Records Being Removed From Query

May 26, 2005


i have a query that shows 190000 records made up from related fields spread over many tables.

now i add in a new field to the query. It is related in the same way the others are, and indeed the information now appears in the query matched up correctly.

But for some reason the query now shows 670 less records?????

why is Access removing some records because of this new field??

can anyone help?



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Query Result Changes When Table Removed

Jan 26, 2006


New to this forum so be gentle! I'm also recently self taught on Access 2003 and developed a fairly substantial database for my company to track projects. My terminology may be off but hopefully youcan follow.

I have a number of queries created by copying existing queries and tweaking them. I was attempting to fine tune one of these by removing tables that had no bearing on the query. I was surprised to find that the number of records returned changed when I did this. I tried this with a number of queries and it seems to be common, on my database at least.

The tables removed had no fields selected for the query and had reltionships to only 1 of the remaining tables so it shouldn't have made any difference? In ever instance, the returned record set was a smaller nukber than before the unused table was removed.

Any ideas.

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Security And How It Can Be Removed

Jan 31, 2008

Ok well I find myself in a bit of a pickle here... I created a database and allowed a friend to check it out. Well after he was finished and I try to open it I get a yellow exlamation point warning.

"You do not have the necessary permissions to use the database (It gives the whole path for the object). Have your system administrator or the person who created this object establish the appropriate permissions for you."

Now since I am the owner and creator how can this be removed? I am a bit miffed at my friend for whatever he did. Please tell me I can access this database again.


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Form Removed From Access <- Possible?

Jul 28, 2007

I need to create a frontend for my database that enables average users to edit the tables. So far, I got as far as creating a tabbed form for this function, but now I would like to know if it is possible to "externalize" this form, so that the users wouldn't need to start Access to use it.

If so, how can it be done?

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Table Has Had Autonumbers Removed And Need To Reinstate

Apr 8, 2008

Hi All

This is my first post so hope I get everything right :-)

Right i have three tables which are laid out as such

ID Number PK
Capacity_Band Number
Product Number
Price Number

previously the ID was a autonumber but this has been removed recently. When I try to change the ID back to Autonumber Access throws up an error. Some of the ID's occasionally get deleted which results in non consectutive numbers, normally I would strip the Id field and start again , but unfortunatly the id's are all interlinked , so this is not an option , unless i reset them all !!!!:mad:

My only thought is to set up a complicated series of lookups (probably vlookups in excel to reset the numbers) . Im hoping there is an easier way to reinstate the Autonumber on the ID field ? :confused:

Many Thanks for help in advance


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Restore Menu When Removed Using ACCESS OPTIONS

Aug 9, 2011

Is there any way to restore menus/editibility when they have been removed using ACCESS OPTIONS > CURRENT DATABASE then uncheck 'allow full menus'? Database was created in Access 2007. I always keep a back up of the pre-menu-disable state of my databases, but this is someone elses for which I can't find a backup.

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Removed And Returned Items Keep Showing Up In Queries & Reports

Feb 14, 2008

Good afternoon!
I have a database that tracks the withdraws and returns of shared tools.
The withdraw form has a check box on it that is checked to show removed when the item is ordered (this keeps that item from showing up in inventory searches). When the item is returned, that check box is unchecked, showing that the item can be withdrawn again.

When a person withdraws an item their supervisors name is also logged so that we know who to chase down when the item doesn't come back.

I have a query that is supposed to show what items are still outstanding based on a date range (I got the prompt for date range to work..yea me). However, the query shows every time that the item was borrowed.

I borrow a hammer and my supervisor is Bob. I return the hammer. It does not show as still withdrawn in my query.

The next I borrow the same hammer and again my supervisor is Bob. I return the hammer. It does not show as still withdrawn in my query.

The day after I borrow the same hammer and my supervisor is Joe. I return the hammer. It does not show as still withdrawn in my query.

Some other day I borrow the same hammer and my supervisor is Joe. I do not return the hammer. The two times I borrowed the hammer with my supervisor as Bob show up as well as the other time that I borrwed it with my supervisor as Joe shows up as well as the one that shows I still have it.
. One of the criteria in the query is essentially only show the items that have the check box checked (criteria=true). But that apparently does nothing, or (more than likely), I am doing something wrong.

This is the SQL:

SELECT tblOrder.OrderDate, tblOrder.Supervisor, tblEmployee.EmployeeFirst, tblEmployee.EmployeeLast, tblItemSpecifics.Description, tblItemSpecifics.Serial_Number
FROM (tblEmployee INNER JOIN tblOrder ON tblEmployee.GlobalID = tblOrder.GID) INNER JOIN (tblItemSpecifics INNER JOIN tblOrderInfo ON tblItemSpecifics.Serial_Number = tblOrderInfo.Serial_Number) ON tblOrder.OrderNumber = tblOrderInfo.Order_Number
GROUP BY tblItemSpecifics.Removed, tblOrder.OrderDate, tblOrder.Supervisor, tblEmployee.EmployeeFirst, tblEmployee.EmployeeLast, tblItemSpecifics.Description, tblItemSpecifics.Serial_Number
HAVING (((tblItemSpecifics.Removed)=True));

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General :: Removed Submenu Access On Login Form - Cannot Switch To Design Mode

Apr 21, 2015

I'm working on a login form and *not thinking* I removed access to the submenu. I had already set the form up so that you either login correctly or exit the program. I'm working in code for the form and I know it's possible to reactivate the menu in code, I just don't know how. And I can't switch to design mode. The form is set up to not allow anything to happen until the correct login has been entered, and I either had a typo when I set up my test login or the program is bugged and only says it's incorrect....

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Getting Query Criteria To Select All Records Or Specific Records In Query Design Section?

Jun 16, 2014

How can I get a Query Criteria To Select All Records or specific records in query design section.

I have a table that shows many departments with credit card transactions. I like to run a query to see specific department, or have an option to see all the departments when the query is run.

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"Value List" Data Removed When Data Is Enter In A "Text Box"

Apr 8, 2006

I'm using the "Value List" as the "Row Source Type" and data in the "Row Source" in a form. The data in the "Value List" is used in a "List Box" of this form. Also this form has a "Text Box" that is used for a date (in the "Short Date" format). When I select values from the "List Box", then enter a date in the "Text Box", the values from the "List Box" are unselected. How can I determine what is causing this ?

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Query Problem: Records Linked To Records

Oct 31, 2007


I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to help me out on this problem I have.

I have a table:
Source | LinkedTo
A1 B2
B2 C1
B2 C2
C1 D1
C2 D2
C2 D3
B2 D4
A1 D5

Another table:

Item | Load
D1 2
D2 4
D3 6
D4 8
D5 10

So looking at the tables,
C1 = 2
C2 = 4+6 = 10
B2 = C1 + C2 + D4 = 20
A1 = 20 + 10 = 30

Here, there are 4 levels that I have to go into to get the grand total. If I did not know how many levels there were, how would I be able to do this through code? through queries if possible??

If anyone could help, that would be great! Thank you in advance.


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Queries :: Query That Will Return Records From A Table That Have Related Records In Another Table

Mar 4, 2015

I am looking for a query that will return records from a table that have related records in another table. Opposite to the Unmatched Query Wizard.I have two tables: tblSupplier and tblSupplierProducts.The two tables are related by the field "SupplierId".I need the query to only return Suppliers that have Products.

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Show All Records From One Query And The Sum Of A Field In A Related Query Record

Mar 8, 2005

I'm building a report for annual software license renewals. The report data source is a query that combines the customer information, their computer information, and the licenses purchased for that computer. I am having no trouble with the form displaying the customer info page, then a page with the computer info at the top and a list of licenses purchased for that computer underneath.

That would be great, if that's what my boss wanted. However, she wants the whole list of available licenses displayed on each page, in the event someone want to purchase additional licenses with this year's renewal.

I'm trying to figure out how I can set up a query/report grouping to do that. I've tried making a new query, relating the qryLicense!licenseID to the qryPurchase!purchLicense and setting the relationship option to show all records from qryLicense and only those related from qryPurchase. I added the qryPurchase!purchCPU field to my query, hidden it, and set the criteria to “=1” (the computer ID of one of my dummy computer records). I also have a Sum of the qryPurchase!purchQty field included in the new query that I want to display the total number of that particular license purchased (and 0 if there are no corresponding records). All fields except for the quantity field are set to Group By.

What I’m getting from this is simply a list of the licenses purchased for that computer, not the complete list of licenses available showing the quantity purchased where applicable.

Can someone see where I’m going wrong?

slaughter at mizzou dot edu

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Queries :: When One Sub Query Has No Records Entire Main Query Is Blank

Oct 1, 2014

I have a query with three sub queries, all returning a number from different tables. But when any one of the sub queries returns a blank, the entire main query is blank.

How do I stop this from happening? I have tried NZ() on the sub queries and on the main query, but the blank still happens.

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Queries :: Differentiate A Query Based On All Group Records Or A Query Based On Only One Record

Dec 22, 2014

I have a combo named cbogroup. I have a tblGroup with several records (active, non-active, nursery, etc.). One of the records is *ALL*. Using the CboGroup the user can pick any of the records. Howeverr, if they pick the *ALL* record, I want the query to pull up animalID based on all records in the TblGroup. If another record is picked (i.e. nursery), then the query will pull up only animalIDs that are in the 'Nursery'.Can I put a (iff then) in a query in order to differentiate a query based on all group records or a query based on only one record?

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How To Have ALL Records Appear In A Query??

Aug 8, 2005

I'm joining two tables in a query. I need to have all names from one table appear in the query results, even if those names don't appear in the joint.
I checked the second option in Join Properties to show ALL fields from that table, but when I run the query I only get the names where joined fields are equal. Changing the Join Properties doesn't seem to have any effect on my results. Any ideas what else I can do to show ALL of those names?

Thank you for any help.

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Query Has No Records

Mar 16, 2005

How can I set up a form to NOT open if the underlying query has no data? This feature is nicely available in reports, but how can I do it with forms, too?

Thanks in advance!

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Query For Every 10 Records

Oct 10, 2004

i want to make it so that on a query search, it shows me every 10 records of my "Number" field
e.g. so that it shows me record 1, 11, 21, 31,etc. Plz can someone help!!!

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Grouping Records Using A Query

Aug 2, 2005

How can I group records based on values within a particular field? For example, if I have records of people with different annual incomes, what is the easiest way to allocate the records to income bands? I assume the starting point will be to create a band classification in Excel and import as a table. How do I subsequently run a query to achieve the desired effect?

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Limit Records In Top N Query

May 13, 2005

I have a Top 10 query (it is based on $ amount) and everything works fine except...say I have 1,000 records and 5 are >$0 it shows those fine but since the other 995 records are $0 it shows "all" of them.
I would like to limit the record count in the query to only 10. Within that 10 records if there are $0 records then I would like to show them up to the 10 record limit.

I see both sides I think but you would think that if you say "Top 10" it would be "10".

Thank you :confused:

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Numbering Records In Query

Aug 11, 2005

Hello, I have a question. I don't really know much about access, but I am really comforatable with SQL (DB2 and MySQL Programmer). Anyways, I was wondering if there is any way to do the following in SQL.

I have a Students Table that holds the names of students, an applications table that holds different applications, and an offers table that holds offers for the different applications.

The relationships for the tables are :
One Student Has Many Applications, One Application has Many Offers

IE: One Application can have up to three offers attached to it. I have the following query running to get all of the offers for all students in a specified term:

SELECT DISTINCT Offers.tblStudentProgCodeFK, Names.StudentID, Names.FName, Names.LName, (Offers.Code), tblPrograms.ProgName, Names.[Country Of Birth], Offers.[OCAS Number]
FROM qryApplications_Offers AS Offers, [Names], tblPrograms, (SELECT DISTINCT StartingDate, EndingDate FROM StartDates WHERE Term LIKE "*"+[Forms]![frmSelector]![Term]+"*") AS B
WHERE (Names.StudentID = Offers.StudentID AND (tblPrograms.ProgCode = Offers.Code OR Offers.Code=0) )
(Offers.StartDate BETWEEN B.StartingDate AND B.EndingDate);

What I was wondering is if there is any way to add a field in the output that would number the selections. Right now it returns a table like:

tblFK StdID Code
34440 20394 0112
34440 20394 0123
34440 20394 0234
34234 25847 0100
47364 34857 0111
47364 34857 0311

I would like to do something like this:

tblFK StdID Code Choice
34440 20394 0112 0
34440 20394 0123 1
34440 20394 0234 2
34234 25847 0100 0
47364 34857 0111 0
47364 34857 0311 1

Where the choice column would count the choice for that student. Is this even possible? There is no choice number in the Applications or Offers table so I would need to do this in the query....

Any help would be appreciated

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Query Returns No Records

Aug 30, 2005

Obvious neophyte issue here, sorry...

I have a table, PURCHASE_ITEMS with 3 fields: ID, TYPE, NAME
Another table, ITEM_TYPES with 2 fields: ID, TYPE

TYPE in both tables is a text field and there is a one-to-many relationship between them.

When I run a query on PURCHASE_ITEMS, I can see all 25 records. When I set a criteria for TYPE to one of the types, no records appear, even though there are 5 or 6 of that type.

Can anyone help me with this absurdly simple problem that I can't seem to get my brain around?

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Query/filter Records

Aug 30, 2005

i have a table with 20,000 records. one column includes names. another column includes multiple dates the person visited a doctor, and another column includes dates the person visited a hospital. i am only interested in the last date the person visited a doctor and the last date the person visited a hospital (if they had any visits to the doctor or hospital). I am also interested in members who have had no visits to the doctor or hospital. any suggestions on how i can filter the data to only return these records? thanks

Name Date Visited DoctorDate Visited Hospital

For example, I only want to return

Nigel, 03/02/2004 (Date Visited Doctor), and 06/06/2005 (Date Visited Hospital). thank you. i really appreciate any help you can offer.

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Query Not Returning All The Records I Need

Sep 28, 2005

I have 3 tables - Students, which contains all students; Attendance, which contains dates a particular student was absent; and AttendanceCtrl which contains Quarter beginning/ending dates. I need to be able to calculate the number of days a student was present, absent, tardy in a quarter. The query needs to extract all students regardless of whether or not they missed any days. I tried using a Left join Students to Attendance and then joining AttendanceCtrl but Access said it couldn't do it because of "ambiguous outer joins". It said to create the first join then use that query in the second join. I tried that. I created a query with a Left join joining Students to Attendance. That gives me what I wanted, all students from Students and also those students with matching records in Attendance.

The 2nd query is giving me problems. I tried joining the first query (qryStudents) to AttendanceCtrl and calculating my totals. Problem is, the query only gives me students what have records in the Attendance file; it doesn't give me all the students. If a student did not miss any days, I need to show that he was present 90 days out of 90. Because there's no matching record in the Attendance file, I get nothing for those students.

As I said the first query (qryStudents) seems to be working but I need to take the records from that query, group them together by StudentID, and then calculate my totals. How can I do this? Am I approaching this wrong altogether?

Thanks for any help.

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Similar Records In The Same Query?

Oct 28, 2005

This is a tough one. I am developing golf management software. There is a table of caddies. And there is a table of members. The Caddies carry two bags each one for each member. They are assigned their jobs through an assignment form. Therefore, a single caddie will carry for Member1 and Member 2.

Now I need to produce a report of how many times each member plays. So how can I query the assignment table where Member 1 and Member 2 fields exist so that I can have a single field of allMembers so that I can count their rounds in a report.


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Sorting Records In A Query

Nov 9, 2005

I am having a problem sorting records in a query. I have about 5, 000 entries in a table and when I build my query based on certain fields, the numbers in certain columns are not in order although I use the sorting feature. ( e.g.) I have 5 columns with numbering data contained in the columns, and I have it set up to sort in ascending order, which it did, but I noticed that the Volume # column sorts the Volume numbers differently (see example below):

V. 1
V. 10
V. 11
V. 12
then it goes back to
V. 2
V. 3
V. 4
V. 5
V. 6
V. 7
V. 8
V. 9

It looks like it sorts anything with a 1 first then the rest later. How do I fix this?


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