Recursive Relationships - Discussion

May 17, 2007

Sooo, I finally have the chance to tear apart some of the horrible structures that live in one of my databases.

Currently it Tracks systems access levels across the company, and to do this we create Roles that are loosely based on the company structure and comprise of 4 constituent parts in the name and a bunch of stuff that govern the access level of accounts in that role on the system in question.

To handle this I have 4, interrelated, Tables called role 1, role 2 and so on which contain simply the descriptor of the role part that they contain, so that [Role 1] might contain "Finance", [role 2] might contain "payroll", [role 3] "contrator payments", [role 4] "payments administrator".

Role 1 is related to role2,3,4 and so on up the chain and each individual role table is related to the "master" Role definition which contains the access level information for the system in question.

I'm hoping at this point that everyone currently looks similar to :eek:

If not, let me add that A role can currently contain either [role 1],[role 2][role 3] and a placeholder "#no level 4#" or can contain a "proper" descriptor in [Role 4].

Because of the design, we currently have 3000+ "no level 4#"s held in [Role 4] (wheres the slap head smiley when you need it?)

Now I've been looking at a number of ways of trying to Normalise and improve this part of the DB, the obvious solution, because role 1-4 tables are purely descriptors is to just combine all of those into one "role" table, stick a junction table between it and the Role Definition table and be done with it. However this still leaves several problems, we're still, sort of, hardcoded to 4 levels within the database itself (ok so we can just add another column if we need more) and a few other obvious failings.

Still with me?

So I've started to look into the possiblity of using a recursive relationship on what is still, in effect, the Junction table between the descriptors and the Role Definition.

At a basic level I now have 3 tables:

RoleID - PK
Description - varchar

ConfigID - PK
ParentconfigID - int
RoleID - int


ParentconfigID relates to ConfigID within RoleConfig

At the moment, this structure, again at a basic level, now appears to work. However the variable elements within a role looked like a potential problem. Finding element one is simple, the [partentconfigID] is NULL. Finding the Top element when you've got 4 is simple, [configID] doesn't appear in [parentconfigID].

Where the fun starts is trying to control the recursion where you've got role1,role2, role3 being a valid role description and a role4 added to it also being a valid role description. Now as far as I can see there are two options to handle this.

1) Create in Roleconfig an entry (ok, entries) for role1,2,3 and use that as your 3 element role description. Create new entries containing the same information for your 1,2,3,4 role element. Less than ideal for, I hope, obvious reasons, we're still basically duplicating information and it is also difficult to build your role description in a query because you don't know how many elements will comprise that description.

2) Add a "valid" boolean column to roleconfig so that you can reuse your existing 1,2,3 and simply tag role 3 as 'valid', then add a role4 element and also tag that as 'valid'. The main downside to this is similar to the last one above, you know that valid means it is a top level description, but you still don't know how many elements there are and outputting a list containing


As valid roles still looks like it requires some jiggery-Pokery

I still have some concerns about controlling the recursion and ensuring that roledefinition can only relate back to a valid top level role which looks like it will require some careful planning. It's necessary to create a validation rule so that parentconfigID cannot be the configID for example, and I'll need to ensure that Roledefinition cannot relate to a roleconfig that isn't the last element in the chain.

We already "shoehorn" what are effectively 5+ element role descriptions into this structure, using recursion like this, I believe, eliminates the need for future Database changes if the front end code is amended to handle it. Which I guess is where the "discussion" part of the thread title comes in.

Sorry for the length of the thread, but this is melting my brain at the moment and it's not something that seems to come up very often so thought it might be interesting.

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Recursive Queries?

Apr 4, 2006

Hi All.

I have a set of data in a database that has a field "parent id" (the id of another row in the database) that I want to track back to where the parent id = 0

Now there could be any number of iterations needed to get through to this result so i cant just run a query once...

I could write a vb script to do the queries and build up an array of the results, but I am wanting to access this data through crystal reports so dont think that option will work.

Ideally what I want to do is create a query that will return the list of data as a result set that I can access through crystal.

Is this possible at all?

If it is, please can someone advise how this could be done?



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I Need Recursive Query Structure

Jul 26, 2006

I am trying to write a product-row material cost program. Every product consists of row materials. When I sum up cost of row materials of each product I can find cost of products. But when the row material of the a product is a row material again the my solution does not work.

My table is like that:

Product Row material
p1 r1
p1 r2
p1 r3
p2 r4
p2 p1

I have another table that has costs of row materials.

My query computes the cost of p1 but does not compute the cost of p2 since not knowing the cost of p1. I need a recursive structure that can compute cost of p2.

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Recursive Lookup And Update In Access- HELP!

Jun 15, 2007

Hi, I have a very simple database with 2 tables:

table: animals

1. Cat NA
2. Dog NA
3. Rat NA
4. Bat NA
5. Garfield NA

table: felines
1. Cat
2. Garfield
3. Simba

what I want to do is:

UPDATE animals.field3 (which starts off as NA's) to "meow" if animals.field2 matches any item in felines.field2.

it is a recursive operation and I'm not sure how to do it

here is what the animals table should look like if the UPDATE query runs as it should

1. Cat Meow
2. Dog NA
3. Rat NA
4. Bat NA
5. Garfield Meow

Any help would be great! I prefer SQL view of the UPDATE query if anyone knows how to do this. Note: I like cats and dogs equally, this is just to learn how to do such an update.


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Queries :: Recursive Table - Get All Childs For Given Parent

Feb 25, 2014

I've a table that looks something like this:

id, parentID, name

ParentId links to id.

Now I would like to get all "child-nodes" for a given parentId.

The recursion goes 4 levels deep.

What I've so far is:

FROM tblPersons AS t4
INNER JOIN (tblPersons AS t3
INNER JOIN (tblPersons AS t1
INNER JOIN tblPersons AS t2 ON = t2.parentId) ON t3.parentId = ON t4.parentId =

Ok that works but the result is quiet ugly

What I get is something like

1 20 50 51
1 20 50 52
1 20 60 53
1 20 60 54

Now I could use VBA to take a look at each column and store all unique numbers... but is there a more simpler way?

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Modules & VBA :: Recursive Search And Populate Results In Tree View Control

May 28, 2015

I need some VBA coding to do the following tasks

Table 1: two columns - Child Tag and Parent Tag. Parent Tags can also be in Child Tag column. In other words, a parent can have multiple levels of children.

Table 2: one column - Backup Tag.

I'd like to have a form with a combo box, pick a Parent Tag, the search all its child tags and compare each Child Tag found with records in Table 2 to see if there is a match. Then populate all results in a tree view control.

A visual example :

Parent Tag
...Child Tag 1 - Back up tag found
......Child Tag 11
......Child Tag 12 - Back up tag found
...Child Tag 2
......Child Tag 21
...Child Tag 3
......Child Tag 31
.........Child Tag 311 - Back up tag found

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Help With Relationships

Jul 18, 2005

Hi all. I really need help with this. Does anyone see a problem with my relationships , i have attached a copy.
Any help will be greatly appreciated

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Many-to-Many Relationships

Aug 2, 2005

I am new to database design and curious about relationships. In a hypothetical situation, if I have four tables: tblProducts, tblOrders, tblEmployees, and tblCustomers, how could the relationship be set up?

The Products are stored to keep track of the quantity on hand and the employees will also need to be tracked as to how many products they sell. Customers are recorded and Orders wrap up all three tables with the fields: OrderID, ProductID, EmployeeID, and CustomerID.

Would it make sense to say that many products can be bought by many customers and/or many employees can place many orders.

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Relationships - One-to-many?

Aug 16, 2005


I've selected a number of tables to the relationship window. When I drag the primary key on one table to the corresponding foreign key on another table, the link created is one-to-one. I want one-to-many. Why did it create one-to-one? How do I change this to one-to-many?


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One-to-Many Relationships

Mar 7, 2006

Hi all. I am new to the use of access and have been told that I need to create a one-to-many relationship to be able to have several records from a drop down list saved to one unique number (my primary key).

Is this correct and if so how do I do this? If it is not correct what is the best way to do what I require?

Thanks for helping.

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Mar 16, 2006


I have created two tables which are linked with a one-to-many relationship

Using a form the user enters a date. Then in VB I add a value to the date and store this in the second table.

I have simplified this to try to find out what was going wrong and found that when the database adds a value to the second table which only has two fields it first of all adds it to the begining of the record set and the id field does not update to that of the first table where the relationship is joined.

Do I just captutre the value of the id field and add this to the recordset.
How to I get the database to look foir the end of record set before I appent the new generated record.

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Aug 7, 2006


I have looked for this on the help section; however, it does not seem to be covered. How would you change a one-to-many relationship to one-to-one? Access seems to automatically guess that the many side is where the foreign key.

Can it be changed from Access or is entirely on how you design your tables?


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Help With Relationships Plz

Aug 18, 2006

Hi !!
I am doing a school project on a school database. In my DB I have a table with all students records (eg. Student ID, Name, Surname, DOB, class etc) and I have another table where the student fees payment slips will be printed.
The fee table will only have the ID, name, surname and class fields and fee will be input for every student for every term.

I want the fee table to get all the info except the fee from the first table automatically when I give a student ID.

I have created a one to many with only Student ID fields linked, NOTHING.

Then I tried to link many fields on each side (eg Name to Name, Surname to Surname etc) but I got a msg "No unique index found for the referenced field in the primary table"

Plz help me !!

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No Relationships!

Oct 10, 2006

would having a db with several tables and NOT setting any relationships up in the relationships window affect the db in any way?

i have such a db, which originally had all the relationships set etc. however, as i encountered errors and had to replace tables and delete entries, i must have at some point deleted all the relationships.

i just relaised that the db now has no relatioships set up (all the primary keys are still in the tables) so i'm wondering if this matters?


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Nov 9, 2006

I'm trying to define relationships between a few tables in Access 2003 and It's only doing a one to one. How do I get it to do a one to many?

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Nov 23, 2006

Please someone help! This is very urgent!

I am designing a database for a clinic


One Form is a Demographic Form, which was been designed. Each person was given an identifier code.

However, they all did 3 questionnaires. Each one of them has their ID code on it.

Is it possible for me to make a query so that when I search ID code, it actually brings up all the information on every questionnaire?

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Jan 1, 2007

If I have a table "tblContinents" with just two fields ContinentID and Continent and I have another table called "tblCountries" with three fields CountryID, Country and Continent.

After reading several articles, i decided not to make the Continent field in the tblCountries as a lookup field but rather I will do that at form level via a combo box. In such situation, since i am not creating a lookup field at table level, do you think that it is necessary to create the relationship between the two tables in the "relationship window", or shall i just leave it as it is, and if the need arises i will create such "relationships" in queries?

Thanks very much.

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Help With My Db Please? - Relationships

Jun 19, 2007

hi, im new here and i dont really know much about databases with access. im currently doing an assignment at school requiring me to do a entity relationship diagram for all my tables, which i do not know how to do. Can anyone please assist me asap? thank you very much in advance

below is the link where i uploaded it because it was too big to be uploaded onto this post. :)

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Jul 4, 2007

In my Db I have TblQuotes & TblQuoteItems

I want the one-to-many relationship to be based on my own generated quote reference rather than the PK/FK.

My quote reference looks something like this IN123/10

Does the character '/' cause a problem with creating the relationship as I get the error message "No unique index found" even though I know that they exist?


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Where Are My Relationships?

Aug 10, 2007

When I view the relationships window, not one of the relationship connector lines (whatever the technical term is) do not show up! I click view all relationships, view direct relationships. I restarted my computer, restarted Access. Nothing!

I know I have relationships because when I am table design view I try to change something that I know has a relationship and it doesn't let me because it says I have a relationship.

What is going on!?:mad:

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Help With Relationships

Jan 31, 2008


Here is what I have. The database is made up of three tables (see below and see attachment). I have it set as one event to many ethnicity's and many personnel with the event ID as the PK in all three. Did I do this correctly? I thought I did and I had a form with each one of these running correclty but now it is not working.


EventID (FK)


See attachment for the other fields.

Can someone just check to see if I set this up correctly or what I should do differently?


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Relationships, 2 In One?

Nov 2, 2004

I have already made a relationship 1 to many, i want to add another relationship. I put the name of the feilds i want to join up in the drop down box. I put "enforce in..." and "Casgade update related fields" on and join type 2. Then when i press ok, it comes up with "file title " to "film title" and comes up with "no unique index found with the referenced field of the primarytable".

Does anyone know what this meens?

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Nov 22, 2004

I am writing a access database for work(fire dept). It is a database for the vehicle checks. Most of the fields are Boolean fields we just need to know if the inventory is on the unit. I am kind of new to this. My tables so far are as follows:


all list the inventory that is supposed to be in that table

Everything is dependant on the Vehicle it is on so my question is Do I relate everything to a look up field in TUnitNumbers(intUnitNumberID) or is there a better way to do this? I need to relate everything to the date it was checked

Thank you for your help Bill

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Jan 7, 2005

OK. I'm not real sure how close I am on this. I have a feeling I'm not too close so I was hoping I could get some help. I have a database with 11 tables. These can be seen in the screen capture attached. For the 'Action Taken' table there are 10 fields for 'Departments Involved', 15 fields for 'Memo Sent To', and 15 fields for 'Job Title'. The 'Departments' table is linked to 'Departments Involved1', the 'Memo Sent To' table is linked to 'Memo Sent To1', and the 'Job Title' table is linked to 'Job Title1'. All the other tables are showing the fields that are in that table. When I enter a record and try to go to a new record it gives me the following error message.

"You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required
in table "Background Information'."

I'm not sure what to do about this. I'm sure there is a simple solution but I don't know what it is. I am pretty new to Access (this is my third week on the job) and a little confused on some things. I would appreciate any help you could provide.

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Feb 21, 2005

Hello. I'm new to databases and anything I know I've read up on. I know that relationships are essential so I'm trying to sort a database in ms access that I have inherited at work. It contains health service staff and their record of training - various training that they do regularly. I've managed to put the data in 1nf but am having difficulty after that.

A couple of questions:

If I give each staff member a unique id do I need to link their job title to it? Job titles chang quite a lot.

Other information about courses, dates of training, trainers etc. - should they be linked to staff name via separate tables?

I'm using a spreadsheet example from microsoft that shows me how to go from raw data to 3nf but I'm not sure how to split the information, so if you have any suggestions or know any good guides I'd be grateful for your help.


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Help With Relationships

Feb 23, 2005

I have 2 tables. tblcontact and tblboat.



i have made a form to enter the data, all works ok. I built a form to search by customer and it works fine. I can not find a way to build a form to search by boat name or serial. Can some one please help?

Thanks in advance!

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