Record Images In A "continuous" Subform

Jul 13, 2005

I'm trying to present a little thumbnail image beside every record in a "continuous" subform after a search has been made.
How do you think I should achieve this, please?


I have tried the following:

1. Tried to make a Image and on Form Current() update the image from a field called FileID.. The problem with this design was that EVERY record in the continuous subform changed to the current records image.

2. OLE object as a field for every record and a thumbnail inserted in that field. I think I can get this working. But I'm afraid that the database will explode in size. The thumbnails are about 3-4-5 kb.

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Forms :: Selecting Record In Parent Subform From Child Continuous Subform

Jan 26, 2014

I have two subforms on a main form. Both use similar queries and nearly the same set of records and PK. The first subform is for data entry and the 2nd subform is a continuous form that lists the entries in order that are made from the 1st Subform. (for entering in vacation days and appointments)

The continuous form cannot be edited, it is to be a list for viewing the information only.

I have an edit button next to each record on the continuous form. When the button is clicked, I want it to take the 1st subform to that specific record as well (same PK), so the information can be edited there.

I cannot figure out how to get the 1st subform to go to the record on the continuous form when the button next to that record is clicked on the continuous form.

I tried the DoCmdSearch for record and just keep getting object is not open errors.

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Modules & VBA :: Record Specific Images On Tabular Subform?

Jul 12, 2015

I'm trying to make a field specific image on a tabular subform, so a different image appears on every row depending on the field information.

Currently my code displays the same image on every row depending on which subform row is selected:

Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim imagepath As String
imagepath = GetImagePath & Me.Exercise & ".jpg"
If Len([Exercise]) > 0 And Len(Dir(imagepath)) > 0 Then
Image26.Picture = imagepath


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Display Multiple Images Per Record Or A Form / Subform

Sep 27, 2011

Is it possible to display, in either a form, multiple images that are dynamically linked? Can they all be displayed at once 1 to many images, either by using navigation bars or scrolling through a subform? The links would be stored in another table within the same database and not as hyperlinks.

Conceptually it would be like scrolling through multiple records on a subform with images rather than alphanumeric data in fields.

Would like to know if this is possible and if so in what versions of ACCESS.

Is there add-on software that would make this possible.

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Display Last Continuous Subform Record

Sep 28, 2005

Im sure this must be easy to do (but cant do it myself...)- how do I set a continuous form subform to display the last record when a new main form record is opened? Whatever I do, the continuous subform displays the first record and I have to scroll down to get to a new record, which is getting tedious.



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Forms :: Continuous Subform - Last Record

Sep 14, 2014

I have a main form with a subform in continuous format. The subform displays the list of records and has a delete key allowing the user to delete that line (record) All works except if the user clicks the delete button on the new record line. Then there is an error message. Rather than use error trapping I would like to code a message OR simply beep to confirm nothing was done OR have the delete button disabled until something is entered into the record. The records do have a autonumber which I have in a hidden text box. I tried the following and even though the code shows that LineID does in fact = Null the code does not fire.

If Me.LineID = Null Then
Exit Sub
End If

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Forms :: Using Combobox In Continuous Subform To Update A Record

Feb 25, 2014

I have a continuous subform of 'static data' whose record source is a SELECT query across multiple linked tables.

Most of the fields are locked and purely there for information purposes but I need to be able to allow end users to change one particular field in each record if they need to - choosing a value from a predetermined list (i.e. one of the tables)

Usually, when I need to do this, I add a command button to the subform and use that to open a separate pop-up form specific to that record, from which the user can make whatever changes they like and then update the record. So in this scenario, a simple unbound combobox linked to that table, on that separate form, would work quite easily.

But I would prefer if users could make their changes directly from the subform without (yet another) pop-up form required each time, to make managing these records more fluid and less time-consuming.

So my thought was to use a bound textbox in the continuous subform (to take the existing value for each record), hide it and overlap it with a visible unbound combobox whose row source is the table of available options and whose default value is driven by the hidden bound textbox. And then to use the AfterUpdate event of the combobox to run the UPDATE query on the record in question.

However, while the combobox is getting the correct default value and the correct list items, I can't make a selection from it. Now I am aware there are 'issues' with using a combobox in a continuous subform but I was hoping I could circumvent them by not binding it.

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Forms :: Checkbox To Select Record In Continuous Subform

May 22, 2015

I have a continuous subform linked in a data query, I added some check box to select for each record. However, everytime I check a checkbox, it also check the same checkbox on the next record.

My check box consists of Shipping options - FEDEX, COURIER and HAND DELIVERY. These are the options I need to check for each records in the subform.

Is there a way I can select different checkbox for each record?

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Forms :: Continuous Subform - Unbound Check Box For Each Record

Nov 18, 2013

Working with Access 2000

I have a Continuous subform based on a query based on few linked tables.One of those tables has a Yes/No field which shows in the subform.

I want to be able to change the status of this field for each record independently, so I placed an unbound check box in the subform Detail section and a Command button on the subform Header section. However when I click one record check box, all of them change, I did not expect that. How do I move forward to get this done?

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Click On A Record From A Continuous Subform To Open A Report?

Sep 5, 2013

I have a form called GetdataFrm. Within it i have a combo box that filter a query. When the combo filters, it populates a continuous subform called GetDataQrysubform. GetDataQrysubform look like a table that contains this Jobcode information:

EmployeeID Jobcode CardAccess Folders Software

When I filter the GetDataFrm form, I want to be able to click on a Employee's EmployeeID number from a single record in GetDataQrysubform and then a form called SingleRefrm would pop up taking me to that record.So far I have a event procedure coded to open up SingleRefrm, when the EmployeeID field is clicked but its not working. The code looks like this:


DoCmd.OpenForm "SingleRefrm", acNormal, , "EmployeeID = '" & Me.EmployeeID & "'"

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Forms :: Continuous Form Or Subform With Dynamic Record Source

Aug 16, 2013

I would like to know how i can have a continuous form or subform with dynamic record source.

Before I was using a list box with dynamic row source and i had not problem.

Now about the continuous form i have problem when i define record source of form on the fly how we have to add fields to the form.

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A Continuous Form And Continuous Subform, Possible?

Aug 9, 2005

What I am trying to do is put a subform within a subform. The trouble is I want both forms to be continuous forms.

when I put the subform within a subform, access comes up with the following message:

************************************************** ********************
A form with a subform object cannot have its DefaultView set to Continuous forms.

You tried to add a subform to a form in design view.
MSAcess will reset the property to Single Form.
************************************************** *********************

which it does my higher level form becomes a form only showing single records at a time whilst the subform is a continuous form.

does anyone know of a way around this?

what about Access2003 does it allow this?

help much appreciated.

Steve Ferry

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Forms :: Display More Than One Images In A Form Through Subform

Jan 14, 2014

i have a form where i need to display the first 6 results (images). the information is comming from a subform which has all the information. also i need to know after pressing the "next" button how to display the next 6 images from the same subform and so on. using ms access 2013

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Record Images

Jul 20, 2005

Before you ask, yes I did search, but no it didn't help...

OK, database is storing members, so each member record needs to have a picture of them. I've made a field in the members table for the path of the image. I've followed the example here - , but I keep getting the error 'You can't reference a property or method for a control unless the control has the focus.' When I've tried to set the focus to it I get the error '# can't move the focus to the control MemberImage.'

What am I doing wrong?

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Record Images On A Form

Nov 14, 2005

Hi All

I have been looking at other thread but i havent found anything that is similar to my situation.

I have a stock table of products and i want to display an image of each product based on one that is selected at that time. All the images are in one set folder. I need to find the image based on the product code and adding the extension ".jpg" which i have done. I do not have a path and image name field as i am using a table imported from ODBC. However not all the images are present so i need the database to show the image if it exsists and show a "no image" if it doesn't

Is this possible and how would i go about it

Any help would be appreciated



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Modules & VBA :: Highlight Record On Click Record Selector In Continuous Form

Oct 23, 2014

I would like to highlight record when user will click Record Selector in the continuous form. How to do it?

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Forms :: How To Get A Specific Record To Be First Record Of Continuous Form

Nov 8, 2013

I have a continuous form for which the recordsource is a query that retrieves dates from 10 days in the past to 10 days in the present. I want the record with today's date to be at the top of the form. The record with the oldest date is always on top. Is this a scrolling issue? How can I get the record with today's date to appear on top?

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Queries :: Parent Child Query - Sum Images In Main Record

Oct 15, 2014

I'm trying to create a capacity report for my database. Originally, I only had the one table, which summed the number of Packs and number of Images, worked out percentage capacity used and then put it in a report, showing for each week of the year. However since then, I've added a child table to this, allowing me to create subrecords. The reason we did this was so we could easily group together multiple mailings under one single master record, so to speak.

Going back to the capacity, I've managed to work it so the Pack capacity is worked out from the mailing quantity in the subrecord. However, the number of Images is only entered onto the Parent record. Now my capacity query is summing the same number of images as there are subrecords, where in reality I only want it to sum the Images in the main record. I know I could add an Images field to the child table and work it out the same way, but I'd rather not do that (because that's not how our business works).

So essentially the question is, how can I sum the Images from the parent table without repeating the sum and massively overexagerating the sum?

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Merging Continuous Subform

Nov 4, 2007


I want to add a command button to my form that enables me to sort all records on the form into a Word document using mailmerge or automation as a "Purchase Order". This Word document will be saved with the name of the Order, then i will try to add another fonction to send this "purchase order" as an attachement with outlook.
The main problem is that I couldn't merge records on the continuous subform including details about the Order: items, quantity,price....

Please note that I'm a beginner on Access and this is my first project.

Thanks again, any help is highly appreciated,

Best Regards.

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Continuous Subform Undo

Mar 7, 2005


I have a form and a linked subform which are linked by Purchase Order Number. When items have been delivered on the purchase order, the user should update the continuous subform with the number of items that have been delivered. This works fine.

The problem I have is using an exit button that does not save any of the changes to either the data in the form or the subform. It doesn't matter if there is a prompt to alert the user that there have been changes made.

I have been messing around with DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdUndo in the on click event of my exit button which kind of works when changes has accidentally been made, but is very unsophisticated - any ideas?!



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Continuous Subform Refresh

Nov 7, 2005

right I have searched and searched the forum but obviously this isnt as simple as I thought it would be!

I have a main form called "frmAllStudents" based on a query called "qryAllStudentsMainScreen". The unique field in all forms is Admission Number.

I have on this form a data-entry subform called "TeachingAssessment" where a member of staff puts in teaching Assessment.

I have a second continuous subform called "previousTeachingAssessment" which lists all the previous teaching assessment.

The problem I have is that unless i select another student or open and close then the previous teaching assessment doesnt update. How do I requery to get this to show on the continuous form?

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Help With Combo Box In Continuous Subform!!

Sep 28, 2006

hi guys i have a main form called Passengers coming from tblPassengers table and then it has a subform to select the destinations for each passenger.

My subform (continuous) consist of entering up to 3 destinations for each passenger so i created a combo box with this row source:

SELECT DestinationID, Destination FROM tluDestination
WHERE DestinationID NOT IN(SELECT DestinationID FROM tblDestinations WHERE PassengerID = Forms!formname!txtPassengerID);

The reason is that i want that when the user enters a destination, when they go to select another one , the selected one is excluded from the list. but it does not happen... can someone help me with this , i am going nutss
i attached the db to see if anyone can help...

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Exploding Continuous Subform

Jan 3, 2007

Hi all,

On my main form I have a continuous bound subform. The subform contains a small 'View' label next to each record.

The intention, is that when the user clicks on the 'View' label, another form is opened that previews some details for the current record.

Currently, for this to work correctly, the user must click somewhere in the corresponding subform record to 'select' the record.

Does anyone know of a way to automatically select the record, as soon as the label is clicked?

Happy to provide more info if needed.



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Display Issue In Continuous Subform

Oct 18, 2006

Please see attached pic. When I put the focus in some fields, the dividing line is chopped. In other fields, it's not. All controls are identical in format. If I copy a control which doesn't do this, and paste & replace one which does, the two controls simply swap their behavior.

Does anyone know why this happens and how I might prevent it?

Many thanks.

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Continuous Subform Display Order

Feb 10, 2006

I have buttons that enable and disable editing/adding information on a continuous form.

When you click add the form then is set to allowadditions and shows you the * record. Is it possible to have that display at the top of the list instead of the bottom? If not, what would be the best method to move the focus to the new record when someone clicks add?

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General :: Loop - From One Continuous Subform To Another

May 21, 2014

I have attached an image of what i am trying to achieve so here goes:

I need to add data from one subform to another - problem is they are both continuous forms and both subforms.

The part in green is where it needs to go, and the white is where the data is held. The links have already been created, i just need to get the info from subform 1 to subform 2.

I have attached code but it only moves line selected / first line.

Dim dst As DAO.Recordset
Set dst = Me.frmAS9102_Material_LINK.Form.RecordsetClone
With dst
Do While Not .EOF

[Code] .....

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