- time taken 30mins and record that then on an another day, Email- 10mins So record each task and time taken.

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Working Out Total Time Spent (In A Query)

Apr 8, 2008

In My Db I have TblSupportTickets and a Table which records support ticket activity. When adding a new activity detail to the Db it automatically records when the FrmActivityDetail opens and on closing, it records the time the Form was closed. So in TblSupportTickets which relates by ID to TblSupportTicketActivity on a one-to-many relationship.

I then created a query with SupportTicketID, TimeOpen, Time Closed. SupportTicketID criteria is Forms.FrmSupportTicket.txtSupportTicketID

This lists all the time open's and timeclosed's for that support ticket.

how can I work out the total time spent on that support ticket?

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Queries :: Tracking Time Spent On Customers Records Based On Date Of Entry

Apr 17, 2014

I have two tables, One table containes customer name, etc., tblcustomers the other table contains the tbltimelog, log of activity start time end time. No issues. I want to generate a form based on the dateofentry for the time record. I am not able to get a summary lets say I spent 20 hours on ABC and 20 hours on CBS. If I spent 3 different days on ABC and 6 different days on CBS it will not add them together it will list it ABC 3 times and CBS 6 times. I have tried the distinct function but it doesn't work because the date is distinct. Is there a way to do this as an SQL or whatever. Thinking I could just create a new table and calculating the totals but that seems to be a waste.

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Creating Admin Function To Validate Time And Task

Feb 19, 2007

Hi all,
was wondering if there was a simple way out there, or if someone could give me some ideas on how to use an admin function to either approve or deny a users time and tasks... this wouldnt neccesarily have to a be a daily function... but i would like to have this done before the end of a pay period(2 weeks).
i feel like this could be as simple as using a check box to show approval, but i wouldnt know how to have the users submission go into a place where the admin could view to approve or deny.. has anyone seen something like this done before?
thanks in advance

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General :: Database To Record Payments - Multi Task Command Button

Apr 7, 2014

I am creating a small database to record payments.

There are three tables :

Supplier - tblSupplier
Payments - tblPayments
Invoice - tblInvoice

There are two Forms :

frmPayments (Bound to tblPayments) - Main Form for payment entry.
frmInvoice Sub (Bound to tblInvoice) - Sub form to display not paid invoices.

What i need is a Command button , lets named it "Commit", to perform a few tasks :

1. When click, prompt message asking whether to Save current payment record when all relevant input is completed during data entry.

2. If Answer is "Yes", then it will compare the "Invoice No" on the Main Form with the "Invoice No" of the Sub

Form , and if found to match, then put a tick in the "Yes/No" field of Invoice Table (tblInvoice) against the matching "Invoice No" of Main Form. This is to record payments made to this particular Invoice in Invoice Table.

3. Proceed to save current record, Refresh Main Form to be ready for a new data entry.

4.If Answer is "No", discard all current entries in the Main Form, Refresh to be ready for a new data entry.

Sample DB is attached...

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Budget Less Spent

Dec 9, 2005

I am using Access 2003 and am in the process of building a database for the process of recording invoices there are three properties one of which has three schedules.

I have created a query that has budget amounts.

Another query that brings up the amount spent by code.

What I want to do is have the budget figures with the amount spent by code beside it, I can do this but it does not include any items which have zero spent in them so far.

Any pointers regardless of how simple they sound would be gratefully recieved I am newish to building databases.


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General :: Finding Customer Who Spent The Most

Sep 2, 2014

I am working on a database at the moment to try and find the customer that has spent the most money. At the moment i can only get the customers that have placed the most orders. I have a dispatch table that consists of all the orders and a customer table that are linked using a Customer Number. Each order has a dispatch number because one customer can buy more than one product per order. Like i said at the start I'm trying to find the customer that has spent the most money but the top 10 would be better.

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General :: How To Get Total Spent Hours In Office For The Employee

Jan 28, 2014

I am facing one problem while calculating the number of hours an employee spent in the office. Each employee will have a swipe card and the swipe data is stored in an .mdb file. Some employees will have different shifts and may come after 6pm and will go next day 5 am , while calculating their spent hours getting the problem. The swipe data is stored in IOData table , I wrote a simple query below to get the data., it is calculating correctly for the employees who come in between 11AM to 8PM but who are coming after 6PM and going next day , facing problem. Time is storing in 24 hour format in table with Status as Entry,Exit . There may be any no.of exits and entries , so i took min and max of the time in the below query.

I am attaching the mdb file data in an excel sheet(Master_Data.xls) and also the data of the below query(Swipe_Data.xls) and highlighting the employee for which we got problem.

SELECT HD.JobTitle, HD.HolderName, IO.IODate,IO.IOStatus, min(IO.IOTime), max(IO.IOTime), DateDiff("n", min(IO.IOTime), max(IO.IOTime)) AS Minutes, [Minutes] 60 & Format([Minutes] Mod 60, ":00")
FROM HolderData AS HD, IOData AS IO
WHERE HD.HolderNo = IO.HolderNo and
HD.DepartmentNo IN ('0008', '0009') and
IO.IODate between #01/20/2014# and #01/24/2014#
GROUP BY HD.JobTitle, HD.HolderName, IO.IODate,IO.IOStatus;

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Select Record Based On The Time Of Another Record

Apr 5, 2007

hi guys,

some background on my data:

i have a table that holds Electronic Gift Card details (those plastic store gift voucher cards). it holds all details of every transaction for every card, so the card number, activations, redemptions, dates, times, transaction values etc. are all recorded in my table.

i have attached a small extraction in a spreadsheet.

a single gift card can have multiple transactions against it throughout its lifespan. there are sometimes error transactions, and i need to write a query that finds these error transactions (they are all flagged with a "1" in the [reversal flag] field, so that bit is easy) but then also then the next transaction that occurs on that card. this subsequent transaction will not be flagged with a "1", but is a reversal of the error and will have an "802" flag in the [transaction type] field.

each transaction is date stamped hh:mm:ss, but i don't know how to write a query that will

1) find gift card number that has a reversal code of "1"
2) find next transaction made on that gift card based on transaction time
3) check that subsequent transaction type is "802"
4) select both transactions
5) repeat for entire table

i can't seem to get the desired result just using a straightforward query, and i don't know much (or any!) VBA in access.

does that make any sense at all???


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Help Task Pane???

Jul 6, 2005

Hi, im creating a new database system and want to give them a help facility in the form of a help task pane. Where they can access help from the table of contents, click on the item they want and the relevant help will appear.

Does anyone know how i can build this from scratch? :confused:

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An Even Harder Task

Nov 10, 2005

How would I combine all these instances under one After Update Click:

Private Sub lstAgreementType_AfterUpdate()

If Me.lstAgreementType.Value = "BN" Or Me.lstAgreementType.Value = "BA" Or Me.lstAgreementType.Value = "BT" Then
Me.txtSenateAandCDate.Enabled = False
Me.txtSenateAandCDate.Enabled = True
End If

Private Sub lstAgreementType_AfterUpdate()

If Me.lstAgreementType.Value = "BN" Or Me.lstAgreementType.Value = "BA" Or Me.lstAgreementType.Value = "BT" Then
Me.txtSentateTreatyDoc.Enabled = False
Me.txtSentateTreatyDoc.Enabled = True
End If

Private Sub lstAgreementType_AfterUpdate()

If Me.lstAgreementType.Value = "BN" Or Me.lstAgreementType.Value = "MN" Then
Me.txtRatsExchanged Date.Enabled = False
Me. txtRatsExchanged Date.Enabled = True
End If

Private Sub lstAgreementType_AfterUpdate()

If Me.lstAgreementType.Value = "BN" Or Me.lstAgreementType.Value = "BA" Or Me.lstAgreementType.Value = "BT" Or Me.lstAgreementType.Value = "MN" Then
Me.lstDepositary.Enabled = False
Me.lstDepositary.Enabled = True
End If

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Schedule A Task In Access

Oct 25, 2006

Hi i would like to know if it is possible to schedule a a task in access, at the moment i refresh all my excel report by using a button on a form in access and would like ot know if i can do this automatically

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Task Manager Problems

May 2, 2007

There are a few procedures that run when my Access database closes (backing up data, etc.). Since this can take a minute or two to finish (running over a network), one of the users here has started to use Task Manager to shut down the application.

This is not ideal, as the same user has also deleted the backend on more than one occasion. Should both happen on one day, we'd lose that day's updates.

Asking them not to do it doesn't work. Explaining why doesn't work. Telling them not to do it doesn't work. If I ask their supervisor to tell them not to do it, they just deny it. It's starting to look like the backup scripts aren't running, when they work fine for everyone else.

Is there any way of either
(a) Preventing them from doing this (unlikely, I'd have thought)
(b) Recording the fact that this has happened.

It doesn't necessarily have to be recorded in Access itself - although that would be ideal - if there's some other file I can access to get the info?

Any suggestions are gratefully received.

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How To Approach This Task Any Ideas More Than Welcome Thanks

Jul 30, 2007

Hi, ive been asked to provide a solution, for an electronic spreadsheet be sent out via email then returned by customers, once filled in for all the data to be collected onto one sheet that looks like the attached sheet. the easiset way i can see is to not use a spreadsheet but to use a datbase instead and just put it in the desired format, how easy is it to import mutliple spreasheets into correct fields on a dbtable thanks for any input or ideas


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How To Always Keep Task Pane Open

Sep 26, 2005

Is there a way to always keep the task pane open? Right now when I open a file from the list on the task pane displayed under OPEN, the task pane disappears when the file opens. Then when I open the task pane again by clicking on the little white sheet of paper icon at upper left for "new", the task pane opens but the recent list of files used has collapsed and I have to click on the little house at top right to display the list of recently used files again so I can open one of them. Is there a way to keep both the task pane and the list of recently used files open at all times? Thanks.

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Calendar Based On Task

Dec 14, 2005

As a continuation from this thread (

Currently, I have a list of programs, each program could be considered the "task". When the task is completed, I want the user to click the date on the calendar and have it grayed out. As I mentioned before I have this working correctly, but I have the calendar pulling up based on a query that relys on the program ID. No problem, that way each program has it's own calendar. Now I need to be able to have it pull up the current month if one exists, and if it does not exist create it. For instance it works fine now, but once we hit 1/1/06, it will still be the same calendar... I want it to create a new record, so I could theoretically look at the old calendar if need be.

I tried to tie my query to a month field as well, but to no avail.

Thanks for your help!

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Help Accessing Task Manager

Aug 18, 2004

this has been "bugging" me for a while. everytime i access task
manager it opens for couple of seconds and then disappears. i heard
that this was some type of virus and/or spyware related. norton, spyware,
and adaware haven't seemed to solve this problem. please help

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Program Windows Scheduled Task

Aug 23, 2007

Hi All,

Does anyone one if it is possible to program a schedule for "Windows Scheduled Task" via VBA?

Reason:- A multi user application is set to give a 5 Min warning at the same time every day. After the 5min the users are politely kicked off.

At that time the Windows Scheduled task opens up the BE (only on 1 PC the fastest). The BE start form has a time event that backs up the BE and compacts and repairs itself then closes the application.

Not pretty I know but it works really well.

This shutdown time can be set/changed on the FE however, when it is the windows Scheduled Task has to also be changed which I would like to do automatically via VBA

Any help would be appreciated.

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Can We Supress Forms From The Task Panel?

Nov 7, 2006

Hi guys,

I have moved all my small databases into 1 larger database to save up on Taskbar space, but the problem is that when I use an opening form to open other forms (switchboard style) the additional forms show in the Start menu Task bar.

Is there some sort of macro that I can use to tell each form to suppress itself from the Task bar?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Force Windows Task Bar To Always Be On Top

Apr 14, 2014

I write Access 2010 apps in VBA that require no knowledge of Microsoft Access on the part of the user. My forms contain all the necessary controls to use the program without relying on any of the Microsoft Access toolbars. I call this "de-Microsofting" the app. When I prepare the .accdb program to create a .accde app, I uncheck every checkbox (Options/Current Database) except "Compact on Close". This works well, but it also hides the Windows taskbar at the bottom of the screen. Some of my users need to be able to jump from my app to others (e.g., Excel) and back without having to exit my app. How can I force the Windows taxkbar to always be on top using VBA or, possibly, some setting?

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General :: Task Scheduler To Run Macro?

Mar 19, 2014

Just got a new Windows 7 computer and installed Office 2013. I have a report that saves itself as a pdf in a temp folder and then attaches the pdf to an email and sends it out. I use a macro to run the report and everything works fine from there. I have a VBS file that runs the macro and clicking the vbs file makes everything work fine. the code is below.

When I tried to run it though the task scheduler it show as completing fine, but it doesn't. So I added a reference the vbs in a batch file (below) and output the logs to a temp file. After I ran the batch and opened the log I seen the message

Wed 03/19/2014 14:11:17.74 Username
C:Users*****DesktopAuto Reportsaragingrecent.vbs(1, 1) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Permission denied: 'CreateObject'
Wed 03/19/2014 14:11:17.77

I turned UAC all the way down. turn off the virus scanner, and have local and domain admin access. I'm at bit a lose here. I had this working before but can't seem to remember how I did it. This is just one example I have several other reports that were schedule to run overnight, but they basically all use the same code and processes.

'launch macro
set accessApp = CreateObject("Access.Application")
accessApp.OpenCurrentDatabase "C:Users******DesktopAuto ReportsAgedTrialBalance.mdb"
accessApp.DoCmd.RunMacro "MCRecent"

[Code] ....

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General :: How To Execute A Task In Background

Feb 2, 2014

Is there a way to run a query, macro, and/or report in the "background". By this I mean in a way that frees up the current operator to do other things in the database while the query, macro, report keep on running?

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Create A Task Table That Is Associated With Project?

Feb 13, 2015

I am trying to create a Task table that is associated with project. How do I do that

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Prevent Pinning Of Access To Task Bar

Jul 7, 2015

How can I prevent the Pinning of the MS Access shortcut to the Taskbar?

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Hide Access Window Task Bar And Reports

Nov 15, 2005


I've been using Dev Avish's excellent code shown within the sample database section to hide access windows. I've taken his call fsetAccessWindow function and set it to 1 or normal in two separate databases. Both databases seem to work slightly differently. The idea is that opening the database produces one Visible instance of access on the taskbar which is the purple standard graphic (Access 2000 / Windows 2000). With the first database I have set up reports through the active x control as required when using dev's code and even when I hit the report button the user is only aware of one visible instance of access as the purple colour graphic.

I am trying to implement the same code in a second database and have copied the code from the previous database into this database. It works great for the forms however there is a slight glitch when report forms are accessed. Rather than remaining with the purple access part on the task bar the task bar section is split into two between the form and the report. In the previous database users would not notice that the report had been opened at all. (although technically it was still running in the backrground)

I have checked most of the properties between the two database forms and they would appear to be the same..

Has anyone got any ideas why the taskbar is behaving differently between these two databases there must be some difference between my set up but as yet cannot find it??

Thanks Mark

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How To Show The Database Objects In The Windows Task Bar

Sep 11, 2007

I have a problem. This problem is that I cant see the Database objects (Forms,Report,...) in the Windows task bar. I want the user to be able to see any opened form, or report directly in the task bar as any file opened by the Windows user.

I have tried to check on the (Show Windows in TaskBar) option available in the Tools -> options of the MS Access, but it doesn work with me.

What is happening now that I am forced to show the Menu Bar and use the Window menu to switch between the objects, however, This will not be OK for me because my system hides all the command bars the MS Acccess use.

Is the any way to solve this hard problem?

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