I have a form (frmAssign) based on a query which when opened directly from the database window allows me to update any of the fields.
BUT when I open the same form from a coded button on a different form (frmLastAssignment), my efforts to update any of the fields are thwarted and "Recordset is not updateable" appears in the status bar.
Process That Will Let Me Update
Open frmAssign directly from database window.
Process That Won't Let Me Update
Open frmLastAssignment, click on "Continue" button to open frmAssign.
Any suggestions of what is happening and how to fix it would be greatly appreciated!
I'm having a problem updating a form. The query from the form is based on two other queries, one of these queries is based on a table from an external database.
I want to use the Form to populate only data on my own database using a checkbox with:
If IsNull (Me.ReceiptDate) Then ReceiptDate= ExternalReceiptDate 'where ExternalReceiptDate is the receipt date from the external table End If
I have checked to make sure that the "unique values" of the queries are all set to No.
As I will only be updating data to tables that are on my database that are updatable. I'm hoping that someone can offer some advice if this is possible and why I'm still getting "recordset not updatable" when trying to enter any data to my data fields in the form.
I am trying to check a “Check Box” on my query, but Access won’t allow me to do so as “This recordset is not updateable” - Could anyone please offer an idea of how I can get around this problem…..
I buy lots of products from a supplier, for each product ordered I assign an order ID, and have a check box called “Delivered” for each product to show whether it has been delivered or not. When the delivery arrives I print out our order onto paper and tick each product that has arrived, then I go onto the Access database and tick all of the boxes for the products that have arrived.
This way, any products that haven’t arrived and have not been checked show up on a query to show all products that have the “Delivered” field unchecked.
9 times out of 10 all of the products arrive, so I want to perform a group query on the order ID, and then check the box for the whole order to show that all the products arrived – rather than having to tick off each product (sometimes there can be up to 50 products, and I’ve already gone through the process once on paper so if they are all there I don’t want to have to do it all over again).
For example, the following shows the printed report for the order “1234”:
[Order ID] [Product ID] [Supplier ID] [Delivered] 1234 1 Supplier A NO 1234 2 Supplier A NO 1234 3 Supplier A NO 1234 4 Supplier A NO 1234 5 Supplier A NO 1234 6 Supplier A NO 1234 7 Supplier A NO 1234 8 Supplier A NO 1234 9 Supplier A NO
I’ve been through the delivery from Supplier A and all of the products are there. I perform a group query on the “Order ID”, “Supplier ID” and “Delivered” fields to return the following
[Order ID] [Supplier ID] [Delivered] 1234 Supplier A NO
I want to be able to tick the “Delivered” check box and it automatically check each “Delivered” box for the 9 products mentioned above.
Does anyone know if this is possible? I’ve spent ages going through the properties of the query, changing the Recordset Types and trying to use forms, and going through help files but I can’t find any options. I did come across the possibility of using an update query – however I don’t know how to perform a “Group By” total on the “Order ID”.
Any help or advice would be very much appreciated.
I'm fairly new to SQL and I'm trying to input data into this form I've created but it tells me that "this Recordset is not updateable". Here's my SQL code, I'm not certain this is the problem though.
Code: SELECT [Annual Instructor Report County Summary].*, [Camps, SS Events, Events, Total Members].*, [Archery Members].[numArchClubs]+[Archery Members].[numArchNon4H]+[Archery Members].[numArchCamp]+ [Archery Members].[numArchSSEvent]+[Archery Members].[numArchEvent] AS totArchMem, [Rifle Members].
Can someone tell me why this query is causing this error? I don't understand it:
asp code: Code:<%Set Con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Con.Open "db"dim username, password, mailusername = Request.form("username")password = Request.form("password")mail = Request.form("mail")sql= "INSERT INTO users(username) values('" & username & "')"Con.Execute sqlCon.closeset Con = nothing%>
error: Code:Error Type:Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Operation must use an updateable query./site/content/register_act.asp, line 13
It's says it has something to do with permissions...
I set writing & reading permissions for the db and the directory that contains it through contorl panel->Administrative Tools->Internet Information Services
I have no "security tab" when I rightclick->properties the db file or it's directory even though the file system is NTFS
in spite all these when I rightclick->properties the directory that contains the db I see a "read only" square marked in the general tab-attributes, when I try to unmark it seems to be unmarked but when I rightclick->properties again it's marked again...
:confused: I am having troubles in a form, whilst navigating through records shown in a form view, upon coming to the end of the recordset the default macro message box appears telling me its the end of the record set and then a second box appears after asking me to 'halt' the macros actions.
What I would like is to put in a customised message box telling me the end of recordset is nigh but I cannot get into the cod for the macro, I have been told you can and Im sure I have done it before.
Does anybody know what this error message refers to?
"Reserved Error (-1517); there is no message for this error."
It just started happening today, and I haven't even made any changes to the database. It occurs when I hit a button I have to run a macro.
the macro does the following: 1) Shows all records 2) Requery 3) ApplyFilter. The Where Condition for the filter is: Right([tblContracts].[JobNum],4)=Right([Forms]![FrmContProc].[txtFindJobNum],4)
The weird thing is that it only occurs if the Form window is taller than 1/2 of my viewable area. If the Form window is 1/2 the viewable area or shorter, it works OK. This was running fine earlier today, but about 4:00 pm (03/31/06) this started happening.
If anybody knows what this error means, or how to get rid of it (I really need to use this window in full-screen) then please let me know.
I am having this error which is driving me nuts but I am sure it is quite a simple one. I am attaching a Sample dbase - My command runs of a Form based on a Table. Any help??
I added a command button to a form that will create a new record and keep certain fields from the previously saved record. Whenever I open the form from the database window and enter in a new record, then click the command button to move to a new record it works fine; however, when I access the form through the Switchboard and try to use the command button it gives me a "You can't go to the specified record. You may be at the end of a recordset." error.
Does anyone know what I need to do to correct this problem?
Hi I am assigning a value from a table to text box on the form through VBA. It gives the following error :
Run time error 2115
The macro or function set to the BeforeUpdate or ValidationRule property for this field is preventing MS Access from saving the data in the field. I have no BeforeUpdate or Validation event for the text box. What else could be the cause ?
The text box is unbound and I use ADODB connection. Please assist.
Why does the following code generate an error. All i want to do is open a recordset which I thought would be straightforward. (novice Programmer, new to access vba). The set statement in the ComboProduct event generates the error.
Option Compare Database Dim Company As String Private dbaProposal As DAO.Database Dim EffectiveDate As Date Dim Product As String Private rstProposal As DAO.Recordset
Private Sub ComboProduct_AfterUpdate() Product = ComboProduct.Value Set rstProposal = dbsProposal.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Proposals WHERE Proposals.[Group Name]='" & Company & "' AND Proposals.[Effective Date]=#" & EffectiveDate & "# AND Proposals.Product='" & Product & "'") End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() Set dbsProposal = DBEngine.OpenDatabase("Database1.accdb") End Sub
Hi Everyone, I was wondering if anybody would be kind enough to help me with a problem that I have with regards to a 'Contacts Database' that I found under the Sample Database link on this site - posted by MStCyr. When I try to navigate through A-Z buttons I am presented with a dialogue box which states " the object doesn't contain the Automation object 'RecordsetClone', whatever that means??
I would like to use this sample DB in my project however it is presently unusable unless I can figure out how to clear this problem. If this is not achievable could you please point me in the right direction where I could find a similar, downloadable file.
Hopefully a more experienced forum member than I could please help me out.........
How it works: You search for a User, and then you search for a Serial.Now, what if I want to edit the table? (inside the subform, the results). I added an openRecordSet, and Parameters, but I still get the error saying that Recordset cannot be updated.Why? I opened and sent parameters but still fails.
I have attached a screen print of an error message I recieved on my access database. I finally got it to come up, but only after a few pop up boxes with this error message.
I do know the shared drive it is housed on went on the fritz. So I copied it and pasted it to my desk top. Grrr...I thought this message was due to the flipping shared drive. But now, I recieved it on my desk top too.
Anywho...can someone look at it and tell me what it means.
Thanks alot.
PS, i know my desktop has to much stuff, so don't go there. ;)
Hi can anyone help i keep clicking on a qry and it comes up with this message "Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'tblSTSLimits.Max Short'. but Max Short is correct can anyone help
I have a table that keeps crashing. The only error message I get is "Invalid Argument". Each time, a single record will turn into "#Error". Each field says this in the row. When this happens, Access won't let me delete just that row,
I am trying to Right Join two queries which are basically from the same exact table, but when I do that I get the following error.
ODBC--called failed.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] The column prefix 'MS1' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query. (#107).
The following is a copy of my SQL
SELECT PqryExpiredPolicy.Policy_Number, PqryExpiredPolicy.Orig_Exp_Date, PqryExpiredPolicy.Insured_Key, PqryNewPolicy.Policy_Number, PqryExpiredPolicy.Name FROM PqryNewPolicy RIGHT JOIN PqryExpiredPolicy ON PqryNewPolicy.Insured_Key = PqryExpiredPolicy.Insured_Key;
I have looked for this MS1 and cannot find it. Any ideas where I should be looking or what this means?