Recording Time Values

Aug 3, 2006

I Have a problem in which when I create a record I wish the record to automatically record the time it was created. I have achieved this by having a timerecorded field within the table and setting its default value to time().

later on I wish another time to be recorded. This time when the user selected an option box to -1 I wish the time to be stamped into another field. I have used this event procedure to write the time to another field.

Private Sub AOGCleared_AfterUpdate()

'Update Time

If Me.AOGCleared = -1 Then
Me.TimeAOGCleared = Time()
Me.TimeAOGCleared = ""

End If

End Sub

however It records the original time of creation when the obtion box is selected. Can anyone please point me in the direction of how I get access to record this later time please ?

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Forms :: Recording Date And Time A Form Was Last Updated

Jul 29, 2014

Displaying the 'Last Modified' dates and time on a form. How to go about doing what I want to do.

I would like to display on a form in one single field the date & time that any of the fields on that form were changed and. I would like to display it in such a way that it cannot be altered by anyone. If it is possible to capture and display on the form in a separate field which user account accessed and changed the record then all the better. Obviously if nothing is updated then the date and time stays the same.

I will have to create two new fields in the table that relates to the form and this I have done - one of format Date/Time and one of format Text.

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Modules & VBA :: Finding Duplicates In A Table And Recording Values In That Record

May 2, 2014

I've been looking everywhere to find a better way of finding duplicates in a table and then recording and adding another value in that record together.

Let me try to explain better.


I have a table that has 2 columns "Name", "DOB". I would like to find all duplicate "DOB" and add all of the "Name"'s together.


Name DOB
bob 19800201
Sam 19761211
Jim 19800201

The output I would like is to have Name = bob & Jim DOB = 19800201.

I've tried using the find duplicate wizard in access but I can't seem to group them together and just to find the duplicates it takes upwards of a minute.

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Converting Numeric Values Into Time Values

Jan 15, 2008

I have a travel time database that should tally the number of minutes traveled and convert them into a time (hours and minutes). I, however, am having difficulty converting the numeric values cleanly. Is there anyway to convert 102 minutes + 100 minutes + 110 minutes = 312 minutes to 5 hours and 12 minutes cleanly? I need to take averages of time traveled and hours worked but cannot do this correctly. Thank you for any help in advance.:eek:

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Adding And Subtracting Short Time Values Together/changing Short Time Into Minutes

Dec 9, 2004

Hello again,

I think my subject heading explains it. How would you add or subtract two short time formatted values and produce a short time value? Also, how would you change a short time value into number minutes. (i.e. 5:30 into 330) Thanks!


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Time Now Between Limiting Values

Mar 21, 2006

Need some ideas on how to detect if Time Now is beteen preset values.

It is in connection with a Machine Monitor system being I am probably going to be asked to develop.

Problem is night shift. They work normally 20:45 to 06:45 following morning

I will be accumulating elapsed minutes of shift and working minutes by running an On Timer event updating both values by 1 each minute providing certain criteria are met.

One of the criteria will be that machine is supposed to be working.

So I was planning to set a flag indicating Working Yes or No based on the Time Now being between start and end times.

This is fine for normal day working and normal day shifts but is a problem with Night Shift.

Ideas on how to handle welcome

len B

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Adding Time Values

Dec 29, 2006

I have a report that adds time for as many as six people. This isssue is when the time goes over 24 hours in total it drops the hours. The field(s) is formated in "short time" format.

Can anyone help resolve this???:confused:

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How To Compare Time Values?

Nov 15, 2007

I need create a query that can compare different time values.
My time field format something looks like 12:59 PM.
And compare other fields that has +- 10 minutes from my input.
It means when I input 12:00 PM to the query inputt then it lists records that have times 11:50 AM and 12:10 PM.
But I don't know how to compare these..they are not natural numbers..but they aren't text niether..
I tried to do it
[Arrive_Time] + 10
[Arrive_Time] - 10
in the criteria..but..doesn't work.

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Getting Values In A Real Time

Sep 17, 2006

I try to get the value in a real time. There are two subforms inside a mainform. First user enters value into mainform. Than comes to subform1. And after that on the basis of a choice in subform1, the 2nd subform is open. In 2nd subform i create a listbox with that query.

SELECT [tbl_Events].[PPVVOD_Outlet] FROM tbl_Events WHERE [tbl_Events].[ticketnum]=[Forms]![tbl_PPVResearch]![ticketnum];

But it shows empty. [tbl_Events].[PPVVOD_Outlet] is a subform1

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Change Values In Several Records At The Same Time

Oct 30, 2005

Hi all!
This is kind of a philosophical question :)

I’m doing some changes to a “CRM”-database, and need to make a function that changes values in several records in one operation. The problem is, I have now idea on how to approach this problem.

One example; I have made a simple invoice function in my db, which works well. But now I send a lot more invoices then when I made the function. I’ve made a form, which prints the invoices, and I can print several in one “operation”. How can I, in the same operation, also change the status of the invoice record so that it says “Printed”?

If you have any suggestions on the method e.t.c.? Thank you!
(I'm using Access 2000)

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Calculating The Difference Between 2 'Time' Values

Nov 12, 2007

Hi, I wonder if someone can help me with the following problem:

I have a table with 2 columns,start time and end time, both containing time values in a four digit format, eg 0930 being 9:30am etc.

I have made a query to convert these into the standard format (eg 0930 becomes 09:30), using left/right and & functions.

Now I use the timevalue function to convert the string , eg 09:30m into a recongnised time value.

The problem is now I want to find the difference between the start and end times- but when i try a simple end_time - start_time formule it returns a long number which i dont understand, rather than just giving me the difference betwen the two times.

Im sure there is a simple way to do this which I dont know, can anyone help me out? Thanks in advance!

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Calculating The Difference Between 2 'Time' Values

Nov 12, 2007

Hi, I wonder if someone can help me with the following problem:

I have a table with 2 columns,start time and end time, both containing time values in a four digit format, eg 0930 being 9:30am etc.

I have made a query to convert these into the standard format (eg 0930 becomes 09:30), using left/right and & functions.

Now I use the timevalue function to convert the string , eg 09:30m into a recongnised time value.

The problem is now I want to find the difference between the start and end times- but when i try a simple end_time - start_time formule it returns a long number which i dont understand, rather than just giving me the difference betwen the two times.

Im sure there is a simple way to do this which I dont know, can anyone help me out? Thanks in advance!

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Query - Showing Values If A Certain Time

May 3, 2008

Hello all, I am trying to dispay results in a query which is based upon time.


Sample data - class and class start time

Class one - 7pm
Class two - 7pm
Class three - 7pm
Class Four - 8pm
Class Five - 8pm
Class Six - 9pm
Class Seven - 9pm
Class Eight - 9pm
Class Nine - 9pm

If i was using the sample data above and the time was between 7pm to 8pm i would like to show only the classes which started at 7pm, or if the time was 8pm to 9pm, only show the classes which started at 8pm and the same for 9pm

I hope i have explained myself clearly, and I will be thankful for any help.


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Creating Time Series For Portfolio Values

Sep 3, 2007

Dear All,

once again I need your help, I have no idea how to tackle the following problem. I am taking records of stock market transactions. As a final result I want to have a query which gives me for every end of the day the total value of my portfolio.
Therefore I have two tables. The first one, called tblTransactions with columns - among others - Date, Ticker, Quantity, Price does contain my transactions. The second one, called tblQuotes with columns Date, Ticker, LastPrice contains prices for each security traded for every day.
The following SQL code gives me the portfolio holdings with the respective LastPrices on an arbitrarily chosen date (03/09/07):

SELECT T.Ticker, sum(T.Qty) AS TotQty, Q.qCl AS [Last Price], (T.Qty*Q.qCl) AS [SubTotalValue]
FROM tblTransactions AS T INNER JOIN tblQuotes AS Q ON T.Ticker=Q.qTicker
WHERE T.Date<=#3/9/2007# And Q.qDate=#3/9/2007#
GROUP BY T.Ticker, Q.qCl, (T.Qty*Q.qCl)
HAVING sum(T.Qty) >0
ORDER BY T.Ticker;

This works so far. However, now I struggle with the next step. I want to have a query, which for each date (I could use the date column of tblQuotes) adds all SubTotalValues, i.e. gives me the total value of my portfolio for each day.

Could you give me please some hints on how to proceed from here? I would be very pleased if somebody could help me with that question.

Best regards

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Recording Which Reports Been Ran

Oct 27, 2005

I have created a data base inwhich a user can run 6 reports. I then have a manager who has a administration form which i want the manager to see what reports have been ran and what day.

to run the reports the user hits a button in another form, which then exports a qry to excel.

All the buttons have been named and each report has its own marco name.

Is there a way i can do this simply??

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Recording Database Changes

Aug 17, 2006

Hi all
I have seen some functionality in another database and would like to add it to mine but I have no idea where to start. I was hoping someone would be able to point me in the right direction to a tutorial or sample database that could help me.
What I would like to do is record when changes are made to specific tables. For example, in a vehicle table, if the vehicle is changed from active to inactive for example, the date, the value that was changed and who did the change would be recorded somewhere. I'm guessing another table.
Can anyone point me in the right direction.

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Recording Payments

May 17, 2007

I have a database with 10 properties which I want to record details of weekly or monthy payments. I have a table for properties, one for tenants details and one called payments. I then have them on a form. I want to open the tenants form and insert a command button to open the payments form and record payments as the occur but i can only enter one - it is giving me an error message as I am duplicating a record. The tables are linked with a property reference which I have set as the primary key. I have obviously done it wrong. Can anyone advise me of a way to do this please.
Thanks Tracey

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First Recording Not Importing

Apr 1, 2008

I am using access 2003. I've setup an import specification for a text file to import into a table. It's importing but leaving off the first record. When I setup the import specification, I did so as fixed width because the fields were not defining correct when I used delimited. Could it be that it's thinking that the first record include the field names? If so, how do I rectify this?

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Recording Changes To Queries

Aug 4, 2007

Hi All,

Some annoying sod at work has been changing queries and i've been getting into a hell of a lot of trouble due to it!

Is there any way to record changes made to queries?

I have an audit trail to record changes to the data displayed in the forms but I really need to catch this SOB before they cost me my job?

Any ideas?



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Forms :: Combining Date And Time Values Using DateDiff

Jul 8, 2014

I'm trying to create my own database dealing with hiring bikes on a daily basis.

I have created a form for the basic input, including StartDate, StartTime, EndDate and EndTime, followed by TotalDays. I added the time field so that if a client brings a bike back an hour or two after the pickup time on a later date (sounds complicated - e.g he takes it on Monday at 12pm until Thursday 14pm) then he would be charged for an extra day. It is similar to the car rental system used worldwide.

The TotalDays is currently using a simple expression =EndDate-StartDate.

Is there any way to make the form incorporate the time difference so that if EndTime-StartTime>1 then it would add an extra day to the "=EndDate-StartDate" calculation.

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Recording User Useage

May 19, 2005

Any help most appreciated!

I have a Access 2003 database I am developing which has a table called "tbl_users" in which I have the fields:
user name(text), network id(text), status(yes/no), long on time (date/time), log on date(date/time), log off time(date/time), log off date(date/time).

When a user logs on my autoexec macro calls a prodcedure which sets that users status to "yes" or ticked and stamps the log on time and date. Is it possible to call this procedure even if they bypass the autoexec by holding down the shift key?

In reverse to this when they click the "Exit System" on the Main Menu form there is a call to a procedure which unticks there status field and stamps the log off time and date. Again, can I trigger this procedure even if they exit the database without using my "Exit System" button (ie click the "x" to close the database)?



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Recording Weight Loss

Mar 3, 2007

My wife is slimming, I would like to record weekly results.

How do I make a new entry compare with her ideal weight and flag up her progress.

e.g. ideal weight =10 entry 1 13 entry 2 12.9 etc

Can I get the cell holding the new entry to refer to the ideal weight and flag up the difference each time I update the weight for the new week?

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Recording Visits To A Form

May 31, 2005

Is there a popular way to show when records are updated, with something like a text box with Now(), please, Gurus?

It needs to be automatically enacted. (A box that they complete themselves gets quickly forgotten.)

Then if the Client refers to records changed on such and such a date, I can find them instantly.

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Recording User Login

Nov 20, 2006


I am developing a cylinder tracking system, when i user logs in its necessary to record this action, as when they try to fill a cylinder i need to be able to record that this particular employee has updated the table and by recorindg the user login in i will able to do this.

IS the anyway of being able to record whos logged in?

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Forms :: Returning Difference Between Date / Time Values In HH.MM Format

Dec 11, 2013

I want to be able to display the result of a difference between Date/Time values in "HH.MM" format (i.e. yes I want the result in decimals and I don't want Access to round up or down just because it feels like doing it!). I have used the following:

Example 1:

Dim ActualManHours as Long
ActualManHours = (txtEndTime.Value - txtStartTime.Value) * 86400
txtActualManHours.Value = ActualManHours

Example 2:

Dim ActualManHours as Long
ActualManHours = DateDiff("h",txtStartTime.Value, txtEndTime.Value) & "." & Format(DateDiff("n",txtStartTime.value,txtEndTime. value) Mod 60, "00")

Example 3:

Dim StartTime as Double
Dim EndTime as Double
Dim ActualManHours as Long
StartTime = CDbl(txtStartTime.Value)
EndTime = CDbl(txtEndTime.Value)
ActualManHours = EndTime - StartTime
txtActualManHours.Value = ActualManHours

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Populate Combo Box From Values Through Query And Hard Coded Value At Same Time

Jun 18, 2015

Currently I have a combo box in my access 2007 application which is drawing its value through a table using a SQL Query. I would also like it to show up a hard coded value in addition to the current list.

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