I am having this error which is driving me nuts but I am sure it is quite a simple one. I am attaching a Sample dbase - My command runs of a Form based on a Table. Any help??
I added a command button to a form that will create a new record and keep certain fields from the previously saved record. Whenever I open the form from the database window and enter in a new record, then click the command button to move to a new record it works fine; however, when I access the form through the Switchboard and try to use the command button it gives me a "You can't go to the specified record. You may be at the end of a recordset." error.
Does anyone know what I need to do to correct this problem?
Hi I am assigning a value from a table to text box on the form through VBA. It gives the following error :
Run time error 2115
The macro or function set to the BeforeUpdate or ValidationRule property for this field is preventing MS Access from saving the data in the field. I have no BeforeUpdate or Validation event for the text box. What else could be the cause ?
The text box is unbound and I use ADODB connection. Please assist.
Why does the following code generate an error. All i want to do is open a recordset which I thought would be straightforward. (novice Programmer, new to access vba). The set statement in the ComboProduct event generates the error.
Option Compare Database Dim Company As String Private dbaProposal As DAO.Database Dim EffectiveDate As Date Dim Product As String Private rstProposal As DAO.Recordset
Private Sub ComboProduct_AfterUpdate() Product = ComboProduct.Value Set rstProposal = dbsProposal.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Proposals WHERE Proposals.[Group Name]='" & Company & "' AND Proposals.[Effective Date]=#" & EffectiveDate & "# AND Proposals.Product='" & Product & "'") End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() Set dbsProposal = DBEngine.OpenDatabase("Database1.accdb") End Sub
Hi Everyone, I was wondering if anybody would be kind enough to help me with a problem that I have with regards to a 'Contacts Database' that I found under the Sample Database link on this site - posted by MStCyr. When I try to navigate through A-Z buttons I am presented with a dialogue box which states " the object doesn't contain the Automation object 'RecordsetClone', whatever that means??
I would like to use this sample DB in my project however it is presently unusable unless I can figure out how to clear this problem. If this is not achievable could you please point me in the right direction where I could find a similar, downloadable file.
Hopefully a more experienced forum member than I could please help me out.........
How it works: You search for a User, and then you search for a Serial.Now, what if I want to edit the table? (inside the subform, the results). I added an openRecordSet, and Parameters, but I still get the error saying that Recordset cannot be updated.Why? I opened and sent parameters but still fails.
I have 2 similar numbers in a table with the following parameters:
Double, Fixed, DecPlaces = 2 One number (GLminor) = 0.10 Second Number (GLmaj) = 0.50
When i use the following code to create and pull the numbers from a recordset the (Gmin) is OK and displays as 0.1 but the (Gmaj) has a problem and displays as 0. So when i'm attempting to use it in an equation (OtherNumber) / (Gmaj) i'm getting a divide by zero error.
Code: sSQL1 = "SELECT * FROM tblRScales WHERE ID = " & RScaleID Set rs1 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sSQL1, dbOpenDynaset) rs1.MoveFirst Gmaj = rs1!GLmaj Gmin = rs1!GLminor
I've tried using CDec(OtherNumber) / CDec(Gmaj) and still get the same error.
As both numbers have the same properties in the table parameters i'm completely lost as to why one seems OK while the other seems to round down to 0.
I have a linked table to a DB2 database. this table contains key-pair values and has about 140k records.
I use a Sub to update the value of a specific record.
The sub starts by opening the needed DAO recordset Then it uses the rs.Findfirst method It checks if rs.Nomatch is not true (so the records exists!) Then it starts updating the record with rs.edit rs!value1 = myvalue1, rs!value2 = myvalue 2 rs.Update There is where I get the '3021 No current record' error
I use the same sub on the same table to update to different parts. One part works the other gives me the error.
Special situation: The SQL Server Linked Server across the country is linked to a Read Only Oracle DB. This data pull works perfectly and populates the Subform.
The problem is that Oracle can take 3 to 6 seconds to retrieve the single record depending on the network traffic through a small pipe.
The code below shows the RecordSource for the SubForm. clicking on a list box supplies the value. Then 3 to 6 seconds later, the subform populates.
The actual Recordset for this Recordsource is needed to conduct Validation on each field. Normally this would be on SQL Server, I might just create a Recordset Oject and run this SQL statement again in 1 milisecond. In this case, it will probably take an additional 3 to 6 seconds. Avoiding another lengthy round-trip to Oracle would be prefered.
Goal: How does one grab, clone, or other wise reference the existing recordset for the SubForm?
Note: Immediate Window - One single field can be returned quickly
There are 48 fields that need validation - is there a way to reference the entire recordset?
Immediate Window during Break Mode: ? me.fsubsrNavSHLBHL("NavSH_QQ") NESE ' this is the correct value for the current recordsource
Set a breakpoint right after the line: fsubsrNavSHLBHL.Form.RecordSource = "Select * from vsrNavigatorSHLBHL where Well_ID =" & txtNavWellID.Value
Immediate Window: ? me.fsubsrNavSHLBHL.Form.RecordSource Select * from vsrNavigatorSHLBHL where Well_ID =91229
I have a form (frmAssign) based on a query which when opened directly from the database window allows me to update any of the fields.
BUT when I open the same form from a coded button on a different form (frmLastAssignment), my efforts to update any of the fields are thwarted and "Recordset is not updateable" appears in the status bar.
Process That Will Let Me Update Open frmAssign directly from database window.
Process That Won't Let Me Update Open frmLastAssignment, click on "Continue" button to open frmAssign.
Any suggestions of what is happening and how to fix it would be greatly appreciated!
Hi...hope someone can help. I'm a bit new to the programming scene and need some help with a recordset.
The current code that I am using is:
Private Sub Command126_Click() 'September - 2006 - Create Application Form. Dim appWord As Word.Application Dim NoPrompt Dim rstContacts As Recordset Set rstContacts = Me.Recordset
Set appWord = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
With appWord .Documents.Add "C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorMy Documents est.doc" .ActiveDocument.ShowSpellingErrors = False .Selection.Goto wdGoToBookmark, Name:="test" End With
Do Until rstContacts.EOF
appWord.Selection.TypeText rstContacts!ContactName & " " rstContacts.MoveNext Loop End Sub
I want a situation where recordset information can be 'fed' to a word document depending on what is written in control boxes on the form. So, for example if there are three options in a Combo Box, namely:
Option 1, Option 2 and Option 3
I want information from the 'ContactName' control box to be inserted in the 'test' document at specific 'bookmarks' for all forms where 'Option 1' is selected in the Combo Box.
Hope this makes sense....I think I'm getting close but still no joy
Hi, I know MS Access quite but not much. I am using Access 2000.
What I want to do is to use DLOOKUP Function to find a value stored in a recordset defined in VBA. I successfully did this task by creating a query.
You will say if I have done this then what is the problem. Dear I have to create as many queries as NO of forms as this query is required on every form on a controll when it is double clicked. Thus I want to create a function with my parameter which is "Date" of that form.
For testing I created this sub on my form but got an error .
Error message says ****Run Time Error '3061' ****Too Few parameters. Expected 1
I really am not able to get why this error is coming as I copied and pasted this SqlString created by MSAccess from my successful query .
================================== Dim rstTemp As Recordset Dim sqlStr As String
sqlStr = "SELECT tblJournal.Account AS AccID, Sum(tblJournal.amtDebit) AS Dr, Sum(tblJournal.amtCredit) AS Cr, tblCOA.OpBalDr, tblCOA.OpBalCr, [OpBalDr]+[Dr] AS Debit, [Cr]+[OpBalCr] AS Credit, [Debit]-[Credit] AS Bal FROM tblCOA INNER JOIN tblJournal ON tblCOA.accNum = tblJournal.Account WHERE (((tblJournal.Date) <= " & Me.Date & " )) GROUP BY tblJournal.Account, tblCOA.OpBalDr, tblCOA.OpBalCr;"
Set rstTemp = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sqlStr)
xx = DLookup("[Bal]", "rstTemp", "AccID=1010")
MsgBox xx
================================ Please tell where I am wrong and how can I perform this task in a rather easier way.
Hi guys, I'm a bit confused: I know that opening a bound form will bring down the whole recordset. But if I create a parametered query as the recordsource, will it still bring down the whole recordset first and only afterwards cut down to the records matching the parameters?
Example: I have a clients table with 5000 clients on a backend mdb, and my client lookup form in my frontend mdb. If I open the form looking for just client "Jim Jones" (via the parameter query), will Access bring down all 5000 clients from the backend to my frontend first, and only then seek out "Jim Jones" before discarding the rest of the recordset?
For if this is true then this whole Access business is rather unsuited for networks, even a small one. I hope you guys prove me wrong.
I want to write a email where there are 2 or 3 different ordernumbers for same email, i want to include the email in the mail part as single column table. how to do it? also can i use result of one recordset for other recordset?
I have a database in which the tables are located in one MS Access file, and the queries, forms, reports, etc. are all located in a seperate MS Access file (MS Access 2003). The MS Access file that stores the tables, I call the "back end file".
I got a call regarding the database, and found that some how the back-end file got corrupted. When I want to open the file, I got the error...
"Database is not in a recognized format.... You must repair the file".
So I clicked "Yes" to compact and repair the back-end file, and the database worked correctly for me.
All except one query. I have a query that pulls in the main table of the database and then one of the subform queries. Linked on the main table primary key, it is a pretty simple query. This query has always been used to update data for the sub-form.
Today, after the compact and repair job, this query became a locked record set. I cannot add, edit or delete from the records in this query.
I can add, edit and delete from both the tables in the query, just not from the query itself. To make things even more strange, when I try to edit, I don't get the message at the bottom of the query stating "This recordset is locked".
I am just wondering if anyone has experienced this, and if there is something more trouble some brewing. If so, is there anyway to fix my query? Is my database back end file still corrupt (I have compact and repaired it since then). I even copied every table from the back-end file into a new MS Access database file, and I still get the same error with the query.
I've been banging my head against this problem for a while now and making no progress and am hoping someone cleverer than me can provide some assistance in solving it, or point me in the right direction.
Here goes....
I am working solely in the VBA environment and would like to perform an automated process that returns a recordset based on the results of a previously created recordset (assuming of course it is possible in the first instance.)
The catch is I would like to perform an INNER JOIN using the results held within a recordset. I have already achieved this by creating a temporary table (using a SELECT INTO statement) and then removing the temporary table when I am finished but find this is a slower process than I would like.
I have three tables: Table A - Fields: GROUP, NAME, DATA1, DATA2 Table B - Fields: GROUP, NAME, , CITY, DATA3 Table C - Fields: CITY, DATA3
I have the following declarations:
Dim db As Database Dim rs1 As Recordset, rs2 As Recordset, rs3 As Recordset Dim strSql As String
Set db = CurrentDb
Next, I select a specific range I am interested in. For the purpose of this example, I am only selecting GROUP values of 1,2 and 3.
strSql = "SELECT * FROM A WHERE A.GROUP IN (1,2,3)" Set rs1 = db.OpenRecordset(strSql) rs1.MoveFirst
Now, for each record returned in the query above, I would like to process as follows:
The rs2 query returns the results of that query into what I though was a memory resident table referred to as "jc". (This is most likely where I am going wrong!) Using this reference, I perform another query...
And from this point I would be able to process the results (if any) that I need to....
...if it wasn't for the error: "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'jc'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly."
I know the table doesn't 'truly' exist as a physical object or entity within the database, so how do I reference this 'phantom' table in a query?
I am happy to provide more details if it would help solve this problem and would really appreciate any feedback that anyone has to offer.
i want to open a recordset, in its 'where' clause i want to pass the value which i entered in Form textbox? is this possible ?
COde: rs.open "select * from table1 where id=form.textbox",con
i have written general code above. when i run my application ..it gives error "Control which is focus can only be reference" how can i pass my value to select query ?
I am in the middle of creating a function that populates two unbound text boxes on a form and then uses those unbound textboxes in a query (Total of 3 unbound text boxes - 2 are populated from this function). The saved query object is working fine when I manually execute it (after the unbound text boxes have been populated). However, when I go to set the same query to a recordset I am getting the "Too Few Parameters. Expected 3." error message.
In the saved query I used the build function to use the unbound text boxes as part of the where clause. Below is the code I am trying to execute:
PHP Code:
Public Function Test()Dim db As DAO.DatabaseSet db = CurrentDbDim rst As DAO.Recordset Dim DtBegin As String''FInd the Begin dtstBegin = DateAdd("q", -1, DateSerial(Year(Date), (DatePart("q", Date) - 1) * 3 + 1, 1)) Dim DtEnd As String''find the end dateDtEnd = DateAdd("Q", DateDiff("Q", 0, Date) - 1, 0)
[Code] ......
The unbound text boxes are populated before the query is set to the recordset.
I'm trying to assign the result of an SQL query to a variable using VBA in Access. The query returns a value but the variable which it is assigned to has a value of Nothing. Here is the code snippet:
Dim queryReturnID As String queryReturnID = "select dbo_tbl_SupplierReturn.ReturnID from dbo_tbl_SupplierReturn" & _ " where SupplierID = " & lstPOHdr.Column(1) Debug.Print queryReturnID Dim RecordSet1 As DAO.RecordSet Set RecordSet1 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(queryReturnID)