Records Not Displaying In Query

Nov 7, 2007

I am attempting to run a query with fields from 6 tables. These tables have been related, but just a simple ID to ID throughout all of the tables. When I select the fields I would like to be in query using the disign wizard it will allow me to create the query, however it will not display and data.

Originally, the query wizard would not allow me to insert all of the different tables fields in the query because "they were not related", so I went back and did the ID to ID relationships. Like I said this now allows me to create the query, but unfortunately no data appears.

Anyone have any suggestions please??

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Query Not Displaying All Records

Sep 5, 2006

Hi All

I have 28 records in my table - when I run the query (made by using the wizard) it only picks up 6 records.

I have no criteria in the query - just a straight query fulling all fields from the table.

Any suggestions?

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Union All Query NOT Displaying Duplicate Records

Dec 10, 2007

I have two tables, and I made a union query (tbl1 UNION ALL SELECT ...tbl2). Problem is, I have two entries that are identical in both tbl1 and tbl2, but I want to include BOTH of them in the union query. Even though I used the ALL operator, only one set shows up!! I'm pulling out my hair trying to figure this out. Please help, and thanks so much in advance!:(

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Forms :: Multiple Records From Query Not Displaying On Form

Nov 18, 2013

I have a form that a user will use to search records. Upon selecting a record, there are three buttons that allows the user to look at more detailed information. This information will be on the many side of the relationship. So I will have multiple values. The called form is just a popup form that I use for several other instances, like displaying memo fields from other tables.

The problem I am having is that only one record shows up at a time on the called form. I have read through the postings and have changed the properties for Default View, Filter on Load, Data Entry, etc. Nothing seems to change the outcome. I have run the query in SQL view and have no issues. It returns the correct records and multiple rows when expecting. Why they don't show up on the form. There are no errors, just the first record from the many side of the relationship shows up in the form. I would like all records to show up, just like when I run the query.


SELECT Capability
FROM Process_Meetings_Capabilities, Process_Meetings
WHERE Process_Meetings_Capabilities.Meeting_ID = Process_Meetings.Meeting_ID
AND Process_Meetings_Capabilities.Meeting_ID = 2;

Button Code

Private Sub Capabilities_btn_Click()
strSQL = "SELECT Capability AS Results"
strSQL = strSQL & " FROM Process_Meetings_Capabilities, Process_Meetings"
strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE Process_Meetings_Capabilities.Meeting_ID = Process_Meetings.Meeting_ID"
strSQL = strSQL & " AND Process_Meetings_Capabilities.Meeting_ID = " & Me!Meeting_cmbo.Column(0)

[Code] .....

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Displaying Records

Feb 21, 2005

I have 500 Records in my Software Table, and I would like to display only those records that match my criteria that I place in my text box on my form called Software Name. So Once I have entered the software type in my text box, then I would like to display those records at the bottom of the screen as the selected records.... Any ideas??My table is called, Software, which contains Software Type, Software Name, Serial Id, Comments, Inventory Number, Version , Key and Company... I have a text box that is called txtSoftware, Which searches the databse and display the information in a list box called, lstResult, I would like to however, have the option, display in the list box but also display those records on the bottom of my form as it will look like in design view of my table. I have no idea how to ever start the idea ....

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Displaying Records

Nov 2, 2006

This is probably a very basic question, but I'm going to ask it anyway.

I have two tables linked together, in a one to many relationship (a supervisor table, and an employee table). Each supervisor can have many employees that report to them. I then set up a forum to enter new employees as they come into the corporation, and need to referance which supervisor they report to, I have a drop down box that I want to display SupervisorLastName, SupervisorFirstName (for example, Williams, George) but is only displaying the SupervisorID (for example 60).

How can I make the forum display Williams, George instead of 60?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Displaying Records That Have A Null Value

May 14, 2006

I'm trying to get a query to display only the records that have a null value in a certain field.

I know this has something to do with the Nz function, but I can't figure it out.

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Problems With Displaying All Records

Jan 14, 2008

Hi all, this is my first post here and im hoping one of you can help me! :).

Basically I have a report which pulls up a number of fields from different tables that basically show a work number and what the value of the materials used in the job cost. It works fine. Now when I go to add the labour table into the query, it instantly cuts out alot of the records. Now im 'assuming' this is due to the fact that not every job could have labour spent on it, that it is simply not showing records that do not have any labour hours associated with it. Therefore I want to be able to call up all the information as I did previously, but be able to show the hours spent on a job (if any). This is not my database and Ive spent a good day or so staring at it and trying multiple things but I cant seem to pull up the information correctly. There is a relationship between the tables, but I am puzzled why the information it pulls up when I add the labour table is so different.

Thanks for any help.

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Displaying Records And The Count

Jul 17, 2012

I have a continuous form (frmEmployeeVis) that displays the records in the form's Record Source (SELECT (whatever) FROM dbo_EmployeeData). One of these fields, NotActive, can be edited for each record and affects how that record displays elsewhere in my DB.

I have a query (qCurrentHC) that counts all of the records in dbo_Employee data where NotActive equals False (SELECT Count(*) FROM dbo_Employee Data WHERE (dbo_EmployeeData.NotActive="False")

Right now, I have a List Box that displays the result of the qCurrentHC query, where the row source simply selects the only value

It all works fine. The records display, the query runs, and the list box displays the number. However, if I change any of the NotActive values and hit update (Me.Requery on the frmEmployeeVis), the qCurrentHC query obviously doesn't update since it isn't the form's record source. If I open any of my other forms with qCurrentHC displayed in this manner, or reopen this form it will update since it'll rerun the query then.

How do I get the query to rerun when I update this field on that form?

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Subform: Displaying Toptext When There Are No Records

Dec 20, 2007


This is not a very big issue, but a very annoying one. I'm making a weekly display of tasks preformed (One subform for each day). The functionality is almost like a timesheet. You register the hours worked on spesific tasks/projects.

The problem I got now is that the textbox containing the date (In the subform) is not displayed when there is no records in the subform. The date is set by the motherform - Me.Form!frmday1.Form.VarDate = Me.day1

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Displaying Records With Minimum Values Only

Mar 23, 2006

I'm trying to get my query to display only the minimum value within my query results. I have the following fields, CustomerID, OrderID, ProductID, WarehouseID, Freight Cost.

My current query will return results that show me the locations and freight cost of each product to my customers. My intention is for the query to only return records that has the lowest freight cost as there may be several warehouses with identical products but with varying freight costs due to location to customer.

I've tried to apply the MIN function on Freight Cost but it will only sort the records in ascending order instead of only displaying the record with lowest frieght cost.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Criteria For Displaying Records For A Given Week

Mar 16, 2008

Hi guys

I'm a little stuck on three of my nine queries. Bascially, three of them display records for a given day, three for a given week and three for a given month. The criteria for days and months was pretty easy; I just got:

[Enter Date] for a single date
DatePart("m", [Date]) = [Month] for a given month

However, I'm really stumped on how to work out the criteria needed for working out records for a given week. All I managed to work out was:

<=[Week Ending] And >"Date[Week Ending]-7"

This works when there is no test data, but not when there is. I know it's something to do with the -7 bit, but I can't work out what.

Please help :(


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Displaying Multiple Records In Control

Aug 3, 2005

At the moment I have a field 'Author' which is displayed using a subform. The user can cycle through the many authors that are associated with each record in the main form. However, what I'd like to do is to display each record simultaneously in the same control, and with a little bit of playing around in VB get the form to work out how many Authors there are and display the names in a particular format. I.e.,

Bloggs, Jones & Smith
Hank & Mason

See what I mean? Does anyone know how I might refernce the records. So logically it would be:

lblAuthor = Record1 + "," + Record2 + " & " + Record3.

If that makes sense...Sorry if this is in the forums somewhere...

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Displaying Records Dependant On Combo Box

Jun 8, 2006


Any ideas on how to autofill the rest of a form when i select from a combo box?

ie when i choose a name from the list i want the rest of the form to populate with the rest of the data relevant to the selection.


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Displaying Number Of Records On A Form

Nov 16, 2004

Dear All:

I am curious to see if threre is a way to display the number of records on a form in a text box. I know access has this number on the bottom of the form, but it's a vision issue for me.

Any ideas on how to get this done?

I am most appreciative of all the help.



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Displaying Multiple Records On A Form

May 17, 2005

Anyone know how to display multiple records at the same time on a form?

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Queries :: Displaying Records Horizontally

Nov 29, 2013

If you have a one - many relationship between data, normally in the table it is captured, you would find multiple rows for every 'thing', each row detailing different 'functions' performed on it.

Is there a way that one can display these functions horizontally, instead of vertically, i.e, have one row per 'thing', instead of multiple rows.

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Forms :: Not All Records Displaying In Form

Aug 20, 2013

I have a form where users can look through different records as well as add a new record through a control button. When a new record is added, all the relevant data should end up in the corresponding back end tables.

The problem I am having is that some of the new records I am adding work perfectly (sync with the tables, etc). Other records, however, are showing up in the tables but not in the actual form. For example, when I attempt to search in the form for the record name, nothing comes up.

The Datasheet View is set to No, so it's definitely not that. I'm not really sure where else to look - the new records appear in tables and the report I have linked to the form, they just don't all show up in the actual form!

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Queries :: Only Displaying Unchecked Records?

Jan 17, 2015

I want to run a query to show all my outstanding orders between two dates. I've done all this correctly and it works fine. However I only want the query to show me the records where the checkbox on 'tblOrders' is unchecked. For obvious reasons, I don't need to see these records, just that records that have been checked, therefore are outstanding.

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Queries :: Displaying All Records But Filtering Certain Fields

Nov 21, 2013

I have a query that carries all the properties in our database, and data for when our company 'worked on' properties. Each property falls within a certain province and municipality (this is slightly irrelevant info) , we worked on properties in a period from 2009 - 2013/06/30 this period is called '2009', and we have again worked on properties during a period 2013/07/01 onward - this period is called '2013'.

Now I require this query to display all the properties, but only the entries in certain fields, that relate to '2013'.

I have about 7 fields where this date (either 2009 or 2013) can be displayed, I tried to filter them all simultaneously by using the criteria: Is Null Or "2013", in every one of these fields, but this criteria results in me losing entire records that contained 2009 data, instead of the data simply not being displayed. Even in cases where some of the 'date' fields contained 2013.

How I can keep all records but simply display info relating to work we did in the 2013 period?

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Forms :: Displaying Records By Order Number

Jun 25, 2013

I am on code want to display records on the form by order_number, but i am unable to do it.

Private Sub Combo63_AfterUpdate()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim intcount As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Master_Log WHERE Order_number = " & Combo63.Value & "", dbOpenSnapshot)

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Subform Not Displaying Data For Certain Records

Jan 22, 2015

I have a main form which displays data regarding stock takes for a number of locations. The form is bound to a query which is based on a table containing a STOCKTAKE_ID field which is an autonumber field. The STOCKTAKE_ID is present on the main form

I then have a subform which is linked to the mainform via STOCKTAKE_ID.

When I open the form for a particular location the subform displays data, no problem. When I do the same for other locations the form is blank. If I check the table that the subform is based on, there is a record with correct STOCKTAKE_ID but for some reason the form won't display it. There are also no duplicates.

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Displaying Records Relating To One Employee At A Time

May 6, 2013

I am currently creating a DB for a Customer Service team so management can keep track of who is skilled in what area, sick days, holidays etc. I have created three tables so far as follows:

EmployeeT with a primary key 'EmployeeID'

SickT with a primary key of 'SickID' and a foreign key of 'EmployeeID' linking to the EmployeeT (Reason behind this is that I may have multiple records for one Employee, meaning I would need a unique identifier)

SkillT with a primary key of 'EmployeeID' linking into the EmployeeT (Only possible to have one skill record linked to one employee)

Set up relationships as follows:

One EmployeeT to one SkillT
One EmployeeT to many SickT

I then created a blank form and used Tab Control.

On the first page I was able to populate the page with all the Employee info.
On the second page I was able to populate with all the skills relevant to the initial employee.

Then I tried populating sick records relating to the employee on a third page, but that's a no go. I was considering putting a subform on this page, but I wouldn't know where to even start with that.

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Subform Not Displaying Correct Records From Main Form

Feb 23, 2005

Hello. The problem I am having is related to two tables. I have a table called Void and a table called Panel. A panel can have multiple voids and a void is assigned to only panel (one-to-many). In the Panel table, I set an autoincrementing number(SprayPanelId) for the pK. In the Void table, I set an autoincrementing number (VoidId) for the pk. I place the SprayPanelId into the Void table as a foreign key (same name in the void table). The problem I have is in my forms. I created a Panel form with a button to open a subform for data entry on the voids related to the panel in a new window. Data can be entered and is properly saved in the Void table. I open the Void table in a datasheet view under the table section and see it is properly there. I can run queries where Void.SprayPanelId = Panel.SprayPanelId and it returns the correct void with the correct Panel. The problem becomes when I open my void subform, it no longer displays that record associated with that panel. however, the record is there in my void table. Any thoughts? Do I need a filter perhaps, run any sql commands? Thanks in advance, Kevin

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Queries :: IIF Condition - Displaying All The Records Including Null

Aug 26, 2013

I want to list all the records which contains data as per my filter form field company.

I have tried this

Like IIf(IsNull([Forms]![Filter]![COMPANY]),"*","*" & [Forms]![Filter]![COMPANY] & "*")

problem is this i want to display all the records including null, but this code only show all records except null

Like IIf(IsNull([Forms]![Filter]![COMPANY]),"*" here we have to add codes for null values also but i don't know how ,"*" & [Forms]![Filter]![COMPANY] & "*")

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Displaying Form Records Created By User And Specific To A Date

Jul 24, 2005


I was wondering how difficult it would be to do the following:

1. A user opens up a form.
2. The user uses a combo box to select his/her name.
3. There is a date combo box on the form and by default, it is set to today's date. So when the user selects his/her name, the records for today are displayed. Changing the date will show only the records for the date shown.
4. The user will have the ability to add and delete records specific to the criteria chosen in the text boxes. Adding new records will only add records for the date chosen in the combo box. E.g. if he/she adds a record for today, it will only be seen when today's date is selected.

Will a subform have to be used for something like this? Or could it be done with one form using filters?

Any thoughts and/or approaches on this would be greatly appreciated.


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